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THE TEMPLE OF FASHION, _^^ p thos. haedy & sons Dev °S. s A^r. ST"" 1 "■'■" S ..."i»^ AUSTRALIAN WINES. RTTi DOW^Tfr "CO.. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, , ' /' n -; ;. r llfl- • ju, u\j yv uu tw \j\s*) 213T&22ND September, 1898. ■ ,v llafchriivvhnn nf Winoc ■-«■ Have juaf to hand a grand lot of New Goods for SPRING and SUMMER WEAR PROGRAMME : . - ' ■ _ ttt?- — fibstday. (jig Bur&undv, 7873 — mWEJTO, consisting of West of England, Bannockburng, Cheviots, Hams Saddle Pirat Hurdles, of 90 boys. , One mile and O J' y ChD ; ee old Wine for Invalids. The oldest Australian 1 ,' Tweedy &c, &c, alHn great variety and choicest designs. • three-quarters. . > •• , - f'■ VfV yKj noie e oia vvuie iui xnvti ua=>. The colonial manufaotares are the pick of the markets. Egmont Hunt Club Steeplechase, of 40 • '•' " Wine in tne marKeL. /MO ATlNGS.—Serges,' Vicunasj Fancy Worsteds, too numerous to soys. For Huntera only. About, , j ;u; v ,;, /.| ; /. il> , . parjcujiriae. First Hardies, of 40 soys. One Old TSLWIiy POPtt 1883 The OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT is replete with the latest in mile and ashalf. *.:•.. Qold Medalsaat many^Exhiibitions. Hats, Shirts, Scajves, Bows, Collars, &c, &c. All new sto'ok, remember I First Hack Flat Race, of 40 soys. Six . • . ■ ■ furlongs. . ' ,::•; ' ..• ,> v , , , ' . OUR MOTTO.— SATISFACTION IN EVERY LINE. ■ Egmont Steeplechase, of 150 sovs. About A//> f) /7/flf»pjF_ „ WA-Bee Testimonials. , - Hack and Hunter -Steeplechase,, of 40 " ' '"' '' - Champion Cup, 1889. Grand Vintage Wine. soys. For qualified Hunters and - : , ' THE COFFEF PALACE. NOW PUBLISHED. Hacks only. About two miles. -. - nU-~* 4 11111 tUrrJ t,' ™ ft> High Weight Hack Flat, of 40 soys. One. /VO. 7 GSLPBtr-r . ,-,. new PLYMOUTH STONES' . mile. 8 I? ' s ', The most Eeliable Claret sold. TS now under entirely New Manage- — — > * ■ "■> 1 ment, and offers to the travelling WELLINGTON, HAWKE'S BAY, . . R _ ..'-,.« ..-> , ' • v '' '" ~ ' } ' ! ' " ' public aU the advantages of a flrst-clasa I AND TARANAKI, ■ ; rj^^*? - AU il;« fikninn v-^ •• ,- ,m ;:DIBKC)1?ORY. °" . . i ' '■ ' 1 * recommended by doctors for wholesome food, and perfect sanitation. AND NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL, Tfaird Hack Flat Race, of .40 soys. .One,/; ; „ , , Invalids ana ' r . , ' mile and a quarter. • w \ v .- _ The establishment contain lofty and 1 QQQ.Q Eawera Steeplechase, of 80 sots. About A^^^f^ QhtWM -'■- airy badrooma sittins room ladies' tea " " ' LOtjO m tJ+ , two miles and a half - >fl//SaotO/7 OIWFI J ' ' ro?m, commercial roL, grknd dining ' year of publication. Ladie »' **«**> a Handicap Steeplechase ;; . ° | Splendid Pure Golden Sherry; First award Melbourne mnm „ - of the. .value of 30 sovs, Forqualmed . , - J " - F^riTiV»i+io>-i IRQI Terms: AU meals, U: beds, J^6d. Demy Byo. sra, conteimpg over 900 Z! mfte7a"a VWt , , , «#,„ i Ohakllt, ' ioT/minuie'swalkfrom railway station. ' j^^vd-om^bppnA^ Jaie^A^'.of 40 «» About u•> „,, „.-,,!