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! H"^ B s ! &§§S&Ps& Sales by Auction : ' Amusements. ' '"oodnrs ' LAND! LAND 1 LAND! "jti jy nf\TPJIIJ 1 i m m UMMwM^ - ~~ ' : ' — • ' • JP • JL • \j\J±x>sLk±.JuiJU I I ijjK-llPfl THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER^ ' THEATRE ROYAL. GRAND PIANO FOR SALE. NEWTON KIN(t- fKVITES the attention of Buyers to H S "Iffl(»ggS!fc «& r™™rr«,» B -„r~" • j lO na I\.XH VT* j[ the following llat of fgs«wsK <• , - 'tit n/vrrr>TTNn?v Lessee and Manager .Mr Tom Pollard nPENDERS will be received up to 20th 1# I I*'' w.i ii W.OOUBIfcET T?s2mlZ .T!: MrW O^Sullivan *- Soptwnbw for PURCHASE of AUCTIONEER AND LAND AGENT. BUSINESSES FOE?, SALri. If IW ; WtlW t 1 9e " by t ßUotlO ;°V lie | r r! = Mrw.UbmHY.a GRA^ PIAN^ (maker R ichardLipp), GROCEBY and FANCY GOODS. UI4I SVi Wfifv, '° n ihur6day » be P cem^- The People's Favourites- Terma can bo arranged. Mn«t be sold. I T A3 for B Ue farms of every descrip- Average taki-ga last 18 months £222 mmrs% rr ~ v™™ BmLDiN ? bites, pgfttig?. s^^o^z^ji^ sr^.*iK^ "ss llfe%Pp M% ''•" J* know ,? as P art of Mitchinsons * A ,-7rv,r D AxT v atreet S- ' b99 perty lit gistdr, of which thy following about £500. Long lease of excellent tJIi mmM IfcA w^i V - Nursery. These Lots are on tbe sunny APEBA /COMPANY. — are a few on my lias : - nremkes at moderate rental "'BVIo JN %1 ; • ' ' side of Lemon-street, and are beautifully UPIEA t'OKPAH. TO BUILDERS. Na 428 , OHEAP DAIRY OR GRAZ- DRAPERY an? CLOTHING. Old I™?™™^%^:*":*'*-' sheltered from southerly wind by Fort ' _ rm _ Du .77 „ . ING FARM, 310 acres, 170 cleared established and good-clasx business ifeiiuVh'^i":; I !,'"'^;'.-.;'!,'.; 1 ; %r. The upsets iare very low, m order TO-NIGHT! T EN £ ERS Wl<l b ° reCei o fid at my »» Hn grass, aab.»ivMed into 4 pad- in leading town. Excellent position, Soap, a Mn;;ic iipuii'.iniiyi <r ( . I•• •%"«.., to eDßure a sale. Should day be wet, sale -f- A1 l •*-•*- •*■ 1 office up to 4 p.m. on Saturday, docks wif h fk-rmrnf.,} Vmnsn M\w Innrr !pi« h mndpr^ftt rf-nt Sfcofk ■SSiSaSafeaS!--^.. 1 - -*U.l»l»Ml»-TI«*.Ih S »L WIDNESDAY Sept 7, taj-b. fotb L BTOLDINS a SSw^ '^rtj *££%. tut'So " xjpSM afy .. ai ~- M , Von Suppes celebrated military , and RESIDENCE on the Camngton Road Situated on good metalled road, 2 SOTEL. Very good house. long leaso Pfffflwl dhk T? 131 V ■■'- ' Sale at 2-3 ° ° ,» spectacular comic opera— for W. McAllum, Esq. mi!( . 8 f ro , n f. lctO ry and school. with purchasing clause, not tied. H Ii I If S>d >!' '■'- bb "FATINITZA" '„ I<m1 < me J Bi: < )r an y tender not nece£< - No. 426, SNUG LITTLE HOME- TOBACCONIST, HAIR - DRESSER, H ftJL&J^ $i's ■$ '.§ : Trmniv WPTTfMTiRR q Admitfnrf Xx, *i, o w«in«»f«« p. ■- f v sanl y acee P ted - ' STEAD, 50 acres, well improved, and BILLIARD «. ROOM. Good i«fl scfK^ vs'iM *h& M£>^ «iW' -..