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TARANAKI v. WELLINGTON. WELLINGTON VICTORIOUS. AN EXCITING ENCOUNTER. The annual special match between Taranaki and Wellington under tho Rugby code was played at Hawera on Wednesday and resulted in a win for Wellington by 13 points to 9. Tho playing conditions jvere perfect; the day was ideal, with practically no wind, and the ground in splendid playing order. Those who were fortunate enough to witness the stirring light between these two teams' in tho same match last year still remembered the great struggle that had taken place, and under the pleasant conditions prevailing it was only to be expected that the attendance would be exceptionally large. In many respects the game was similar to last year’s; play was fast, open and exciting; and up to within the closing few minutes Taranaki was leading by one point. The southerners then came with a determined rush and scored the requisite try which gave them the match, and, a goal following, the issue was cut of doubt. Both provinces were represented at practically full strength, and, taking the play right through, undoubtedly tho better team won. The game was characterised by its freeness Irom accident, for beyond two short cessations of about one minute each, when slight injuries only were received, no one was disabled at all. The teams, as they took the field, were as follow: WELLINGTON (Black). Full-back: Evenson. Three-quarters: Morris, Mitchinson, E. Ryan. Five-eighths; M'Kenzie Tilyard. Half: E. Roberts. Forwards; Cunningham (wing), W. Ryan and Miller (back row), Wilson and Gillespie (supports), Sullivan (Jock), Hills and Francis (front row). S TARANAKI (amber and black). Full-back; Stohr. Three-quarters: Loveridge, M'Leod, R. Roberts. Five-eighths: Cade, S. Cameron. Half: Brown. Forwards: Taylor (wing), "Ward and Whittington (back row), Hawkins and Tamu (supports), Jno. Kissick (lock), Cam and Dewar (front row). Taranaki won the toss, and Wilson kicked off for Wellington right up to time and against the sun and a slight breeze. Very soon the visitors were on the attack, and the culmination of a back movement was that M'Kenzie’s kick went over the line and Stohr forced down. Soon after the resumption of play the southerners were given a free kick, and Mitchinson found touch well upheld. The black forwards took play with them, and receiving another penalty wore sent hard after the ban. Brown returned it to Morris, who kicked out in Taranaki’s twenty-five. Tamu was seen pushing through on the line-out, but Gillespie picked up and gave to E. Roberts, who sent on to M'Kenzie, to Tilyard, to Mitchinson, to Ryan, who passed infield again to Mitchinson, but M'Leod brought tho last receiver down' in good style and saved nicely by finding touch. Wilson next broke away, until a mark by Brown enabled Tamu to kick out near half-way. Tamu and Brown were seen together when M'Kenzie gathered up and found touch with a short kick. From the first proper scrummage the city men received, but Taylor and Cameron came through and started a loose rush, which the forwards continued for some distance until pulled up for a penalty. helped with a long kick to Evenson, who fumbled, but recovered in time to kick out. The Wellington forwards returned and Loveridge claimed a nice mark. Stohr placed the, oval just inside the half-way lino. The ball travelled in the right direction, hitting the crossbar hard, and bouncing over, amidst great applause, thus gaming the first score after ten minutes’ play. Taranaki 3 Wellington 0 Stohr returned the drop-out well on the right side of the dividing line, where, from a scrum, Roberts "worked Morris on the blind aide with little success. A splendid boast from Ryan helped the visitors, and the black pads swarmed after the ball. An infringement, however, spoilt the good work, and the tension was removed. But only for a short time, for Cunningham gath-, ered up and gave a short kick to Stohr, who kicked out. Wai’d got away, but Morris put in a nice run and kick and Wilson and his pack following in good style, beat the opposition easily, and Francis touched down near the posts. Roberts made no mistake with the kick, and for another four minutes’ work from Stohr’s goal the score read: Wellington 5 Taranaki 3 Hawkins’ kick-off had too much weight, reaching the side line, which caused a scrum to be formed on tho halfway line. Roberts received from his hookers and "gave to M'Kenzie, to Tilyard, who cut in, only to be brought down by M'Leod. From a subsequent scrum the Wellington half again received and gave to M'Kenzie, who kicked, but Roberts (Taranaki) saved by lining. Then the visiting backs gave a sample of tho way they throw the ball about. It travelled through the hands of all the backs, back again to the centre, and out once more to Morris, who was bumped into touch. From a scrum in ’ his own twenty-five Brown set his Taranaki backs going, but the collaring was too sure, and although the forwards carried on a trifle further a knock-on put- a stop to the rush. Out it came to Brown, who gave to Cameron, but the latter’s pass to Cade was a po’or one, and a Wellington man intercepting kicked hard,to Stohr. Back it came, and M'Leod, and later Hawkins, Cain and other forwards took all before them until Mitchinson cleared, and, following up fast, caught, Cade before ho had kicked. A short' pass back to Roberts, however, did the*trick, he lining nicely. From a loose scramble, Brown, Cameron and Cade looked dangerous until Evenson interrupted with a return kick. Stohr gained possession and tried unsuccessfully to pot a goal, tho ball being forced down Tho drop-out did not reach ten yards, and Taranaki carried the honours in the scrum, and Brown slipped it out to Roberts, who beat

