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THE TEMPLE OF FASHION, ] ;j; j MS 1 ; EGMONT RACING CLUB, HAWSER A, Devon Street, New Plymouth ?, * $ , i ;! ..-^^.-ziL'S, 1.-... „_ . (NEXT MOREY & SON). r *■ | XI-N.G.. tx^^Tt ti '^^ • I H&TTSrife-irt&SO" j ( Ks -K. DOWLE & CO.^ I WEDNESDAY' AND THURSDAY .' Have just to hand a grand lot of New Goods for SPRING and SUMMER WEAR PROGRAMME : \ ! ":■'" ■■>• FJHav'JDAY. ,\l nnWEEDS, consistiug of West pf England, Bannockburns, Cheviots, Harris Saddle First' Hurdles, 6i~90 sdVs. " ( One°mile and < X ' Tweeds, &c, &'tf^ all in'great variety and choicest designs. . i ' '"'three-qdartera. \si The colonial manufactures are the pick of the markets. j Egmont Hunt v 01 ub Steepre'chase', $ of 4JOcJ' GO/ A T-INGS.y-jSerges, Fancy Worsteds, &c, too numerous to H'untesrs Ji dnl^. f - ?1 -Abodt' • ''IG.1 G. * (/."k li'i.'\ cparticulariee. * three miles. >|J •■«"'' ' ■ I First Hack Hurdles, of 40 soys. Qrie ThfI.,OUT_?ITT ) ING,DEPART l M^NXi^ replete wi ( fch, thejatest in „$q i ,^ilean_ g'9.QQ_ffa } , BAtß,jSbjitj^^^ l :BowB ll I J Coll^ni,fA^r,fta new fftob|, Remember ! ; First Hack Flat Race, of 40 soys. Sik ■"'■ ' ■■■ ' '"" " j '^furlongs. ?•<),- -T'toin: r<i fytz ' > OUR MOTTO.— SATISFACTION IN EVERY LINE. p Egraont Steeplechase, p£ ; 150 flow«Aboi|t N.B.— See Testimonials. ' ; three- miles.'. ;, iv. -; h ■ • — — Hack land, Huntefjoteepiedhase, of 4JO 1 • sov3. Eorf i qualified Hunters and THE COFFEE PALA.CE, PPTPTTft ' u-Hacks.onlyi.u About two-antes. , NEW PLYMOUTH l KlCi^b } High^eight Ha ft k ? Fi^,4o ; sovs. <* FStfZrjtfrS SSTtJSac are downsagain ■- I public aU the advantages of a first-clags I ' _ __r _i «o ft au *J hotel. The constant aim of the pro ! ¥#f d M,S B | g^\ M 4W > prietor will be to ensure the Comfort and . I **'* )l ™S?H : '« > *'* . ,n 6 1Oc '" "« : • Safety of his -Patrons by absolute clean- .„„,,.-- . - -- „ - aA - - 1 Second Hack Hurdles, of 40 soys. One liness, prompt attention, well cooked and 1001 b TiOUr, 18S 6d j Jj^&ndsbhvee^mT^tßsi euJ , whQlesouiefpodj and jwrfeot sanitation. O",H fff »M>l ThiWfHtekJMt Race) dfr4o says; Oi^e .«..<!.'.' . .-' ' "_«l_7 -' MfiWMmhffl'*! v mae'and^quarteKl!,Ur<: l:> The establishment contains. lofty and ™» c «^ ua « j Hawera Steeplechaae of SOsovs. Abotit airy bedrooms, sitting room, ladies' iea fl -4p % yi^ *;« q.T,4|M ll^^4jSrMFA abyS-3. ( room, commercial room, grand dining Jam, fiOm 4d tm liaflief moe%«^dfoapß«^eohaje room ' ' 6 - - of the val«8ot«0lB0V8. For qualified Hot, Cold, and Shower Baths , _. Ohaffi and bollard ' laidies Terms: Allm.eal^l-jfbeds.Asei | ffi % \\. W | L ; GenUemem nderft^ Q Abodt Special arrangements for boarders?