-S; Jbtv.lJJA.x, »rirlJJiDa.JsJ2iJa v. Aamittea ny the Wellington rress to be nAI , Tr . irnocmwrtwD i««,,i c i ■ i -i.' n L lli i i ™> J^^'^Unrhn^V-,''^ •.. * — -, . „ - one of the finest productions seen in FRANK MESSENGER level, p a ddock b , i acre pig pad. position, first-class table, long lease F.NEiri?ruT.Ms.vs, i.w!»n v >„ . v ' -. xeTTTTnTTT RTC^mtfVK '" v WAllinnK n ■ Architect, pock, fenced with necUn^; 7-rootned at low rent. £300 capital required. WllUUUJLjttKibftttVJ-. MaenStScenerv Wardrobe and ' ' b 49 ' Broughamvstreet. houae, trap shed, wauhouse tool FRUIT FARM. Over 1500 matured ,REO ROUGH mM!&te^i&' P. E. OARTHEW &CO - EifeSs. ' ' TARANAKI. firf, A t^^^SSkSS^ / --— ■ Gnb r ™^,^ 8-. ■ ■ FOR BA11B? TENDER ' S^LJa^ '" *" fLS^i^Jf ***■ "WHAT SHALL WE DRINK ?, Mjsp-Ross), on Friday, September Gilbert^ SuUmnsmasterpiece- , .hL known ftfc No< VERY KAp PBEEIIOIID * P \™v pROMM^a WHMI OfIMLL »¥t umm\ 9th) __ , , "THE MIKADO." J\_ Okato, now occupied by Mr L. W. 200 acres all in grass except few FA <.U PROPERTIES. Now, there are drinks and drinks. ,* a npHE WHOLE OF HER STOCK ~— , Alexander, who is obliged to retire acres (shelter bush, 3 paddocks mostly P. P. COHXf I jL offers for Sale or Lease Some there are whioh by con- X OP MILLINERY, consisting of— FRIDAY, Sept. 9, ' owing to ill health; about nine hundred sheep proof fences, 5-roomed house, aGO«»L> BUSf? F A Rl\ of 450 acres, tinued use injure tbe nervous jUra a t 9j BonnetsJ • Corsetß, Ribbons^ But- The success, of last season— r . " „ acres in lots of one hundred acres or wash house. Price only £5 104 per nearly half in grns->, very well situated .system. Tea has this effect." *$$£ fc on^ Threads, Tarns, Bibs, "IN TOWN* J more; one of the finest grazing properties acre. * on maia road. JD3 5-i per acre. £250 O,tliere> create, after swallowing, m oioaks,; Jackets, 'Brushes and Combs, •" in Taranaki, all beach l»md. New first- No. 419, HANDY LITTLE FAP.M, cash, lipicince at 5 per cenc; or lea«>.> , a heavy • irntatiDfr sentatiou, j| Handkerchiefs, Hat Stands, Elastic, Cue- SATURDAY Sept 10 class house, 10 rooms, pantry and bath 59 acres all grass, 3*roomed house, with improvement condition* sj^£SwqflSS?Sn^ -• •' fcainsShirt^Caliooii Muslins, Velveteen, Tno . t tooral and ' reli ' drama _ room, water laid on to kitchen and faaib trap shed, 4a, 4 paddocks, nearly p^"^ l^:,^^ to „ a '4. g totbis JBe ouelul therefore Umbrellas, &c, &c. • • UNCLE TOM>S ABIN „ room ' ha <* •*»"«*. house, saddle all level portion ploughed, 1 tniie P. P. O^^.L la in^^ to aeU a. nd ' use ' Crease's Al Coffee- purest'.ind . '"*' * \JSS\jU)h lUivx es L A.CIJN. room, and all necessary offices, well from factory, 1 £ miles trom station, rIMA of 000 acres in the besfc'obt'iTimble " ' ' The ! whole • of the" above' being- New. planted grounds; Manager's house, nx good metall*;d "road. £8 per aero. Inglewood district, highly improved, ' ' nwn'iM^Bga— — a— ■—■ — Goods,, the vendor giving up business and THE EiECTRIC LIGHT rooms, pantry and bathroom, dairy raens St«ck, &c, at valuation. "with bouse, ample outbuildings, n _,„ leaving the district, will be offered with- Will be installed in both Auditorium and house, large cart stables, carfe shed, cow No. 425. DAIRY FARM, 120 acres, all creamery with