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Under the above heading will be found in another column the second of a aeries of artioles written by a •specialist, and published under the auspices of the Society- for the Promotion of the Health of Women and Children. The heading is sufficient indication of the nature of the articles, which will be continued on succeeding Saturdays. (The first appeared about ten days ago, and copies can be obtained by those who wish to preserve the series.) If there is one thing that New Zealand ; needs more than another it 'is population, to develop its resources and people its unoccupied lands. Considerable sums of money are spent every year in inducing immigration, a good class of which is very desirable. "Yet there is a means closer at hand of adding appreciably to our population, a mean's which humanity demands that we should use. There are thousands of young

lives usbeied. into the. worJd every year in this colony only to flicker JLot\ v .briei space ot- timjo and, depart again, ivery oltenlor tho. waijf oi . Jtnoivlf dge of the.- most elementary of rearing. The Society in,-quQstion has fOr , its object the prevention oi this wicked loss,, and tjie prcjjttoters seek ito do this partly by disseminating Ithrough the press, tbi'ough ;the Tarainaki. Herald as- one organ, iniormation jrelatiug tQ tho care oi babies." To |Dr. T.ruby King must be given the credit of initiating the movement, which has been very wrfrml.V taken up by Lady Plunkot, by the medical proft'sßion generally, and by many others who recognise in this work a U\tfy owod to the State, to the mothers,! and to the babies, whose little lives **c sh oi'teu saerifict'd in ignoranre «i tthe iirst' principles oi lewlu?^. and att«ntion We command the articles to the earnest attention of all Who are concerned for the futiuie well«i"e of the race, especially to the mothers and the mothers to be. They- can be depended Rpon as thoroughly 'reliable ai\d autiioritative. ■