^ r4r 4 JX L %4j «« ! w *£ ff _? a ?*Si d i r Tfe o ' w _ J Convenient and Commodious Sample Kerosene, 13s 6d Case Fonrth Hack Flat, of 30 soya. Seve.n O oS 8 minute'a.walkfrpm railway station., . W^at^fpr-Ohickfr L^nS^im |* w_. J IW« vv wwu l " 251 b Oatmeal, ,3s 6d .^i jgtm^^ji •M**-rfaofßM <&ti we iiS dI "'-PROPRIETOR IIll1 l ' } ' !^^ ; '"' ? ? : { ' ? - r } ne:verw,ou[aii;aflyeiti9edracepfsß|e.vali)e, Js'rV. ; ™° i IETO B cc^ :. - - Potatoeß,iu'?any : quantity #»*»■<*■ fciro^ ffr«*(T^BMf ada U FOR' COUGHS and COLDS take "^ 4 ! Hunter Baoes.ex^.ted). | I. Wood's Great Peppermint - Cure. -&,,. „ t> .D - -.n oj ' A Hunter means a horse whose owner A I 8 6dand2s6d :? 3wV? _>61b bag Best KICG, 128 6d r sc>leß,a.certffifak ft lsbdand-sbd. ,- -"V __. s6s 6 , ( / ._, ;;^; ;^ '?'■».' i ' r ; : „';r- ■ '- f :\lii^\ i,""'l ]t lU\l !';">• j'h-ii-Di'i^'.'V'. 1 ' ' the .ihg^f^ib^e^Yi^ttj^o founds LOVERS ' j J . ; -} ; during tne i pa^t i .se ( aßpnjt9,^e.<sajtisfactio!n .lil-ycM--; J'ir. '. :itn \ffd i'^'/Vl a'rr'vßTm? TTQ^ of the Maste^^andj^W^o^won a ra^e of Coffee wiU find 8 «- poa vASti ritlUJli JjlOi over 40.;80ys" f (ti_ok:a_d .Hunger Races~-■wtn.-jH ■ ■ : e_cep,te.d). ;- i; - r,.: u^,>,, ,-,; M -, y . U9im 'lally^ lIJJ . D SS2SSffI y X ,-, ; k J\>* \jXJ\jX\^Gu OVfJLlji S .TOBE..EO-tWAfiDED.VLA | , Sr^TOfh yJilfjiM HZ V/Ot? - " ! &'¥S'^-First HWdle^l^o^^out "--^ , " , ' ' T" Hunt Club^Gu'p Steeplechase, 1 so^; f _iMPIRE r -dOMKANY,^. I tSWE'JGW&KTIBHWCARk S} r f Hack Hurdles, I 'soy; First Hack ff '^-^•"«- -»••"»- * v/a».j.*j^. pi a fc Race,il sov; Egmont Steeplechase, ') , Wvhtnotos ,- . 'i ' .>a«? ,!■:„„".!, r_,._v«P_ • i'\ 11 l 2 sot : Hackand'Hunter Steeplechase 1 /^^MftW^',,-.. 1..11 ..1 uO/KMBgmpWedifcPn>chaßin4] }: : j 8OV5! : r H igh sovl ; _______ Second /Hurdles, 1 sov>; -Second Hadk MESSRS < FREETH B ROS V - : «>!"« > ! " vf!MU«IiLES'S?r«T.F._kI' ; Hnrdles^liSov^Third^Hack^ace, 1 spy; ifj, j s\:i», 1 i c . ' . ' •:.,"•':-/ 2 >..■-<-.?< t --y<T 'nr'H>.!K->rflofT -io* [ HaweTasi.Steeplecbjase,-): l'<iaqy.ii /LadieV WOOD * COAL MERCHANTS^ •■■ •«■•«-'' « !l ' •■• ■ "— iL: >t. „ s Bracelet, 10s; Fourth -iHack Flat, 10a ; _o;.~<i - ■'!•.