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*9 1 --IshA -J lh II*I A I s •2ft . - • '• ■ , © g jv •• • • . ® 1 .^He Stouts of Workers in Different Avocations. % @ . Tho trouble's of tlic workers have, of recent years, been brought to mind more JjJ, J% -Vivutly than ever by newspaper agitation and legislative action, and much has been ?^ '^l-'^oiir to .lighten 'them. Bjit the articles which we print below show that in many :®- r-u.W so«.iefchiiig more t%!all legislation is needed to ensure happiness. In these «5 y3 «itiok's. ► i'lfflictions common to leorkers are described from actual observation, together \Z wiili nn ncconnt of the^cure of these ailments by means of I Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. 8 *? SCIATieyBRED. INpENZA&JHEUMATISM. BENERALJEBILITY. g £ 6*td9^k%£XK£ Z Shipwright j&fiK *£& « S *?fr ;; oS^^^t^ 0 S^^^t^^ lei^ien^Srle: „* o^anMe « ?A Life. Chr»tjri>ch!- When Interviewed she said:- Uanger. O f Gloucester, Eng- C} -J2 1 fonitHtt thi>-*ub]6et of »h eb^ofeiurf ' -U. ftbmysXen joyed excellent health land. He came to New Zealand about ?± \d M.rtutl,. imlilwltad.% iteChrWthurcl, .tthfil ago when I was twenty-two years ago and took up his %S ol 1.,,nut0,, Turn** M>. Bobort Th&in .s pro9%ted .by a serious illness, which abode at Lyttleton. where be has since L J %J% J wlu'ii iiuiMlmnud iaid — rendered nic practically an invalid for resided, being employed aa a shipwright ? t •%©• ' nSnt^ jeaniof aße,a,d.a ß e,a,d. throe years. , *l became susceptible to by the Harbour Board He enjoyed -jg g* u iy IksVg«.deD« naturally ox- attecßs of influenza and rheumatism, fairly good health until about two JQ wtwne* RoSddaal to Ihe wind a^l- arid the made me so weak years ago, when he met with a serious sk S0 w«. unU I «»ft«n have to dig in d-mfc ftnd miserable that I was scarcely fit accident. A smaU boat he was in. CM trmmA The resKlt' of thi* 'wastlat tor anytßing. The aching pams of collided with a tug. The boat was ■X nun. vwirmtiw Wheii-liVitein Auc^- rheumatism came in myarms.shoulders smashed, and Mr. Page wa3 so injured £k @ |»,..l I ,v )W out*«lay^d^nlyafflicU^ and ankles, and at times I could that he had to lay up for nine months 17^ CSk with .•xcrucMtins pains in tlte M*»fcf vscaroejy Jilt my arms. General de- Although he partly recovered from the L* H-und Wthifc <lue loViatica. I criil biUty set in and I lost flesh greatly, accident his nerves were unstrung 7 C © hLmhl in «Jony My wife thqu^bji > I Foi4eaft I did^ot know what it was and he felt extremely weak. lie could % 7 Ck iJiomentlfd. A siilful doctor ' *** to have; a* night's good rest. I tried not get about, und it was evident he L\ %?'lv sent for but dWpi|4' various treatments for my complaints, was in a bad way. When interviewed -? k W r »nl • md «uSic batterS ISk bul? without result, and hearing that about the matter he said — k 5 S K ° k Pills for Pal « "Previous to my accident I had $k *&? 