water-power, garden, w .,, „ . AUJii JU^Kiit . . oU (; reßerTe> • Stage. shed with paved yard, stock -yards, sheep grass; 5-roomfed house, barn, dairy, &fi - On first-class metalled road. With the two bowers, the ace and kmgof ;'. ? \ ds and J. wouM ' mak^ t om i ed and sfcockyard ', 5 paddocks £10 per acre. trumps, will enable you to to a game gale at 130 O ' oloek; PRICES : 4s, 2s 6d and Is. splendid factory. All in arass and fenced situated on good metalled road 11 F. P. CORSCILL has for Sale a BUSH of euchre with as much certainty, as you , • MOS Box plan at Gilmoura. into fifteen paddocks, water in every miles from factory. Price, £8 15s ' PROPERTY of 1400 acres good must take every tnck-if you play Ton- . ■ paddock; splendid orchard and plants 0 - per acre. level land. 500 acres in bast grasses, kings Linseed Emnlsmn against a cough i>T\A/Or>tf ' H OftT '' FJBED> Wl DU^ L ' Bußiaeßß Mana S er tiobs, water power in centre of farm No. 433. FIRST-CLASS LAND, 190 ■ good new cottage, on metalled road. or -?, ol^ ndlt^ 8 "; ) .^T/fl^L (iH^lyVVl^ll fcOtIUUL., , ■ m nOdmV-to'Anre Separator. Within acres, 25 acres shelter bush, balance £3000. of it either; Wholesale Agen^te for New POWDERH AM-STREET. .'■ IT-— = — m . r rrrn convenient distance of Creamery School old clearing, easily plonghahle, F. P. CO ItKILL offers for Lease or Sale Plymouth,, Messrs Burgess & Fraser.- . )!llljj ., i _ ; . r , i . ... . STAR FOOTBALL CLUB. and Post office; title land transfer. securely fenced, no buildings, situated a SMALL SHEEP-BUlff of 1000 Aqv ■ —^ Principal ... MISS STANFORD - Further information can be obtaiaed on good metalled road, one mile acres, of which 500 acres are in best tt T th» P«™ n who fnnk * Brown AssistM by I '^ efficient; staff:' ' ' THE ANNUAL BOCIA.L f™W the owner or National Bank of from creamery, lj- miles from gra«B. First-class road to property. ILL the Personwho took a Brown ; v^/^;',!:,;,, -„,, , , w . n . ... . . New Zealand. Terms. bB4 station. A really good property. £3 5s per aero; specially easy terms. same at the Herald Office. b!O4 I~ Matnott^Oft aqd aU qn , ARE KEEPING IN THE No. 421. CSEAP LEASEHOLDS, 114 town, on metalled road. Comfortable 10a. REWARD. . ■ .\. f\LL_ ' WEDiSESD AY, SEPTEMBER 21st TT FRONT RANK AS acres, sixty in grass, small dwelling, house, abundant outbuildings, nice — — Music Pud ; U '("theory included^ two < ~ — ' 6 chains fencing done. Good orchard and garden, near school. T OST,-ONE DARK BA.Y MARE, «uineasoer;term. ; „ ■ „,„" Ladies, Is 6d; Gentlemen,2s 6d. MANUFACTURERS OF metalled road, miles from factory. /550 Terras to h uih. Jw with black patch on off rump! g SSSfi : Suaaa (Wednesday after- . - ' ' ' ' • ' blO2 • Tenure, native lease, 18 years to 1000 ACRES Standing Bush ; 30s per Anyone detaining same after this notice aoone) oneigninea'perlterm. •> - > ' , ' ' MEN'S & "BOYS' run, at £10 12s 6d per ac num. £160 . 9 *™> AniiVltiT . , , v Will be prosecuted. ' Dancinff Classed Saturday morninss") • - ' -LTXiJi^l kZ> UU U\J JL (D for goodwill. 