__; •, . . >■ . ! ' -' >>!/• /•' ' •-'. !•- .!•;.' •' • Final Steeplechase,-lOa. u,i '», A l \ \ Splendid Stock' of RATA and TAWA. TT is te'ate in Colombo before shipmen .™£rr_r«,,n « Puriri Posts, Piles, and Plants. ~ X by a trained Expert from Minoing- jj •, 5. ACCEPTANCES./-, ; ; ; fiesi! Mo__!_.U|ind WESTPORT COAL/ Lanej 'London;' the leading tea market p FRIDAY, \§sb. SEPTEMBER, 1898, ]Nelson : a_d'>-ok£u, : LlMo Slwa^on hand. 1 fcbe ftorld.and again examined here before at ,9/evm.— First Hurdles, % soys; EgmonL '■'eA'RTING of Tiny De'scriptibn Done. dffered^Ttf -the- Public by- the Importer, Hiint^Oiub Cup StWleMse,' ' : 1 soY 5 , ; ' ;who bas^also^ Mincing Lane ezperience. Fsa,fc^tfck ' Hu^ek,' l^sßv'l'Fii'st Hack Agents for the I^eW 2eaiknk EipressiCo.^ V] "* ~ff ['-j "/\ « f^^'ApLW^^iSA Parcels or Goods sent to anypart of f tfie - ,'\ ,*?.-« 3 l^S^i^tS^^ 1 . World at Cheapest Bates. MlUleilS' Hlgh-gTOWXI Tea 3 1 wrfrfg^iKffifi__ Agents for the Manchester Fire j g j 1898, Atr^3o4i^ v Second Hurdles, |2 __ CJ'C^l-fT BB^ 0^ °'? i^ClTl/T f\ 'ißSOfitlf©LW"#Sßji: Ti so^^Secraci Hack Hurdles, 1 soy; Third kbj&n©lfki&_lL.p%rts of %c 'fSW 1 Ikf 5 t*f^JTOSSLiJL I JMlJ* ; |M.l >viaawera Steeple- « — _.»^«™^_i..^-». _.. ■---_•—- '^-^™_^7^~^~' /IS — - — -.».-»--_ j cnase, 2 soy ; Liadies' Bracelet, 1 boy: FOR SALE.— 24O"^' Acre "" "SEOT^K Snufactured* under the most approved Fourth Hack Flat^.l soy ; Final Steepleone mile from Mokau townsfiip, , conditions. 4>y the latest and^no»t r j chase, 1 soy. ' tllJin^grksKana^ntied^SoodffoVtsW. 1W57 kprovWn^chinerV £ 8 m^^o i%&JZ?£tiz VW- I or COWS, Trice, £4 5s an. acre. 2 Good ; . WW » w O °4^e«nW^^^j_3VM »_-?'. |i^^M^Hpnße^^i^gang-9tEW^|; ?Io 3»ofiWue&A ;'f f '; ON r >:cGfibi_BQ_f3Ju,EßlDA^^9TH Good Six-roomed House on South Road rapidly increasing m fche pubhc fevor $ September; _898..- First HurdleS with all conveniences. $wqams*W®'ff> 'lOt t> MX3IA\ Egmont HuJ'citff CupiSteeplechaS can be arranged. L x ™ i p^ fl^ Hac^ Hurdles First 1 Hack Flat — 6-Robmed«H6uߣott«6nth"R«ad;-a^ jj^ E J monß sleeJlechase/Hack arid O twiy^l^^ e f t S ¥ ge ioJ^V-nthe^rket; J J^.,4^.^^^^ $ >; J .^! J^:i ' ?£ss#..s 'I f ' /. > w'SDNESDAYj(2IST SEP^MBEB, fit W FREETHBrW: VsL\ial^dby,Mr;M^en^mpsy|afs i898,i 898 , AT 8 P . M .-Second Hurdle, Second -\"'; * .7; I BeeL" xx PenßD(P enBD(! 1 "^ffi^fri Hac£ Hardies, Tbird-^ack^ Flat'RacW ■4 t' ■>■ -A -^■■- J > -•" j^S i* .