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I /, Wanteds, &c. ■I -^ —^—- ; T* ACES at the Busy Cash Store, 3\ingJ.J street. Id, 2d, and 6d.. See them. j ' "DURLINGTON CLUB,' open from 10? " ' l J * * . [ JJ a.m. to 10 p.m. on Saturday and Mon-I ■ • - - day. Luncheon from 41 a.m. to 2 p.m Strawberries and Cream, Fruit Salad and ■ - % \ ! v - < Cream. _* 909 DON'T be dragged away from the fact \ , v - 'y v that Walter Scott's 'Smallgoods can't • • - ../-*.. '„<,-., be beat. s " £910 < „.-, ...;. > Kit) GLOVES at the Busy Cash Store, \ ; ■' ' ' King-street, 1/11 a pair. Newlot. , ', ",-,_./ WANTED,— Situation, as Cook.Jjy re- IB E A"O V ' ' spectable young womaft,' , country . ' ■'«•_ " "5» ■"'^ •■■■-„> preferred.— Address ""Frances," 'Herald - : - ' ; \^ ' •« Office^ t f904, - . _ * - -■•.'.>• WANTEP,— Two or three Boarderi, . ." .- " ■,■> -• i \ -' x . in private family, central, every r con- . , r .'•'_._ veniesice ; terms rroderate.— Apply Mrs <' , v - „ „. . \, < Frewiri, Waimanu, Gill-street, f9OS . ; % f npOYS^' TOYS! Cheapest prices in town. * . . '.' .*' J\.V ; ' '^ A JL/ Henrichs', Dresden^Piano Building, „'-'":, i Devon-street;" ' • ■ , -t^ r -. <>.j v ' •.*■'"'' v ~ ' ' N: > WANTED,— Small Furnished Cottage, & '.'•'" " '' * * "' " "'> or 3or 4 Furnished Rooms (near "'\' X ' "'" ' '* v ; V ■ -\ - *•: Jeach preferred), for a fortnight. \Vrite \ . ■■'' - f -..„■,,-, . ■ „«■ ,;. ' ; ( Jarticularsßox24,lngle\«!6oa. f8 x 3l '-' -„_,- { , I . ' , \ rHE^Busy Cash Store, 1 King street, is . ' ; . - , , . . s -. - \ . the' Store jjpwvtaptgto rndxrow. ' ' . ■. ' ■•„,.; ?i> ONLY. TaUor-made SJUJTS.' Samples " D A^—- -,■ , - . :.- J-^ at Clear-out Price.— Morey & Moore, :,■ - ' The Busy- Ca -ill Store, aving-sire^t. , . '„ f?01 ; Kinff-Btpeet/aB fall of ieady r tor nnOYSr "'mfecbanical ,and " 'Otherwise.- -in « wear goods. We liave jus; tie Ptno^^^^^s^" tln^ouw^ata^ less price Presents! See Henrichs U ***$"'*' " X variety at Dresden Piano Building. fekirtff, Jileuse^, ei'C, Prices will a'tonish youjor cheapness. ■ ete.,' : tioV sliC'wiiig fjr -^holiday I '- WANTED TO BUY,— A good' Tar- wear. -' . . _/.._ '," worth Boar about 12 months old.— ~ „, ■ " «a« .i) Mfl _. __. Apply, W. Sheffield,, nexV:i,; ; ' "ffwOl'ey & IVIOOPe. the school. ' ' • f892 tv . M j*'...;'.. ' • - ' w*^± >■ FOR your Xmas. Picniato be a success, ~ _ " . , - - you must have some of my lovety . - -„: . k , : : V small goods.--JVVa[ter_Scott : '•-* ': Want©3S, CtC^ . .-■ 117" ANTED, — Smart Boyi for office ttjrTmE Factory Ham; 8d; new 'season* 3 T* work, must be good at figures. Jr rurranf 4d • Whv -pty-more.?-r- / Apply Arch. Clark &' Sons, Ltd. - fS7B , * ' W^^zS WANTED, -A capable Girl fir House- ]^T"O mitter !— r Yon- can : buy J work'; -'small -family; one who can j_>j Clocks, and "Jewellery Irive preferred?— Apply- Mrs Sheffield, cheapsr at Lumsden's, Practical Watch-Frankley-road. rie.\t the school. -• A 2.92 maker. • J : '"• i - ; ; ■O,' f BIO HIEN^ICFIS', Dresden Piano Building, /TikRISTM AS Presets at Pnces to suit-y is s'elling^.Toys cheapest prices-, in %^J pockets at Henrichs', Dresden - tdwn Great slaughter. [ /Dll piano BaildTng'. De'von-atr^et, T '' ' T^ OR Pickled, Pork to cbolc with your T OVELY~~Titrkeys, X>n.cklthgV. Fowls, _ C; fowl for Xmas;. try Scott's. 