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OF LOCAL INTEREST, BY SISTER AKN. Miss I. Kirk by has returned from Nofmanby. Airs. Grajit-Cowon . returned to Hawera to-day. Airs. W. Douglas has returned to Christchurch. Mrs. L. B. Patterson motored through from Wanganui this week, aud is spending a lew days here. • Airs. Reynolds (Napier) is staying at the Unite. Hart. ¥ Mrs. L. B. Webster returns from Wellington to-night. Alls. Kasther. who has been the guest of Mrs. L. Griffiths, lias icturned to Dunedin. Airs. Huoton (Auckland) was a visitor here this week. Airs. Itudd rolurned to Auckland by I rid.iy's boat. Airs. Hallett (Napier) spent a few days lioic ibis week. Mrs. 11. ‘Abraham and Mis. Paget .(.Stratford i were visitors boro this week. Mrs. and Aliss Collier (Wanganui) are Hu guests of Airs. Ili-aru. Ali». Sybil Thomson is visiting Wellington. Mrs, Garner leaves for the South next week. Mr-.. Blacklev left on Monday for Well-.ogirm. Mi;.'. IVatli roti.rm'd from Auckland yc.sir.rday. Airs. C. Al'Allum is visiting Auckland. Mrs. Corfe returned from Alidhirst on Tuesday. Air::. APQuadc L visiting Auckland.

Miss Saigeaui, who has been visiting Mrs. \V. D. Mobster, has returned to Botorua. Miss Vi'ado leaves lor Hastings on Monday. The engagement is announced of Mi.-;-Kalhleen ’Uintiel:l, Hder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ,). B. Vi'inlield. of Franklay Itoml, to .Mr, Kric .Shaw, sun of Mr, and .Mrs. Stanley Shaw, of Now Plymouth. The engagement is announced of Miss .Maud Peart, ot New Plymouth, to Mr. L. H. Clark, manager of the New Plymouth Inaneli ot the National Insurance Company. During the summer months the members of me girls’ branch ol the Victoria League are (leveling an evening a week to i.Ud Cross work. Iho league hopes to o; so a teh each month a case ol necessaries and ton,ions to No. I Stationary Hospital, ami the girls are working at pudding splints, making bandages, swabs, etc. They meet on .Monday evenings at the leiighe'e. sewing room under tho direction of .Mrs. Banley, who very kindly olfered, to Irlp tiio girls in mis .branch of their work.

.Miss Petersen. masseuse, of Christchurch has joined the hospital ship Marama. Having hern appointed by the Uovcrumcmt to organise a massage service in connection with the New Zealand hospitals in Kgypt. Miss Petersen, who received'a tliroeJvoan/ training at the Manage Institute m Copenhagen, was afterwards lor five and a halt years with Mr, Robert Jours, the celebrated surgeon at Liverpool, wao shortly alter Uio outbreak of war was appointed Chief Orthopaedic Consultant to the Brita-a I'orus. fciie nope, to return iu about six months' time niter accomplishing her mission.

At the Rod Cross Conference on Tuesday afternoon in Yioilugiun Miss tl. Macl.eau, matron-in-emci of vac .New /.calami Army iSursing Service, said sue nad just received a idler from mo matron 01 the *Nev* /jcalaud ilfctpixai in Cairo, wao advised tiTiu no more nightingales sliuidu bo sent. Ino mo:, do not n'kc wenimg them; bod jackets would bo more useiul, and, or <.oun»e, pyjamas, wr.icii <Cuiu be luade oi nau-

i.i'ictie. Mr*. t.uKC\ m icumng to lac need 01 enrol ul packing, meiuameu a letter from Cuiotiet ids, in winch no hud suited that some imug* nad iiinvL'U unlit lor use owing to uiiu packing. Cake nad broken and dlcoiuo mint for eating, through not being packed in uns; uomo p»eservod Ipuuiins had leaked, and elms dtlior parcels in taa same eases were destroyed. Also apples becamo soft with Uio long ami i»epual journey, while sweets incited wuu tiic heat. Apples siaaijd not he packed m closed cases, while chocolate. tobacco, cake, and any ea Indies should always ho packed r.i au'-ugut. tins, and stress was laid on packing cases tightly to prevent Lne goons moving about.

On Wednesday afternoon the wedding look place at Sr. null's pro-CathedraL Welington. of Mi&s .Mary Lima Holmes, only daughter tn Mr. U. TV. Holmes (l!h:giiieiu-in-Ciiief) and Mrs. Holme.'?* to Mr, Leonard Sinclair Thompson, of the Hank of A»’cw Zealand., son of Mis. J honipson, of Dunedin. The Bov. A. M. Johnson performed the ceremony. I’ho bride, who was given away by her fathcc* wore a gown of white silk embroidered ninon over chiffon taffeta, with transparent sleeves and decplyilonnced skirt. A court train cf wlme silk fined with palest pink hung from tho shoulders, and she wore a tulle veil, arranged high on the head, with sprays of orange blossom, and edrried a beautiful bouquet of white flowers. The two bridesmaids were Miss M. Marchant and Miss Dorothy Wnklcgravo (I’almorslon North). Both wore .gowns alike, of palest pink taffetas chiffon, the skirts rnado in thro tiers, with scalloped horns, iho bodices finishing with a small basque, at the hack. Their hats wore of Tho same pink, with touches of deep blue, which was also carried out in their dices. They carried bouquets cf pink roses and carnations, tied with tulle streamers in deep bine tone. Mr. Lawrence attended the bridegroom nr» host man. and Lieutenant Dudley Holmes (brother of the bride) was groomsman. The bride's second brother (who escorted Airs. Holmes to the church* was in khaki, and leaves shortly for tho front. After the ceremony the guests were entertained' by the bride’s parents at their home in Portland Crescent. . The whole house was beautifully decorated for the occasion, the drawing-room' being a mass of pink rambler roses and lovely carnations, while in the diningroom all white flowers were used, and a. wedding hell hung over the . bridal I couple.