^i_3_i^H^A<^y_feißffci Httwera Steeplechase, Ladies' Bracelet, BARGAIN S;V-:'::___ Jli3sl_SgJ__SL I ,s3mXtoilm#m6 " ! h 1 •,'. , ;i, ,■ .> m/ ''- .'',-£,.-> brands ' .. -. . <■ -.; > ■ ""''"" L' .- Ai/AINiLJI»-n»l3Ull\Jt 'DttiNK.oin.lf •/>:" : ,.X;.HAYS ( thia <) ,d > ay;idißpafle.d,of,'mv bAUULUKI LUlTirani, Q-rnUIVTV TWA ■ beUeyta,in,*,Hiv l eandleVliy,e.'-',Hewill DEVON St.,' NEW PLYMOUTH. 'OUJ^IIN JL XjJt__\ „ not run a farm to save, spending a few, . • • AND •-, „ s_illing_ witht'Lis edskomere' foremilk, THE CHEAPEST SHOP IN TOWN.' ! T>'nQW"B_f Tri^Ttr^T' ■ ' a » a^f bafc *f-;-A. fi raMasstiadeßman ±aa v^uiaj. JKiiJOJliJjlJ'Xr JL ___._!_.•, who will use first-class material, I have REPAIRS A SPIAECLITY. , . < m * 5h P l^ B^ » n recommending those . ,whq. have .fayour«d. f ,meM. wijih^ their. w w onvp ' PROPRfETOR mSK your Grocer for it,tand patronage, for, ? the past yesrs,,,for F,W. CONE Propbietob , s_e thafc you get it: which I Sincerely, thank t^em.-Um, *oi, — — T" ;. y.'-t CT.fir _ "' j •'' '•'"■ t; 'R. Benight. LeOliarC: M. laUntOn Ifehallb&obligedifairwho are indebted _ — -„ m ''3 .k. k ' f . , ' J ' '. ' , tomewillpayMr J.W. Leetb promptly Afl_>HAf_in KW_Q SoJe Importer^ . l¥|t cwisii oi Us>. N EIW p. L^ H . j . l fj rstokss saddlery & HAVE just received another heavy ■. UpvnQQQ shipment of ' . 1 /7ar//C?66 . S. H. jAiras] :• ' - ■■• [T-Harby Pbnn 6e Stook6 d and Made to Order. ' .VSEABONABLS GOODS— ■/ V"'tf K Vfr Tfir^Qw" r - •• T --t^ • - .. - > ' , O" ' ni/^//xIVJ i 'Jjli;C)|" 1 . , All Repairs at Reasonable Rates. LADIES' EVENING SHOES, LAND &.COMkiskoNAMT, BG . kNIGHT'T^NT^, FLAGfS & WINTER^ WALKING SHOES:& / t .. ;^INANWAL;'AGEN^ | , 0. , . ■ « ; ._ ; I „: ; ;bootS | • / .:■;-^ ;iii :,'■ ; ; \,v^^W;:y^; iS^^'^^l^^f^T, FOOTBALL BOOTS, ' ' ' •'' > ; „ Stratford Town Board. '=>.-'',ve'.ylw \ y T7S7* *T TTTTnTTP. !• . ■• ■ Cardiff Ngaire and LowgUrth Co opbt^ , f<;X.«l»>-irV-«*J-i.lllJ3i JLJGi, t, | GENTS' DANCING PUMPS.* , Vl/ tive Dairy Factory Companies* [ ! £ 'SADDLER;, &C,' ' -?.. \ ' . , '. Alliance Assurance Company , \^\-' -« t ''^^ - ; "' '• " '''-. :;.' :'" ! : ' Y> :': ' Phoenix Fire Insurance Company •- 1 ji „-Dbkon-STREET,; NEW' PLYMOUTH. | ~ ~~ " Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Company ; - rVTF O T- E. .—.^The . Empire ;COMP>NY, ... . - . .. f '" ! '' vl ' ;/ '"'". - h iM' Wellington, seli'refined— ' > LAND.— A long list of properties to ■-.. -•«! ,! „ .- v .. r'- '«j •".