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By UUADON IIILL, Author of "The Oci-iin Kihl' M\-t.r\ "The .Sentence <>( (.Ik 1 Cuiii. "The Kiss ot the Kin-i". 1 , "Link by Linlv, Etc., etv 1

i [COPY It RJ Ml I CII.M'IKi: \ I'll !■: i:\ii' i *> ::<> >"> i I 'I ii.uiks to ill v< A <>i Mi i> in- , lined inotoi I'.u lii .iiid \\ ill C ni\ :< woio Hashing t iii'.ujji tl.< '-Mi i i Smith London Im'li.ii 1 tin 1 <v t il> milkman l>iok< tli, still... -s ..I . ijinrnin^. It \\:r mil \,L ;i\ <,'<•!« when tho\ eio- id tli. I li.iii' • I" -••"•• -"', Urnl'.i', ;iinl luit ,t 11. i. .11. nr two later when the\ c.wih 1 t > .i I1I 1 v <U llit* top ot .Middle r l<ni]i!«' I .imc •'Now \ou < > i»nn alini^ ti in". i)i iii beis ami I'll Knock up ,i mi.-h.'i -«.ji «> breakfast," said Abe to his <•< inp.iiii'i as soon as ho Itnd dismiss* d tli in >f" man. " Truant as our Immjus-i I s - w< cannot very well rail on .hi Ametici hoir<'ss at tho ('arltoii toi anutlici '•>•' or thrt»o hours." In his niiMTV about Ho^sic pool \\ <'.'. jumped at the proposal. He li id i h <i- | ror of boinj; loft alono. and lie h;u\ il-r<-ii(l,> fallen undor (lie spell nt ' 1)' Hintry's cheei> opinm-in ll >" >-<\ could roll a«a\' the clouds oi t :<m<, unr-CM-taiiit> that thre.'.t< ned to < I'j.nli his iM-ato of mind h<' was < onhdeiii th it it wa.s this round littl<' hall ot n urn with tho pui.sod up lips and tlu- Inn. Mlmis cnos. l^-.sidc.s, I" lm\e ';t>n<- imnu to l)ais> Street without M< s,.t- would have- entailed explanations t<> MrBleaker which he suiiplv daud n«>t nm template. To liavo iiiforiii«-d his landl >d\ lie had armed at Claves(<nd Hi tlllle In M. the >acht depart without him would have'l>een to s O t a daint.v dish „i gossip nuW'd before that yairulous i< male And he still hoped- <\<n against !n»!>«' — that it was all wine hideous !>hmd< r Abe, having let himseli into hi' c-liamb<>rs, lighted a spirit kettle, brewed coffee, and unearthed some potted meath and bread. "Now soo hero, Carwardine, hr said, when they had made the best of their meal. "You mustn't no and 1< be heart about your wife yet. First and foremost I will stake my icputatiou that she has been as much of a dupe n<? jmi have, and that you are both bciny; exploited for a purpose which I ran nuess at, but which I will not sp<*;iM till I have seen Miss Boiirehier. 1 think that if there is a plot Lip.scoinhe i.s the object, not you and Mrs. Carwardine. "It's a comfort to hear jou talk likt that," said Will. "Yes, and it will be a comfort to me to hear you talk," rejoined Abe, planting his squat figure on the health ruji "My difficulty in this caw of clearing Owen Lipseombe from theoo ruinous rumours is that I am vaguely cohm-'ious that there are two cases— two distinct malpractices by the same delinquent t«. bo dealt with. One is the murder (.! Sir (Jeorye LipscomU' at d'landporl the other the one which is c.iusin.u; >on so much uneasiness. It -i . l-clp me t. illuminate the latter if you will hark back to the uitfht of the Hection a-K fiive me every detail that came to you notice." , , . Will did as he was bid, and, nui,ac'> in<i his memory, described liis tvtui' from the declaration of the poll to tint liis wife awaiting him on the doorst.-i with news of their bain's death. Hnarrated her initation with him fm leaviiifi her alone, and their iiscenl t' the bedroom where the little coipsc wpslviii!». In a painful etfoit to L.- e^ -c f in leading up to Owen's appliance < i the scene he fixed his e\o ab-tiaeU dl\ on his empt.v coffee cup ;ni<l writ <m "Tlien we wont downstairs aiMin. '•»' -oh! I wonder wheth<'i- thm \h. in:. terial. 1 had clean foi-ott<ii it li." LOW."

