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The Sand Pump Question.

THE PUMP 7 TO BE LIFTED AND ' ?0 , ;.;. . -, ■-. --. BTOREIX*^ v SrStrvlaffftrchant; the Consulting En- . gineett to the Harbour Board, repor- ,; tted^alrthe meeting on. Fridaj'.iundei* „-i.jJaJteidOlctQber 24;, that he Jiad taken the sand .pump, in hand and had, ,af- - .'tft^^ ft,--; few." -initial difflcurties, got ft' M .-»tjo £rsi r.doss running order, and latter;- that he handed the control of the pump over to Mi* Parr... He set , pegs itq- m.easurQ^ iLhQ dischptrgei of .•am}. After two hp.ur.?.' stoady.pumpl A ingjiiihe -measured results^and;. found ' that s th*e average rate of discharge of . , tS© ~,!?ejy jheavy irpjuaawdb jnight ' be ,'foken a£t 4P tl cub\c^ardSian ,h.PV r - J A , c9^fc%al)Jepei;Qentage, of ntJio lighter " " sand Was' washed away by the^dojwn' fflf&iiiPfo-^ftt 81 ? fftrf° the-Jbgaoh 4^ . was thus lost to record, : Ho, consid- . esed that, 60 yaras" an^Hour , might be ' Attained . .He 1 concluded 7 , tha4| , punlp., woked a* .well .%s ( any sand . pjmSßscould d0 f *,ax) 4 there, was. nd dJ mcttrty I .pr;dp*er /I management, in j JfCtting ""gobd tdsults ' out . at- %t . THe/ cost of r working, the .pump waa,abotffr ) •"-'«4*a'W; and it"& hours^ rpua^plrig,gas .done ithe cpstp^cubja^ard of ! ' d^feebjergeo: jrolwd "V" 4u. i> ? l fiis o wj^* more" ,tsCan .QFedg^ng 1 floating' -pla«C::iii€'Ttalcing}ifai tS \J»«sitfeFatio6^weights blithe lriat" .joriaJL'deal^' w!lK;)the r Axed sand pump. 'dio?the^rf®cb#®;rto the floW tag ■ dreagc. ' Mr ~ Pariv the engiiieel 1 -" in chaT-ge'^oft'tiid putnpl reported thair t arrayed ,Q« lO«tpber1 O«tpber .^^Lftndvstt rti^^work, itboj>ump on.OctpJ}ec 2^2. ■<er ' pumping two hours ithftv fjr«a .Jlj»ip»^urnt^puWj r He «sortetl *he , -g«^iw^;qn rl^t^rrA4 4 ;H«3gkye „"„ j^qjwarsi^^achij^ay's. { In ■ °fywj*^°^ * e jf;^ted / watcithe. : p^esient ■ 1 '"Jp^^G^f re - Q^ite' ~ ln^vfflCienti Jfor ' supplying steam to the ,p,\impmg |en- - ';s/Tl»^^Llr^uilsaid th>«e hod .Keen '.«,., gTOLtr accumuto.u6n or sand- tiis- . - c^mdUviii theTdfsconnected . »»ipc ' ii&fr*tti& cattle wharf, Tanfl^t; had 1 extended outwards, along,', the/ shel- . tefr^I 'jMti;t qf the, harbour- ThVsanrf 'Mt& 'acpUmulktihg: so rapidly, thaf, v :i Vi& u, ; 'v6ry serjoujs in^tqiSj anaf it ; V#as"iidvis&blß: to ppqj' decide M h^ L^ther tfije} pit>e..shdjUd, J B6 ai»y, Jqiiger "di|p6nnec.te : 6;.y l The ll aver^^infcre;a.s« J> 6fTWHi l d over; the' wh,ojp r ' ivits - *bput 18 inches: ' ?