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The Garrison Band will play several selections in Devon Street-^ to-night. General- Stoessel, 1 the defender of Port Arthur; is suffering frorn^ paralysis of the side. x In response ■) to the appeal of the trustees of the Tarncll, Orphans' House < we %aye. ' to - acknowledge receipt of a generous donation ,of £10 from Mr C. W. Gpvett. . A young man named William \\Wtphal, who was found behaving in an eccentric manner with a carbine in a street, at -.Blenheim, was sentenced- to three"* months' harcllabour. - >-^k The Crystal Palace Exhibition, ,at which New. Zealand had a good display, was visjted by l ? 2l9,000 people. The High Congri^isjsioner, Mr Wl PReeves, is having a permanent court fitted: up. Messrs Lincoln and Evans, who have purchased the business of. .the A.B.C. Root Cby., and J:'K. Chattertpn, announce Si large ' Clearing sale prior to re-Vt6cldhg.' "Buyer's should find this a suitable time to make their purchases. Mr G." Tisoh, a candidate for the Taranaki.^ seat, announe^ that he -will address^. , the jelectois at Bell Block Hall on Tuesday^ October 3rd, Upland Rcjad School, -Wlnesday, Oetobet 4th, and~Egmont Road School on Thursday, Octfßber sthJljiK . The September Review .• of Reviews, - just to hand, is a splendid compilation. Se%m6r /Smith^conchiVles Kis interesting Series/, of particles on "New Guinea." An illustrated article 'pn "Commercial Motor Vehicles": gives a go6A insight into ! the way in which motor vehicles are taking thd place of horse vehicles. The inteteviewa for the month include one > with Mr John ' Bfoljies.s/ o^^Hififftohj on tye New Zealand, gra&ng system, and others witbMr J. ,C. Watson; the leader of the Labotir Party hi the Federal Parliament, and. Mr Mac Lean, (.who give their views; ' necessarily , diverse, upon the « Union Label. Thfe character sketch of tne ■month is' upon M. Rouvier, the new French' Premier, and is [alone worth the price of the.magaf£ne.* The glimpse which the ; Review 'of Reviews ' gives of the, current.thought of work! is a specially 'interesting .see&bjt. * Horses clajm ,a large share oB at-tention-in tW;pri2*Jlist of;*tne'Mana--watrrShowatPalmcrston North to be held%NpveS?er;ist; 2nid_, 3rd. -The division ' is th'orou'gW representative of all classes arid VP«zes ramge from £1 to £10. In th<j hackf classes a number of the fir§t^ prizes range to the value of £5, aift|~ for draughts. . some £1$ is devoted to the v age stallio», besides' -&eril^s:a^oi!t points prize in ' this 'division * of £25. Tfce iotaO^b)^ °* mone y axntontats-to the fatuShaSSe sum lof £375. There are a"- %^'riumber'A oi }&s*& Hunters' Competitions, also 'distributed over .the-, three, days. of the Show, for wnich prize money amounting to £I*7B has been reserved. As the closing date for entries ' will' soon he at hand horse* owners shkxuld wo* neglect to make early 'arrangements for ttteir entries, arid a free prize '.Ist < ***-** obtained 1 from" tHe ■ Secretary* ~ ■E»J7< Box 85, Palmerston North. - v -.jv VW^ A:BAFIUKEIinnNB FOB CHTLDChamßerlatn's, Cough .Remedy is a safe medicmei^lt-always cureg, and as not only safeV'tfut pleasant to take. Eor 4 Bale by Veale-and -Ohatterton.r- AJvt. v

The potato blight has made its appearance in several crops at WangnnIn this issue Messrs Nolan Tonksj and Co. advertise entries for their Spring Horse Fair. . Mr Newton Ring's- .Stony, River horse fair advertised for Monday next, has been postponed to a later dalje owing to insufficient entries. -* 7 .Messrs Okey, Son, and Arnold have an interesting exhibit of replated table ware in. their main window. Orders can be left -with tnem. Anyone interested lin this , cure should write to the Specialists of the Institute, Sydney, and they, will receive all. information by return of post. On the 28th =Sept^mber> in the Supreme: Court, o^n the motioii of Mr Qmlliani (Govett and Qiulliam), probate of the will of the late itfrs Ellen Fennell was granted. Captain Edwin wired at noon today :— Strong wind to gale from_ between north and"* west and south-west after 16 hours from now, with glasg falling, tides high, sea heavy. Indications for rain. At the euchre tournament nek? in St.. Joseph's School room on Thursday evening the \ winners were : Ladies' prize, Mrs H, N. Goldwater ; gentlemen's, Mr Blewman; "booby" prizes, Miss Jackson ami 31 r B." Stannering. An old-established blacksmith shop, with tools, in Devon Street is advertised for lease with immediate possession. Being centrally ' situated and in the main thoroughfare this should prove a good opening to: anyone ifl-searchofa-good blacksmithincr business. . a The ; New=ZesJaßd'Acconntants and Auditors Association {reg.) intimates that the annual examinations in connection with the Association ; will be held throughout the colony on November2oth next. The examinations are the Fellows', f Associates', and Students' graces, and ire available to members of either sex ; as a matteE of fact, there are sever*! lady mehibers who have already qualified by examination. Intending candidates may procure/copies of syllabus/past ex^ animation papers, arid other particulars from the Registrar 6t *h*erAssociation, Mr J. H. Mackie, ; Auckland, or Mx:K p. Coridll, being *he representative in this centre. Applications must reach the Registrar noi later than Saturday, October "sist. .. At the present time, . m exchange says, negotiations are proceediiig be the Government of New^Stof Wales j*nd ri^^P^fea^^^jfiiy^ capitalists ; with a view of the extensive oil-shale deposits cf that Sta<4 Many "cf the aricfeer^BcoW shale seams are now exhausted The remainder are definitely ascertained so that there is^Aot likely 'Ho^oiany^ consiiJerable increase, of British P roduction. Shale mining^oiice a «r) ishia^ industry in New South Wales was practically killed by the diseoverv of great oilfields;- yielding nifiiral^oiij m Borneo, Baku, and Texas, llntthl last year or two there hasten a marked decrease in tte^r}^ .^ ducti^tt of natural oiL ? Ev& in America the only State whwK showed an increase tvas Texas. With a^grad-i ually declining output and no new discoveries, the oil industry is actno^dge^ to be in an -itns^afetor^ condifconj and it is notorious that the agents of the Standard Oil Trust have been scouring; the wbrld/or some tm:e with the view of acquiring new fields, but so far with Jittle success The result of this is renewed attention being devoted to oil-shale, i^etone i s approaching when ihe shale depositsA of New Zealand will b - efipi'ne a national asset of great vaiue A powerful machine for heavy cutting ;ig, the New McCormick Big 4 Grass, Mowgr. Agent, Newton TtfnV New Plymouth. *' CURE FOR Kh«ujnatism is due to excess o f Uric Acid in the blood, /mm Hob acid escapes through tie pores of the skm, i t often P cs, instead of through natural channels, it results in itching ttiseasesJ like Jiczema ,pr Tetter, Rbeumatism, acute an^cnjfdnic, Gout, Sciatica, Bladder irritatibn, Chalky Formation pf the joints, and > otter deadly ailments -Ihfe symptoms of the body show that tne. membranes, muscles, 1 tissue^ and nerves become greatly feverish and hot, with ntetSdening pain the nervous system breaking downredute,ng the sufferer td a state of mfeety, the acid poison penetrates the joints dryinig up the natural oils T£3M/ S* B *** formation which stiffens the^jomts ' geaerally , - an a the anns and B^gers become stiffened and SSST'SSI^ atteaid^ rtfr Pain. Recently |fr Boulden, of Camberwell Victoria, was cured \ xfi rheutoatism which he suffered for years, j by the Specialists of the Freeman and Wai lace Institute, Sydney, who have a certain cure for it provided j their in stwctions 0a& foUofwfed; Any refer ence to this patient will fee replied t< by him*. > Rheumatism ctm be cax« u^^'J cojnj>!ete change in th< Modn, by whicK-the acids 6re natural ised and the blood purified. AH of the^elbourne Glothirig Oora pany*s suits are made according t their own specifications. That's wh they have that made-to-order >tyle-i attributes smart dressers admire--\vh-they fit so admirably— why they bay a smart style-swing that's -otall lacking in ordinary-made clothing. Th new single-breasted models, with hig out fly-front vests have taken 01 Come and see them. No one pressed t buy.—&dvt. ;

Mrs It. HV Mace .forwards a parcel vi "Books for Bushmen." Two Chinese were fined CSO each and two £10 each at Auckland for having or smoking opium. . The A.M.1?.-- -Society requires th-jj services of a "first-class canvassing a-g-ent for New Plymouth and district. . The- 'formaHaying of the foundation stone of the "Exhibition Buildings al.a 1 . Christchurch will take p*a« o on December 16th. Messrs Bewley and Griffiths have been appointed sole Taranaki agents for the Alfa-Laval Separators, from whom all parts can be obtained. A handsome monument which ha liccua erected on the *■ I'aie Dun liono's grave at Tooting boars. «th.; in&cripi.lon: <e iletc sleeps tho King of* Laughter-makers/ Newfoundland is about to send to the English n.arUefc an experimental shipment or whale flesh, which is said lo ta.