* „,-,'T he Chpieest ChabllS made. ARROW?MITHr frige... ... " ;.'; i* ea. . Hacks shM .. m — horeeß^t have Old Constari'fi^.Qld' Port, Shiraz, tw^T U w?NE8 TEED p for famSy L t3sk TURED mo tn>rkTJT>nnTrtT> ' _i ■ — " never won an advertised race of the value a 506 PROPRIETOR. StONE SON, & ,CO % ofiOsova at time of entry (Hack and • . „ , .. XFOR COUGHS^and 00k,D8 take ***&■ and Publishers, Crawford^teet, whose owner A-J-J^ A.fe,E! OBTj^ITST^IBLHI .A.T THE Wood's Great Peppermint Cure. uuneam. , ,-__ can produce at the scales a-certificate" : ' • .^.^ ,I' 61 ' 6d '° d2s6d - *»«: jjta a*- «» co. fcgfifgfigfigys Criteribn Hotel, New PI v mouth. q , Hausbury bquare, Hi.U. during the past season to , the satisfaction ' 'Tr •' • ' ~ 7 liUVJiiUa _^ . $l_l_± .—. — of t the Master, and has nbt won a race , . n « TrPTTTT Pv»nTiicic+nv , v , of Coffee will find ' TABANAKI FOUM)BY. over^eoys (Hack and Hunter Races ,^ „..,. ' * ' . ' ' rrO P netOr - . "DRAGON COFFEE ■ P. W, OKEY. dates of nominations and ** - ! m. . . ENGINEER MILLWRIGHT ACCEPiTANOBSAtfD AMOUNTS 011ßl If* MViTiriP FOR SPKiNG SOWING really good. ,/ BLAOKSMITH, IRON AND BRASS TO BE FORWARDED. rUDLiI^WUI i^b, TTV/TPfYR T A "NTT sriil^ ou VVlDllx. ' ; POWriFRR^fsTRFFT l NOMINArioNS.' , V/1 T^ENTION indrawn to the und>r- IlVirUll ± AIN ± Npwtnn'Kin^ "-•SKSS*— V S^ir EET - ,«, «™ Ssbpx"^ l^S?o^«^. .. , NOTICE. D J^ -,- ?'..,..• '• T7— r— — r ,• - ■■ n nutn t Club Cup Steeplechase, if soy ; only, commencing frdm Mdnday|Bext, £1 -A special hue of SOUTHERN ■ ' " ' THE GKEATEST CAKJB First Hack Hurdles, 1 soy ; First Hack 18th;-' -- . ., N: . „ ~! OATS, speolallv imported for Seed purs THE EMPIRE CQMPANY, X^M UM^ 1L(Oi vxx^ij Flat Baoe, 1 boy ; Bgmonfc Steeplechase, ' • —20s PARCEL— I poses. Duns, Danish, Sparrowbills, aud • , , / , T- w, mn lnv™Hr, Pnmhftsina 2 boy ; Hack and Hunter Steeplechase 1 6y«?s Do^ble^Wid^Sinn Goods , Black Tartars. WELLINGTON.. - Is Employe^ in Purchasing 8OV ; High Weight Hack Flat, 1 soy ; 6yds Lining" 1 ? - ; - DUTmg the lieXt few nAXtvnrr X „.,,. umTmit { )mpi .. Second Hurdles, 1 soy; SecoAd Hack 2doz Buttons , ' ,•■ ' wlekS DriOrtO CARROT SEED. -A spendid stock MULLEN Si TEA. Hurdles, 1 soy ; Third Hack Race, 1 soy,; 1 Black Sailor Hat WeeKS, P™* tv of Barnbal > celebrated strain, reared ■RA"Rf3-ATNS'' ' Hawera Steeplechase, I soy ; Ladies' 1 Good Macintosh iijf 7 ; >< ,i\ >„ Opening UP locally by reliable growers, all guaranteed DilllilJilinO. , i } Bracelet, 10s; Fourth Hack Flat, 10s ; lyd Silk Veiling , fresh and new seasona. D A "D/I A TMO '„,.».-, Final' Steeplechase, 10s. 6 White Handkerchiefs rr , ■ „.„„.._ __ 15 Ail \X A.A iS , 0. , fTisteste in Colombo before shipmen " . , *- -•'<L^ '' ' 1 Pair Cashmere Stockings J " ' SPTJT NTt AND MANGOLD WURTZBL. - Mam- -'■'■" 1 by,a trained Expert from Mincing ACCEPTANCES. . Wft 9 OTllll^ J* nAS moth Long Red and Yellow Globe -^TTLERs^ditM^ra^^ ■' -^Wv. .SUMMER GOODS "^l^? TlT^ Bm THEIR'H-ARNESS- - - -— *i-- -'• fff^iS^&iff-h£aK SgSSSSS"" ■i*--"™*' ■" ™ B balance of g- ga-^JfSt.jKJ .....:.'- V... .T;, V" -; v *■?■.* -'*'•" : WEDNESDAY, 21SISEPTEMBBB, No. 3. / OUT Winter StOCk Will NOTE -Hvoa want heavy crops ot , - ao \9JiaBCS? 