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Harbour Board.

The Board met on Friday, th?re -beingp resent Messrs Maxwell (chairman), Connect, McLean, King-, .Frlce, Ward, Sarten, and Hignett.

The Bluff Harbour .board wrote in reply to enquiries statiug that vessels ' were not bertlied at night at that port. The Oamaru Board wrote on the same subject 'saying that vessels were berthed at all hours pt day or night. The . • .Railway District Engineer wrote informing the Board that ,he had been in communication with the Boroif&h Council about forming and metalling that portion „oi • yurrie -j street which, runs thro-. ugh 1 "Kawau Pa block of Harbour Board ' land, and he was imormod t>he land had never been vested in the .Council as a road, but is the property -of the Harbour Board. He wished,, to know if the Board intends forming and metalling the 'road ".as it j&j important it should be Rut in good 1 order' before the ' Department shift- the 1 goods sheds td the new site. ' - '

The secretary stated he hstd janswered.' by forwarding the Board's resolution on the subject of the land jVhich stated the ttpard had, no controV.oyier the\land ,in question A. letter was received from the secretary of the Freezing Company asking that a platform be placed 'on ithe wharf to fa'cßitat'e* loading of butter. — The Harbourmaster said, the work was , being attgndod to. Mr ;J j Hooker Waited: on th-i Board .and applied for permission to copy, »*Mr Napier Bell's report ami plans; on' .harbour improvements. • , _■. r Other minor matters were, "dealt" with,, -and a discussion- on-rtho san^' pump (reported elsewher^) * tbok' place, lasting until the adjournment. _ , / \ '•' ■ . , r J -' ' The Board resumed at '-2.. o'clock-."" ' '" C orrespontience from Mr' -Marcbjjant' '.was ,i;ead relative 'to'the^windlnill supplied to the Board by Tffessrs. Reid and Gray. Mr Marcha'nt in 9 his' letters to' that nr'm pointed out t^hat, ' the f 1 windmill' was' f useless, ( i dnd; 'in consequence 'the 1 ivkter service at, the was dislocated. He demon ' clod that< the , ifirm should -dismantle "the windmill and> erect ya, machine in its place that .would ' work/as (the firm hftd not -carried out the Work' according- to hist ructions, ' He| de-. maiiddd'^hat Reid 'and ! Gray should 1 'erect a new ; mill'<before November 12 failing' whichV^tfrat, 1 Booth and {MoDonald, of Chr?stWiui'cli; be employ,ed to t 'do;)3t!he/-wpi^i fc:i ap.d that the|exiPenses^bp.vrecipy^^by legal process Ifrcw.ReiqCrand^G^rja^^-y-In answer to the rpha4rijqAn, , [ gJap^aio Ro. oc( p s.aifl ih'adTakenj^hA.sails^off ,tne m^ll ? ?and' p^ho^jforejna^" %yas ;.'no,w , .^oing, the otter-, •disfm.antl^tg on the' mill.-5- i Mr Garten # there, was, sufficient t fall •jf'ronjvc^e Jagoon to ,the, whar|,,^o do away .with' the need of ,a j[win4rnill.— The Chairman said ,that" was not! the • p-oinfc : , r the ' questi'oh „\fa! s ' ■ t^ia't [ the mill had^rfbt been supplied according*"' instructions. Mr Sarten : But it if* the question as you have|g6t 'into a muddle and" are wasting! the Ratepayer's -money b'ver' this wjindmiin—lt Was finally 'decided that; the question of the windmill be loft in tlie hands of the Consulting EngiEngiriee'r, Sir. Marchant, with! po- [ wer to act.