12,000 ACRES Limestone aad Papa ', P A , TPR OST lfiiS^"^?' "^.'"TT,*,,. 1 • »v. {»-•.. , ,- ■ N0.420. 160 ACRES NATIVE LEASE, Country, 2500 Acres ia Splendid , J.FROST I^Es^'ipfl.;ooi'i^^':: ' ■ .'' • ..' ■ . "CLOTHING all in graa., f od house and out: Grass, and carrying 3 sheep to the '- ; : r- term ■•,>"-•- .■- r° ■;,,,,, ' < ■ buildings, stockyard, &c, fenced and a « re WANTED TO SELL —A First-class '• -, ■■• v? > J^— / ..''"'. i • . » AND GITE THE subdivided. Compensation for im- 1000 ACRES Good Bush Country, for BOARDING HOUSE Agoing MIBB Stanford, will be at home, at the .j, „ j •. -_. provements at end of term. £110 Lea h e or Purchase on easy tei'ms c'oncerm Cheap —Apply Callaghan & School, on 1 Thursday, September 15th, TPJT?l|yf TT'"II/rT>Xr'T> t ±3±btoX V AJjUJIj ?L s °° ~S \ L A „„„„ „ . TOWN PROPERTIES. r "" TO "- \ ' l-toj mMbMß^ii ! , . WTHEMAEKBT o .^^S QC^TM jAOEES, West End « WANTED,-SMART BOY. -Apply V-^ ; : rnmnellpH t'ii ' "■" * on metalled read, immediately oppo* t « n L ow a °J*M r „,. « liin early, Beehive Drapers' Co , " , V un& '■•&&**& A ft* W ' °^ On *P eiiea J" k -' eil p _ .la considering the following list, which site dairy factory. Kent, 6s per acre. 10^ °f n ?^\ £U °- Devon-street, New Plymouth.. „ bB9 I«Uk> KLCWAINAIN, HegardleSS Of COSt quote prices low enough in all conscience, No. 410. G»K;D SHLRKP FARM, 450 HALU-ALRE, well-planted, fine view, „.„----■ — . ,_'. CTt , Th WEST QUAY, WAITARA, „ » qn ft PT TTUf n^TY it must be borne in mind that our Clothing aorba, about half cleared; large pois on .|£ 0 J * n 'ANTED.-A FARM HAND G , commißsiouc ommiBsiou Aeent . i A SHORT TIME ONLY. faag BE&T MAKING . tion river flats; about 3 miles fencing. GOOD 5-ROOMED HOUSK, full sees must be a first-class, milker and Accountant, General Commission,, Agent. . .. _ THIMMISG, quite equal to tailor-made. Price, £14C0, or will lease for five WT vr^ Anfe^i4p C \ v able to plough Good wages , foi r good ' TjJAnESMENS^OOKS KEPT * iS eCUTd B<ir&3.inS You can elsewhere easily procure clothing years at £70 per anuum. NINb-ROOMkD HOUSE half acre,, a bind, -Apply MACINTOSH HORROCKB TBADJiiHai^^UUKB J^i-X, ../ov/uiu w.*i s^/110 wit h trimmings, which would disgraJl No. 371. CHEAP LEASEHOLD, 254 WA , S»S »P e "^P ro P erfc y' £800 . Kaimataßoad. - b9l b'ein's prepared '■ "■ • AT any LondoQ atiu g den - bub if th « acres . all io § rass ' Bloomed house, HA^-ACRB, Henm, on mam road, ■ W A^S C S^-5S I S±' for7a^ "G, M. BRASCH & CO-S b«t opjjyjj^hi« i. .ood J^^^^S^ V* >crop« are grown with GfcAR , hajjE/,— ( b 1 v pi ' f 3 , j,/,., 1% with or wuhoufc furniture. ParticuCO.'S MANURES & L AWE'S SUPER. pHEAk-Four : ro6med Hoiserwith TJTXTri Men 's Mosgiel Sac Suits, 255, honestly **:L goodwill, £3 15s oq lication PHOSPHATB.-Newton King, Agent, y. sealery;: j-aore land welL planted L/jLJbbAKIJM \JC worth 35s Nn 5 VPRY PFTFAP FARAT 14^ — Z with fruit trees, and securely, fenced. /,. T -r, Men's AIT Wool Trousers, 686 8 9d °'^ JSSeB 5 ias.feS 4- ENQUIRIES INVITED. J*aa»^ s*l -' rnce, a>i4U casn. , , . nALH Men s Overcoats and Capes, 19s 6d »onmojnm, n , n . m l o j L «;t,-,Lf o^i • v -SSMSk X -^W^::' ■■•. .