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The impatient man was experiencing i groat. Heal of difficulty in uansmitiug a message over file telephone. i'ind'y ho lost his, temper and shouted:

“Who is the hope-!,' s idiot, at the end of -.his lino. 1 '” "I give il up.” a sweet feminine voice replied. “Who are yon r”

The annual tea and entertainment in i oure.ction with ht. Andrews Sunday School took place on Friday evening. and were largely attended. Tho children were provided with an excellent tea. and, neediest to add, did full justice to Urn many good things supplied. A-t tho sip ~.pent euierluinme;;a the programme -'.as. provided by tho young people and was keenly appuciatvd. t-cared on the stage were

.'taster Ray locKor and .Miss .'lira Ren, rolled to ixpiy.w ro. uw King, and (‘iteen. ami his I'laie.'iy look eh,nge ol the meeting and aunoum rd tho iii-.ius.

A decidedly .-uart'ing experience was that ut a J.. ; uueo,ii honsev. ho quite recently (say., the bran. Dinner-time

wv.- ..op: Lorhing , everything was going righr; the joint h.-.d crowned i)e:uiu;tidy, ihe potatoes wete nice and mealy,, jut the soap was "jus;; lovely.” Another Miuvcilul of coal would keep the till, nr during dinner. The. coal was. put nr and lew moments, later there was n H i mendoim explosion, and soup, potatoes. pots, and ir.'gir.-fiKs of stovo wcao tiling about the kitchen. An elderly lauy (another member of the household) was in toe room at the' time, but fortunately escaped with a covering of soot. Tho cause oi the "Blow-up can only he n matter ol surmise, but the exphtnaium will probably ho that a slick of gelignite, or other espiosivo, had by suiire means got amongst tho coal wnen it had been u ticked from tho mine. All's well that onus well, but iho Uehng that your house may go “up through the root” as a result of feeding ilie suive is not a pleasant one. A labourer on Swan Island, in tho Gulf of .Mexico, recently had hi.s foot crushed iu a traiHoar accident.. A surgical operalien was utec.-sary, but them was no surgeon. But if ii had not a .-u.geon the island iwd a wireless telegraph station in charge oi an operator

guied with .sufficient rcmirre to cope with such an emergency. lie .-cut out an appeal far and wide, which was answered by ihe Yard liner E.speranna, over lour hundred miles away. Ho explained his case. “Could ihc ship’s doctor help.'” The. captain and the doctor held a consultation, it would lie a. pity for the, ship lo turn from her course, yc-t tho Joss of life must he averted if possible. Then it "'as that a happy inspiration occurred lo the doctor. Ho Wjtuntoorod to deal with the case by wit'elesS. "Sparks'' on board was quickly at work asking the shore station for details of the case. Then, message by message, the doctor directed the way to deaden the pain, tin: amputation rif the fool, each stroke of Lite knife, tho binding of the arteries to prevent Joss of blood, the washing of the wound with antiseptics, etc. When the operation was over he kept in touch, by wireless relay from ship to ship, with liis patient until there wa,s no longer any fear of blood-poisoning setting in.

"War Specials” at Tho Kash ; Men’s tweed overcoats from los, youths’ tweed overcoats from 12s 6d, men’s hydrotites 30s, nil-wool flannels (largo size) 2s 9d, strong union shirts 2s lid, all-wool Crimean shirts 6s lid, men’s strong tweed suits 255. Kfiiapoi tweed suits flOs, best tailor-iinished suits 70s. Remember the address; The Kash, Dovpn iStreec.*

Kates of postage for British Samoa for parcels and all mail matter, except letters, are the same as tor New Zealand. The rate for letters, at present, is tea penny per ounce.

By an Order-in-Council, the New Plymouth Borough Council has been authorised to use water from the AVaiwakaiho River for the purpose of generating electricity, and to erect electric lines within the borough and within the Taranaki County- The a con sc has been granted for a period of forty-two years.

A New Yorker was spending a night at nu hotol in a town, and when going to his room for the night ho io!d the coloured porter that ho wanted in ho called c ar'ty in the morning. The porter replied : “Say. boss. I reckon yo’ ain’t familiar with these heah modern inventions. When yo’ wants to be railed in de mawnin 1 all yo’ inis to do is jest to press do button at the head of yo’ bed. Den wo comes up and calls yo’. 5 ’ The marked increase in the volume of telegraphic business in New Zealand or lute years has rendered it necessary 10 make frequent additions to the departmental stall'. In order to keep up a supply of oiuccrs, the authorities have for a considerable time past been training lads to become operators, and a butch of about lid is boiug turned out of the cadet gallery in the General fost Otfico in Wellington every ihreo mouths.

