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STATEMENT OF RESERVES AND OTHER REAL PROPERTY, 31st MARCH, 190 U. Number of Section. Lessee. Annual Rent. g *^J£\Jgg*i m . £ s. d. £ a. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. 1 Stratfordlteserve H. Hassall 8 59 Nil 4 2 11 4 2 10 i; ;; ;; ::: :±^*^ ::: .. . **• j»« : iii &'and 6 |j !".; '.'.'. J. Butler " ..] ... 12 19 0 ", 12 19 0 7, „ J.MoGrath ... ' ... 816 0 42 1 , 1 48 0 8 " ... ... P. J. Bonner 10 1 3 . Nil. '5 .0. 8 50 7 9. 10 and 14, Stratford Roserve..."W. B. MacKay ... ... 23 16 0 11 6 6 35 2 6 11, 12, and 15 „ „ ... J. C. Anderson 2115 0 10 18 6 32 12 6 0 10 13, j; ... E. Kelleber 4 10 0 Nil. 4 15 0 Cr. 0 5 0 1, Gaol Reserve ... ... Taranaki News Company ... 19 15 0 „ £'>'■• '*•); l ° i „ „ E.J.Solc • ... ... 19 15 0 911 6 917 6 19 9 0 404' to 409, New Plymouth ... Hospital Board ... ... 0 6 0 Nil. 0 6 0 Town Hall Offices ... ... Webster and McKellar ... 10 10 0 „ 1010 0 „ „ „ ... ... Crown Dairy Company ... 23 6 8 „' Nil. H0 8 Eacecowse ... ... Jockey Club ... ... 55 0 0 „ 55 0 0 ...G.Scott • ... ... 6 10 0 „ &10 0 ...A. Chivera ... ... 810 0 „ 810 0 . ■ Plantation Reserve ... ... A. Kelchert ... ... 2 0 0 „ 2 0 0 Pt. M. Racecourse ... ...Recreation Board... ... 0 5 0 ,i 0 Jj ° Section 2338, New Plymouth ... J. P. Hooker ... ,- ... 40 0 0 „ 23 211 Cr. 3 2. 11 Town Hall Site ... ...M. Jones (weekly) ...... 30 0 „ 3 -°/-° .■< :' '- £307 16 ~1 £35 19 2 £239 12 4 £87 10 10 1' . ♦ f '- . ° Less £20 allowances for Fixtures, ' •■ - STATEMENT. £ b. !d. '. ' . ■;. '■ £ s - d Rents Received, 1899-1900 ... ... 239 12 4 Total Annual Rents ... ... * ' — I Arrears, 31st March, 1900 ... ... 87 10 10 '■ Arrears. March,' 1899 ..<. ... - 35 19 i Amounts Overpaid, 1898-1899 ... ... 0 0 8 Amounts Overpaid ..'. "' - . >lf . Rent not due, new lease ... ... 20 0 0 _ • _i--- s - r^ , .£347 310 ■ ''"' ' r \. : .. .. , £347 31( - . i f i ' Racecourse Reserve, about 4 acres. In uso by Council. ,"'*"'"'..■•''> ;~'< Port Niger Reserve, 3a. 2r. 7p. In use by Council. , „-•<( „■< ' ' Town Hall Reserve. In use by Council. : >/ ' '< >'/ i ' King and Egmont Streots, 5 allotments. Council Ys rds, etc. l : ' Brougham Street, section 2337. Unlet. . | r - ■ - 998 'and 999, Lemon Street. Recreation purposes. , . • , •• Part 697, Powderham Street. Fire Brigade Station.' , , ! '' ' : ' ' , i Parts 184 and 203, Mangorei Road, 23 acres. Waterworks' purposes.' - ', ' ' \; > '' Reservoir Reserve, Marsland Hill. Gravel Quarry. ' ' :■><•.".: * , •• . - Examined and found Correct. ■ . • . ■ ' , ■ , J. K. WARBURTON, " ' * " Controller and Auditor-General. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC DEBT ON 31st MAKCH, 1900. Loan of £29,000 ; For Waterworks, &c. Two hundred and ninety Debentures of £100 ccch, payable on the Ist July, 1900. Interest payable on Ist July and le January of every year at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum. Sinking Fund ; Nil. 8 /*■.,, C. E. BELLRINGER, " Borough Treasurer. Examined and found Correct. J. K. WARBURTON, Controller and Auditor-General. ra? V" v v v v v* \f " v vV* V" VWI' J^p.^% .*A, .^ .£\ j&<\ .<&*. <£*> >^ &k **** Ag2*i O Nervous ■" ■■' m * *"*>^ft J% * w » » v •**■' .1 TOKWTH INDIGESTION. I '(Sf , '• qj fl Mr. Handle?* 94 fiturtis Stteot, Pymont, Sydney. W & *•*. • % H^Tk n w Says i "My indigestion came on gradually, but IS ' "7i.v^ B^#i^/\fl% B J was soon awakened. 