M fine sea-run trout have MEdrertfteir appearance in the Huatoki sjffibain, q,ncl may be serti above and tfero^'^tite. bridge in Devon Street. iajflHidtinwrrease in the ratable value of "tkß borough of Napier during the -yJOftJ" .hus been £64,00<), and the capital a&iflfr-now stands at £1,630,721. Since ti*& beginning of the present year fewilding permits for works representing'£66,ooo were granted, There are now thirty-eight lighthouses on the coast of New Zealand and at the entrances of harbour^. Their maintenance last year cost in all the sura of £16,007 17s : 4d* The salaries of the attendants amount'od to £938*) Is, -while stores and contingencies entailed an expenditure 'of £4930 18s. At Cape Fonhvind last weojc a Harbour Board workman empip t ged > .in excavation wonk on the recreation. ground unearthed a Maori axe and a spade guinea (coin) dated ,<*eorge 111,, 1790. It is suggested that some whalers may have can^t^£thjeos. 1 a r Qqntury or more ago. o + o^n -r vr** - The nineVeffib^Patcs.iin which it is proposed tnstf a ft^^c|«iit of the distances between, the pcanng booths, the second baflb^sl^Sffftl Sot be taken until the, fourteentivjdvf^it»the Government proposal is caxriety^ar^-— [Bay of Islands, B^yVpf J*lenty^l£ajpara, Marsdeu, Taiimarunui, Taufanga, Wakatipu, Wal-i lace and Westlantl. Motneka-has just been added to the list. • , ', Mr G. Tisch< Mayor of jNew- Ptymonth, has received the following reply from the Prime Minister. to his letter asking for a warship to* visit New Plv-j mouth bn thot occasion* of the Seaside Carnival:, "I have to state that His Excellency the Governor lias received ci reply from ' the Admiral to the ef fectj that, if circumstances perniit, arrangements will be made as requested." f The TJrati Valley Dairy Company, i^ js understood, have disposed of their output of butter for this season t<f Messrs Nathan and Co., Wellington, the produce being sold outright in seyeral parcels at varying prices for (a) September butter, (b), October, (c) Novennber, December and January > and (d) February t^nd Mareji- The* price agreed upon is not definitely disclosed. It is stated, however,, to/be over lid' per lto. tfo.b. New Plymouth. •...•». The new Courthouse at.'Waitdra is practically complete and awaiting the arrival of the necessary furniture. Thi» building is very conveniently arranged* but the Court room is rather small. It is fitted up with* al| the usual' appurtenances. A room is being cornfortr ably furnished for, the -S.M,, And a neat little office, with public counter is provided for the Clerk of the Court. A strong room ha? .been erected in this office. Accommodation has also been arranged for witnesses. Hearing that the surfaceman in the Mokau riding of the Clifton County Council had resigned his position i ■settler who is anxious' to. see a frien 1 appointed to fill the vacancy wrote t:> the Council strongly recdnunending his appointment. Among other qualifications "he has what is invaluable in ai employee of the Council, a head." Hje added, "I have not, seen him to know whether he can take the billet or would do so, but have no doubt ho woull and could.". . , A meeting of young' men' bohnectei with the Whiteley Memorial Chfcfrch was held oh Thursday evening. A report was presented' by the committee appointed to go into detail?' with reference to the formation', of a' socinl club. It was definitely decided to form tf club, the headquarters of which wi 1 be the large schoolroom at* Wie tei r <jf iihe Whiteley "Htfll. "Rules • weie adopted: The Rev. T.,'G; "Brooke wi s elected President,- Messrs.' C. 'Oart< r and P. White vice-presidents, and M\ S. Catran. secretary and treasurer? 1 A 1 ■committee was also appointed. In the Police Court tins morning, before Messrs ,G, TiscK anjLfi*.. E. Bellringer, J's.P.'/ Henry Thomas Chaffey, a yoiing man 21 years olcL who, had pleaded guilty last week to a charge qf theft of a bycycle valued, ftt^^.froin F. J., Hill, was brought ; up for, sentence. Accused, who is % first offender so far as the New, Zealand/ police are concerned (he is a -recent Arrival in the Dominion) wa» sentenced to two months' . imprisonment with: hard labour. He has previously- been ed for desertion, from H.M.S. Pioneeh Af tea' serving his present- sentence be will be prosecuted .by thr ! < Wellington pdlicaon several charges, including one of. bicycle-stealing. '. , ;... j Tjh>' recent discovery of ,a process I|y which' old rubber and waste, lenth*r may he utilised and turned into' a valuable commercial article promises to He the means of starting a new* arid injiportant industry. It is claimed that "leathcrubber," tho new .invention) can, be turned out. in an .extraordinary variety of forms, and in eyery case at- a mere fraction of the cost of the article which it seeks to replace .Among the commodities which, can ho, manufactured by the new process are- liaoleunis of all grades and sizes, boot soles, belting, md'tor and bicycle tyres, portmantetiux^urniture coverings, and niats of every descriptions. In every jcase the inventor claims that " leatbprMbber }" is, in various respects, not only imu)h cheaper, but actually of superior quality to . the original article. With regard to the supply of raw material for tHuB industry, it has been estimated th^t from the New Zealand boot factories alone at least 80' tons of leather a:e wasted every month. Heretofore this h*,s, bjeejfbu^it^^iufcicfcuyers hate paid "barters, *io take it away and dpstroy it. .Old rubber, such aa bicycle tyres, ..and, old bopts.and saddlery can now all be reclaimed, and; articles form? .the t chief ! materials J'rpxti which " leatnerubber '" is irtade. The inventor is Mr. H. liewis, of Melbourne, and the large .factory . which he,> has had erected was officially ; opened I a^fc' the beginning of last month.