111 Tnwrito und exttWiJiPeopie "Had .been beneficial in such suffered from biliousness and the af tor- 7t © ZX7& SgS k? Subse^Siy :jmm\ l-DegaTtakinj ; them. Before of influenza, and as I had g 7*. flim .J(H-to»*tre;iteaiue 'tKetflllrwJ long I improved considerably, and was derived great benefit from Or L« ® S; ft^Silkli- ablftosl^pwell. After taking three Williams' Pink Pills for Pale FvupJ,, g © liAl '»»» they- proved" worthle^, l 1 felt much stronger. My on that occasion, I decided to sHjyf » Sk ILkit hwndreda of 'pounaa'*ith<mb, appetite returned and the rheumatic they would remove my nerve troubleß » §5 £h iainc 3- and IvXa SyJ4 pLt^s almost left me. A few more and debility. Three boxes improved 7jL Wft thii iliitth v»oUid rolease A«. >S&«* boxes completely cured me, and lam me wonderfully, and nine boxes coto- JP Sfc eiubL inflnllwi^T«y-irtfyWP<#l "^ » stron 8 ** d ye .» !T er ' ?^ tel / me : MAM A T Vt ' 8 - fe c 9 *R i«p'tb try Of *WiU&iM* -Hhi SmU. Whenever the strain of nursing tires been toned-up and my blood enriched; X 'V% To in? OTlrniiw me, I have only to take a few of Dr. I have now a good appetite. sleep well. JP *£' Hbi. mih ltMwiaect and I fAt strong ir. to f»el bright and happy again. I wife has also been cured of debility by X kS i .-ontiniiml Wifti the Pilfe until er^y will rtfeommend this wonderful mcdi- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which I cpn- W S iru;i?U.»i of feft me. I liajre cine whenever opportunity ofFers, for sider an excellent tonic for all who are. A Xk.Kl iUiuHn all weathciresju^a-.d I. can speak with assurance of its weak and ailing. I shall never fail X h.<w Lad uo rtrturn of>y Curative virtues." to recommend them. «g ® o r ly.ut^J^'m i Afflwtmmw ywm Met /MfflK **' """IT* *?* Fi i u S 0 for Pal, Proklfare peninne . //f/D^WIJLLtAMS 9 18// A"" * rat * ed *aU cl ™ eS #" !££ G* / ,>/u// uanu % prUt e d f/J4// ' |M/( M' ihe wa * in «*«*■<*«¥ fi «« JC S « '«•«•* •»• «* pi**'o*&de Hffll IlllllTM iBIVI """* P aral * H '> tocomotor Ok JR «.,« p p,r Th^ are *ojd ' ijf [M ■■ WMlllV* \W\W a ' <m '°' rheumatism > «**«??« Qk ?P *k*mixt* *•& *to r ekeejler,, and H||;l HBP^ll{ O fe. lUIVV «!*<> diseases arising from im- © *r'^ Or. n'ititant,* 'tf«fos»« \\%A 11 , J*ltfEtf _ Y^\ X P° verisAment °f the bload >< ?2 rk c« 9 ir*tnw»»: .it- fa box, 'w<i\ tBHs vhm ' tcr °f ula > er if si P ela5 > earl y dec m<w Q* *%x hortt ink. part fr*. t • ' \ r TMk ! SBBL/ hysteria, ladieS ailments, *tq. Q

OPUNAKE RACING CJiUB, > HACKISsEIINgv , To be, held on. the> Racecourse; nt PIHAMA, on WEDNJj^DAY, Ist JANUARY. 1902. President: R. HEH E Nolan, Esq. Vice- ■ Presidents : S. JB, Oorrigan, "ft. Tindle, J. R. Stewart, Dy. Uarfoll. . T. O'Connor, E. O'Meara, add M.. Fraser, Esqrs. Judge': A. ; *«V.'. Bridge, Esq. Starter : -Mr R. 18. - Mcßae. Clerk of Scales :. Jttr J . lombie. Handicapper ■* Mr J . E, Henrys, Timekeeper:^ G. H« Gibson. Stewgrds : Messrs Js M; - Hickey. J. Xainbiey- A'. -Good,- -A; Clarke, M. Callander, Jt MSden.hal'. M. Praser, G. inewsham-,. D. Carroll, C. E. Bryce, J. McDavitt,; If. Finn, and J. Guy. , " PROGRAMME. Xi 13 noon— Handicap Hurdles, ol; 40 sots ; second horse to feceiye . 5 aoys from the stakes;. l£ milts: over six flights of hurdles, 3f£-«G. in high. Nomination. 15s, accei>- \ tance 20s. * 3 12.30 p. nx.— Flying Handicap, •«. '35 soys ; second horse, tp receive 5 soys from the stafe'es r 6< fur-, longs. Nomination * 15s, acceptance 15s. ' ,0. 1 p.m.