'l got worse ana worse, in spite Bl > ,• W. B l— ~ S"~ 1 H ■ B B B fl™^ mof variora remedies. After eating I would feel a » ~/ M .j? v v- v^r' Jl \Jf %Jf m%O H mosl t6lt 611 ' 1 " 16 p^ ta too lower P ttrt of m 7m 7 cheflt i as S V%> jIT^ W — Hi, if some hundredweight & yV fo^Sr «.t ft*l ft HI \^^^T i tkot'Sh often hungry, Ift /, V not only suffer themselves but J >y*SH M •. J cause more or less misery to 1 /VfK >K^iSSXSI?' * WV . , _/ I'7g I J >/' "*. to refrain from. Any a •'/, .» Mjj everyone around them. • They &Hj J Pnn& c « itemeat bton B ht ° n F ,c *v. < t « /j I"nI "n I I 1 tUo pain< ana x waa a C- ■& v < nrP frpfflll Pacilv «rr»rri^rl anrl I //'\ \/ I unable to olimb a hrn, 8 > ''. v> N-fN -f dl c iiciiui, cdsuy wornea ana j // \\i I ' bo & eat was m y ox *a> y£J^ I % B // >^\A } haußtion and want oty^-S £&, hence a worry to others. I (J \l/\ bieathi Even bread ! ® » N /< ' 1 X would aigogroo with me. a V, v AA/nf^n fX/Prx/tKinrr onnAxtc 4 A/V j\ """"' Iconsultcdthreedootors || •*■ a. s n s wncn everyimng annoys I ../^ V->J.\ , who toia me iw y > . '•} 1 t 1 // / / 1 \ Buffering from indiges- a v>^ ./•^ you i when your pulse trem- A J £L \ «™«»"rwi». if v v^ • I 1 « § 4sfc/ 7^ \ triea the hos P Uol > ona S> v "i >* n n ' DIGS an<i Vniir heart taestc « l*X was Bis weeks in one, r W^ yUUT nCdri UeatS J W^-/ beine laia up three \t f ><S<jj eXCf»«;«;ivpW 1 U/liPn vnil arp S month S' Thia baa attack ooonrea about two years '4 / fe>^ .c- cALCbuivciy i wnen you are i ngOi bntrvetaattwal Binoe . Uaatho most ™.f^\ 'f/ J> Qf^rflfrl af tKIP tanct 1 nnpvnprt gpleasant taste in my mouth en rising, just as if I| '. /feil aldl UCU d( tnC ICaSI UneXpeCt- « had been sueWng some copper wtiolo. My skin |& '(* of aWi i » . Sana my chest-bone became bo tender that I oould y fgff & Vj ea SOUnCI, yOUr nerVeS are in Jharaiy bear the tonoh ol my olothos. Myw«e| v I t, » I « «'. , W thought Dr.WllUama' Pink Pills might ao me gooa, «.; ' f f(£p 3 DaCi State and ShOUld be gsolgavethematrial. The first few aoses arovo p Sf' ' | , jaway the pains in my heua, ana If ouna my indiges- a /Sj •^ '/ nrOmntlV atfPnnPn frk ' ■ Etion waß slowly aisoppearing. My taste for fooa i A\ft '. piwmpiiy dUCIIUCU IU. Kretornea,»nanowlcaneat with comfort. I can 9 ' J : r f, <\* M«_. _ * i* ] honestly say my indigestion is entirely a thing of i '* *?»? INerVOUSnCSS IS a QUeStlOn the past, ana ftßtoappeaHmoo is entirely owing to | *>. N sV <^i r . . _h , \ , BDr.WilllMns'PinfcPUlg." « -® ; ' of nutrition. Food for the 4 u »^«»»tfg^^^.^f ;^^, nerves is what you want to put you right, and the best nerve food in the world is > K *S X Dr. ©iSSIams 1 Pitifc Pills for Pak People* X W ne y ye strength and tone to every nerve in the body, \** 4 and make despondent, .easily Irritated people feel that J^ life has renewed its charms. Millions, of people through- W v - out the world use no other medicine. But you must get f ''; Jify Dr. Williams'. 0 Substitutes never cured anyone. \f *■ 4 jv, Williams' I iak Pills for Palo People, by tli -ir aotioa oa tlu bS >d V^ aid nerve 3 cure rheumatism neu-algia,, bro.ncbiliH o ms-impfcio i. eif o:^ '*„ J h, , it'flno'ya, ,^ t Vitas' Daace, Hick-.-ts, Er^sipehs, aralvsi*, Lini- |^ 1 roubles^ i >>spe,')'io, Chronic 'eida-hes, Loss of Xtanly fcrougfc 1, aid tl /" \ \J Ladies' AilineuM. > J old by ilia Dr William^ Meliiiy O>, Wulli tgtri, 'fc x v? 3s per box, six boxes 163 6 i post free, and by chemist* aa 1 ao^k j >,wrs • v Bot^mind > oa ask for Or Willia-ns' . ■8 c that tho ial' : naai3 i1 p i n si i1 $ % g^ red in't on the pink tinted outside wrapper of c ich box. §B§ ixxxxxxx xi HEALTH ASSURED. WTRM NETTrNfII 0 I LI) U ' rp HE suffering and ailing from Nervouh FWW WVAVV^^ift: ■ X Affections, Bladder and Kidney rK WwSw^^^'iiil -^ at tub Troubles, Depression, Atrophy, Exhauj Vl * fflar. "^5 tion, Bad Memory, Excitable Tempera H^ OXujX >fo^ '^^w^ " Pwiv^i-MA » menfc, Irritability, Tired Feeling, Weak I^H Wffirt i^^^MPi " J2jHipjJL&. Pack, Pains and Hoi?es in the Head, ffiWxy). l^^?