Ryan nicely, bub was dealt with by Evenson when very close to the goalline. Two free kinks to "Wellington in quick succession for obstruction and offside work by Tamil sent them back, but Taylor and Tamu sot oil at top speed until Gillespie was penalised for glaring offside work. This time Stohr was go over the halfway line, but he landed a magnificent goal. Alter twenty-five minutes’ fighting tho board showed (or would have shown had there boon one) — Taranaki § Wellington 0 Tho ambers assumed the aggressive from a good kick by Loveridge. Receiving from » scrum, Brown gave to Cade, to Cameron, to M'Leod, who foolishly hung on. Cade gathered up smartly and gave to Loveridge, but the defence had re-mobilised and lie was pushed into touch. In a few moments Cameron gathered up and gave to Loveridge, who side-stepped nicely, beating two or three opponents and scored near the corner—a pretty try. Stohr just failed with a good kick to add the extra points. Taranaki 9 Wellington m © Cad© returned the drop-ont to the 25 Hag, and soon Brown, Cade and Cameron worked together, but the latter’s pass to M'Leod was faulty. However, Roberts gathered up and kicked. Evenson returning to Stohr. The full-back had a pot at goal, but the direction was sadly faulty and a force resulted. Dewar marked the kick-off and Stohr this time just missed by about a loot to add another goal to his credit, Wellington touched down. Mainly asthe result of a'long kick by Loveridge Taranaki attacked and from a scrum Brown tried Loveridge on the blind side, but the epeedy Tukapa man was well marked and pushed into touch. The amber forwards carried the lineout, but Cain was ruled offside and with a splendid punt Evenson sent his men back to half-way. Here Roberts set his backs going again, M'Kenzie, Tilyard, Mitchinson and Ryan taking part, but each one in his turn was put down and Taylor and Loveridge came through with tho ball, .the latter going cut near half-way. Soon Brown acquired possession from a scrum and" sent on to Cameron, to Cade, to M'Leod, who foolishly hung on and when collared passed forward. Thfc home hookers again secured, but this time Brown’s pass was not quite right and tiie visitors wore soon on to the ball, Loveridge kicking out near his own line. Tamu and Dewar came through to Ryan, whoso centre kick was too hard, and .Stohr forced down. Roberts again had his backs going until Tilyard’s pass was faulty, and Roberts (Taranaki) and Cade returned with it to Evenson. Dewar, Taylor and Cain were responsible for halt-way being reached, where Morris "interrupted by lining. Then tho visiting rearguard tried new tactics. Roberts receiving,’ ho passed to M'Kenzie. That player raced round the undefended side of the scrum and screw-kicked to centre, but M‘Lood got there first and marked, enabling Stohr to kick out in Wellington’s twenty-five. From a scramble Brown gave to Loveridge, but he was pushed out. Cunningham was caught far offside, and Stohr was again requisitioned, this time with what appeared to him an easy task. However, the ball went a - Ion" way out of direction, although it had ’ the required distance to cause "Wellington to force. Following a short interchange of kicks Brown passed to Dewar in the loose, and tho forward gave to Cade, to M'Leod, to Roberts, who kicked to touch. Ward started a strong forward rush, and M'Kenzie mulled, but Evenson saved only just in time and close to his goal-line. Hills nicely took the throw-in, and being unmarked ran strongly and lined at half-way. Taranaki were penalised for holding tho ball and Roberts returned tho kick to Ryan. His kick for tench was- just short and Loveridge took tho ball at full speed, but his foot had just crossed tho side line and tho umpire had seen it. Half-time sounded soon after with nothing more of note happening. Hawkins booted off after tho spoil and short rushes on either side, in which the sido lines were always taken into account, characterised the first few minutes’ play. Whittington, Cain and Hawkins came through to Morris, who returned with a run and short kick. Brown marked nicely and amid cries of “Give it to Stohr,” kicked to touch at the visitors’ quarter-way. Hawkins passed back from the lino-out to Brown, to Cade, who cut in with nobody following. Ho passed back, but a Wqpington man received and found touch. Then in a flash the visiting forwards rushed things, and Roberts receiving sent on to his basks. Every man was in his place, and when Morris was blocked on tho side he centred nicely. Wilson and W. Ryan gathered up, and the latter phased on to his brother, who came up fast, ran over near the corner and round to a good position, putting a splendid finish to a magnificent rush. Roberts failed to convert, and still Taranaki led, with the score— Taranaki 9 ■ Wellington 8 Taranaki rushed tho kick-off, and soon the forwards had the ball two yards from tho Wellington line. A pass back was intercepted by Tilyard, who kicked into touch. After willing play, Whittington made his mark, and Stohr found touch. Taranaki started an attack, but Cameron’s pass was wild, and m a twinkling the visitors turned tho tables, and as the result of a scramble one of their men got over with M'Leod hanging on to man and ball. A five yards’ scrum was given, and r/gain another scrum, but each time the defence was sound. From a rush Miller got over, but a scrum was ordered five yards back. Brown passed forward, and Wellington was given a free kick right in front of goal; but Roberts was unsuccessful. Taranaki slowly gained ground. Wellington, however, began a fine passing rush in which eight or ten men took part. Only Stohr remained of the Taranaki man, but he took man and ball and was pushed into touch. After some more even play Tilyard gathered up from a centre kick and dashed for the lino. Ho was stopped and lost the ball, but before a Taranaki man could secure Tilyard had again gained possession and dived over under the bar, scoring a clever try. ■ Mitchinson made no mistake at converting, and the score then read— Wellington 13 Taranaki 9 with onljf four minutes to go. Taranaki were over-eager, and lost ground from the drop-out by a man being in front. The visitors were content to play for safety. Ryan marked, and this time Evensc.i was given a shot at goal, wliich, although a good kick, went outside. Taranaki lost no time after the drop-out, and Loveridge ran and kicked the return out at half-way. Then time was called with play in neutral territory, and Wellington victorious by tho narrow margin of four points. Mr. A. Neilson, of Rahotu, had charge of the game (Mr. Bassett, of Wanganui, was nnable to make the