"Everything is mat'iiil in •< <" like this," said Abe. quietl> . "Winwas the occunoneo thit >ou had In. gotten?" "Why, tho window was open, and •-. I entered the sitting kiimii I rer.ujnl>r. that I heard footsteps uinnm^ awn; along the pavement, and on the talili was lying a cap that didn't Lelo::g i me. In my grief and v.onj I tlioiii!.. !i<#hing of either, and In tho tin). 1 Mi Owen came a little later x. itli nexs < having found his tathei de-.d, the "ii - cf those running footstep , fnin i' direction of the >aid tiie., li.v! < i too — had laded from iiij mmd. h*. - Mid I had been haxing ivoids, \uu m>o and "

"Yes, jes, but what ol the cap I"' eagerly interrupted Al/'. "'On iirst seeing it 1 took it up aiit absent-mindedly chucked it inLo a l.h nor of the room. 1 should lievei ha\t leuicmbered it at all it 1 hadn't see; it in our lodgings in Dais\ Stieel tlu other day. My wife must luxe packet it up inadvertently and bi might it t< Lomion,"

"Your house at Giandpoit is neai the Lipscombe jards, is it not.'" "Not two bundled }.uds tiom tin gates." Al>e puckered his lips in a noisekt,. whistle.

"My friend," he said, "" v \our domes tic bereavement alone excuses >ou. 1 lit footsteps and the cap, ulucli hit tor ma.x have been Hung through juur wnuUn. b,\ the muider<>r in bi.s flight, sliotili. have been reported to th<- pohto ai once. As it is, they may still sei\e ti put tho noose round someone's nock The cap is the only tangible clue avail able, and 1 must handle it as soon as possible." Carwardine caught tho fue ol tin other's enthusiasm. "Then 1 will gc and fetch it for jou," he exclaimed "I have been dreading the- o' facing Mrs. Bleaker, but 1 owe Mi Lipscombe reparation for doubting him After all a woman's tongue can be par ried."

"uood man!" rejoined Ahe. "C'oiik back hero wlien jou have not the and if lam not in, wait for me. Ish il not return till I have won Mis.s Horn rhier and heard lior version of ho\\ bho came to write that lettei."

The two men proboiitlx lcit ilio Tcin plo toj;ctlicr, Will to go to Dais,\ Sttvei and Mr. Bintrv to make hi.s \\a> to th< Carltoii. Arrnt'd at that ai istoi'iatn hostelry ho ivas not surprised thit In advent at half-past oijiht Oil it Slllld.l.X morning excited robontmont it not suspicion amoiiK tho low sloopv f-oisant who wore ii|>. Aho. howovoi, had ■<< bhort way with opposition of (lint sort. and, having blustorod and l)larno\o< access to the doput.\ maiinyi 1 , succoi-d yd so far as to have his card, pom ill«'<' "urgent." taken up to .Mis.s lkmrc liiei '- rooms.

Tmchlv minutes clapsod bofoi*' li was invited to follow the, itiu' tlicn lie found a vcrv diflcicnt M'liin to th<> brilliant vision to whom In- h ■ ' Ik-oii intiodurcd six months l>ci' n- ;'! tho winter ball at tho Anioi icui Il]'.'I I ]'.' hassy. Tho st-ailot silk dro.Mn.-i ■;«' in winch slie now rocoiwd him, «<II i it becanio lior, was not cvoji fninth j. minisoont of her buioiirloms on li" ni^'lit whon lio ha(l danwd with li and. inridrntalh . Jnd aimiM'd li i wii' siinic of his tallost dc-tff tivr \-iin--.

