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Taranaki Herald. SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1906. TRADE WITH THE FAR EAST.

When Mr Seddon was in Sydney a few days ago he had an interview with the Japanese Consul, relative to the establishment of a direct ( steam service between New Zealand and the East. As a result of the interview it is proposed to establish a fortnightly service between this colony and Singapore, Hongkong, Java, and Japan. It would be an excellent thing to have such a service and perhaps, if it was persevered with, in 1 course of time a considerable trade might be built up, but we think the money it would cost might be more profitably expended in other directions. At present New Zealand has practically no market in those regions, the largest . customer being Hongkong, which in 1904 took about worth of our produce. On the other* hand, the colony imports fairly considerably from Japan\ Java> and the Philiptpines, and a direct service would no doubt result in our purchasing much *mbre from those countries .-"• 'New Zealand, however, does not 'want to 4 e al withl foreign countries, ' and it; 'iniposes' an extra -duty • on - certain,'. e,xpp.rts from other than British countries. Consequently it' seems a little- mr consistent to propose to subsidisea line of steamers to encourage trade with places from which, we so little cie'sire to buy that w<i impose lieavy duties on their goods. Of course many such inconsistencies can, be pointed out, elsewhere 'than inlSfew. Zealand.^.. Turbine^ steamers, cable services, fast trains, and so forth are " established £obbrink0 bbrinkg k countries , into closer, touch and encourage . intercommunication ; natural barrlgr^are^ver^me, and artificial ones," in ' the shape of Customs tarifis o >/are deviled^ -and erected ,to diseQ,tisage^trade and intercommunication. That, however, by the way. ..We were referring to the Premier's suggestion of a fortnightly service > with the East, and remarked- that 1 a better : .use might be made, of the colony's money than on the doubtful experiment of building up a trade where Mr Gow, who visited the East on behalf of the Government a few years ago, reported that there was little hope ol establishing a trade. As for Japan, he said, it would be pure waste of time and money to try and find a market there. There is, we imagine, a far was little hope of establishing a trade with Canada, and money would fae better spent in -that direction, than , the other. ' But, after all, it seems rather an,absurdity to be worrying about transporting our produce to all, the corners of the earth, while many of ouf producers lack the facilities for carrying their f . produce from their iarms to ,the railway or the sea-coast. ' The sheep farmer and the dairy farmer in ' the back blocks, who have to pack their wool and -butter many moles over rough; bush tracks, would derive immensely greater benefit from a metalled road or a railway between their farms and their port j than from a subsidised steam service with Japan or Hongkong. While they remain isolated and handicapped. by want of, roads it seems to savour rather of rubbing it in" to tell them a new. market is being sought for, their produce in the Far East. If New Zealand opened her ports there would tie no lack of' vessels commg from all parta of the world to trade. As our ports are not open, and as we do not intend to rei move the Customs restrictions, it appears a little inconsistent to try and nullify this disability of foreign trade by siibsidising steam services to .foreign countries.

Miss Smith forwards a parcel 'of "Books for Bushnien/\ *•'.": - - Jackets and costumes for the cold winter weatlier are advertised by &• B. White and Sons iiv this issue. Captain Edwin wired at 12.45 p.m. : : —Strong winds to gale from between* north-east anti* north and west after 20 hours ' from* now. Glass fall, tides high, sea,heayy, rain probable. The Education Board has accepted the tender R. W. Bond for the erection f of the New Plymouth Technical School. The amount of the contract t is- £3442> ; The ' Board still has to find apparatus,, etc. v „ -, The young man Hamsntonld, lulled by being ,r>un oyer by a, train at Hunte'rville, Was in' partnership with his breather as proprietor of the Hunterville Hotel. tiEfc was single mild very popular in the district. , - - Gisborne has - . booiked . I$MK i of space in Chris facWircli B«h2bttiatf buildings," audTauirai^a iws "asked for 500 ft. to display its resources. A-Wai-kato court *df 120&t. hss been arranged for jointly by Cambridge; Hamilton, Te Araha, and Waitii. Tenders are invited u£> to the 'ithi . prox, for the purchase of the stock- _, iu-tnvdo amd working plant of the " tJcemier S«tore, Gysunako. lately in v the occupation of Bang Chong t: Co.. ' Further particulars will be found on refei«en<oe to the advertisement appearing, in this' is&ue. „ . , rAxrangemenfts in cotneaeotion with tl^e " Fifetoy 'FiiAe 'Brigade' bail ate now well aidvfanccJd, ' oM this popular fixture,' falling on 'at , public holiday, shtAild be a most pratfau-nced s,ucccss. Apart frc^Dx'.tne fact ..ifosrt' •faha cause shauld.meetwlth universal support a mtost enjoyioibl'e ov.eistT)(g J © «n<t.eirtainment ishould prove highly attractive. 'At ihe ooncltision of a charge of robbery at the Suprcpne Court, jAjuckhxjffld, in tvinioih' the jury \vithaut retiring returned a verdict of uotgjuilty, :Mr Justice fEdwards said : "If the .Grand' Jury had takcA my advice a-nd t/hro,\itn out ' tlio case it would have saved the Gourt a good deal of of time and tsb© country a considor- v a\»lo amount of . es-peise." Mr Tole (Crown Prosecutor) reimarKed: A 1 tliink it is time the Gramd Jury w,a» abolishod." ■giihe euchre' party 'aad dance held 'in St. , Joseph's schoolroom cm Friday"* evening was ,anc*thcr successful ing, tl^e -^ttgndance nulmibering . a^ ou * 50 " The ladies" prize 'was earned off by Mrs Ji #l' Russell, with-Miss Potier second.. .Messrs iArthur Carter and P ; . Sarik'of contested- the" final for thegentlemem's pri2c,r]VXr,. Carter .win-ning. ■$he services in Qp^^'treet Church td-oworrofw will be "conducted by ; the Rev. ' John Nixon. , FitziK>y (School Anniversary) a t'3''an^7 p.m., Mesatß Bellringerraiia Upton. >\ ~ " \ In titiother.riioiunmiMt Kiag.^ a'divertiaeB a special ; snipnaeini of Basio Slag awl impro-vied r kiainit, which' ■ ii , particularly " racom'men'ded 'fof topdressing Old, or, in Jaci,' 1 wherever ; a -growth of grass is req.uir©ti. Basic . Slag. * is rapidly, growing in favour, ;aaiid when used w^th fcadnit is said to gW splendid resiilts/fth'e comibination of. phosphates and potash being just what is required on our light Taran&ka! soil. -To obtain the ibWt teSulttS^se manures should be aplilied m ttv 66 * 1 ? 7 winter so that they may :reciev#t . the full tbenefit'of the',wihte»r rainsi \ . , Recently «th© Qrattd. Priory, of the Girder of St. Jdfrn of .J-eiiasalem ('Amibujanoe Assio<4ation!). a^eteted a bronze, medal >to Porter Bd,wai^d Jas. iMcGlnri, of the New -'Zealainid Railway Senvice. On the 3rd July "last, -.when . a train w,as .appr^a'ching. i^kekohe - station, an elderly man named Rich-^ ,ard Cliffoitd was , ' Observed *on ; the railway .traok on vMch stbes -train was*; The stationmaster arid o-tHiers called out to him warning him of his danger, but he, i>eing soniewhat 'deaf, did' not hoar them. McGian, seeing the immment! peril in which. Clifford was; ran to rescue him.- Seizing-. him in hi* arms he rolled b'wr on <tfce xoiujgh scoria of the railway track, just as thi,. train cam© 'thundering down *he- line. So narx-ow - was -tho ' escape, -.lifata&i'. H>h*o train actually struck CJaßof&a f00t,,, fortunately without htu-ting bit*. What^ maKlc McGinn's plucky. a;ctio!n more meritorious was tihat Ac 'had hardly, recovered from the -effects of a broken

arm. _•'••; - * . lAt the Supreme -Court, Auckland, William Suvit/h and Alice .Simon,, who. had been .living together, pleaded . guilty to breaking and entering a shiop, and stealing, among other things, 84 farthings.- Smith was founldguilty on Wo Otlicr~cEargos of attempting .to maim, disarm,' or disable or do actnial bodily feagm "id Constable Cappel, ariad further that he intended to do actual bodily <haum by discharging a loaded revolver. Smith was touted '-not guilty'- O n~*h»--ananu-charge of attempted •m.ußder The evidence sihowed tbat on -March last, Smith a-nd Siinoin broke onto; a sihop in 'Auckland, and on leaving it,, Constable Cappt^and a watebwaanam-, ed Robert .White. hap/pened to be walk- : ing along the/ foo^m-tih. .^Tihe constable grabbled * at, but mis&ed «nuth, and a pursuit took place- Smith 1 fired twice at OappeH, who was missed, and eventually secured the prisoner!- The latter declared he iiad no intention of harming the constable. For breaking .and entering ; 'a jseatenco of two years' <har;c] •la : boxir was imposed on-'S(mifch, and on other charges 'he was sentenced to ten years, sentences to ,be= concurrent. The woman Simon, <\Vho (hod avidcicl justice; byl confession, was admitted to probation for two years.

Loss ' of" sleep often" cauSeS^ HfcH-* 1 * ache. Tate' Steams' Headache Cure, whioKuot only cures the acfiej, ( -iS g ac refreshing as a night's restf f or 4 "tinY relief it' bring« rests tortuwid nerves.. . ' ••■ -, r ?

Mrs S. Steffenspn anil Mrs Turton forward parcels of "Books for Bushmen." The Weber County Council is using burnt papa for road-making at an average cost of about 5s per yui-'d.

The box plan . for the T© Rangi Pai song recital will be open to-axignt at the Dresden .Rooms from 7 to 9.

The glass was good all over the colony this . morning: Locally it stood at 30.37, and tho ttin\puraturo wus 53deg. in .tho"Bln»ie.

The talk of the town is the Riachafoite Concert on Tuesday evening next. Good programme, good performers and enthusiastic workers means a record attendance. The public should not niiss this- chance of a splendid evening's entgrtain>nyent..

•At tlxe Magistrate's Court, Napier, 'John ILkvihcison (an ecc-jjoliceman) was cbarg-ed with having, at ' Tikbtino, ow A2>ri] 29th, broken and entered the stoare* cif ' Bniost Oswald Roach with intent to commit a crime; been, fouml by night' armed with a pistol with intesrt to commit a crime!; anxl been in unlawful possession of an intetruaroeint of housebreaking, nam-ely, a picklock key/ Prisoner pleaded guilty and, was committted to the Saipreane Court for sentence. ,

Mr Mcln-tyre, travelling Oommisgio^ ncr for the N.Z. Exhibition, told a HcrrJd mno^er it that, he has< little dotufcrt but what thaAucklaftj.a.Covrt will beouD of the finest 'on. view at Ohristchureh. He , says,, it v -wouldn b© a^ veiy alroAsji&h'ted and ,Uinwifiiej proceeding for Taranefln tq lag ' behind other pnrts of 'New/ Zealand. "Why, you can't afford to stay out.," heremarlvfed, '"when you. colder that all the exhibits will be viewed by two million people/

'A.s tho express . from Taihaipe to Bhmterville pulled up at Bosher's, a siding -between Taihape and UtikAi on Friday morning, the fly-wheel of a 12 •h.p. engine at Bright and Carter's sawmill, running at full speed-, blew to pieces, and a fragment struck . tho mill engine-driver, „ Harrison, on thie back of the head. Those stteawjing on the platforms of the carriages saw the man fall, and the. train stopped •while they got him aboard. He was iafeen to Sfangaweka awi a 'doctor wired for, who met him at <the sst- r tion. It was >a mar,vel he was not killed, for portions of the wheel flew right past the -breast bench 1 . As it ■was, he received a vasty soalp woulnd some two inches long, which bled a great, deal. He was driven .to his •home at Mangaweka by. the doctor, on arrival of the train. Jt was very ludky the accidert. happen!?d at the exact time it did, . or he ,would- have had to be taken to Tai'hape which would have meant longer time - and Worse travelling • than- by train l to"" Mwigarxekeu-rrA UQraespoaAJentfc*;* m-. -•■ ;

Messrs' Morey and' Son advertise -children's apparel.' The -prices should appeal to heads of families,. .■. ' *

{Ambulance.— LaJdies'' Class- meets in Council Chambers bn TUESDAY eveining, 7.30 sha»p.?-b754

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Bibliographic details

Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13174, 26 May 1906, Page 4

Word Count

Taranaki Herald. SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1906. TRADE WITH THE FAR EAST. Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13174, 26 May 1906, Page 4

Taranaki Herald. SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1906. TRADE WITH THE FAR EAST. Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13174, 26 May 1906, Page 4