'Phone iJLtf &z , tq>be'had at Sj^tt's Pork • 29.0.'. s%<\ _ ' "°- 'r','2^j_x S ' /ButQliery., Telephone 290?. ' TITANTEt(~oroWNr «Obo r Ac«ffl lo'rfy ARGE Pork 'Tie^J^Wtoi»#o^(o«fc--' ' .yV s^l^'*^*tl^as^ed ; good buildings jjl Tongue, J ""Pr4*R!d^'Bsef, ; Ham and. ind'fence^ c^eapasi propsri}Hti Taratjaki. chicken, &c, at Walter Sqntt's. y, A) . ' . . - ,-/v-— —-- thepldest established^Bussfc- ' \\. SPEClAL >[h\asS?3iske.— Th 6. famous V ' vas» in Tarauaki: .-tftd,we. v arfejgoiffg^s il>- BonaU:^,C»^r,;ifor If r^o- try strong avsver. . S>^'she SJgsaita^ . Coffiae favour: ground £&&^&¥^^\h :^&&&tW :ti ites. ': .^ ' T -, •■ Veale's:.7 ■j . .;.? ~- ," r f'- j%W WANTED KNOW^f.ffrl'SO. acre Farm, -[^ToWis your timcto'purbhase your Xmas , • well improved^ 50 acres oats and |>| jfewYesir prede its cheap:— -Call' on tnvnips; Qnly^l^ par acre-; good terms.— Bennett - ' ' -' ' • -'. Wilson &Kola^i.? *', -•' •' '' - : --*?, y ■- ~~ — *T^ — . ■ ,„ - -; r- J « = — : -^ ■ X>ARGAIN in House Property :— t xve-r A LARGE' assortment of gold and sily«r- Jj Roomed House.ohly 5 years old, new y mounted cigar and cigarette tubes— pa i n ted. 2 brick, chimneys; nicely planteo, amber and meerchaum. — J. Avery, Tobac- j ev2 j sec ti O n'; sunny side, close to bith>, ;bnist, Devcn-st. _• railway workshops; price /400, £150- cash, IF you want^jeal good Xmas. get some E. Griffiths & Co. j_^_ ___ __ of Scott^&'CodkeJ'gdQds; saves labour, a NOTHER Nibble:-Pafticularly chou c r^AVT^TT^TFxrHANr F —A Pood -"- Suburban Residiacs within ten juinVV A ,£ to EXCHA^OH, Agooa walko f p O3t Office; beautffni: view* > lanI an m % F U^i°NolT a °™ ~ - PP 7 SSv 5 roomed house (fust completed), bathJ at once, Wilson & Nojlan. t _ room pantiy> hot and col< a W ater, gas. full TRY AVERY'S if- real Briar Pipes ; also section ; bargain, at £625. Term. —E. a large assortment of gold and silver- Griffiths & Co. \ '' ' ' ffiS7 mounted p:p.l).'s:and Lpgwe's. in cases. i v^TATcTIES; clocks, 'jewellery -and - ANY Stock straying on' my land at-"VV electro-pla£er3/-m this "£' discount. Spotswood after this date will be ~J. Bennett, Jeweller. >','•* ' impounded. — W. Hj«Hplland. ■ f859 y^\.\K FRAMES, cheap, too. Newsline be A pbteined nt ]\ Avery 's^Tobaccon- .Vi at West & Sons, Painters. PaperX ist, Hfevoa^.? 1 ! eit dangers, and Picture Framer^. ' Johnson's high-class Pocket Cutlery. A c-ry- ANTED,— Man, of Married Coup!e, fine selection . _ t \\ to take charge of handy farm, 18 CJPLENDtD Presenls for Boys.— -A good co^.— Apply at once] E. J. Cartaew& Go. IP time-keeping watch for's3.— J. Avery 's I , ' ' ' \ - ■ • ~ < - ■ f902 Tobacconist, Devon^st. j TTTaNTED, • Tq relieve , farmers fronj TO~BeTeT, — Comfortable House, 6 YV anxiety regarding winter feeJ for rooms. 6a South Road.