Milk supply has been a subject of discussion at numerous inoetings oi the Wellington Hospital Hoard, and so mo tunc ago it was decided that iho board should consider (ho question oi arranging us own cUpply -and ihc* practicability of purclnu-mg its own dairy farm. The matter was carried a step further on Thursday, when the following resolution was carried alter some IWtio di.M-nssion: “That tenders be invited wiilkjul further delay for a suitable property for ihc establishment of n dairy larni for the Hospital milk supply." ’ The annual report of the Dop.utmont. of Hducuiioa presented 10 Puaiament shows that at the cad of HUd there were public schools open in the Dominion, an increase of 41 over'the previous year. During last- year l)-l schools were closed,, but some 01 these wero reopened iu another form. The greatest increase in the number of schools was in the Auckland education district, where the number was ifc>, or nearly one-hall oi the total increase. The total incroaso in tho .North island was 62, at. against only nine iu the bouth Island. The menu average weekly attendance iu the Dominion lust year was itld.bdO, or oOdis marc than in

Tho wiiaiti-iumimg crews oi lory Channel and Knitiouia are meeting v.aih .some success rhis season. Another whale was captured by ihe I’erano Party, of lory Channel, a few days ago, bringing ihe total up to twenty for tho season, a most, satisfactory record. The Berg-Jaokson combination ha. captured eight lo date. The Kaikoura .Star states that the local whaling crews succeeded in lauding a right v.Tule one day last week that was killed • lie precious Saturday. Tho monster

w..nk, but rose to the surface anti was towed in. Tho capture is expected to yield between fivo and six tons of oiJ, and £IOO or £'doo worth of bone.

It is not often that the mouthpieces of Labour have a good way to say lor any member of the present Government, but there was an exception at, Tuesday’s meeting of the unemployed iu Christchurch. .Mr. if. J. Howard remarked that-, though ho know that there was a tendency lo use what was said by Labour men for political 'purposes, yet ho believed in saying what was true. He believed that the sympathies of Mr. Fraser, .Minister for Public Worts, wero with the working mail at tho present time. ‘‘That is a big statement for out) you may call a socialist to make,” tie continued, ‘‘regarding a capitalist .Minister, and a Conservative Minister, but 1 believo Mr. Fraser is one out of a number of exceedingly fellows who sympathise with the wot tors. Once Mr. Fraser realised the truth of the position ho got something going.” Some interesting experiments have been made in the German Army with the object of discovering at what distance tho recognition of one soldier by another is reliable. For soldiers with good eyes it was found that a person seen onco before could be recognised at a distance m bUft., while an acquaintance could be recognised at a distance of griait., anti an intimate friend or re* la live at a distance of 500 ft. Ihc various parts of a mains body can be disidiigni.shcd. and any decided niovenieni> cun bo detected by an expert rillcinaii a> a distance oi ddUfl. At IbUUU, a man appears as a spot on the huidsti'i.c, and cannot ii-uahy be seen if ho keeps still or il his dress does not contract, with the background. Sailors, hunters, and farmers can usually see twice thcoe distances, probably on account ol their constant training in making out the nature of distant objects.

At' Mint cloy Memorial Church on •Sunday evening the Rev. A. I!. Chan-pc-ifs subject will be “Through Darkness lo Dawn. ' The anthem will ho Woodward’s “Tho Radiant Morn.” and •Miss V. Gilbert, will sing Wilfrid Sanderson new song. “Beyond tho Dawn."*

At tho Brotherhood meeting on Sunday atienioon the Rev. A. B, Chappell will give an address on Ma.?.sine, who is described as the spiritual founder of modern Italy, as Garibaldi was its military founder. Colonel Okey will recite Tcniiysoa’s “Revenge.” Members of the Equitable Building Society of New Plymouth (First ana Second Groups) are notilied that subscriptions will bo due and payable on Monday next (September 2. 1), at the Secretary’s Office, Oniric Street, from 9 a..nt to 12.30. from I p.m. to 5 pan., and 7 p.m. to S p.m,—Advt. Get. your new suit at tho Melbourne, where you'll find all the latest weaves and styles at prices well within your means. Remember this: No matter what prices may be marked at, in other shops, the Melbourne's prices will always be found lower. It's always worth while to step along and see what the .Melbourne is doing. It’s money in your pocket every time."

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Taranaki Herald, Volume LXII, Issue 144484, 19 September 1914, Page 2

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Untitled Taranaki Herald, Volume LXII, Issue 144484, 19 September 1914, Page 2

Untitled Taranaki Herald, Volume LXII, Issue 144484, 19 September 1914, Page 2