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The Taranaki Herald. PUBLISHED DAILY. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1901.

We remind ' all those interested that, entries fo ; i^thetEjgin6noA^affd P. Show, to be held on^e^tth* and 28th of December, close on Monday the 18th. The.jliJejfr JTpdfc.Wprld says that the annexation ofj'Gajfifdit tfpffl. b"4;aj_riiatunajl benefice.nt e^tpaQgibn if^r %» IJniled States, «n|d ajks if tlie s 'fi,»ger of de>tia^ does not JM>ifi)t that w«y. '" . It is currently fiported in the south that the Han % Y^DDneaa^wilLin a few weeks, resiga'^jw 5 forVfdbQ, a^idjthat M^ McNab, thfii r&m&T&r M^o&ttfA, will succeed him m Minister <)f Lands. . A London correspondent writes : : — Sotdfe time ago I informed you of the demand existing in London for New ZeajbtfStfax. At' this" week's sales of flax {Octojbie^ l?^h) the - whole on offer — not much, ft isjtr^sryas bought up at from JE3I to£32pe» > itc I n. Sffipmn Bhould be careful to keep up tfee qs4)fy '4 they wish to retain the hold iifey #re now jsb-j tabliphing, , j In spite of the 1 bad/ evening Mr 7 Hugo had a largo audience at his fourth lecture 00 physiognomy in St Mary's Hall, when he spo|p»ipp/w tho Forehead and Chin. Mr, Hflgo is ia < 4m¥ ¥lftff4»nce for con I saltation at line b*sV f <XQm [$ Sjfc Mary's ' School. On Monday eronlng fee wijy I liver his last lecture upon Hfoges and Wrinkles. ' j

Ths Canterbury Times Lcndon correspond ?nt writing under date, September 27th, says #— Messrs Cadman aud Smith contemplate jretyrningto New Zealand at the end of ne#i fl?onth, by which time Mr Cadman U confident that his ironsand will have been successfully floated as a going concern. A strong syedicate will probably be t|ie fla&ur* of tue organisation that is to create the iron and steel industry in New Zealand. F«w ,of jtfat trade are likely to be found in it, as the oawflfffaeturers are readier to inrestigate tibamto invest.

The Fruit Grower* <@9n£e/once, sitting at Auckland on Thursday, wwlyed ''that this Conference expranes regjet &a» tfce Government has failed to carry oat the promise of the Premier, to amend the Workers Compensation for Accidents Act, so all to define the position of 'yjjffk6T? on the Isud." It was also de fildffikffipdoTße the action of the Kwtb AvoiclanM fTinegrowers Association in qrgiqg ice .Gorfe/ament to enact stringent 1 measures' &x Jfcg prevention of adulterairoh of wine, ana Mmolq legalise jfaeilitie^for the retail sale qE fte*,%epLlltfedmade .wine. The' Conferetice also^ pp2or*ed the action of the 1 Wbangareij 'A^peiatiott fa. urging iho Government to' place a duty^p /tfwgln dtiririg Septem^ ber, October, and 1 , on lemons nil the year round, an.d o#£em£n peel inj brine. j

A very fine and extensitfe of engagement rings, wedding- rings, keepers and dress rings, new century watches in gold, silver, genuine rolled gold and nickel cases, clocks, spectacles, and electro-plate at J. H. Parker's, watchmaker, jeweller and optician, next railway crossing, De» vott-itrott central, Ntw Plymouth.*;