"What n?i I'ruth <loc.s Ihi- iii« ■»■ n Hmtr\.'" sin- l)i'_ r an A\itli an s'Hriv ' hiklit which h* 1 irii ijiiic\ ' Imtckivo :i woll-em hrd on lowtv. 'II i ] Ix'cn doiiifi an\tliiii^ wiiDi^, In Imi \oii down upon nu- \\ Jhmi-- well. I i I. candid, v lion I \\'is in iiiv Irilh -"

"Mv d.-ar 1a.15," icphed Al<e i •! . - ill;:; to follmv lici fil\olo\is li':i«l i.' 1 In- could lie \<'l\ mtioiis v hen In- <hi •

"Miur l\in<]ii<'--s in h-uk'Hilwi ii>" i v piKii person. ilit \ ;iiid pi<" ii\ ni< -> w .'! saw .'» world ol wrhnue. >(ni !)■• . not Itccn (liiiiil; wi'iii' (ii"i I I- i.r-M i' Illlt MIIIMMIIK 1 <'Im % III 1 -. I .".Ul If till, i ,1 l>c)i;ih i>! )i)\ old IniMi'l ,'IhI m li.i I 1.-ll.iw. Oh. mi 1,1|.m ..!.'(•«.. Nil. (!i<l \ ii M-nd lit 1111 111 1 clou II Id '•'!■> lulpo' I , t'l li • ;c .1 lici mit at tin 1 li ill -' Marian drew liciwlf nji "I },• \ (Illllk 1 C.lll tl'll Mill t11.1t." v lic vi | stiiiU. "Then," «.md |{in(r\, ])(niiicin n the admission. "1 ■ li ill tiko ilio li'c-itv of Mlmy xoii. It !>(. •:!'■■ L- <1 Will i.;rn\ <•, >sli't<-<! M-jHilf liic In i prtsd.-ulrd \nu to .|o it- on the |n - (cine that it «as for Owen's •.onil, if /■ouim\ You wiotc mv likiii] tint ci'<| .wl\ lee -it his iii>.ti :aliDii. jiiwl ] ( „ t"ll \OII «ll\ It V 'is (ul 1 nil V, slimline under tin 1 iiiii^hum! iiiv-m i ii liv ii \ .mi !>< Ik v.-.I t>> I i •■ !> : ••' upon \ou l>\ a Mipp'-M-H | .|\ tmii'l ,( Mi 1 . l.ipM'onihi' callni'i t< i 1:. ,n h' rt> l.tte at ni'.'lit. I nni-t ('iVillnsi .j, \, \ t . Intlisst. Mis. ('•!! w nuliii(> w !■• i » o\ tin- nn"-sj>'j;(- '.>nt up t.i \<tu. su i! i! .■ mr in whic-li .<-li<' was \\,»i(in; outvie «as Lord AVar^raveV !t \,.n:% phuf. Mib«> Uourchier, on the. pait of his s,li|>-

])(i\ loidslup to soxv discord between .i.ti .md the dear r .iiitple fellow wln;so 'in i{^ he n not worthy to polish." »l.i fiii grow n puler and palei as li li-lrned, and arterwaiJs Binto .M.i i it xxas ;it moment In nut bi.s tirst real insight into hor .i in* <iiun xutli the .graver case tint 'n to imbtvel. Such onioiii'i .i> lie saw in tho girl's piquanto i . s U'lt n holly to i»e accounted foi 'I. ili'diicij tbU she bad been I bx in vii -( iuj "lous suitor. I' ii. ill,- I'jJti-icd, "it was not j ii i I'd Wa-giav th:it I he.ird tin ii'< !ul tlnii ii f all. The hus1 H (ai\ ii dm 1 , xl.x 1 . as hole l - ist