^"sss."-^ S3SSSS f.p.corkill, _TOfc.'.^a» — -$si£j?!9jL r*E/sr *E /s - *'is*\ ■ ' ' ' «, >t> . n ■/• "uv \ in »i creamery, ana 0 miicoiroiu otTauioru. NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. ' ' ;.' ". ' .. ' ' Men's T^ V«te ffiy Sm 8 and 4 railway statiou. Owner left the National Bank Chambers, I , _ NOW PUBLISHED. ■ ;- J I*^64 ( * OOUWBY BTOfiß l^^P^hoia NEW P^MOUTH. -«sw*^; flw SSSfcaai&a thosavery, fSSSH^a^dW^^uS Commercial, Municipal, and Genera l; ' SB^^^^^m '™' J> P'-t can be taken at valua- PRINTER, BOOKSELLER, MUSIC leave, Haweratill 3.30 p.m., and will run TiTT>ttpnTnri I »Tl7 r ' .^SSBm&mtmarmsß^ Boys' Fox's Serge Sailor Suits, from lon * Also- SELLER & STATIONER, as on' Saturdays. • •• . , UlJtiliC' L\J Jti JL .• Us fid— always look dressy „ m ,J , . „ ' b 77 '' ' " BY ° BD^l- AND, NEW ZEAL AND. ANNUAL, DUI?nTT7I? '• N.Z. Tweed, Is lid per yard ISSSx^^^SHSt NEW PLYMOUTH. NEW PLYMOUTH ORTHIO SHORT- t +n/\nn' '"' OJCjJK til Vlfi till Al ±l~ r ~* r 4. various parts of the district. HAND^OOIETY, , „ .. .1898.^9^i, ' „',' I\, " j ' NI • O/oW?//?g F bCtO^ ', a 985 [ A- NNUAL MEETING of the above .(J , Eight year' of. publication;''. ' I l\/fX>r\T>^Tl\T/^ N PW Plrmnnfh 7?r ft m>h_ ttt a Tvrn. a -ntttt Agent for tbe following newspapers :— A will be-held in, Mr Bqultls school- , • '.' Ed - ted^ by Jomi , aftM.- >*-* • iMrUii I.IJN VJT ?y? y DEVON STREET A-TsTO-jft-IS TJI Auckland Weekly News room on Thursday, September Bth, at „ ' , '. l_ v ■' ''■'•' ■;,-,' „ . , ' a -jut t,it>T/>« a l\i T ftQTITHTff Observer 8.30 p.m. All members^are requested to ;, D^ m y Byo . gi ze containing oyer 900' 'VI • " 'CICM/I t> A "XT V - Jt °' BURROW » Manager. AlViaKl^illN li^Ol JIU Ito NZ Graph}c attend, and newimember^ are, myited-tq pages, '.together with'-Maps,;of W.ellingW „^| > < VyUlVl U JXVi I • ' nuTlilw ,^r TW BDna T^m? TRP PTTRi^f AT POTTOT TO^ Chrijtchnrch Pres< join.'. „.. „,,'• and New Zealand; dorrectea to date, the 1 ' , ' " , • ? HALLENSTEIN BROS., T^OR THE CURE of ALCOHOLICS Canterbury Times Speed Practu^Certificatea^and Prizes. w hole, handsomely 'feound in cloth, ' gSt TDifelVOXsT SiOTJSEI T * e Proprietors of the N.Z. Clothing \. by the latest up-to-date treatment Wellington Mail Election of Officers. . „,b 97 Ottered " '" '■ ' Fa « tor y» bave 3UBfe3 UBfe b^n awarded the -time required three weeks -the patient Melbourne Leader = : : ■. , - . -.: „' ' "■'_«- •'•■''-.••• NE w PLYMOUTH' GOLD MEDAL for the manufacture of J»nwelf to be satisfied that the craving Australian ' FOOTBALL MA.TCJEL' PRICE.'.;' '...'- 3 .., ... 12s 6d. ' ! : ;r " ' Military. Uniforms, .Men's and Boys' for alcohol m any form is killed before Town and Countrj Journal "... ' ', ■ ;' WHO ARE THE SUCCESSFUL Clothing and Waterproof s at the Dunedin payment is made. Sydney Bulletin TO-M ORR O W. . . STOVE SON & CO '" ' ' TENDERERS FOR Exhibition. " COST OF CURE 25 GUINEAS'. N.Z Farmer ''• ! ■"" 1 ' ~~^ ''" P-'f ««^ipiw?v, «,k7»*^ , ; . ''■ •,' ■ ,i, , t?2? ,In order to suit all circumstances, arranges Dairyman Ponlr Ab T-o\xr PiArlrc rr Pn^ters and Publishers, 1 Orawf^rd-steet, , m/rRg 4NN TUCKET i"S '< ' mort« ma^ tr. nay hv instalments Colonial Iwvrn tor Bank j& Law Clerte v, ;;|,. , , J: ,, DtfQedin<: . , ( , „„. jyigs j^s .