^^' ' hi Sleeplessneea, can rely ou obtaining relief r WxaW^^^^^^^®J ~ — by consulting (personally or by post free) VWrMwW®^!'! k«W «,..,..».« »....,,.» «... „ PROFESBOK NOT MANN, M.8., sS»6scl^M^? SHILLING DINNER DALY E - M - G - Market p'«oo,ohri H *ohurohior.- H •ww^l^^W Ullibbinu Ulll.lLlt unit. I po3ito Colombo-street Bridge). Tbe XwwSiv^^^SJ i_j .„ only Electro Bocanical Expert advertis« {£] AMrVwilwX'^^^i^U 2j iug ( »iih 20 years' Europeaa Exporienoe <_^ MWxSJ'?'^^^^^! „ w-« . .. »nd eißht years bof ore; the New Zyaland Vj iVXjOGar'^^^^'^r'^ b? EUltDll*© public), who will guarantee a thorough *i»** cure. Proprietor of ihe only guarinteed OOWXU^^^E^^^li r^ EUctrio Boltß and other sj.ecial flleotrioal tr* wXowW®«l appliances in the colonies Write, etatiug «» «SxrxiOT.w^^ffl^JiH M r^ MPM Q AT Xfl UftllDO your case, and you will receive honest -= ffM^^W . lIILMLO Hi ALL nUUIIO opinion free You can b* treated me- £3 (S|mbCQ^^^^^ cessfully at your own home, nnd to con- .. "L^Si^'j^^^^^^P f^ at tiie viDce the moat sceptical will forward J™^ R^^^i^'^^^^^ral Electric AppJiances and Concentrated ES^i'S^iSlp&l^^^lt " TT*TY^ Y"l4 T»A " Treatment on eaoy terms of payment. r "P JJJ 1 1. " \3» 't'boutands of testimonials from tbose *SaSsfit ; £iSi^ail'iJ^i' -:%. wno na^ wasted their time and money XTrnrTfcYJi TWTTn'mnnTTVT^-^ can bo inspected dnily from 10 am. till WIKiS N.ETTING' 9 p.m. w — • Testimonial. ~ Ashburton, February IIIOT ADDllfmi TO LADI-S Ko need to consult s tb . 1900. Prof.,-- JUO S ArtnSVtU doo'A. • hemiste. The remedies J a . m . P leafled to Ba 7 1 f f e e »»?«'(« EX SS OOTTTTH •-v rr: : .on.- own hands. Write heoUh 7e7 c / y «BInIS« BIn IS ta » kl "§ -^ ' •>' ™, S r freo to of valuable book about c f « r «° of t.catment. My heart is quite FROM /on) sel vce, y.ur health, your welfare «!^. "V improved, I ecep -- „ ~ J . y _^ &-«y Tolnin eboi.'d r-W ii. Toced Fell, I donofcfeel Urcd.orßweaUtnighl jj O JN i) O I\ j'roe in sealed envelopo. Addreto, G D l ow - .X. X ra "nproviog tapidiy. I never *-« vy x^ i^ v/ XI Specific 539 EUfobettwrtMot, l/orth f h ? n ß^ ! ? f was 13 , 0 . 5 , 51 b. ° foi i any hama^ A LARGE SHIPMENT MftJboarne. f O." being to alter my life to such an extent H UHllUl. Uinrmuil ' ' • p you have, through your kind and easy OF I .rniß of payment und excellent treat- TICTTTiTi ~M nTI'T'T*T/i IM3 MKN.— Write- for free copy oi • ent, for I had tritdaoirauy. No words V/IKIj IN il 11 I N (_T valnabla book ahcat your^tlves, of mino cau oxproia my gratitude.— „.... , -„„,.„, -„. - «„„ ' your htaltb, your happmopd, your future. Yourd faithfully, J. N. Burrows. a 903 *liOJA 1 JfOOl TU 6 IEET HIGH It contains a fail ('jcpoattion of the human — — system and the remedies adopted. No "~ need to consult doctors. Posted froo in fPaTonio is required, Lake Loa^by's "O[" \%T A l^f^^ &r C^C\ ncaled envelope. Every man should read I "WAHOtJ, the most powerful ,/„ !l "* V;V<I it. Addreaa, G. Spkcxfio, 039 Elizaboth- ho-bnl totuo -*•*>'. ' AHk for^it^atJl.Tocd IRONMOWOEB, NEW PLYMOUTH ; ttreet. North Melbourne. bU27 & Oo.'u Pharujacv-



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Taranaki Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 11548, 30 August 1900, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 11548, 30 August 1900, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 11548, 30 August 1900, Page 4