, Messrs Reid and Gray had replied that they would erect a new mill. The land revenue for the tiiree quarters totalled £5165, as against £4111 for the corresporrtiing period of last year. — The Chairman pointed out t^hat ' there was a shortage of £1054.— Mr King said that the land 'revenue had often fluctuated, like that in previous years, and it cpuld not" therefore betaken a&'an indication of a diminishing! irevenue fos the Board. > V •<< • ! Mr E. Williams, foreman, applied ,Ipr the whple-.or; part v of his travelling expenses! f^tn Alexandra; which h/ad beeri heavy owing, tof his * havtng to ' hurry 1 l The expenses Were £10.— The lioard l de6ided, : tb> ailow .Mr . Williams' half his expenses, namely. £5. - ! J ' . A rcquisitipn .for stores, \ (©Jtc., ; was parsed.. ". " . ,', U . N , ],!»!> The Chairman explained; (thai a ■,great r .deal of woi'k was required in things in '• (order at 1 *the jhar . :oour;-: oour;- " ' iTho hew foreman safd there <>wa& ; a; shortage' of tools; >and<a (new supply .would have to be- < obtained.' ThO' wort- of putting things straight andkclear^ug up, , anct ; ,the new tjools would cost* the* Board d fairly large 'sum. The Chairman added , ithat •tneie ,"was a Taiigye machine "at ] the* ".iprorks^'ihat ' fconltf ' be' cleaned: aad 'jSold 'as it was hoi required there. ' 'Some repairs ho added had been effected to the crane that -was usqd to lift- .cargo A ! Thisvcrane bad: got -into ; a' vei'y -dilapidated condition; \> . *< Mr -Napier Boll's/ report dnj the ""queStioh of hair bouf extension "(which report -was publishedi>in: Friday'js issue) was~ read.— The'" Chairman -said that' the •• 'poiiits 1 ■ of the report Jwere 1 the* sante ; as -Mr ManShfeint's ' report, Which Vas satisfactory to the Board The. reports and plans were- identical .except in- regard to Mr Marchant,'s Rrppo'sed north w,all. — Mr King? said jn\one,-.>report concrete , was adn vqpatie* w^fle ,p 'tjxie ottifer rabble w,a!s, meniionea.— lt W^is decided; tp print 2i50 copies of Ajlr, ie,^ VjteporJ. .piA.. resolution -Was. passed? ex-r •pro^sdntf, sajti^factioji^tha^thp. report, qacje'e'd j "Up, .Mr. JVr^.i - cij]'s .report. (pjiblished some months') ago) . i Mjr Kiftg moved, ( Tha,t the Ohair:ma^, iind- ,Mesprp,,Eygnett, I ,CQn>iett, Word, and the. mover,, b£ a cdrtimit,Veo,';ta deal witljL tKo, dredging hue^. .uionl^and* report at the nexi. meeting. My said > it was desirable to|have t/^pm^thing, .. definite UonjQi about! thi dredging; — Mr { seconded., , «';,-.T^ was, decided to.sell.pld, rails in the possession of the Bqard. , .- . Y-fcfC Board- went .into Committee . to^conside? t a.^ letteivjrom M«" I>. Berry ' asking for same -;n*dc|iijciEition in .theyirdnsand leases. THic Board (.•n a vote being taken decide^ not to deal- with the letter. at this meeting. H r -was understood ;tbav the matter . uould be dealt withi at a, special 1 meeting. — While 1 in, Committee, the Chairman made a statement giving some particulars^ supplied him. by Mr lierry as to what the Ironsand Comr paiiy'.were prepared tp do in connectJoV'with the harbaur. He gafe the particulai-s to, members in order that they wqtild be 1 prepared for the definite proposal when Mr Berry sent ft in, • - lytr Ward, pursuant to notitee of motion, moved to rescind a motion setting up a Works Committed and to set up a new Wbrks Committee with additional powers. He pointed put that as the 'Chairman lived so far away 'it was necessary that *a committee of members living within reasonable distance of s the -harbour s&iould be appointed to deal "With ot:g'6xlt vt'ot'k arid ' requirements, '< He had no desire to interferes .with the; Chairman's duties.— Mr Sarten secdnded "the motion.— The Chairman' t w^g. opposed to .the appointment of a- \Vprks. Qommittep., .Under the. present arrangements affairs at theharbour' htid gone .along muchC more, satisfactorily than when a Works Committee was in , existence.- —Mr .King, said he,, agreed. •jN'jth a good: deal that the Chairman Had argued, but he disagreed .with some points. Her thought the question of the distance the Chairman lived from the harbour was a matter for Consideration, as there were urgent cases that cropped up that could be dealt with by. members who lived near the harbour. He instanced that had such a committee been in existence the Railway Department Would have had to remove the balance of earth in the Mt. Eliot reserve.— Mr Cdnnett said that the Chairman did not wake up in that _ matter till the Railway, Department t had removed the rails. He - safd that 'a % Works Committee would be able to do a' lot of good in connection "witn- the harbour. —Mr Hignett said the Railway Department- did not remove the balance of the earth because the Department said it had fulfilled its obligation. Ttfat thereforo could not be charged to the Chairman. He was against setting up any committee. — Mr Price supported the motion, as he oonaidcre'd such a committee oould do a lot .of good between the meetings. — Mr' McLean opposed delegating his powers as a. member of the Board to a Works Committee ; that is to al. loW~«tny committee to go beyond the Board's resolutions^ As the present chairmanship would be vacant in three months, and ias it was almost certain that Mr Maxwell would not' be re-elected .—Mr Ward : What did you,, say ?— Mr McLean : That there y is. & strong probability that Mr Maxwell will not be re-elected Chairman. You can then havo a chairman ot your own,— Mr ConneU:

Is ho- going- to South Africa ? —Mr Ward said that there was a probability that Mr Maxwell would be reelected. • Mr Ward then replied on the resolution .-The motion was put' and carried on division. Ayes (5), Messrs Connett, King, Price, Ward, and Sarten ; noes (3), the Chairman, Messrs McLean nnd Hignett/ —Mr Price then moved, That Messrs King, Connett, Wurd, and mover be -a Works Committee. — Messrs Hignett and Sarten declined to be nominated.—:Mr Sarten seconded the motion.—The Chairman opposed the constitution of the committee, as it was composed of practically town members. — Mr Connett - objected 'to that term. He was a country member as much as the Chairman was. — The motion was then carried. Mr Ward gave' notice of motipn, That the secretary prepare a return showing the individual travelling expenses of each member for the last 12 months. — Mr Reninell, the secretary, said that the information \fras in ■ the annual accounts-. — Mr Ward 6».id that was.- the lump sum; ;!he wanted the details. 1 The secretary, in j answer to T&lr' Sarten, said that a sum of £25 edd, was paid by the shipping. companies; for water during the past six months as against £54. odd for the previous six months.— lt-"nrasrr-stated that, -areport- had « been .eftcitfatedr that ihe water was bad], but 'this tfras with<J«tt, foundation.— Capt.~llodd said that a late employee of ttte "Hoard' 'was [responsible for -the report. — It was ideCided that Capt. Hood -be Justnicjted to, palace: ajfiltera^Jthe reservoir, j , Accounts were passed. ( s;. _The" Board adjourned^ .£.£ 4.10 nn&..

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 11818, 16 November 1901, Page 2

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Harbour Board. Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 11818, 16 November 1901, Page 2

Harbour Board. Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 11818, 16 November 1901, Page 2