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'•I , ii r 'e.i<i ior a lo'i^; tune w i ( h ,<-c\ei.> ia"i- in tli" K;<k, o\ei ilu 1 kldinn'. -'I i'irk'l- ill'- o! ouldei bl.ulu-, mil Ki'L <v ii} ne k. Mn Va 1 k bee mc - ) Inn" i 1 was wit 1 ! diffi<i'!'\ f co-id nu)\e abo:tt. T *-uFcie<l tiui- '"'I 4 in un \M'ii:"i minll's. f ti led \-no'i- ad\fi >' -' % d lvnied.d-. wlpch fa i lf. l In £i\o ire tli" u'l^l 1 --cir^ht, nnrM V\ ;Miie:V, S \fe ('me wa- hiou^ht (->( -> my inti"\ Fto []\,-i mod-c-ino wM'i 'vni'i'mis i e s-,i 1 1 . In a (ii.-c i ln- I'iiii:-. ami nclie- li id all left lr.e; I .mi inw in lioaltli. I <il^o >uflc: f \! a i?^o>] de<il from Rheumatic n. bill tl" v f-'afe Cuio li;us nl-o oradieitf! all .s^n'pioms of that complaint fiom iisj >\ -tci!i." — I'lom Mi I . l)a- \ ideon, b<-o(ma! er, G2 Comniercial- ! oykl, Prahian, Vie.

"1 hp\e hi on ii.-in^ \our Safe Cures lor fventy— i\ ;. i\m>-, and fciiml I'mmu inw.--!. In H'jJ'cial. in net WarnerY) oal'> ( vie i ur I one ot nn daughters of Hiom-\ .it th' 1 <i;t yf thiitcen. >She i" how a hc-alth. 1 woman, with a fam■A\ a! fi\e !iealt!i\ children. Se\eial iNviui-, |i,,!<[ pionounced her ca>-e. hopeiit^s, .Hid a-- a l.iot ie--oit 1 tried jour S,; i" ( wv. 1 can ali-o recoinni'Mul Waiii'-i's Safe Nervine fov «'eiM)le^si:c-, ." — I'lO'n Win. Uica\es, Picnic I'aik, Ljndhurtit, N.S.W. .

"Aoout two years a;;o i v, .is hiiJTerin<; tioui a rcnou-. lorm ot kuijiey dit>- ■: -. I ii.-J pain*, in juy 1 o i lie-, and i>i''k, an-d the pain in th>- buck would ice |r'M'!\ extend u^ tai us the back cji ;li" lu'i'd. urine was loaded uit.i > dinu'iit, and oilier s > niptoii.v? i»>'iitcl to £ieat ojii->. ilutianal d'istu.!).«]" c. I vas i,i tins toniliLion tor n>an\ nioii'ho, <uid ;il!!io>t di-^i'.ured ot ic(O\uiiii^ my lc-l health, iv. 1 had ined i-o many remedies without a\ ail, when 1 «iis <uh wed to ti\ Wamt-i'tj :vtie C'lic". Alt- i r I had tal.m the conUnS ol a ie\> b-oltles of thu-> medicine my n-i::i^ were ;<lleMalcd, tuid, contunrii'j (he tieat mi'iil, all s^niptoiiis oi ch-' i-^e of tin 1 liidnpjn v;un.-l:ed. 1 n:ii n ""w onc-e ii^ain in \ jjjoroUh In all U. I lia\e r?ioi!i:iieiidivl Warnei'- y.(te. Cuio t»\ othoio. who have taken it w ltli yicivl ie ults." — Vrom .Mi y. 11. ]'<u\, l ! ci«aid-.-t:oet, llptkhamiitou Xo.tli, <J.