trip) and he refereed satisfactorily. Messrs. F. Spnrdle and G. Glen were touch-line judges. SATURDAY’S TEAM, TARANAKI v. WANGANUI. Tho following will represent Taranaki in the match against Wanganui, at Hawera, on Saturday;— Hill. Bertrand M'Leod Roberts Cameron Cade Brown M'Allum Cain Bcrnston Tamu Kissick Kissick Whittington "Ward Emergencies: Meuli, Rylands. MAORIS v. WESTERN DISTRICT. By Electric Telegraph.—Copyright. SYDNEY, Juno 25. Tho Maoris defeated the Western District by 11 points to 8. Light rain fell ami the ground was muddy. Rukingi and Grace scored tries for the Maoris, Martin converting one and also kicking a penalty goal. The Westerners scored two tries, one of which was converted. THE RUGBY UNION. Per Press Association. WELLINGTON, June 25. At the New Zealand Rugby Union Management Committee meeting tonight a request from the Poverty Bay Union to sanction a special shield match at Auckland on August 9 was referred to Auckland. It was decided to agree to a suggestion cabled from ’Frisco, that the Now Zealand team to tour California should arrive at ’Frisco on October 2. The New South Wales Union wrote, asking if an extra match could be played, by the Maori team against New South Wales. This was agreed to. Tho same body asked if the Timaru and Invercargill matches could be played on September 10 and 17, instead of 17 and 10: otherwise the programme was acceptable. Tho alteration was agreed to. The following conveners of selectors were appointed;—North Island team, V. K. Meredith (Wellington); South Island team, S. F. Wilson (Christchurch); Now Zealand team, Gallagher (Auckland). A PLAYER SUSPENDED. AUCKLAND; Juno 25. The Rugby Union Committee decided te-night to suspend Rasmussen, a City player, for rough play in tho match City v. Ponsonby on the Saturday before last. THE LEAGUI TEAM. By Electric Telegraph.—Copyright. SYDNEY, June 25. The League footballers defeated Orange, at Orange, by 28 points to 5. The match was played in ram. Orange had only ten men in the first half, tho others being absent, thinking that the match was off.

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Taranaki Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 144129, 26 June 1913, Page 7

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FOOTBALL. Taranaki Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 144129, 26 June 1913, Page 7

FOOTBALL. Taranaki Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 144129, 26 June 1913, Page 7