"There is no more expensive article produced by any comhnmit.y than the criminal. ' f -^4sj>i4»Ton of Mr TV I. Smail, the Christchurch lay r evangelist. During August only four persons Avere arrested for drunkenness in In,vercai'gill and all of them hi\d obtained liqupr outside thq- electorate. ', ' The Customs revenue collected at Duncdia^last month came to nearly ;&MfaOQj^Bpore thaii ffor- the August of 1907. Tliis was largely" due to the/act that two English stfeainprs, eacli bring ing heavy stocks of srH7?*& g«odSj *"" rived within the montli. -"j ; v.,. r „ l • ; Tlie higlijorioe of lf£& TE^fel&^C^ 8 ! offdred, tfi^RUlsborou^^^CoWn pariy foi^fMkeftson'.s out^itft-'W £M (offer " uaMififeed. Thrf^Co^fpany, iwhiuh has hitherto always consigned, ilias deo)cM(^^6 again this year, ,!sending therOiitfifct through Collett and 1 The arrangement ' made, by the v Gis, borne branch, of, ilie. farmers. Union for ithe services of a vetferinai-y surgeon is 'reported to be- working, yery satisfacitorily. Ow^ng to tlie prevalence x>f t"b» . septic metritis amongst co-ws, "the u^- : ion's veterinarfan (fcjr ' Luttrcll) lias i been busily engaged sinpe his appoiiitiment. »,.' ;# >!•'•• Said Mr Kettle, S.M.,- at Aufckland, to a gentleman who admitted ho had j fallen from the comparative affluence of £11 or JEI2 to absolute poverty since !u's 'arrival ifrWm, tne King Country a few days before*. "It is men like you who come down, to town, have^your fling, and get stranded, and then, go. : howling, about, the,, country talking i abpui^W wWbf t^rtployWent.' ' ' » < , ....,.> \. . i . A report unfavourable to the electrification of . the. Christchiarclj-Lyjbtelton railway line has heen pieseuted to larliamoat Mi" Messrs . Beattie and Coom, of the Railway Department, lbe report gives details oi lines already electrified in Europe, and -shows that the electrification of the Lyttelton-Chnst-> church' section would be very costly, involving an extra expense of £18,000 a yea* in working. The step is therefore hot recommended. Tlie report states that the smoke, nuisance, in .the Lyttelton tunnel could be abated by the use of oil engines. The quantities of butter in the public cool stores of New Zealand were not ascertained by" the Government officials this month, the nt»w .season being sufficiently advanced to render that step unnecessary.. It is generally understood (says Ts^» Donifcuipi4 tliat the quantity in store amounts to* about 400u boxes. The present output of the dairy factories is more than sufficient for current requirements, so that the 4000 boxes may be regarded as a complete surplus. The price of thejbesi brands of butter in Wellington is now .Is 3d retail, with a tendency towards a, further fall.

Action is lively to be takeivb,y tlie New South Wales Minister for Customs (says th<s Sydney Daily Telegraph) on the lines of the proclamation issued py the Government of New Zealand, absolutely pjofaibit&gv the -importation of all goods manufactured, in prisons, whether exported' directly or indirectly.- Mr Chapman found that goods o£ this class are still being exported to Australia. The NeW Zealand proclamation, which is extremely stringent^ places a bar on prison-made of prisonproduced goods, !or goods • similar in character, whether sold by .any individual, or firm, or company. Lincoln (Nebraska). tb,e home of Mr William 'Bryan",' 'the Democratic, candidate for the American was recently the scene of remarkable demonstrations in his honour. All day long Mr Brj^ato's fields were crowded witn thousands of .cowboys and farmers, who incidentally did & great deal of damage by trampling doWn the alfalfa hay crops. ,The, candidate. r however, took these amenities in good part, and delivered several speeches, all non-poli-tical, to the crowds during the day. In the evening the cheering- was succeeded by *ei*nad»hg)'wh.ite 'severaUbaWqe played seteofidns; including Mr, Bryan's favourite tune, •»' Mexican air called "La Paloma." The entertainment did not finish, until the early hours the morning.— Central News.