2 soy, ; & Ladies' Bracelet, I boy : i*o:jT r 'f: n ■ . NEWTON KING THE CHEAPEST SHOP. IN TOWN,. : j if) improved machinery^ „? . ]W— ., $jg gg** '■ ,; . . ■ { •'' V' ■ /? */ ;; . -AXI X J.X JJ */. AGENT. » Bn in. o iTDriwrrw " ' WEIGHTS. 1 Silk Handkerchief . ' '' ' a 976 REPAIRS-ASPIAECLIT?..^ Spicily increasing in the public favor" ON OR ABOUT FRIDAY, 9th 1 Shirt * , lf . „ v „, .. „, -' -y,';;^; \l^ KWfeStSS i^^^^^tm^. babqaiitbi amekicani^titute '. fV'-i.ri,, ;:.], 1; i „ M "' B ™ rllßt . =- ;',,, H»ater Steeplechase, High Weigbt Hack | BOB O j S 'Ltaen Collar, T7IOE THE CUKE of ALqOHOLICS MeE#efiNJp&s. imn -^ ■"■■■'■■ ■•'- • .. JL%£S&£^-£$5Z ll|Vb.lWII «#■ WVI experience aa a tea grower in Ceylon. {f9B/A^Bf 98 / A^ B^ M-""mvM -""mu- co i 1 T ? nyn v m f ?w° Should the above parcels be allfcaken' Ftir H /eW Weeks himself to be satisfied that the craving .r: ■ I-""" — fe k flP ? SSaJS; f S^bL^ toto *^' l|M^' *^" '■P i>dU A 1 . CCKS> for alcohol in any form Skilled before HATE justrreceived-another-heavy U ybu - Want a good fine flavored 'Tea ' Kn. t P i? ?.isf i ' announcement will be given through the OnlY I payment is made. Bhipment.of,- . fi , „,; a , ask for, the Red Label in half -pound. . Fourth Hack Flat,^Final Steeplechase. pap(?r tQ B^ Q disappbintment of - ' vyinjr GUINEAS. .. -.. , *>i *r. .6 -ss.z "■ and pound packets arid five •> •' s "»p1i«««;^i. n««»« «i -,«» t. rr- — j. q coming to the shop and finding them ill '^ »,,...«'. . QT7AaON"ATtT.I7 ftOODS ■ pound boxes. ... . Telegraph Office closes at Hawera at 8 ld « 8 i „..,-, , In order to suit all circumstances, arrange^ Oika.OUi>ApiJaj .xxkjkjxjo _ ,;•.:■••'!' • ■- ■•.•■.->* {a "P-Pv>; ' - »"«"«• _^ „ - t ,*. me nta made to pay by instalments. ladies, imn-a shoes; " *S£i£%XXT& *" ™ ■ OHTtaIHT ™ «," '»» the address- ffi=f SST^f 1 WINTER WALKING SHOES k J ■*' em'-W-W-* OAS^DBAPEKS* OLOTHIBES, . W-. FJtLJLB. W, ™*J%«*Z*.&£.*^ BOOTS ' keepfre keep MuUens' Pure Unblended Oto advance AT ONGE on good Devoa and Liardet-streets, , . DEVON-STREET. Deab Sir, — We, the undersigned, wwvpratt boots Teaß - Dont b 8 P ut off wi*b uiferioT Freehold Security. 4TTTTB , A/rM/ Of V /IT HI ITU Mn having gone through the treatment for FOOTBALL BOOTS, brandfl *• a 7 22 D. McALLUM. II tV? rLtinUUlns a 912 the Drink Craving under your manages nwwTß' TiAWnrwft PniVTPS ' : : < : meut, testify to the completeness of the GENTS DAWUIKW fUfflf H. . . NOTICE. " cure in our cases, and you can refer any \ y-^sr s^rr 7*""* v CHEAP 113 -ACRE Farm, all well enquirer to us for evidence of the same:— _ DRINK ONLY T HAVE this, day disposed °f my /fSSV CAtf&jKito^ /ffti^ii gras 3 ed, except 5J acres for shelter. D. Cameron, Mauriceville _ ' _„_ . - „ . X . Business to Mr J. .W. Leete, who ly-k e)V^^»vTO JO J ring fenced, a small paddocks (about Jas. Watson, Wanganui JHEAP MONEY ftTTI^N'V TM\ belieVeS in L" Hve aQd letllve \ He 7 m "^B^^^^^ 12 acreß > Ploughed; new pig paddock Duncan Grant, Turakina OUi^ l \ T n not run a farm to Bave spending a few JL^J^^ and e ties, 4-room house, dairy, cart- P. McAHnden, Wanganui