^^^ yr uxwmoyxrTb* aqbi- — ' Ilie UierjSS* Si .. >'-.._ „^-r..,, -<A,-'n,, ''*-''„< . ?«^ *. v J S-t f^r Patients treated privately if des>red. All the English papers and Magazines •"t«"../ - '. <.* ■ ...» 4 UW; i^,:?* 1 ;^ ,^' tfßAPlfe* hTOOK I^^ o^^ 0^ other A id Qf thQ^^^3 of the supplied toorder/^ Proceeds in Aid of -Recreate Ground*., „,,! ■*„ : ""^.J^^'' j '. nQ '' U ** r \ ¥ftl U U Jk. manures, either a« a top dressing or for 00 * Q ttoU . &i J teA lQ fche toU b 56 . • ' ■ —..•.'*..' 'mh'' w ' a >•>->«*'<»-'!'••« -tWB 'v ''-..- generalorops.-]SEW T ON King, Agent. lowin letkr , ddrßMied to Mr j. S . ;- KICK/ OFF at 3U5. !;, ; r , ,/■, , .i;j^,J. " L LANDED COST VALUE -£\ A7-< -^ : Thomson, Manager of the Institute :- PAr , cnbl , Tri arvnriATn !•■' ■•:.: L,.U,,,rf, ■?■ „' _ „.,.,^.,-,1, , -„-,,0 V.1-ttl^ DEAR SIR, -We, the undersigned, FOR SPKING SOWING. , ..ADMISSION;., -...v ,iw,^6d, )M .| .i..'\r,:.' *tf^ !<'...;>{,..' -; : fj . ' :Vl • ' )i: S_S : - r •' ' 1 1^# V nP^ having gone through the treatment for ' ; , ' " "A';f. Thomson^?":' •'•'•• , «.' r . '"•;•' ~ ''•'' a ■■«■ &b U a the Drink CraviQ y unde^ y° ur ma fg e " M pw t nT , Kin oblO7 „/ „ , Hon. -Secretary. tSA'N'JO, ' Tl/f AND O LIN, 4T Q r>h I inn Dnriii^nrJ - IJi IFI lil ment, testify to the completeness of the IN CWt Ull l\ 111 g !t' i ' — fr^^ — «* — tr^ — XJ }y.l ■ CCll/ll Llfitt; nGUUCuUs ' Wkv B M Vms 3 cure in our cases, ana you can refer any y-jrAS FOR SALE AND TO ARRIVE j A PP.LICATION, hAyin'g.'been^msdei ■ - AND GUITAR '"^n . ' •'• '- '' ' *■>, '■• ' ; 'i^ Ba"^ 11 I| H enquirer to us for evidence of the same:— JJL —A special line of SOUTHERN 'J\ to rn^'b^' tfie f ; Deputy-Official- ' .• -' • •■'o> V ' - „ ;, ,n Q^U ."/ mai na DaHnna rl ImH'lltf IRI 11 D. Cameron, Mauriceville OATS, specially imported for Seed purs Assignee', on; behalr^ of ?the v ; Official", \ ' ; ] jEaLIJ .MM& (l BH BU» ftlgO fftgfg UW J as. Watson, Wanganui poses. Dtins, Danish, Sparrowbills, and Assignee, in theiestate of 'JOHN JidW,' a"' ' -,!•/,,.,•.. .<''., ■".,-' : '■"" - ' C'- ~±± --.^^V • A *»»«" Duncan Grant,- Turakina Black Tartars. ■ ■ bankrupt, for the issue of a 1 PROVIt /i« 0, M*r*D D M^Olll ' MDiiVtffCO« P. McAHnden, Wanganui SIONAL CERTIFICATF of TITLE Mr & MPS H- /f, MChHI Joseph Brown, Wanganui CARROT SEED. - A splendid stock for Bection 87 of Block 12, Cape Survey -y^ Quote a f ew ]m eg j- 0 gnow our . teBBM««a'tTMB«aBHf William Hogg, Wanganui of Barribttll's celebrated strain, reared District, contained in Certificate of Title, ARE PREPARED TO GIVE SLAUGHTER PRICES-— S?^ffl PO John Quin, Wanganui locally by reliable growers, all guaranteed - vol. 19 folio 206, and a statutory declara- LESSONS ON ABOVE Usual' JM— fßg^ IIM ""* Chas., Woodley, Wanganui fresh and new seasons. " tion having bi-en lodged with me of the INSTRUMENTS. - nrica Now I* V !>■ n LI Wn6 l D I (CUTHII Chas Pinkerton, Masterton — — loss of such Certificate, I hereby give ZT P"P "° d ' f° W - LEY LON |WLIDI(NDID P. T. Burke, Wanganui MANG.OLD WURTZI3L. - Mamnotice that 1 shall issue the Provisional ' Brown Cotton Half-Hose 0 6 6IA _ ' fiSiJi Jamea Bull, Honteiville moth Long Kod and Yellow Globe Certificate of Title, as requested, at the Terms, &c, Children's Fast-coloured & *// "mSB$lA*Jj i& J. A. Epad, Fordell varieties, best imported seed procurable. expiration'bf fourteen days after the date nnNTTWffirPAT Black Hose 1 3 010 D. Uay, Wanganui of the G^ette containing this notice BR I TIBH 9 \\ \\ W**^Wm\MMSmr J. X Manning, Wanganui TURNIP SEEDS. -All the standard unless irahe meantime a caveat belodged PIANO COMPANY h Dre^ Good. 0 9 0 5 ■ ■«^«,' ?. L, Craig, Wangauui ' and newest varieties expected shortly ex forbiddiDK the same. , DEVONftT REfc T. Doublo-width Drc feS Goods 1 0 0 8 lAfr.oorOofl7y.nik „ N.w Z..<«n«. I o as. Cattcll, Wanganui Direct Steamer from London From Dated this Gth day of September, 1898, Double-width Dress Goods I 6 10 I *«i»mi «■•• m « » Cqloiilwk S. Beard, Kauangaroa Messrs Hurat & Soo, aud other leading at the Lands Registry Office, New Ply- TVinhlA width Drew ftnnd« 2 0 14 1 • Oth«r T«m «r» • mir oopi»». A. Richard Foster, Wanganui houses. mouth. Pupih of above instruments have option ond oSdiS! fl A«.>drtC.ii^|MmM»drit. r » homas Jago, Masterton R. L. STANFORD, of two hours' freo practice weekly with Qdoured & Silk Sov^s 1 0 0 4 ' ' W. Maomillan , Eongotea " NOTE.-If jou want heavy crops of "«? District Land Regutrar. Club. iJdtaa^nd ChSiSS ***** ? "^ the .boveu.e Gear Company's Manures, \-YTANTED KNOWN -That AGRI- ' Coloured Taffeta Gloves 0 9 03, %*t I^Rt AM "IT M N 8.- Having myself beenan alcoholic and, Lawes buperphosphate (the best m W OULTTOAL SALT gives in- Ladies' & Children's Black RttTl U *? 1 V II &r over 20 years of a very pronounced the world). creased yield, destroys vermin, and keeps ' _ »! o1 ; e8 (« oi } ed )» .^ at 10 01 v F«WS Ceylon ij^ft kind and been completely cured I believe R-rivrn stock heathy. The many repeat o r de r s ..^- Ladie^ Bhck ,1 k and R, COOK &SO N, Agent Z?jL™l Ja EN f Lo'of of t a ID fuccei N^on K^a m rTTI TlT^n ladies' White Straws, 200 ' may rely upon i? that we can challenge AGL NT. proof of its success. -Newton King. nTfTl^ T},TR F) to clear ... 0 1 [ESTABLISHED 1875.] the tvraony of the drink in the severest ±!Z? J. AXXAJ AUX^IX^ Ladies' Black Straws, all oaseß - and beat it. baleish to_wn board. V £KANDAH posts. . wSALe, ::: :::o ftli o rm t tfr ara j.s.THo_Msos,Ma O « g6 r. o"ww™mSSbhotbh>S BIENNIAL ELECTION. Colo.redPrii.te 0 6 0 Sj ,n- UUtiljllirx OL l/U., Me j M . o^^ T rateUJDg Heprf . OOMPLKMD, of^j til i i\" *" n no PTANOFOTfTii 1 npftiw sentative of the Institute, ib now in ■ VT - * -vrr-rr intc-i ly-OMlNAllONSofJandidatestoact „_.-_ Striped Flannelettes ... 0 4^ 0 3 PIANOFORTE & ORGAN Town, and will be pleased o afford the ITAWKB3S JM a* Commissioner* of the Ralegh V HFLDT S^^W^r" !.8 n 7a Pra™™ PrlL S Oe'pan Tunebb W« information as to the mode of , Town Board for a period, of two years *• • lJi-iJ-il/l, Unbleached Sheeting, 72in 010 0 7| Practical Piano and Ob gan lunebs either Dersonallv or by ntT^aT» TM r» niTfi will be received at the office of the B^ard, TOrTin , n AXTT , mixnT Youths" Tweed Trousers.. 604 6' and Repaired, treatment, to., eunei personally or Dy PTgAPTWQ SALE West Quay, Waitara, up to noon on CABINETMAKER AND UPHOL- Youths' Tweed Trousers 11 6 711 WANGANUI, & THEATRE ROYAL Address- 11111 U UJI-XIULU Wednesday, August 14th, 1898. BTEEBE. Men's Tweed Trousers ... 8 6 611 NEW PLYMOUTH. White Haut Hotel wttt rf Should more than seven candidates be Men a and Youths' Suits —a large assort- b4g " >s T ew Plymoufch. » ' nominated a poll will be taken at the ment— all reduced. : !__* r-rT«T "Tsrr TT TJiPi K^WjM^li LINOLEUMS, FLOORCLOTHS ***&*?* " " **" B ° LE AGENTS F ° R JHE EMPIBB R ' WedDeSda^ (30 Pieces Newest Patterns), Cheaper BAI ,^ AIN TABLES! BriuSmead P'IMQS REFRESHMKNT .mw "" - |ftp| , I Relurniog Officer. 01*****11 NEW Dlnnnn KOOMS A * oVV UAlb IViUKE. I r Dated at Waitara this 6th day of Sep. CARPETS, CARPET SQUARES, BARGAIN TABLES I Onappdll MODEL riai\QS . " tember, 1898. MOO RUGS, MATS. Built on the Steinway system. OPEN DAILY 9 am. UNTIL wnWT WRWm V&TTTr? W ANTED KNOWN,_That owing Best Value Ever Offered. ~ Tj^AYESTAFF & SONS' piANOS MIDNIGHT. .WONDERFUL VALUE »» to the rapidly increasing demand " Tlis TaHps am haina ™ fillpil nnMi -*-* • *-' .. -^,-!-« in S^^^^ l^^^™^ 1™^*""""1 ™^*""""- Te -XT s & r ri aeach waldemar PIANOS coßomnuEL onuus Mmoiieamre IN order to avoid diaappomtment-NEWTON y er y Best Materials. All Made on We have hundred of lin^s that we mean ORS & KALLMAN PIANOS A SPECIALITY. Tea Trays, ' jiing, Agent. Premises. to clear at Slaughter Prices. \J[ ' — r Cutlery, FO R _SA LE . TOILET SETS~InD GENERAL Every day something different will be J] STE V CELEBRATED QRGANS TIiBATRE Eo S^°SS w Plymouth BasTetware, tt-ttttt T mnm «^ Kn watjtw CROCKERY Bhown out,. until all Richett's old w& Accordions, W™bdiX^£i3dlwh ; stock is cleared. TIME PAYMENTS ™in 8 , 7-roomed House, trap d^d, Wjnd wash Wonderfully OW Marked in Plain applied to alljnstruments. X t ' A iHV:,*!^^ " appointed at the lines they wanted being PIANOS and ORGANS LET OUT -^ %*9s^T Stationery, Crockery M;iMr;..irl B Vhiat.fllii l oT ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE % ' Bold - ON HIKE. • >-' _and all Fancy Goods. t he laud l>«ii.g level, situated on un ex MADE TO ORDER. • COME EARLY Ta SECURE THE "'" Cnn«i'nl R^m^'ni. lo oirmtr m IS; ' bargains. P^Yo^i^^^ m^ J.&W.Jenktnson . special Bargains ft* 11 " 0 ' T iU w a i!r ai Vi°r d m , NeW t-t--^^ • - SPECIALTY. FOLLOWING Second. ™R ™B LAST FEW DAYS, AT 11, mouth. Will be sold cheap to close a JHELDT, att mqTPTPT^7T m w nw Pivmn^i. H Hand VEHICLES FOR SALE- TT A \i, T/ 17 » Q Corner of Liardet , Wed estat..- Apply to ■ N. DODSHUN, 1 P?ny Carriage, with English Fore- i! AVV XL O.andDevonsstreet*, „73 H* O^lNff.4, