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Taranaki Herald. SATURDAY, MAY, 5, 1906.

Sixteen Chinese arri\ ed in New Zea-

land during March, and lliree left. ]NTe\v Zealand is declared by Gazetiy to be free from swine fever. -The revenue from the Lake \\ ak<atii>u steamer servioe lasftyear \\as £5986, and -the e-xpenditure £5227.

Messrs Gilmour and Pattie report the sale of the property known as Rogers', on the corner of Eliot and Pendam'es Street.

Tenders are invited by Mr Frank M'esseag-er for installing the electric light in the New Plymouth Hospital and tho OM People's Hcaii'e.

Mr R. G. Knouiles told his Gisb6rne audience that iMrs Hoiw-ie,, the well -Jin own singer, \vas as well and favourably Ivnown to thj -stfca^tJ and concert platform in London as she was known socially amongst them at Gisboi-ne— her home. • Messrs G. and J. Carry will pve a concert in St. Mary's (Schoolroom onWednesday evening next, when n. pro; gramme including violin i^&is ov Mr J. Garry will be given. M^j J. (larvy has just finished a tqur .with J. C\ Williamson's Opera Compai^y. *» The rat%JaVy>ers of %c Barrett Roadt Boaid district are evidontly satisfied) that the J^dtnfnistration of the funds is in good hgpttdsj for only or t\\ q ptit in an appearance for the annual 1 tn/ceting on Friday. Th-oßoar^dl \\ill J jjrobably call a meeting for next month. *" tit D'Liding^the fistiaig seM|gon *22,14!0" trout are known to liava been caught at Ro-torua, the aggregate ing; 57,32S pounds. This quantity is three limes greater 'than the season two years ago, and ono-third rnorji? than last \ season. >»,■ Spfeid'id fish have fceen ( caught hi. Lake;' L Taara>v)era tbwards the close of the seasonl .

Tli'o Jjocal sypdibate : wliioh' -is seeking ■to.':;'testVthc r aurilerpus: obluntrys in tlie Kaitaite Ranges expect thei ■: result n't the ! analyses of- \ spe^ijnienis '■ short ly. Very little Avork" hsis 'been donie so far, and operations Avail be practically suspended during tWe winter A resumption wiljl be made .al^out Octo-. ber next.vv.^..f^---|J,r:^ ' ■ : ] '';' ' A poll was talteii: at' Jn.v'ercar'gill' on Friday on a p&tditioii >for the reinstatement of rating on the value "to let," in lieu of .rating on/. thieS unimproved v-alucAof- land in InAMTcargjll, which was earned inl9ol~ "by; a anajovity ol '2V2, the fig-tires being: 3.86 for, L7 ; J against. Tlie majority •fprcbhtinuance was 162, the yotiaag ; being ; 462 against 300. Prairie value 'tiierefbret stands. The ".state of^ the Cutfield Boad was the {subject of a raWpayer.'s 1 complaint to the Barrett Road Boaxd on Fri-

day. *He wrote that the road was beconidng overgrown with .lupins, and appeared to be x a general repository for old tims and ruKbish of all descriptions.. TJbee Bciar^ seenied to think hb was equally blaanew6r»tihy, and has served him "with a notice to clear noxious weeds .from' "the xoad adjoining, the propertry% also' pomting out that the control of th« road,- as a boundary, i<s ointler the control of the Borough' Cpuucili ■/ ■;• ''-\ .-"'*' '■ y : *'*y, ■■; ; .

There was a good attenidaiiice of sharehbiders at the Equitable Society's ballot' an^ sale by t«eriidter 'bmd B in the . Town Hall on Friday evenitfg> Mr Stanley Bhaw presi&ng. ballot of two appro'pria'taons of $I[9Q each, in, the first group, went to jaumber^Ols (the first marMe^drasvn), Ji*ld by Mr J. H. Bentley. Having ihfrre than one share Mr Bentley iie&es both approtpriations. Mr Ewiwg drjew the marble and Messrs H. Okey and P. Hopkins acted .-as scrutdneers.. Two approprfetions of v £150 each in • ihe second - group were offered by tenidter, one appropriation realising £31 j/<> and th-e other £29. The latter 'tender being for two approtsriatioms, has the right of taking the next fipt

available £150.