As briefly reported by cable, two American sailors -we're drowned in Sydney harbour"' during tfho visit 'of the .fleet, One man, Leo. L. Cassidy, belonging -to thet GiDiprgia, was within a cable's' length 1 of ii'is : owiTsliip, when a squaU struck the frail craft he was in, and cabsized it He was dressed in heavy clothes; including an oilskin, and lie went down like a stone. The othey, belonging to the Illinois, by som£ meafts the landing stages at WopWoonlooioo Bay, and was not seen again. In the latter case, \t is suggested that a device of the kind would, be adopted by a man who was desirous of deserting, but m the present instance there 4 are circumstances which lead the officers of the battleship,! to beJieve man was undoubtedly drowned/ A third.' man was thrown into the water from' a capsized boat, but, stripping himself naked, ho swam to a coal, milk, and was there discovered next morning ma half-frozen condition, after passing the night in circumstances the reverse . of comfortable. An American seaman strolled iiito one of the police Stations the other night (says the Sydney" , Morning Herald). His track ! was sjnuoiis, his balance doubtful. He carried, his luggage in his jumper. u Sa-a-,y," ne drawled, "I want to know about your buggy fares. Haow much is a papund and haff a paound?" He pulled a long stuffed stocking-purse out of his jumper, omptied gold and silver on the table, and pointed out the tioins. "Thirty shillings," said tho constable in charge. . "LUca" "these* How far did he drive. you for that?". "Abaout a block and a-half," ria-id the. sailor. "It Beenv? a lot' of ihoiiefy, ' but I don't" care if it's anywhere hear/ "You paid him about - thirty utinies, too. iftuph/' jemn^''fai*mmm>™ 1 ThY considered thp tnattpiv Then he said i "If l j over meet- that biiggy flrivor, V\l make him wish Mas never discovered. That's a de^d sure After sohie^'confersatibn #ack was of- < fere<l ■ a 'sliaked^wn ' irt the ' station. "Naow fiat's a friendly ,, offer," he said.^'and'sq^-U' 1 . jie nXtn.nxaged; in his jumper agarh, .'and filially discovered a wmskv bottle^ full; v A corkscrew failing, he knocked the, Jiea'd of! with a neat light ttipj but in presenting it with, shaky hand. it. fell and smashed. , iTkck siirvipyejd.the ruind/ artd snielt the odour in a thoughtful silence. "Perhajis it's all for good," he remarkecr%%, last. • "It'll make less trouble than irhcb* it would. Uave gone ; 1 tiiat's sure".* 1 "But there's snSell enough to break, my reputation," dbjected tn« rconßtaWfeV /l>u< Seafiißla pity to have had I ntf'i%tf.»F^StPSs«n* ? .v- .t'More cohverisrttioii, as tile seanian Began to toxin his^ni^ ihsidfe "6ut, 'depositing Jus portable^ '"jipk.VW* he said, r 'that , 1 itt?e, r |»ifor 'bv^ a^ nAtfoj^Aß^n Atfoj^Aß^ waa .ought enoYrgh, ahQ so 'was the, wayt tliey .welthi^^eTO.^elp^eHrFfil^ ' l ¥«W> it?« ,a-r-it^ifeig. th^6i;im4ip:'Yan Winkle. i Ve!s, S«f ;l; l that's what it is— sure 1"

Tradespeople of Waitara are making a special display of corned beef and pressed tongue canned by Messrs fcorthwi'olc and Sons, Ltd.

The' directors of the Waitara-Tar.i-jriaki " Co-operative Dairy Company, •Ltd./ met butter . buyers on Thursday afternoon; no business resulted.

The Roberts Relief Fund (Stratford) has been closed with a to^al of >£746 10s 3d. This is, iirobaljly-.^- record ,f or tlie Dominion. "~\ / . J . The Waitara-Taranaki Co-operative Dairy Company, Ltd., has disposed, of 'its August output at l\ia against a [ruling price for ttye season of -9d. , Building operations are brisk* -in" the Waitara borough* a ■ lsucgo^auabor of stylish rosidonws Iwinjrin" cotti-sc or erection.