-•)'■ ' >i^f<l I w: . • ' select from-^-bush sections, improveo ,-o b;o? <,v, ! -r> •"-■ '\«• :. '■" *i -^ j i» m irji OAIJ A V farms, sheep, country and cattle , .' ; v:- y.-^'>l , ?-jv'J- •-:.;. ■ :v: v - >v 4 Jpl-lIiOYVAA,. / country, town properties, business l VTE U It ALQIA-^-ELLIS' CERTAIN „'i. ! ''>.".*>,' '.."'.'•• and residential. .Saving heen 17, ,J3I; NEURALGI Aland not in inconvenient lumps, but in con years i n the district, Mr JAMES'is in. NURSERY .9 AIR '.LOTION may pc venient 20z,40z, and lib packets. a position to advise intend ing settlers. obtained Retail at the Co-operative ——.-'• ,' SociETXj.Currie-street,. , and .all mer- ,— — chants. <• - ; -. -.., ;,-• j .„■,,>, /~!/A \ FOR SALE OR TO LET,— A new BROADWAY BUILDING^ .: . ~ --• ->- : »,i.:: W75 Eight roomed COMMODIOUS and mn^r»T^ '- -.•" - w ' ,:-''• } WELL FINISHED HO USE and 15 , , STRATFQRP, • V .•' •" •- '■ a. «h ,:< iV ; acres of grass land within five minutes ' l ? ■ , ■ -, ' - . - ■>i va:.- ,!•»£. ) walk from the centre of the town ;• with • " • J ~ : ' TJ , v ;.;.;,') ■:■'> \ first class two Btoreyßtable and outhouses. — ' : ,; - . j, i«; ', i.l ' t n 1 Magnificent site, with perfect Datural - "|"hft Vl/&f__'e lA^__l'T_kiH_ir~ ' r* 4-Lali "b^ i-i f -" I shelter; suitable for orchard. Can be letfor aJSsJfL!*® •„ V? 1™1^;1 ™ 1^; FOOlbd. ROOIS' 1 ' 7or 30 years. Rent moderate. Particu __*^A^jtt«Ta2B " J v.r „;; :". !;, " ; lars on application. "^ WritewfessorHen_»__,FrtDohSpeol»llrt, -; .. '- ■'> - ." "J l : : W WEBBER, ;, . •„ .-.,;„,.;, ere N^vmou^ YOUNGMEA A large 1 stock; J .elect IF a Tonic is required, take Loaßby's wives. Professor Hermann, Specialist, 40 CoiUnj. x3L >or made to.orjderjn fife w days. ; "WAHOO" the most powerful P'^, Melbourne. • ,;."•", - " / V herbal tonic mad 4. ,A«kforit_t Tr^D SUFFERING MEN^SS &d& d ToJ, . . ' ' " '' '' '_-_:• D " v;i^" ' "I, & <!o.'s I'harmHcv'. , ', »tter BpsdaUsts Jailed. Addrew Harow 8. Bill, „ \ _— G.P.0., Melbourne, ■• ." ;" ', "; k 'j » "myr Tl^T_7T_l'VT ■ rnti • v* FOR UOUGHS and COLDS take TH E TRUTH Vaiaabiebooktor^en, , ,MC.rjW 'jDJN';;|Jl>li.Up|' W Wood's Great Peppermint .Cure, '^jgjglffiffl^ .i-fa ' A «'-: "]^ J| ,

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 11316, 7 September 1898, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 11316, 7 September 1898, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 11316, 7 September 1898, Page 1