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'Game bj^cj red"c^M-||i||^^b^t;h lajand championship NttHanain, 2nd W. <v ßeala. ,»« » G^ine; fyscK rW^eWiQ^ l|.';Oldham. 2nd ; W.- Beafe, 3rd W>SBeals'.' "•-' ?^GamM^a^i;§djtQckexeL— Jst N. Old h£mV' '•----—*- -•> - G&ft& .BlacTa^&ai pullfefe^lsfc N. OldHWfojlr^Befe •■ 3( O r K: , .v- - LDufikjdng.cocke.r^lrrr^st.Bv. Davidson nOM^riglW^ci^tst arid s-peeial A. P^ Lister-, -2nd J.H.Howell. V RLister. *: Old-English pul\el^lst R. Davidson. t Indian- or Malaj^eock — Ist -A. J.'Hopsjon. 2nd F^nTaJt*- _ t "7 ." ] 'd ! lirafitn or Malay Men^-lst and special ate^ntP-g.adr^Crisp/^rd W. Beals. If Ipdian? Malay cockerel — Ist F. Tait,'2nd"S". C. Crisp. " ]/ lT^te<or3Malay pulletL-lst and 2nd j< PLYMOUTH; ROCK. n B"arrext cock — Ist S\ .OlliVer." '•' fßafftS ftl^W-ai&'fepedi&L S. Olliyer,£&wfeffs^.i;H*?ShepperdU t i > .: i>) Barred cqckerel— ?lst and 2nd S. OlliverfS 0 '- 5 sa " :: ' J :^'-^ y '^' <r> and 2nd S. Olliyer. I, White cock — Ist J. Cummins. KWKifelieri— 2nd S. Teedt - s 1 ! Wltxte millet-— lst anjl -3rd S. Teed, COAtMinsr "^;^: U" Xl . • -lUfccj osiHOfl'DAN^. 'if --• ' • • Pull4tsflgfe3lfeß^ s Sa%.r r . .i J WYANDOTTES. : (Mam~&SSm^st*%m& special E. E. Fromont, 3rd»j3 Ma!V£c©rackenv " ' Golden oqckerjpj— *»JstrF. J fl . Loveridge', Sndl'il^clller^aidiim^Miajidoe, h.c. W. ""albT^Baflatttyaeir—^ — • ■•«>*«-*•«"■ -- - ~ ■ Goldßn.,. ra^^tqrilst; ffnd> ft 3rdr? J. B. Kyd, 2n<l& 9Kpladyi<j fco«w :>« : : J SiJißep cqft^^l^t^W.rß, ,Bjckers ? 2nd H. Jr Strattdrd; 3rd ? F: J." iJOvferidge.. LStfecerjJienrsisfc^ajidL special F. n JW: Cone, 2nd A^Gxay-.-^- __ . Silver cockerel — Ist J. B. Kyd, 2nd F; W.^Cone. Silver pullet— lst F. W. f Cone, 2nd W. P. Bickers. White hen — Ist and special J. B. Kyd. White cockerel— lst J. B. Kyd,' 2nd and 3rd J. W. Berndtson. • White pullet— lst J. B. Kyd, 2nd and 3rd J. W. Berndtson. Any other variety cock— lst N. gi©Any other variety pullet — Ist N. Higgie. BRAHMAS. * Light cock— lst E. S. Allen, 2nd A. Kerr. Light hen — Ist A. Kerr. LANGSHANS. Black cock — Ist C. H. Burnett, 2nd Mrs J. Ramson. Black hen — Ist R. Davidson, 2nd E. H. Burnett, 3rd Mrs J. Ramson. Black cockerel — Ist and special C. H. Burnett. Black pullet— lst C. H. Burnett. ORPINGTONS. Black singlecomb cock — Ist and special S. Teed, 2nd W. Beals, 3rd J. McCracken. Black singlecomb hen — Ist A. Gray, 2nd S: Teed, 3rd C. L. Bridges. Black singlecomb cockerel — Ist It. Davidson, 2nd S. Teed. Black singlecomb pullet — Ist and 3rd S. Teed, 2nd S. C. Crisp. Black rosecomb pullet — Ist S. Teed. Buff singlecomb cock — Ist and special McEwen Bros. Buff singlecomb hen — Ist and 3rd McEwen Bros. Buff singlecomb cockerel — Ist McEwen Bros. Buff singlecomb pullet — Ist McEwen Bros., 2nd W- J- B. Paton. Buff rosecomb hen— lst N. Higgie. Buff rosecomb pullet — Ist N. Higgie. White hen— lst S. Teed. White cockerel— 2nd S. Teed. White pullet— lst S. Teed. 1 • CANARIES. Norwich clear yellow cock or hen — Ist S. Brooks. Norwich, yellow, ticked, marked, or variegated — Ist H. Y. McGahey. Norwich buff, ticked, marked, or variegated — Ist and championship of North Island S. Brooks, 2nd and reserve for championship K. L. Bethune. Norwich clear yellow-crested cock or hen — Ist and special F. W. H. Shepperd. Yorkshire, clear yellow, cock or hen — Ist and special R. Bayly. Cinnamon, clear buff, cock or hen — Ist and special S. Brooks. Any- other variety cock or hen — W. G. Goodwin. CAGE BIRDS. Any other variety British or foreign native bird — Ist and special R. Davidson. r ;: HAMBURG^ Golden pencilled cock— lst' and special J. W. Scandlyn, 2nd W. Patterson. Black cock — 2nd J. W. Scandlyn. BEST/ TRIOS. Any variety whole coloured clean legged — Ist J. Johnston, 2nd E. E. Froment, 3rd J. M. McCracken.