-Apply to J. Sto-k — Weatfield Turnip Manure never C. Davies,- Devon-st. fails. , '. m t NTc^Assortment of tobacco jars, "^""^ ,-„ ~ k " "~ : (Doulton ware), silver - mounted , pp O ji SSk\Q Sktld TO L«t. ci«ar and cigarette cases, pouclies, etc, at — ' ' - — <-V- „ •: . f Avery's, Devonlstrcet. V - • ' • J • Tj^Oß SALE, cheap - Mdnaf? bne- ); JL_L —^ : J} resisting-Safe, 3 months in use. 19& x ALU MINIUM Cooking Utensils: Stew 13 v x i2. Can be seen' at Hurle-s Cycle lIJL pans, saucepans, preserving pans, jjg ' t " v f Q»S billies etc-r-IL Ward & Co., The Cash *—-- — -—tt — — "7= 7"* Ironmongers ' £874 TjiDR S-VLE, -Good Cow. close ito profit. ' ' § _^__ |^ saitable for milk run. —Apply D. 1 CASH, LadWS' ".Featherweight" N^ A ., api> Hcnwood, Koad. f*?9 1.4J/ O Shoes;- elegant - and easy - just " ' — ,i no d^i Stanhope tfo^ay. :t ha thing for the summer -M'Ewen Br«. {T°^^^ nhS^laSS °%hLg<£*'s \ 1 : : lb/1 and back.'-.-FlD.'HqkUworth. ' - f^OO WANTED,'— A General Servant.— Mrs ~jy L - AC[^ ES Sabarban Land ; . beautii H. * Western, Vivian-street. fSIJ \jSj.Sj* f %l H v situated.; . mostly, level:; wel . t UrA'NTED'-Parfents to call T at Collier adapted for .sub-division'; cheap. ~,E^ T V and Colonial Piano Coy. for musical ' Carthew &Co -* :oys v ; large assortment., - . iB3l T7I3R S\LE by owner leaving New Zea- ■ "'" " . ' vj "w<\d —Three Farm* . of about. loo. WANTED- KNOWN, -We have just £ ' > l %£ 200 300 acres, suitable opened up a consignment of pianos fjr dair<an*. and fattening.— T.' L. Oliver, direct from London ; inspection invited.— « * , ' • e569 WANTED" KNOCWN. — Musical — : r- — : T 1 7T ro^rs metaVlpßhones, bagpipes. ,TT|ON'T par any-, more . banjos, howlers, horns, kazors. mouth -U but buy -5 acres ■ and a gpod 7-room iu etc.-coitoj^rtiupi-^co.^^^^^ss^^^sasr • A GREAT Inye^ntion.^the Tymaka Tie ' ■ eBl9 Frame saves tinie, profanity, and tie, __ OAT1? -„,,,.«.•«» e hon anA p ri ce Ji . s N s wZ«Jk^Clo*i ! .gFac i a^ JfRRS^K gRUJS^. StajM-d OKDERS taken for l^lack Currants and street East.— Apply Weston & Weston* Raspberries at M: Johrtston's, Devon-st. Solicitors, New Plymouth. ■' East andJVVest^ fB3S |rpQ L~ET,'cornerDeron-st aadi3rown-sc., TTT ANTED V kt 1 once; - 1 - FoiSr "Good X 6-Rodmed House, h. and c. water; gap, VV* ■ Labourers^ u*d to^cohcrete^ and etc.— Apply A, M. Williams,, Dentist, - earth workr.'-RnSsell & Son, St-'Auby^st., Egmoat-st. tS/y */.--. -,t .-.*% . «■ v iffi 2>2 > rr\O LET.^-Cottage in Courtenay-streer. gO7 T ?gjlpg.eili;s Store. . „. fSS2 L et ( — J. ae re .Section aqd/ Stables, TTT ANTED : KNOWN,-: That every 1- neat centre of tomu-Apply to Nejwton VY - season . £nds. Westfield . .Vlanures Ktrig.'-- ■•' '- -■ ■ - -. "4^ more than the p'recedW on'ft ' 'rrin LET,— Good Offices,^ situated in AVTPrn Farmers to learn- by Tx"( -1- Brougham-street ; well 'fioished and ANTED.— Farmers Who have^never" npo LET,— Rooms over the Union Bank used Westfield Manures, to ,give' -L of Australia.— Apply y io Weston and them, a trial. . , ;.. t «- .- Wesfon. .. ~ dfOO

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Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13356, 21 December 1906, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13356, 21 December 1906, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13356, 21 December 1906, Page 1