Captain Edwin telegraphed at nooi? today : — Glas-, fall after 20 houra from now with northerly winds ; tides good ; sea moderate. A report of a lecture which Mr Ell, M.H.R., delivered at Inglewoodon Tuesday appears on the first page of tbis evening's issue. A f , the Harbour Board meeting to-day (Friday ) the "sand pump question" was settled with some degree of finality by Mr Connett moving that the pump hs taken up and stored til] wanted for a floating dredge. The motion was seconded by Mr Price and carried on division, the. Chairman, and Messrs Hignett and Sarten voting against it. Captain Hood reported to the Harbour Board on Friday that during October 38 steamers and 2 sailing vessels berthed at the wharf, the aggregate gross tonnage amounting to 31,360 tons. Imports were 4,122 tons, including 1,007 tons railway coal and 572 tons private. Exports amounted to 1,073 tons, making' a "total 1 of 5,193 tons of cargo landed at the wharl: During the month moderate seas were experienced. The dredge worked 17 days, I making 160 trips, removing 9,600 cubic yards of sand. Several cases under the School Atfcen lance Act were dealt with by the S.M. this 1 morning, t Messrs S. - Barriball, G. Brougß, J M: Petrie, J 1 1 : i WhifcS, A. Ross, S. Larsen, E. Lowe were each fined 2s and costs 7s. A case against F. Joiner was dismissed as the child was over age. Three charges were preferred against Mrs F. Clarke. In one ' case 'the ' charge was dismissed as the child was over ago, and in the other two cases defendant was directed to send the children to school at Fitzroy. Mr A Hooker, Truant Insped^ tor, laid the charged. .-,",' , The London correspondent of the New . Zealand Herald writes under date October 12:— "> hear from Mr E. M. Smith that he has discovered yet another use for Taranaki ironsand. He says he has had forbears an idea, ( that it, would make a sp,lendi<| burnietfer |fad p^oUih'er^'Jßo when Tie -waVm SheffieM, wherdTinerVare mills for grinding emery, he got a sample of ironsand " put through '" and ground to ,aq impalpable powder. ., ,, The rejbult >ex icedHeia hft etcp&^oM^^Km^ipb^nqe he polished the case of a gold watch, aud there was : n'<}t]ajiM)ratcfi perceptible on the gold cover^ &W lie had' ttnistfed. Used as a covering for the bottom of ships, there will be no corrosion, said-Mr Smith, Mm toJlingWdf t!ie- MWer.:a«coverie 3 regarding Taranaki ironsand. As to the formation of.the.cpmpany.ta develop the mineral and other resources of New Zealand, he informed me that he expected, the whole thing would ba completed in absut ten days." The Baptist Jubilee Conference (sitting at Nekon) on Thursday debated numerous important propositions. -At the morning session the President introduced his scheme for a Board of In troduction, to introduce ministers aud churches to one another. The scheme was .unanimously adopted. Revd. A. Dewdney submitted a proposal for the prosecution of home missions by placing ministers of experience in towns in which no Baptist Church exists, and by unify- ) ing the mission schemes of provincial auxiliaries.' The report was adopted. In both cases committees are to be set up to prosecute the schemes. Rev J. Borebam submitted a report of the Baptist -Almanack, which showed a cirWlntiori of 7250, with a balance in hand. In the evening a great jubilee demonstration wps held in the School of Music,. Rev Dolamore, the pioneer minister, pro Bided, and addresses were delivered by RevDallaston (Wellington), and Clark (Auckland); Rev J. <3L Gfeenhough, thjß representative from Great Britain, delivered a splendid speech.' ' !

The Sale of Works held in the Whiteley Hall on Thursday afternoon

and evening, was^a great success. These was a.<goodattahj^ance OQ.botn occasions, and the stail-holdets'had a busy time in selling, ijheir.gopds. , A sum of £45 was tafeen 1 . ; The*May6r, Mr E. DockriU, opened the sale at 3 o'clock in a neat and telling spee^h'.fdwy^ing' on ihe &ctr /that in patronisuigvthe iSale th'e'publjc w^ufd be doing good as the funds wero to be d^votecl^ tb/iSuaday, School work. The AtaH'HoJdAfs'f Fere : r-^^'Spring" (pinafores and aprone) — Misses Ross, Arnold, and fleldt; "Summer" (plain goods) — Misses Whjte.(2), and Clover; "Autumn" (fancy goods jMMfcses ChatteVt^n^arid Catran; •'Winter" (refreshments) — Mrs M. Collis assisted by Collis, Ramson, and' Ajnsworth^Zsfihristmas tree — Misses Cannell (2), and Avann; afternoon tea and^wipper-rr-Misses-.yeale, Chatter-ttfri-apd v Mts ?Sharpe. 'A- miscellaneous, stall was^supePVised by senior class boys. . rThjßf,-. special .correspondent of . the r AiitMahd* Star Writ-ing under v date, O l cx,Qib'ey £th, says : — Our old friend •'•' 'JBijOjkaH V iJortes, finding time hang frekyfty dyrmpsiQie. Cessation of litiggxign w ' MB ' ?b.n]g Vacation, has, $IJsL pff Uppp pi 3 parted inS or perhaps / gft^MW §ky hif'fo'it', ma'ndged by, rawws Qf a, Jiwe "personal scrimmago, | to enjoy im WWfy §£'$. tittle legal j scrimmage before oip fj t 6fd Mayor at-i the Mansion House, before- '$m6H he appeared; last Friday charged J |vi'th assaulting Herbert Banyard on Ssth 1 Septemiber. Mr Banyard is the managing- solicitors' for the trustee in Hopkinson's estate, and in the ■course ol<the litigation has served various notices' on " Mokau." On ,25th September, so he told the Lord •Jifjayor, • he • was, walking up'Fleetje{weatUpwards'the Law Courts/ when :he >c met'tiFns tldfendant and nodded 'at