TO" Ci A"D "MTrHWW V AND shillings with his customers for milk, shed . and fowlhouae; very good Joseph Brown, Wanganui OXlJCiilJr IYXUI^I JjiX T?nQTn"RTT"n TPI A eggs, and butter. A first-class tradesman . CXW rolling land, no wet ground, carries William Hogg, Wanganui XIVOAJULIJJ 11JA| who will use first-class material, I have PRGS I^V** 3l Y A TIN 30 cows throjigh the winter ; easy John Quin, Wanganui ■— *" - much pleasure in recommending to those are Ig £J I cogT9 distance to factory and school by Qhas. Woodley, Wacganui LRK vonr Grocer for it and ' who hav © fav , oured me Wlfch their n-.« JpEf #*/ en n . good road. ' Only £7 7s per acre.— Chas Pinkerton, Masterton IN SUMB Of A se« thlt v!m St it patronage for the past three years, for UEAR.^SL IS /k 6? ONLY. Waltek Bewley, New Plymouth. p. T . Burke, Wangauui A A A A \-l which I sincerely thank them.-I am, &c, J^^^/^^K PARTLY IMPROVED 200-acre Farm James IJull, Hunter ville £10.0 tO £10,000 Leonarc' M. Taunton i**i. MM * iU I k%2SSS£Li JW -fHe^^ "f^fS^SS£ I| SJ D.ta" e w^' ;o™tet, ° n Sole Importer, «»J.w.l--f~*»* K^EjjWW SST&VIZXSI II tt&tffi'"* ClT£,and »««- ntvunnmn V • x I n JJ( O V^ WLWttQH. y^ chain fencing, and good gates ; dry Jas Cattell, Wanganm SUBURBAN NEW PLYMOUTH. f /p^t-CSLSS S&dd feW & and quite level ; 1 mile from school S. Beard, Kauangaroa •PBEEHOLD VT J " aud factory ; would carry 30 cows in A. Biohard Foster, Wanganui MSLPnGSS WOOL, SKINS, HIDES, &c. the apriuy. Excellent opening for " h» ma s .J. Ja g°» Mahtertou At 4* DQX CtJUt. tO 5 per Cent. S. H. JAMr, 3 ] [T. Haruy Perm wm be stocked anfl Made to Order . man with small capital as there is an W. Maoanlto, Rongotea x- "'" UD «"«^°« " uu «^*w w viuoi. ti/itto f> A V O/"I1JI?RTQ ample sale for firewood aud fencing *~1 'i. .• *ii C! TT rA^/T.UQ „ - J-VlUrtKAl, tiUISCitViO ' close at hand. Price, £350 ; terms. NB.- Having myself been an alcoholic For Formß of Application and full ©■ ii. O A.JM lio, All Repairs at Reasonable Rates. &■ QQ —Walter Bewley New Plymouth, for over 20 years of a very pronounced nformation apply to the Postmasters at nnw*mwTnw aopvt MONEY TO LEND on freehold security kind, and been completely cured, I believe LA*D & COMMISSION AGENT, R . G KNIGHT'S TENTS, FLAGS & WELLINGTON only at the tollowing rates :-Twol to that experience I owe much of my Inglewood I™s™^ ACCJUNTANT VALUER AND COVERS will be stocked and WJUJilfttoiUftr thirds value, at 5 per cent. ; half success in curing others. Our patiente ° PUnake WWai tf ° rd A ° rJU FI T N^IA A ii^T R ' made^ d - ■ TTOLD Fortnightly Auction Sales &£^&^^*£SSi or the CMefJo^s^New Plymouth, Marquees, Tents^ Flags on Sale or U of above Excellent S^|S of 59 acre, all «- «* « it. Bf _ fAwil rn nron r. nar/q _ __. T -T _____ Bpecial' attention given to classification. ■ grassed, 4 paddocks, land moßtly J. S. THOMSON, Manager. !_==______. s^gga; -ssg_> gs^iate sa_~i's* — — — - Colonial MntualLife Assurance Company ■ 2 - Torse, Jrt md harness, treatment, &c, either personally or by RPI?QWAY & rm «. 8h «eP «»n*«y and P cattk rpHAT W. L. LARSEN (late of factory stump pulling year block Whiiis Hjotj ?