I Any variety marked, clean legged — Ist and special J. B. Kyd, 2nd J. Burnett. DUCKS. Rouen drake — Ist G. R. Croll. Rouen duek — Ist G. R. Croll. Rouen drake under 12 months — Ist G. R. Croll. Rouen duck under 12 months — Ist G. R. Croll. Pekin drake— lst H. J. Stratford, 2nd S. Olliver. Pekin drake under 12 months — Ist and 3rd G. J. Silcock, 2nd S. Olliver. Pekin duck under 12 months — Ist anrl special S. Olliver, 2nd G. J. Silcock, 3rd A. Kerr. , Indian runner drake — Ist A. J. Hopson, 2nd C. L. Burgess, 3rd T. Dowthwaite. Indian runner duek — Ist and 2nd W. G. Goodwin, 3rd C. L. Bridges. Indian runner drake tinder 12 months — Ist and special H. Maseman, 2nd A. J. Hopson, 3rd W. G. Goodwin. Indian runner drake under 12 ' months — Ist and 3rd T. Dowthwaito, : 2nd C. L. Bridges. Any otner variety drake — Ist J. J. 'Stagpoble. . SELLING CLASSES. Clean leg hen — Ist S. C. Crisp. Clean leg cockerel — Ist S. Wyllie, 2nd W. G. Goodson. Clean leg pullet— lst J. B. Kyd, 2nd S. C. Crisp. . Bantam cockerel — Ist and 2nd S Brooks. Best, red (bantam) clean leg — Ist H Russell, 2nd S. Wyllie, 3rd J. B. Kyd. MINORCAS. Black cockerel — Ist and special J. Coleman. Black pullet — Ist J. B: Kyd, 2nd J. Bennett. LEGHORNS. White cock— lst A. Mills, 2nd W. Beals. White hen — Ist W. G. Goodwin, 2nd A. Mills, 3rd G. E. J. Evans. White cockerel — Ist G. E. J. Evans, 2nd J. Johnston, 3rd W. Beals. White pullet— lst and 3rd G. E. J. Evans, 2nd J. Johnston. Brown cock — Ist S. Wyllie, 2nd J. Mynott. Brown hen — Ist and special W. Rigg 2nd J. Mynott. Brown cockerel — Ist S. Wyllie, 2nd E. S. Allen, 3rd McEwen Bros. Brown pullet — Ist W. Rigg, 2nd and 3rd J. Mynott. \ Buff cock — Ist J. Tippins, 2nd N. Higgie. Buff hen — Ist and 2nd J. Tippins, 3rd J. J. Thomason. Buff cockerel — Ist J. J. Thomason, 2nd and 3rd S. J. A. Hickling. Buff pullet — Ist and North Island championship S. J. A. Hickling, 2nd Mrs A. Cussen, 3rd J. Tippins. Any colour rosecomb cockerel — Ist J B. Kyd. American type white cock — Ist W. G. Goodwin, 2nd W. G. Silcock. American type white hen — Ist J. Goodwin. American type white cockerel — Ist H. Maseman, 2nd W. G. Goodwin, 3rd G. J. Silcock. American type white pullet — Ist "W. G. Goodwin, 2nd J. Goodwin, 3rd G. J. Silcock. BANTAMS. Game cock (black pr-brown red) — Ist J. Hurle, 2nd W. Beals. Game hen (black or brown red) — Ist J. Hurle, 2nd W. Beals. Game cockerel (black or brown red) — Ist and 2nd W. Beals. Game pullet (black or brown red) — Ist J. Hurle, 2nd W. Beals. Game (pile or duckwing) cock — Ist W. Beals. Ga,me (pile or duckwing) hen — Ist W. Beals. 1 Game old English hen-^-lst W. Beals. Game old English pullet — Ist W. Beals, 2nd R. Davidson. Game seabright (silver) cockerel — Ist Casey Bros. Game seabright silver pullet — Ist Casey Bros. Game' rosecomb, any colour cockerel — Ist and special Casey Bros., 2nd J. Jenkinson. ' Ganle rosecomb, any colour pullet — Ist Casey 8r05.,, 2nd J. Jenkinson. EGGS. Best dozen fowl (brown) — Ist Mrs J. Salt. Best dozen fowl (white) — Ist Mrs J Salt. PIGEONS. Carriers, English, any colour hen — Ist D. Burrell. Carriers, English, cock or hen (under 12 months)— lst D. Burrell. Dragoons, cock — Ist D. Burrell. Dragoons, hen— lst D. Burrell. Dragoons, cock or hen (under 12 months) — Ist and special — D. BurrelJ. Homers, show, cock — Ist J. Hurle. Homers, show, hen — Ist J. Hurle. Homers, working (blue), cock — Ist E. Ward, 2nd C. Dixon, 3rd J. Sparkes. Homers, working (blue), hen — Ist and special and Society's trophy for best working homer in show T. Francis, 2nd R. W. Dixon, 3rd R. \V. Dixon. Homers, blue chequered cock — Ist E. Ward, 2nd T. Francis, 3rd E. Shaw. Homers, blue chequered hen — Ist and special R. W. Dixon, 2nd T. Mack. Homers, working (red), cock — Ist W. Boulton. Homers, ! working, red chequered cock — Ist J. J. Stagpoole, 2nd J\ Francis. Homers, working, red chequered hen —Ist R. W. Dixon. Homers, working, any other colour cock— lst V. H. Beale, 2nd R. W. . Dixon. Homers, working, any other colour hen — Ist J. Sparkes, 2nd R. W. Dixon, 3rd C. Dixon. Homers, working, blue cock (under 12 months)— lst T. Francis, 2nd C Dixon, 3rd E. Ward. Homers, working, blue hen (undei 12 months)— lst R. W. Dixon, 2nd E. Ward, 3rd W. Boulton. . Homers, working, blue chequered cock (under 12 months) — Ist and special E. Ward, 2nd J. Sparkes, 3rd C. E. , Seabright. Homers, working, blue chequered hen (under 12 months)— lst R. W. Dixon, 2nd C. E. Seabright, 3rd V. H. Beale. Homers, working, red hen (under T2 months) — Ist C. Dixon. Homers, working, red chequered cock (under 12 months)— lst W. Boufton, 2 C. E. Seabright. ' Homers, working, any other colour cock (under 12 months) — Ist W. Boulton, 2nd It. W. Dixon, 3rd C. E. Sea bright. Homers, working, any other colour hen (under 12 months)— lst J. Sparkes. Cock, certificated to have flown 103 miles or over — Ist F. Francis. Hen, certificated to have flown 10.) miles or over— lst and special E. Ward.