(him. The. defendant stopped jin of him and saia' V ftbpp a min-u-te, you swindj^ejr ; " I see that you .and .that yagjapd^d in" old JeVry are '^l|^ut:ol gety?' The ''vagabond" $vas (avfdgptlv iiijten,(aed to mean the '^Ujstfce mi "ss£ .estate. / ,." That long PW wV^,W)jf rest are a gang ef .a^iiffalefs,'\ RfiA^ia. defendant, and ,at<the 6wn.e Mipp figure 'iiun a severe kick. He caHed^V cpjukgble. " Mokau's " version of tihe fracas was that he had been defrauded out of some -valuable property in New Zealand, in connection with which criminal proceedings were*" still pendI - jflp $VRp continually being an»o,Ve c d : by xso fifjuinjfxincmt and other yavA imred ai him, £$$ M ;; ge.ntly p«.«aed " him put pf thd Ijpay .with his foot. "" Vor this " Utek{n^ against the pricks," the" Lord Mayor mulcted "Mokau" in a fine of £5, which was paid. Defendant 1 then applied for pUmmonses, warrants, and other pro- ■ bsfc,s / ce ( ei^aini^t various people, but (Sv&s ■inipj-#ie# that he would have to •lay iftfpFfiXatfppf t t^e wub^ way. Services in connection ,yi,<fa th ( e Primi tive Methodist Home Missions will bp he'd next week. The Rev J. Clover is the deputation. The first meeting will 4balks place at Ornata on Monday evening, at 7.30 p.m.; Tuesday, Maflgor,©?. 7.30 pM.< W^pesday, New Plyfflipnth, 7.30 p.m!; Thursday, Bel' Wwfc, 7£'O p.m..; and Friday,. Wdstown.

i&hn Leydon'« grevh *»ct^n sale tomorrow at i p.m jya Peyon-jßtfeot. of cloth and hair twuahes, A9WS^ .carving knives and forks, razors, tAbam§, alarm and eight-day striking clocks, umbrella , stands, steel trunks, Japan writing desks, icrffoe /fcod card tables, blankets, rugs, AuHtß, (tab^e etc , etc. Come to ftejpdilefor bargain?. 3^feierve.°

Spirit* Wvermm fras frequently experienced Sttdde*! njarftpnal from gaiety ' io «lQ<m : Tfyo wind and~ weather of limes receive the blame when a faulty digest-ion is alone the cause of the depression Hollowny's Pills can be honestly recommended for regulating a disur'4QjeJ stomach and improving digestion. •y^ey entirely remove the sense of fulness mul oppression after eating. They 'dieat' i*ut tifrrod tongue and act as a ,whoieso«*« stimulant

to th« liver, and a gentle aperier-'t to thd bowels>. They healthful' ••" '^ouae-both -body and mind. HoW i\X#nr&y'B' Pills are the- best antidote^ 4dv .urjunk y»f appetite, nausea, flatulency, hear-fcbuivi, languor, depressiori and t4iat apathy* &o .diaracteristic n jj chronic derangement of the digesiJi ion. Bill heads, letter-heads, envelope* or iborteit notice at HsßALDoffioe. 0

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 11818, 15 November 1901, Page 2

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The Taranaki Herald. PUBLISHED DAILY. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1901. Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 11818, 15 November 1901, Page 2

The Taranaki Herald. PUBLISHED DAILY. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1901. Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 11818, 15 November 1901, Page 2