<™£ BBbbWAA, -^^ t0^ n prop e4eß, buflinea VTEURALGIA-ELLIS' CERTAIN 1 Wanganui and Hawera) has com- and tackle &c, &c Price, £550 1^- b4B JSew Plymouth. and residential. Having been 17 IN CUKE for NEURALGIA and menced business in New Plymouth as a Walter Bewley, New Plymouth not in inconvenient lumps, but in con years in the district, Mr James is in NURSERY HAIR LOTION may be GENERAL DEALER in SECOND- COUNTRY HOTEL for sale, X2W cash, jv _£, . venient 2oz, 4oz, and lib packets. a position to advise intending settlers. obtained Retail at the Co-operative niwn finnns n f oil r?«n/«rintinnH in the balance can remain. A sound . !>£>■ J&fjfiMLiSr Society, Currie-street, and all mer- HAND GOODS of all descriptions, in opening for man wit h small capital. >^WPHF . chants. premises opposite Messrs Berry & Co. _; WWater^ ter bewley, New Ply- \^'\J^ / VJ^-J FOR SALE OR TO LET,— A new BROADWAY BUILDINGS b 175 Ironmongery, Brougham-stieet. ' mO uth. --^- —*- , Eight roomed COMMODIOUS and O TDimPADn An Excellent 120 ACRE FARM. All in . 0 v/ l nn l,: nnnn WELL FINISHED HOUSE and 15 STRA.TFORD. . grass, except 5 acres. AU ploughable J. &W. J 601(1 HSOH acres of grass land witbm five minutes a 497 ground. 4 paddocks and 5 one-acre ---w AYE THE FOLLOWING Secondwalk from the centre of the town ; witn . ploughed paddocks. 4-room house, |-f Hand VEHICLES FOR SALE— first class two storey stable and outhouses. __„.„-. pFTYT FT ™ aA& cowshed, trapshed, dairy, and work- *■*. S_V Oa rriaie with Eneliah Fore??^^S s?^SS Football Boots I —iSpfF— 8 ,32^^^. W r w ß p^outh. YOUNG MEN, • . LARGE BTOOK to (ge]e . . m wmbe reduced to sd pe nb, packages %™£^r*^i h ™* - 1D ° gCarC(varmsej 7pT7 O nic is required, take Loasb/* WSSSTtVES. A made tfoSna *£%£"* I "ball be happy to furnish quotations buggy ro a d all the way, metalled to W ANTBD KNOWN, "T Thrt I "WAHOO," the most powerful P^> Melbourne. *~ ' fortheinstallationtoanyDwelling-honse,. withm 8 miles ; ld2o acres m grass, _^T . LAWfc S Celebmted English hArh a !to n icmade Ask for it at Trw SUFFERING MEN" l^ o^*?? f / M^ hw l __. Shop, Hotel, or business premises, on 2 miles fencing, a_d good met SUPERPHOSPHAI E is the best m the _S"^^S" Sr^^l^ ■ • appLtion. '• boundaries : 4 room cottage and good market. -Newton King, Agent. £ — O.P.O.» Melbourne. __. ■ T , ITr . r ,,- I pnt.i^c THOS. O, KELSEY, atockjard. Price, £3 10s per acre. .—. — XFoB UOUuHS and COLDS take THE TRUTH Valuable boo_ for men, McHWHJN J-JKOS- ■ New Plymouth,, This is a good property, exceptionally -:a CIDITY corrected .md Heat 1 spots \Vn..n's ftreat PeDnatmint Cure ' ■ «y» " about the-Melref, 100 , Taranaki Acenov well situa'.ed, and accessible.—. J\ cured by l^oasby's "WAHOO. lle^ancPLed. PP " «BtE«^a__B^^ June 15th, 1898. Taranakl A S eno^ 01 Walter Bewley , New Plymouth. Beware of imitations. A^sk for Loasby's,

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 11317, 8 September 1898, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 11317, 8 September 1898, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 11317, 8 September 1898, Page 1