Cock or hen, certificated to have flown 150 miles or over — Ist V. H. Beale, 2nd C. Dixon, 3rd G. A. Corney. Hen, certificated to have flown 150 miles or over — Ist E. Ward, 2nd R. W. Dixon. Cock, certificated to have flown 300 miles or over — Ist and 2nd R. W. Dixon, 3rd G. A. Corney. Hen, certificated to have flown 300 miles or over — Ist F. Francis, 2nd G. A. Corney, 3rd R. W. Dixon. Owl, English, any colour, cock — Ist J. Hurle. (■ . Magpies, black, cock — Ist and 2ni J. Hurle. Magpies, black, lien — Ist and 2nd J. Hurle. Magpies, red, cock — Ist and 2nd, J Hurle. Magpies, red, hen — Ist and 2nd J. Hurle. Magpies, any other colour, hen — Ist and 2nd J. Hurle. - Magpies, any colour, cock, under 12 months — Ist and 2nd J. Hurle. Magpies, any colour, hen, under '2 months — Ist and 2nd J. Hurle, Nuns, any colour, cock or hen — Ist and special S. Brooks. Nuns, any colour, cock or hen, under 12 months — Ist S. Brooks. Fantails, white, cock or hen — Ist and 3rd E. Shaw, 2nd S. Brooks. Fantails, any colour, cock or hen, under 12 months — Ist E. Shaw, 2nd S Brooks. Tumblers, short face, almond, cock — Ist J. Hurle. Tumblers, short face, almond, hen — Ist J. Hurle. Tumblers, short face, any other col our, cock — Ist J. Hurle. Tumblers, short face, any other colour, hen — Ist J. Hurle. Tumblers, long face, feather leg, whole colour, cock — Ist and 2nd S. Brooks. Tumblers, long face, feather leg, whole colour, hen — Ist S. Brooks. Tumblers, long face, feather leg, any other colour, cock — Ist J. Hurle, 2nd and 3rd S. Brooks. Tumblers, long face, feather leg, any other colour, hen — Ist and 2nd S. Brooks, 3rd J. Hurle. Tumblers, long face, feather leg, whole colour, cock, under 12 months — Ist and special S. Brooks, 2nd and 3rd Ji Hurle. Tumblers, long face, feather leg, whole colour, hen, under 12 months — Ist S. Brooks. Tumblers, long face, feather leg, any other colour, cock, under 12 months — Ist S. Brooks, 2nd J. Hurle. Tumblers, long face, feather ieg, any other colour, hen, under 12 months — Ist S. Brooks. Any other variety,, pure-bred, cock or lion — Ist and special and 2nd S. Brooks, 3rd W. Beal. Any other variety, pure-bred, cock or hen, under 12 months — Ist S. Brooks. Mr J. Hurle wins the special prizefor best pigeon in show.

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Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13484, 25 July 1907, Page 7

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PRIZE-LIST. Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13484, 25 July 1907, Page 7

PRIZE-LIST. Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13484, 25 July 1907, Page 7