«**e like venison. The price will b-s about 2 id por Yb. -• The electoral roll for the Taranaki Electorate is now ready, and on and after Monday -npx-t copies can be obtained from any of tho Post offices in 'the district^" ' y It will be seen by advertisement in another column that Mr J. G. Woolley will visit New Plymouth shortly. AFr Woollcy's name is a household word in America amonsr political and social reformers. " / The services in Queen Street Church to-morrow will be as follows :—Morning at 11, Bey. H. DanieJ j evening, tit 7, Rev. John Nixon. f At the' evenfng service 31 r Sharp wyiU sing ">Jazireth." / Tn 1855, fifty years, ago, the regular ministrations of_ the Church of England were establi'ihed at Bell- Block, when Bishop Selwyn appointed Mr Woolaston-to t^ike charge of tiio district. Mr Wo*>laston is still living, and is now Resident in Melbourne. The Auckland Peace Association has aassed a / resolution disapproving of the celebration of the Trafalgar Centenary '/»s an act of discourtesy towards ftwo friendly nations, and. ,'the Association protests against the. use oi celebrations which promulgate misteikjenVand pernicious principles. The . barometer ' reaidings { j were) generally a little better this morning, ranging from ' 29.93 in. j at Russell to 29.58 in. at Dunedin, New \ Pfymouthl being 29.8Qin. Eoujgh seasJj prjevai^ed on the West / Coasts j moderate to smooth on the east. . The temperature at !Ne\vPlymp\rth . &f 9 a.m>, was 54 : ?-S ■■■.;' ■■ ■'■■■ :' "Tire diimer provided by Mr Ted Whittle, licensee of the Uedy House JTot<?l f ,on. the> occasion of the" Association: fdotball gathering on Thiirsiday evening gave complete satisfaction to everyone. The table was well laid an^d dec'Qrajfceiijf; awi the J edibles i su,pj>lied "all that could Jbe desire^, while the 'waiting //was* «tientivei/.' m^/U 1 ■■ At Auckland on Fiidtiy Robert CJoodison was fined £10 f.nd costs, or, in .clefault,'- v ak ? mdhth's . jrri^risonmsnt, for haying liroken^ the conditions of tl c" pa .;kett license of the coastal Bteametvljdtiti, of wluoh ho was formt;riy" a steward, by selling liquor whi?3 the 'vessel 'was attached to iho wharf atWaiirii- ■n.iW^'y , '" '• ;■ ■'■ ■ On 1 "Thursday evening next a. conversazione will be held in Bell Block fiall^onVbehalf of^theviund for the builcj^ng pf a new vestry on to St. Luke's Church in the township. Several friends from to\vn have kiudly promised to assist with the musical programme. A bus will leave town at 7 tp^m., returning imm.ec3iately af- = ter the .conversazione. Mr Chew Ghong, who recently returned! from a visit to his native couiitryi brought ' barik j with him a .quantity of Chinese fancy goads, and also some Chinese Vegetable gelatine, some of wMdE he has left jat this office for sampling. A 'quarter of an ounce of this makes about a xjuart of jelly, which; sweetened , and flavonired to tastei makes an exceedingly nice I'dishV,^';" ' . . ■'• " : -. ; '' ■. .' ■ •'■ Mr C ; yE. Bellringer continues the election campaign next weok. speaking on Monday at Westown, at- Warea on Tuesday, at, Okato on Wedhcsday, at Oakura on Thursday, and Omata on | Friday. The chair : wilF. be tal<en each evening at 8 o'clpck. The following week Mr Bellringer will be at Bell Block, Pungarehu, Rahbtu, and Tataraimaka. In reply to; a deputation whicli waited on him , ai Christchurch the Premier said no interest was displayed in tin* Sputa African steamer service until now, and he was very loth.. €o let it drop. If representations werp made to , the (government on the lines suggested ■ , -Jtig , . v depn tat ion they woiiia" be only ipdVglacl to approacti the Company for' a renewal on anew basis. , ;'..' At a meeting of the Auckland Edu cai'onal Institute, a discussion aros ( concerning the payment- of the experi ses. of transit when teachers are trans ferrtd from, one district to another The Jfollbwmg motion was Carried :- "That . ; it be a remit to the annua conference of the New Zealand .TCduca tional Institute that the Departmen Toe asked to pay the travelling expfen ses of teachers incurred during transil and that a be placed on the Es timoie^ for this purpose." <• _ Shareholders' of the Equitable Build 5 ing Society will note that subscrif 1 tionswift be payable at the .Society' office, Currie-«treet, on Monday, b< • tween the hours of 9 a.m. to 12.3 > p.m., 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m., and 7 p.m to 9 p.m.~-Advt.