During tibe present month, says jthc Church News; vestriies' airad- chujpch committees will . be considering M& qiiestrono'f their olerg.yimen^ stojpend [for the coming year. We would^ venture to reanind them once tnore of the greatly, increased cost of the provision's needed by their vi,oar and his family. A stipend which wafe 1 an adeqjuate ten years, ago is not - adeqjuate now. As a rule the clergytman does not feoT the increase in n , Jhousei !rent, but ho feels every other riisa in the prices • of the -necessaries- ooff f li&> r; T}i ie,.;Qomniumty is much more w i eal | tiiy and prosperous, than, it used tabe.; should,, not these two facts* be borne in mind when the guarantee i coin'es to be signed ?.

Loss oi sleep often causes headache. Take Steams' Headache Cure, whiefc not only cures the ache, but is as refreshing as a night's rest for "the relief it bring* rests tortured n«r-

The- Opunake, Eire. Brigade^ has disbanded.' '

iA't a meieting of Scotsmen decided' to form a ialedonian Society in Wellington.

:':>.--a?hV.-femperature this morning was. i 47 deg. in the shade, and the barometrical reading 30.20. The plgK^oJiool has closed for the usual three weeks' vacation at the end o^tfej? term. Capta-m^Edwrn %,ired at 12.40 j).m. : —Moderate to strong Svesteily winds. 'Glass 'rise,' tides moderate, sea moderate, indications for frost to-night. Mr White, driver of thu Opunake mail coach, informs that tho rLcipuae Hill is now in good order, and the metalling should be finished today. The 'Council 4 deserves every credit for the manner in which they have pushed on the work.

The Sunday School Anniversary services in connection with the Queenstreet Omirch'will be held to-morrow. RtJv. T. H. Lyon, of Stratford, will preach morning, afternoon, and _ ovening. Special hymns will be sung by the scholars. The personnel of ' t»he Boyal Commission which is to enquire into the Te Aute Native Educatidij Endowment' is as follows :— District, JwJg 8 Kettle (chairman), Messrs \A. W. Hogg. M.H.R., 11. Lee, chairman oi the Wellington Education Board, <aiMt A. T. Ngata, M.H.R. The Oamaru Borotigh Council has agreed to l the 'estimates of revenue and expenditure; providing for the same rates as last year. At the v same time pco vision > lias boen nrade foi\a largely" increased, f expenditure on town maintenantfe/ ' ofreivenue from license fees^ is; abbut £681. A painftfl accident befell Ma-s J. 0. Davies- -last I ' evening- 1 : She was en1 deavauring to chain up a dog-, when tji^animia; frisking about, knocked! h^s[ do.wnj.ta. small bank, the result being 1 -a 'fractured leg. Mrs Bavies 1 . was ' £(ti""ltbur^# pain before being covered, 'jfhe Kinli was set and she is doiag-^laitjly well..