^ - :' ;";/," J 'f "- -?m^]pufc W.Jkfr v Connett; MiL . flarr' • MBSSd^Wk iityP'tfms' } &&a *£ 1 ! I ' '.tSßßVßr' ''ifiuch 'i^eiP'^pjuldi US 3 • ; -^i3tft|pWb^urffiias^r' rep^aiedf 1 hat- 1 ' -" 'thSaiwwEfgo' depth in^;the hwrbouVr vas- 1 itbout'^he same, anu r tnsv tno"uoa ijn£ di*dg* jgag^ftolduig ■JWH.-iK ' • fp^fidiw'licD^hcP^aind p-umftWe. pte' 'mj&Jisted^thQ tii- : more sand be pumped '-into* tno - ha^--■'btturi.*;He "dotaOed tHe I * soundings-•»tdßierf-ToM variou»-> &nyh\ - tKte resutt ■ jti6wsti{* o> 'considerable Hs'e in vhk 1 Mr Sarten said Mr Bell's "refiort ' sttoply-lefti them-" wherS thejr> wfere, . md' itHexpressW nU defto'fte^foiotf.^ . Be 'questioned' • / Capt&itf » oll6od'6 l && ■ aries^i aay ing 'hcor'Bimsclf ■; Had' tdken tibundings, which he detailed '4x>'the Board. He-auggested that the Har- . |>ji^iri«tjgf «*r' > )hiiA - to jnisJ^ taking ithfc soundings; , XJhaiEman ; JSVhat is yqur 5 SS-- " *^ttt *Sar ! teuf: i^o show that theaand jEß\not «?big *ou£ ,intq the harbour;^ •twfi'Ccoiiiing- inshore. ' " ' Tuk ijhrice said he had been , pfeeent '"W^en^Mr Sarteh's soundings were ' taJira, •eiid'he co'ula' corciborate | Mr' Sarteh's statement. //He,,, did ;not "thfnk; the. sand; was going' back. } ' Hfr i H^ett- paid' He' had r alsbj beeW toHhT^akwafer £h'6 previqjls aayT Wd'helWaaTßtiihviiicdd' Ca^fcainHdod's : figures' wdre correct; J - pe' wa?,' Jpre«entr^tt! a conversation. \ between t the Cwhi^*eyrepea6^ftb *via& Mqsfrd), and We -tsßugfi.t the BoarU'>hould aee^^at^its officers, wer^. 1 protected froiri-iffiults^^sUßhy^^Ga^ptafli Hood, htttf '■kt i! MrfSia^i^ii*¥ hs^HSii' tHa^Sffi- NapieT-Bfeliy rleto>t [waS- - atfve%ife 3 tb : his '■ sciem* fee woSjld'be 1 fiatis^Sd-io^Wt tHe-'mattgF-drb^.liHe. wdulrf lik^<Mr Sa*terf l "to-'p«y'1tel|t«er '• mof^ ktfentidn to^hiffbblfg^tidnt :.■•■.- "Jlcteart «aid fifr Sarten l |wa» Sidently 'suggesting, Aitti'C^iftaint ood'.&ad. made^ a-'Fepor^ ;wMich| the; •-' knewiito^^'lalsfe-^ 3 Hfe-^^buia lliker - Mr Sart^n? tt> '«a^lw4fati pdss^bM in-*ertsi3^Cttpt«it»-HoGa>'fcou}d;>hai-d in' inMe^ding-ith&'Boairdi .s.'i^tn'i .w. ><Thfe Chairman '^ald the pumpjliad - beetf^Kiw'en thcinionthfy trial>%ihich7 Jfcad^been; resoiv»d<ion,f and th^ B >abd > mftstfyjabw^ecidei vWHat -..^as :t< -«Ws * donbli»thl«« pump:' tfTAs Jto€fa* of*: Vcumnljctfitfn.'xift'iflaidqtherajofcoulc >be . tio-mueflCioixrofjfehe.aiccTirac^j-of )apt< .;jbiin;,H«od-s«?iß«Ure»&u//?he 1 diver had ' B(Sd»d thfii .if tbetitccumulation; tvemfoiihfeh JKduld soqnvbeT aMe^ito Jvalk t icmt-tD the; dredge from! the,.wha "f . » -■> - ,]>GaptaHij,Hoo4£:then made ; a .'slater 1 jnmto pro test ing. #£ainstKMr Sarted-s. „ ««stou«tjona* n .k - w?