i liivi i ,i Iniii. '. kinni all abs'iit i v ' 1' ,i|)( d iitr ijiiicUlx . "H<' i il I imdi ( ii >od Jam, as ninth .. ■ cp .is \ip(l ha\e Ijei'or.'iid as 1 bolieu' «ii i i I)" It tb;>: iujhsh noiu.-u. i ri Ie i .<!• |> UIK.& .»Ji thi- \aelit ai 'i ' I- 1 d V^rjjaro bnnselt, for I v : it ,t ••ii.H- mi bx i .! for Giandpoit 1' ' i x li. I mug." •...nan alniddeud. L'*t Bintry obstrvl'i <li-il.x i; mid tk^ec-t no sign of i i i.i lici agitation. The shudder * - Hit In i ti. u tow escape. Is O jIIX lllelUfr " fsho Bllid. "1 I it. v i ii» ;>nd make amends to Mr. 1 "''" • tloing him a gieat wrong I i td' pnc.i woiii.m. and this last hor i '"' < itumn.\ that Loid Wa-grax >■■ ..ii, to Jj.-xe piejiared— l;om is it tv ! id ' ' 'li m_;ii apjxjus f> be to dihgiao <>». n iiip,(oiiibe in your e.vo.-.," replied I uiiix, i.ot mincing matters. "1 <.\. (■ t that the xacht lias -one to GrandI "it, and that an attempt will be made iti nixeigle Lipscombe ou board secretlx . I will then be contrived that he aiid -it-.. Carwaidino shall land publicly, v ! -mi in vpito ot denials, it will alxx-'axb I l>< ii<-ved that LinscoiiiiK' went on 1/ ucl at (iiaveMMid. War«ra\e will ' libll<-, s 5V ,. 0!11 t |, al J, c J |a< J J cut J ljm tne xacht, and probably he* is served on I- b\ sc-oumJii'ls as unscrupulous as Ihuimll. I will rush away and xvirc <»u,ii a xirtiiuiig at once, but it being .-iimhy 1 fear ho won't got it till six t.ns owning— about the time 'The Dr:»-,-.'ll' should make the port." Omitting air\ pretence at formal farewell, Bintn turned to go, but Marian li -(I another word to say. "Mr. Biutry," she- stammered, "I Mrdlv know how to put it, but, but this has frightened me— for Mr. Lipsoomlio, you know. I think, in fact, 1 • in suio, that Lord TVargrave is a very dangerous man, more so than in making mischief between husband and wife, and i>etxx eon-other people. If he fintis his Plan has failed, well, I shall be afraid tor Mr. Lipscombe." "I am going down to Grandport by the next train to look after him," replied Abe, as he backed into the corridor with a cheery, wave for the scarlotelad figure thaf swoded him with such tragic eyes.

But by tho iiipe..h« had dispatched us telegram and returned to his chambers, to find Will Orwardine awaiting mill with tho can, there was no train that would got them to Grandport till eleven o'clock at j»Jght--a slow Sunday train topping .»fc ma ny stations tliroug/iout tho two hundred and fifty miles. When at h»t-th«»ir tedious journ<\x ended at the i front door of Lipscombo Hall it was-vlose on midnight: "Air. Owen is hi the dining room -ir, said the aight-capped Bertram uli'ii at length h* answered the summons, lecognising Bintry as hia young master's friend. "I know ho hasn't r.iiie up to bed, for! passed his bedroom i.»or on my way down, and it stood ■pen. Como this -way, please." Abe and CWardine followed across he hall o tho dining room, but when IWtram flung the door open they start- .< in dismay. Tho room was brilliantly illiiin mated with tho electric lights, but »! Oxven Lipscombe or of anyone else tueie xvas no stjiH. (To be continued.)

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Taranaki Herald, Volume LV, Issue 14012, 17 September 1909, Page 1

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IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING. Taranaki Herald, Volume LV, Issue 14012, 17 September 1909, Page 1

IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING. Taranaki Herald, Volume LV, Issue 14012, 17 September 1909, Page 1