Oftin^ t8 a typographical ■error, the safe? of-Mr'H. Huthnance lias Wen advertised for Monday, 9th May, whereas' 'ft should have read' Wednesday,-; 9th May. Farmers and others interested- ;are asked to kindly >note that Wednesday next is the day of tlie 'feaie.' r^ One^^i *ikte , finest- of ihe * series.,:, oi municipal concerts was the concluding perfornia | n*e r ofc the jVEKtary (Town) Band'on Friday evening, /Bandmaster -Garry and Ma' well-trailed instrumentalists acquitting, themselves mostl credita^lyr in' ..'■ a^unijbiar, of first-rate selections J' Despite ilia cold weathoE " there was a fairish crowd at the -reserve; ': ; *' ; ' "■• •■■ ' ' .■■■ ;" ' V V . '' ■ The following 'programme will be playedf a-frthe last of Ivhe Minnicipal concerts on Monday Esplanade r^-Marchy 'TJodaunited " (J. H. Slartohaus) ; selection, "I/Etoile \du Kofe { (^eyerbeer) ;. valse, ; "Blue Danube" .! ( Jahann, Straus?) •; barn* dance, vo>al 'Happy IGoons" (^J. Ebherton) > match, 'Good Lucik" .;;,(}J«. Greenwood) : waltz, "Sweetheart of Mine" ( J. H. Robinson) ; m^j "Rabins a rldee" (NeidJhardt) ,; ''Gm Save the "Kvag." ' ' "An"- ; wire states :— ln ths course of an .interview with a Herald reporter on board the Sierra, n,Ool. Kitchener ■(bt'Oiher of Lord K-rtcbener, who <has been in New Zealand for some trme^said*^'l^hear^thart General BaMngton intends returning Homo &i soon as his present term of office expires, and maybe, I shall come back to New Zealand." The reporter asked if he meant that he would come back as Commandant of the New Zealand; forces. Cob Kitcbener rep-lied, -"I dp not say that, feu* Wtioh a thing is not beyond /tha bounds 'of^sibiKty. If I corn© - back^ I iwiU i advocate my scheme^^of defence) jn the hope that New Zealand 'will^alve 1 ' the: X . way .for .■ the Mo^fJSOattnt^ 1 I^'-i .;■■ ;+; + j& -3ate||?ting' iim^ tjras spent by, the lafge niMnber of persons who attended the Euchre Party^ held on Fri-, day eveni#;{^ * M^st End Schoolroom, in aid of-,the Park funds. The ladies' prized went toMiss Aiiisworth^and Miss.C,_ .Kelly, in. t order, after playing off with aiiss r Li. Bayly ; %c w^ere^ .secured by Mr H^lnlsh^^ %■ Veale (second) af^er; a^lay : off, each having ...l4,;. games, to credijb. ! An excellent supper Was served, and the gathering was voted "to be a tnoroughly enjoyable one. The prizes: were presented by Mrs Dowling,: to whom a vote of thanks was accordfid, on the motion of Mr Tiscb. On ; Mir Browne's initiative a similar vote was passed, to the Committee. ,The prizes "w^ donated Iby "Mrs Johnson, Messrs G. Comey, Francis, atid -Murphy, and to these the Committee return than**; also to the Sisters of "the (Mission for loan Off tea urns, to Mr field* ior loan of chairs, to the Theatre Company for (donation of *-Bs,' land, to the Recreation Sports Garounds Committee for offer of use of tables at any time. The' Rev. T. G. Brobk« will the preacher at "Wihiteley Memorial <sh!urolil to-mOrrow Vi At .the evening^?riv**s he will commence a series of to young men and. young womew, and will* continue therif on the first 1 Swnr <Jay evening of each mowth. The sutH ject for : l^e first of -the series wSI *W men to the rescue, or a. nation sav^a'by its you^g 'roeni''H^AJvt. Our new white shirts are here, and we have them from 3s 6d at "The Ka>h/* laundry people say they like handling bur shirts, because they launder so .well, and, they ..handle a lot^6ff4|^.|t hel^;f Inugness about the; fit of tnaim. you &>nH find in every f shirt.—- Advt. -.-, ,;

It is stated that the Maori .Confer-. «nee held last week at Papawai, near Grey town, ! was favourably impressed, with the Government proposal to Who surplus native lands to the Europeans.

The, Railway - Department, with a view, to strengthening the r rolling, stock, is calling for alternative tenders for the supply pf tweuty locomo.tive«. They Syill be bf the largest iKize, a id capable of doing either ex^ press or freight work.

The Auckland police fox*ce includes Mcivor .■(chaitnpian anratour niiddleweight of kW Zealand), Burko (the chamjiioa amateur lu'avynve%ht> of New Zealand^, and lllingwoi-th (formerly of the Black Watch and at Magersfontein, when his .' regiment was cut \ip, and- Colonel Wauchope killed).

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Bibliographic details

Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13156, 5 May 1906, Page 4

Word Count

Taranaki Herald. SATURDAY, MAY, 5, 1906. Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13156, 5 May 1906, Page 4

Taranaki Herald. SATURDAY, MAY, 5, 1906. Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13156, 5 May 1906, Page 4