— Farmers^ Plate, of 2» soys ; second horee to receive 8 aovs from the stakes ; 1 rmilo Open to all horses- that are not nominated for any other, race at meeting, and have never started in any fitce, Farmers' j - Plates excepted, ami winner of those barred. Welter weight f or age ; gentlemen riders.. .^Entrance j 530S • - :• ' •' I 4 ; 2 .p.m.—OpiinaTce - 3&acU»g Club j Handicap, of 10Q soys: secon L horse to' receive 20 sov»?frbm .the stakes ; li -miles. iNominatiuu 30s, acceptance 4fts- '. \ * '.^ soys; 4 furlonjgs. Weight Bst. Operf to lioraßsr < fehat'haw- *ot woTa race;«f #^r Bes«lp^ion#t time of- sttrting^^Enfirtoce 30sf c. 3-15 p.m^-Welter - Handicap, :cl * 8S sova^f second horse tp reoei 1 * 5 soyiT from the stakes^ ;-7 fnrlong# Mninfanrani weight, 'Bst Tlb f Nomination 10W, <tcceptanfe ,208. j 7. 4ii jn.— New Year Stakes^ai&di- j . ' " cap. of 4a feovs ; s^ond^hoWilo >' receive 5 soys, Mr' th4F staki»7 i'inile- Nominai^fn 15s, acce^t- / f once 20s. <•-' ,' J \ - -„ " >■ ' ' 8. 4L30 J p.m.— 'Pinai .Stakes of 25 ' novs ; &' furlongs.; weirfit 9st. | Op^t to all hoftes that^Jfave not won a race to the jralue of 25 * floys or ovet. ffinnqt of Electric j , "Stakes to ca^ry a -ftenalty of 14 - * Jhs. Entrance, 3w ' * ' ' M jj? i>A.TES OF. JJOTINATIONS, ACOTPTANCEsCaNP GENERAI* -J i ENTRIESwT WEDNESBXY, 4ih DEbEMBER, at '•' ' 8 p.m.. - x Nbminations.— Handicap Hurdl '.a, t PlyjJJg Handicap; Opunake Racin? . CIUH Handicap,. Welter Handicap, ftnd New Year Handicap. fe , -SATURDAY, 14th BECEMBER. x Weights for above races will be published. MONDAY, 23rd DECEMBER/" at 8 p.m. - Acceptances. — HandicapVHurdle.^,. Flying Handicap* Opunake Racing, Club Handicai , y and - New Yea*, Stakes Handicap. ' , /- . Entrances.—Farmers' Plate, Eleit.' trie Stakes, and Final Stakes.. Telegraph Office' closes #,t-s_p.m. , , PENAmiEs.. .; ' Thje winner of iriy Flit Raiceaft'jc f-xtblication of weigfits';,to carry a • lOEbs' penalty, and» of every additional race, 7lbs extra, in all Flat Hau<Aica,pa. The winner of any Hurdle Race, alter -publications of weights to/car-. ry a lOlbs penalty in the Hurdle Race. Owners, are responsible for, all penalties. (See Rule 33.) ' RULES AND~REGULATIONSf Every entry must state the natue or assumed name ,. of the .owner or owners, the name, age, pedigree, aud description of the horse, dol.ours of the rider; and.-mosj be r »;jaccottipan^ed . by< ail neces#a«y, fftw. > ':< ' HACK means h? horse that has never won an advertised race, and is not nominated a£ the time. of nstait , lor any race (Hadk and Huhter R.«.(v- ■ es excopted), nor has At time of nomination won a race of the value oi 80 soys, or races of the collect*ivo value of 150 soys sinco Ist of . August, 1890. Owners starting any horse not - eligible under the above rule will be liable to a' penalty of £50, in addition to diequaliflcatioaQr All races to be run Boeder the N<j.v ' Zealand Rules of Racing. OEO. Wi ROGERS, Hon. Secretary. approved by the Taranakl Metropolitan Club.*-MussQU Fleetwood, #9cret*ry.

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 11818, 16 November 1901, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 11818, 16 November 1901, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 11818, 16 November 1901, Page 4