"h'onic \c<uo ajjo pain in the back biv'an to troubk 1 me a deal, but I livl i'ut (.ike much notice ot' it at fill, tliuikuij; it would jwi<-s ofi', but a^ t line Wi'iit on, au<l I in 'miiic much im.-p, ,»ml nii ;;cni'ial health brgau t<, <lci'hiie, [ w<us 'forced re Riv* it ul'n'iit' n. ~S\\ appetite was tailing in 1 , nn l".;:!'! 1 - v,crc niuuh <iiVinrb«<l, ;\>l<\ I iVu'lti" siaiu'iy t-tuop lor the pain in the antl under the shoulder li'ji'U'f-. 1 had heaid \\atnci'« Pafe r'ure <-])(>] en of .'is a cuic for kidn^\ t-isilil'"-, <o decided to liy it. Js(* I 'i.kl taken tbe contents of hnlf .) V>(t'.e I <jiei\tly relieved. 1 continued In ' ik«> the medicine for ttmo v. eck<-. wliea hll symplonics of the comi'l.i'nt Ii ft me, and 1 could en< and slecn \\el!. I have had no rcluin of ili'> co'npbiiii f-incc (hat tnnc." — From Vi^ \. I leU-iicr. Clare-htreet, Portland, Port Adelaide, S.A. "&c>ine ti",ie fgo, v\\?n a. ]h.i,\ uci'^liv, I nocuW-iitally vec"i\cd a \cvv (sc\erp stiain in the hack, in the io£ ; on of the kidneys. The ])ain \v;!^ that I could si ami v plight. The [win would shoot upwui i!-. be! ween my i-hculders. and w;is awful whilst it la-stcd, depriNing me of all i«-vt antl sleep at niglit. The iTDi'Mic- I (rird failed <c dt« m.: <i\\j uf'i.ild 1 w«is in for -a voiy hcrjnite \\l-n<"-s. lion 1 wa* jutt 1 about ai-- bnd a^ i^o^siblp. 1 connuciu ed to take Wayihm's Safe Cip-e, nnc] \ n .,} \<\n\i-\*i »0 s.,l^ j!><4 ih (in' cuHfrf <if» fe-M 1 weeks I (lultb l'ecweit'd. ]\[\ back ceased lo pain me, and 1 could my natural hlec-j), whi-cli I had no 1 ' been able to do for a long time. I feel that I am quite cuiccl, not liavinjf felt an\ pain in the back since that time, and | \\\w unvr itiil^ f] r lf< W.V "yi'U »Hl» e:t~-e and ci,mt«i|,"- J'loin Mi T. It. llill-'berg, liA(vi'r hlu\ ' phfctrycoolc, 106 Vi\iau-btic-ot, Uouldex City, "W. A. s

]n addition in i\y\ r tw vd.ii' a* anu lit>vtl<H»> «t Wa'iner 1 -. Sai'o Cure, a t : yiii'<:Mitnitc<l t'oini of the nuxlicino is now i-vsiicd at 2.^ 6d \wr bottle. Warner's Safe Cure (Concent rafocl) is dot eoni|x>un<l<vl with alcohol, ami contain^ the f-aino immuli'm 1 nf slo-.,.- t , V ~ "-j boiile ox \i.(iutr's Safe Oiirv.

— neatly ojO year a«j.<>! That Council. it appear-, spool. il!<- mot to consider tlie question and decided that it was "against both tho ancient laws and the late laws ol tins realm that he (the Papal Legato) should come into the '.line, or into any one of ihe Queen's Majesty's dominions." Sinee 1 1.")(>1 the l.l\l'\ declare no alteration has boon made in the law as thus laid down, nor has the law been abrogated. It there-, ioie stands, they say, as the law at the present time, and, consequently, tlie Msit oi th<> Papal Legato is illegal. II tho Federation loaders cmld have their way, the Cardinal would no doubt bo hauled before the How Street magistrate ior deportation a-, an "uiidoCirabl" alien;'" but. a.s it is, one fancies that the Legate is tolerably secure from mole-tation as an offender against the deiM^on of the councillors of '"(Jooci Queen Bess."

The I.P.F. is not the only body that is doing its best to interfere with tlie Congress. The Protestant Alliance is seeking to prevent the processions, wjiich will be a feature of the Congress. The Alliance has not dug so deep into the mouldy depths of the legal rubbi-h heap as the Imperial Protestant Federation, but they ha\e found in the Roman Catholic Emancipation Act oi IB2U, a section expressly forbidding such processions : — "It any lonian Catholic ecclesiatic, or any member of any ol the Orders, communities, or Societies hereinafter mentioned, shall exercise any of the rites or ceremonies of the Roman Catholic religion, or wear the habits of his Order, save within the usual places of worship of the Roman Catholic religion, or in private houses, such ecclesiastic, or other person, shall, on being thereof eon- \ icted by due course ot law iorloit for every such offence the Mini of

fifty pounds."

The {] noted portion of tho Act of 18:2!) has of course been a "dead-letter tor years J>ut the Alliance demand that the Chief Commissioner of Police shall put this antiquated law into force and so "put an end to the lawlessness of tlie representatives of the Papal Hierarchy." which "lawlessness will consist of a children's procession from the Thames Embankment to "Westminster Cathedral to-morrow afternoon, and a procession of delegates and others through the principal thoroughfare-, in iho vicinity of the Cathedral on .Sunday. The tolerance of the bigots of the Federation and the Alliance i -, quite beyond the understanding of the average man and woman of to-day.

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Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13791, 24 October 1908, Page 9

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CORKCSPONDE.N'CG. Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13791, 24 October 1908, Page 9

CORKCSPONDE.N'CG. Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13791, 24 October 1908, Page 9