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VIOLET ASSERTS HERSELF, Mrs Richardson never paid Violet her promised visit, for Mrs Mencke 'realized almost immediately that something was very wrong about her young sistexy who appeared [strangely listless and unhappy, and" she often found her in tears. "This will never do," the worldly woman said, with an energy and decision that governed all her movements. "I'm not going to have Violet moping about like a silly, love-sick damsel !" And after a hasty consultation with the family physician, with scarsely a day's warning, she" whisked her off to Saratoga, where j she engaged rooms at the Grand j Union for two months, and when Mrs Richardson called to see her recent patient, she found the elegant at Auburn Avenue tlosed and not ascertain whither the Menckes had gone. , The change proved to be very beneficial. S aratoga, was, of course, very gay ; there was a constantstant" round of pleasure into which Violet was at once drawn for MrvS Mencke was a great lover of society, and she soon became interested as any young girl naturally would under the same circumstances. There was no more moping — there were no more tears ; Violet gave herself up, with true girlish abandon, to the allurements that presented themselves v on every side, became a ,great favourite among the guests of the large hotel, grew round, rosy, happy, and more beautiful than eber. much to the satisfacytion of her sister, who congratulated herself that the 'beggarly young carpenter" was entirely forgotten. Two months were. spent at this fashionable resort, then six weeks more were occupied in visiting other places of interest, and when they returned to Cincinnati, about the middle of September, Violet seemed entirely herself once more ; she was full of life and spirits, the old light of mischief arid happiness danced in her beautiful eyes, while she . was planning for and looking forward to the coming season- with all the zeal and- enthusiasm of a young debutante. ■ " The day following their arrival, at home Violet ■ came in from a' round of calls that she had been making, and, feeling to weary to go up to her room just then, she i threw herself into a comfortable : chair chair in the library, and, toojk up a paper that lay on the table.* , Almost the first . words . that caught her eye, and .sent a thrill of horror through her, were these : \ "DIED— -On the 12th instant, at j her home, No. Hughes Street, j Mary Ida Richardson, aged 48 years and 9 months. Funeral from her late residence, the 14th, at 2 o'clock p.m." A cry of pain broke from Violet as she read this. Her dear, kind friend dead ! Gone away out of the world into eternity, and she would never see her again ! , _ It did seem possible ; she could not believe it. Poor Wallace, too ! j how desolate he would be ! And, ' bowing her face upon hei: hands, the young girl sobbed as if her heart" was broken.

i All at once* however, she started !to her feet. The fact that this was the 14th" . had suddenly, forced itself Upon. her. The -paper -was two days old. Glancing at the clock she .saw that it was half-past twelve ; but she might be in time "for the last sad -services for the dead if she , should hasten. Mrs Mencke was out, as usual, and Violet was glad of it, for she knew that, she would oppose.. and might even flatly forbid her go- . ing. Hastening to her room, sm exchanged her elaborate visiting" costume for a simple black cashmere, tore a bright feather from a ;black ' hat, drew a pair of black gloves,' and thirty minutes later was in the street again. She hailed the first car that came , in sight, . and even though she was obliged to take a'second car, she reached Hughes Street about , twenty minutes of two. . ' . As she entered the home . the Richardsons she was', met by s a kind-looking woman, a neighbour, . whom she Jiad seen once or -twice - during her illness, and with, aquivering lip she begged that she / might go into the parlour by her- : self and take a look at her friend before the people began Nto gather. Permission was readily given to her, the woman herself 'leading the ' way, and considerably shutting the door so that she might be by herself, .as she took her last look' of the dear friend who had been so 1 kind to heir. . ' Mrs Richardson must have died, suddenly, she thought, for she was not changed in the. least, and lay as if calmly asleep.' There was , nothing; ghastly or unpleasant, about -her. A look of peace and rest was on the sweet face. Her hairhad been dressed jUst as' she was in the habit of wearing it, and a mass of soft" lace had. been filled > into the front of her dress,, while t some one had placed a few sprays < of .mignonette and lillies of the yal-. ley in her; still hands. "Oh, dear Mrs, Richardson, you. ~ cannot be dead !": Violet breathed, as she bent .over her with stream- _ ing eyes.-, "It' is too, too sacT;* you were so kind, and I had \earn- ; ed to love you so dearly. What will Wallace "do ? How can he bear it ?" She smooythed her soft- hair with her trembling fingers, never thinking of shrinking from the still cold form,, for it was so lifelike. She • drew the lace a little closer about the neck, and, arranged the flowers less stifly in her hands, murmuring fond words and tender regrets while thus engaged. \ :• But, after a' few moments, over--come with her grief, she seated herself upon a low ottoman behind the casket, and leaned her head against it, weeping silently, f . , She was so absorbed by her sorrow that -she did not liear the door as it was softfyapened and" closed again, and was not conscious thatany one else was in the room, until" she .heard a deep, heart-broken sob, and a familiar voice break forth in the agonized cry : "Mother S.oh 7 mother!" Then she realized that Wallace way/ there, and^ her heart forth to him in loving sympathy, for she -knew that he had lost the only near friend that he had in the world. • She did not move for a* few moments, however, for she felt' that that his grief was too deep and sacred to be disturbed ;. but after a little he grew more calm, and then she said, in a low, tremulous tone : "Wallace, I am. so grieved." . Ue started, and turned his pale face "toward her. , • . "Violet !" he exclaimed, astonished. "Yes," she said. "I only came yesterday, and by the ' merest chance read the - news of this today. Oh, Wallace, she >was a dear, dear woman !" » (To be Continued). Spectacles, to suit all sights in steel, nickle, rolled gold, or solid gold frames from . 2/6 per pair, and oculist's prescriptions made up at reasonable prices at J. H, Parker's Optician, next Railway Crossing, Devon-street, New Plymouth.* •' For Bronchial Cough, take Woods' Great Peppermint Cure, 1/6 and 2/ft everywhere. * * '

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Taranaki Herald, Volume L, Issue 12276, 8 June 1903, Page 6

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CHAPTER V. Taranaki Herald, Volume L, Issue 12276, 8 June 1903, Page 6

CHAPTER V. Taranaki Herald, Volume L, Issue 12276, 8 June 1903, Page 6