The North Egmont Mountain Mattem comraitte has not' yet appointed a caretaker to succee^Mr/Mprr^ViwtorS) however, can obtain the Jkey from Mr Williams at the-^reserve^gate^

Until the Borough ;Gounfiil decides whether to purchase the bridge over the Henui River, the Railway Department is unable, to tajke up the rails and sleepers of the old 1 line between the station and the Henui, including the Devon Street crossing. 1 When the express train, fronri WelIwigton was about a<iniilß*tr©m Eltham on Tuesday \e veiling a stone suddenly crashed through one. of the windows of the ■tlU*in£-*sa£> .. Fortunately, it did no further damage. Apparently ;it was thrown by some mischievous urchin. The vexed question oiL accounts between -the Hawera and; Eltham County Councils has been set^dfl. ' Representatives of the two bodies met at Hawera and 'came to an agreement, which, however, has to be ratified by the respective Councils.

Before Mr Fitzherbert, S.M., at Waitara Harry Bennett was charged -with Jiaving-'used obscene language at the Waitara railway station on Thursday last. Sentence of 14 days' imprisonment in New Plymouth gaol was passed. Mr J. F. Hooker, .the. well-known forwarding agent, met with a nasty accident yesterday afternoon while walkingH>n the footpath near his sample rooms m, Egmont Street. A ladder which was being carried by a young man suddenly tipped and struck Mr Hooker a heavy blow on the top of the head, inflicting a rather severe wound on the. scalp.

The detectfves in this* and all other States of t^e Commonwealth (says the Sydney , . paily . Telegraph) have for a long tlma.'been advocating a systeni of interdhafage,j by means of which they could become acquainted with, the .consistent Jawbreakers in the large cities, instead of .being confined to one, in which they, soon become knowto. Since the arrival' of the American fleet in Sydney a large number of detectives have been borrowed from the other States, and their efforts in checking thieving and similar crimes have been so successful that it is probable that some . . netmanent „ ffrtmjrf exchange wilt-be iaopied/^Si^ceiMe arrival bf the fleet more .than 20 persons suspected of having dishonest intentions have proved to be strangers here, but well-known as pickpockets and thieves in other capitals.' These haV*» been promptly consigned, to the cells, bail being refused, despite protest, and to this is attributed' the fewness t of the cases of robbery reported during the, week. Turnips! For an Empress! One can imagine the indignation of the stately autocratic Dowager of China when she received tlie advice £ rpm her Ambassador at Washington to Wop* the P^ian diet of turnips, and cabbages. Llns Ambasladbr, Wu-Ting-Fing by name, seems to have a craze for dieting. He lias proclaimed his conviction tjiatj lie will live 2QO years, by tteaid f qf a proper system of diet. #o a correspo^. dent who applied for details ho replied (the London Mail says) as follows :— "(1) I have given up breakfast, ana take only two meals a day; (2) I abstain from all flesh food, my diet being rice, or, when I go out to dinner, whole . wheat bread, fresh vegetables, . nuts, and fruit; (3) I avoid all coffee, tea, liqueurs, condiment^, and all rich foods; (4) I have, given up salt also, because it is found that salt makes the; bones stiff; (5) I masticate every irarathful thoroughly before swallowing; (6) I do not drink at meals but betoyeen meals, or one hour after meals; (<) I] practise deep breathing; (8) I take moderate exercise." Commemoration services at Queen Street Primitive Methodist Church will be conducted to-morrow in the mornihgl>y Rev. H. White, and in the evening by Rev. J. Guy. At Fitzroy tho preachers are — 11 a.m., Rev. J. Guy) 7 p.m., Mr C. iJellringer.— Advt. .. The services at Whiteley Memorial Church to-morrow will be -conducted the Rev. X. G. Brooke; and the subject will be— Morning, "Our Great; High Priest," and evening, "A Mag: nfficent Life Wasted." The latter snbw^wiilf^^^iHWthli^ad^gßs to : met?. Wttaffsers .-aw VNtfcuaiiy lnvited.-^A'dvt.

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Bibliographic details

Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13744, 5 September 1908, Page 4

Word Count

"OUR BABIES." Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13744, 5 September 1908, Page 4

"OUR BABIES." Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13744, 5 September 1908, Page 4