> •-♦•n f ! <>^Hfe^Higbett moved that aCftesjt reVc«thr'ffl?idie.,a<j;toa suggestion* of Mr K»p£r /Bail toy . ascertain^ the ' dir^n ffar 3 p)Mcb'^^PA4<l^tAyel thr^TOh -ftn, opening ,in rthe, ,wall| had f rej^U^j&V'^einqißtFiEiting t^e sand Kas not^t^Tjeßed ,along xhe . i |)eßiA^'b«l,/&^r«e^.TOßtjpn-hjLS rofie M«Pfa- I5N«*^ S ajaendm^nfe thj^q •A Bsß»dinjß*i£al<en o qps the^gybrfinc ' were-icontrarjr «tOr'jt}|QrrH«iJsoa|ii njaster*B 'ippptt,, was jiot seconded, and the motlo* t«S :) 'c&rried, Messrs Sct't«in fed^P^io* iratittVißig&thßt. <tr ' r /r MrKCJoo^stti^ndved^Jtftatf the' >umpf ' tje'.'diwiisiiitfed 'and> p «tored ; Jtill the' - BoafcH.*a§^inGaip6sitao&.' to lac juire us§. ftomb&g "dredfte t8 'pUt^txiri. The iriti-itfF'.dif-' tfre<i'9)Bnp/fiadrx proved that '^ii?&»wr awtllablermasl 1 insufl ciient to "ffiive -the jtumpj' r JMr/Mar fiM had' informed4»im that if the pi esent^ l '*Mift f »eref fiiid^iip^Me 1 fttmvi roiad rp^efit; afid ,it, ,9quld onlyf Just| K6ep a \uoiil4 be^ willing, to h.elp in '.this] mat- ' ' terVT^»"tfey Jiad ftone" in th;e niatter jA it&'fcr&nfe.'.'* ;;'.. ;'.; '.- ! .* .Mr s^r^er seconded the'jnqtiori. "Th6'C%*irman said the pumj> had, prWed tbftt fit -could do. the.' wAr^ it, Was^mtefaded -'for, and it wbufd^ Ijp ( ' utM^ise* to , take up the t plan ; .^hd %W all' p the w^ortc r on. ' the THdmrfs 1 r J 'Mr^fn& poihied out that' thfe , e%. '^ffiryus^'^uitity 'df ' cdal . jieed<?d J *vo ~tf/>r/k 'ft- nVidia jt 't'op^^xpehsiVe to 'tß^^d Mr' •' WnMtl '^> iHJJeV'his mblfon^to *ow t Uia^^tne 3 ' L XS^W«» consfdereVl t6 «**»»«»« h W sfctttfisctortly, ' bift -tfciffW ood-J 0 S^i i efu«fed / .'to l 'ab'r'sayt«ir *^a? tfoifc ■ •.' ullered^iPflt fclt s it 'fej£w? f ■■W*x*eWere*<Viim;>-'",f i - r y'r \ , ti>h -X On ' divisi6il the « jHo%K*f^ w^as qer-- <- k-Se*/" 5 Mossr 1 * ! fHigfltftt f f '"'Shrtoi l , aiia 5 • <J«p<Jft»trnian- voting ag«ijwsK: i ' ><*«'» : . : ■•■- ■f-^'-f ' >• . -n - <! ! -•'• ?'"? '" ■■'■'■*'■•■ ■ i-'J.'iic

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Bibliographic details

Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 11818, 16 November 1901, Page 3

Word Count

TlieHSandHPnmp Question. Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 11818, 16 November 1901, Page 3

TlieHSandHPnmp Question. Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 11818, 16 November 1901, Page 3