WOMEN’S PATRIOTIC WORK. The women’s patriotic depot next Grosvcnpr Hotel was opened on Monday afternoon. Donations amounting to £3 Its fid were received arid the, following -gifts: Swiss milk• from Sirs. Avery, Mrs. Hazelcr and Mrs. Nathan (I’itaroyi, toilot necessaries from Mrs. Hmd. pilow cases and face-cloths from Misses Smith and Moore. Soldiers' comforts: Balaclavas. Miss Fairltal!and Mrs. Bowden; knitted socks and body bolts, Airs. ('. It. Baker; gun cleaning bags. Airs. Johnson' (Motiiroa); treasure bags. Airs, IJ'Arcy Robertson. For the Belgians: Nineteen new garments. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Radies’ Guild, Airs. Johnson (AloUiroa). Miss Ooldttater; knitted woollies and donation, Mrs. Alynott; and many parcels from annnyilions -donors. The Victoria' League forwarded; two cases of hospital requisites to No. I .Stationary" Hospital on Wednesday, also nurses’ gift case.

RECIPES. To Bottle Green Gooseberries. — lop nod tail them, then place in widcmr.uUicd bottle. Fill up with boiling water, pour a Hi tic, sweet oil on the top of cadi, cork immediately, and store in a dark place. Lemon Mincemeat.—lngredients: Two large lemons, six large applies, lib. of suet. 11b. of currant.'., lib. of sugar, do?., candied: peal, lot;, citron, 1 teaspoon In I of spice. Pare the lemons, eoueezo them and boil the peels until tender, so one can mash them; then add the apples, which should bo pared, cored and minced; then add all the other ingredients—suet (’hopped, currants cleaned and dried, sliced peel, sugar, etc.; strain the lemon juice on all these ingredients, which should be already placed in a largo basin, and mix thoroughly; then piaee into a jar with a elese-fitting lid. Stir occasionally, and in a few days’ time tbo mincemeat will bo ready for use. Rice and Tomato Soup.—lngredients: Half a pound of rice, half a dozen tomatoes, lor. of butter, one toa&poonful of sugar, one small onion, three pints of f,tnc!;. salt and pepper. Boil tbo rico until tender in hail of the stock, chop the onion finely, rut up the tomatoes, and stow in a little water. When cooked mb through a sieve. Put the puree back into the saucepan with the' rest of the stool;; butter, sugar and seasoning to taste. Thoroughly beat, stir 'in the rico. and servo with little slices of fried broad. Almond Hardbake. : almonds (blanched and split), 11b. of sugar, half a oiut of water, some essence of ilavouwhg, and. a little pink colouring. Boil the sugar with tbo water until it snaps when tested. Arrange the almonds in rows or. a wcllbutiercd tin. When the toffee is done, add the flavouring and colouring, and pour it over the almonds. Vi idle warm marl; it into strips. ••Glesfsio."—Put into u pan two tablespoon in Is of water, one teaspoonfu! cream of tartar, llu. of moist sugar, and a small piece of butter. Boil lor live minutes, then add IJlb. of syrup, and boll, without stirring, lor about half an hour. When done pour out in the usual way.

Mincemeat.—A mincemeat that will keep delicious for twelve months is made as follows;—Take lib. each of apples, suet. rais;ns, sultanas am! currants, also jib. of ligs. Chop them all line, or,pass through a mincing machine. Add lib. of castor sugar, the Juice and grated rind of two oranges, one grated nutmeg, and one teaspoonful of allspice. Mix all Well together, then pul in pots and tic down right. Christmas Coke.—lngredients: 111), .butter, lib. sugar, four eggs, jib. sultanas, jib. currants, lib. mixed peel, lOoz. Hour, t>cz. shredded sweet almonds, half a tcnt-poonlnl bilking powder. The rind of one lemon, grated, also juice of same. Beat the butter and sugar to a cream, eleaii and prepare the fruit, grate ill the lemon rind and add ■ tho juice. These must be put into a goodsized basin with the dour; add the bilking powder. Then stir in the eggs, well beaten up. Mix nil thoroughly together, and pour into a well-greased cake tin, and hake in a moderate oven for throe or four hems. Should tho liven ho very hot at the bottom, stand the eako tin in a flat tin of. Rand 'to prevent any- burning to the cake.

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Taranaki Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 144860, 11 December 1915, Page 5

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LADIES’ COLUMN.. Taranaki Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 144860, 11 December 1915, Page 5

LADIES’ COLUMN.. Taranaki Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 144860, 11 December 1915, Page 5