I Tlu> Wanganui electoral roll contains 7199 names, as against 5908 in 1902. 'lyti<i Napier Telegraph remarks :—'.lt: — '.It is } said that members of a certain football team who were victorious in a jmatch on Saturday not ■ a very grdat distance from Napier gave a Celjestial fruit-selier V warm time on Saiurday ; evening in their endeavours to 1 array him with their colours "just for luck." . T|he '-V s potato crop at Qnehurig-ai threatens to become almost a total failure this season (says the Auckland} . Herald ) . Al though spraying seems to have worked fairly satisfactorily in a. few instances, , m the majority of cases it' has failed. Several of fthe larger growers have ... indulged in ionsjderabje spraying on up-to-date m^hpids, /bxit \lvave» not boon able to cope with the scourge. 6n Sunday (says the Naseby paper) a lady and gentleman from the country visited the Cemetery to place some flowers on. their child's grave. After doing so they took g walk round* ; the ground,' and on returning to- the grave found that the flowers had been stolen. The only other visitors in the Cemetery at the time were so|ne girls- who were; olh enough to jhaVe known .t hat} .their action would! | cause pain to the friends who placed tho flowers there. ■ The Defence f Department has issued an! order that in all cases where Volunteers, while in attaining . camp, become sick, or « are injured while porfbrining some military duty, they are to- be shown on the parade state as "sick!" In every cas,e a medical certificate that the Volunteer was unable to! attend, parades, by reason of sickness or injury caused by, or received on, military duty, must accompany the parade states oh which hie is shown as sick. Capitation in such cases will be allowed. $everal cyclists rose in ! their wrath at the ''good! roads meeting" () at Ohristchurch and denounced the prevalent custom: of dealing gently with bicycle ' thieves. "If a man steal's a horse valued at about five bob a leg he gets two years, but if he steals a bicycle worth £20, what is the res-Ut?" said one speaker. "Probation," answered a voice! from the pit. Them away from the 'back a deep, stentorian voice clove the momentary stillness, : "I'd hang him !" it declared, with blood-curdling ferocity, ringing in every accent, and the theatre) rocfkedj \vith merriment. ':-;- ' - ; A young; Aucklander who- is now i making a trip thrbugh the Friendly Islands writes that in company withj two { others he borrowed a sailing , Boat at Vayau and visited one of ihej noted caves. It ■'■ was, he says, .a.j grand sight, the cave being big enough for the ship to -float in, if she could be got through the. entrance. Inside, the cave is the most brilliant coloiiring^ f almost every -colour, and all around the walls, which are . ofj hardirock,! 'are painted Snathes, chiefly those of Swedish and Norwegian sailors, -i some of them dated 1663. - • When a ■divorce ciase was ddsposed 1 of at Wanganui, defendant said "I must say that your 'honour is very Inased."! "Arrest that man/ - ordered the Chief Jaistice, who remarJsed : "I will not , have the > Cotirt insulted *>y hlackguar^s like you." The , offender was taken, down to the cells, where he remained till the business of the Court was concluded: He was then brought up and aSked he shotdd not be i committed! fei}* contempt of] Court. He . Rxnrossed , pontfition, and said that he had spoken in the heat of -the moment. Hisl ' Honor addressed ; to; Lim som3 words of advice, told him to keep away from liqiuor, which had apparently influenced him, and allowed him to depart. The following gems are excerpted from Professor Frank Parsons' (ofBoston, U.S.A.) book entitled " The Story of' New Zealand." He says:--"About' 'half-way (from San Francisco) we cross the , equator, and the needle of 6'ur compass turns towards the South Pole '"Also 'Among the curiosities- of the animal kingdom there are several that interest the traveller in New Zealand. Imagine a land crab that- climbs trees Tor a living. He devotes himself to the cpcoanut palm ; climbs to the top of the tallest, detaches the juicy nvt is, letting them fall to, the ground, and then comes jdbwn to eat them at his leisure at the foot" of the palm." This is indeed a story, about New Viealand; a harsher term might even be applied. Whiteley Churchj/Sunday , October 1 , Preacher, Rev. J. ]*§■: Buttle. Subjec ts : Morning, "Undying Kenown ;" evening, r *■;' 'The-. ■ Jleligious Movement at Waihi;" Holy Communion. Strangers heartily welcomed.— Advt. For Bronchial Coughs ta«e Woor 1 ■> ' zreat Peppermint Cure. Is 6d. ■

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Taranaki Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 12975, 30 September 1905, Page 4

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Untitled Taranaki Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 12975, 30 September 1905, Page 4

Untitled Taranaki Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 12975, 30 September 1905, Page 4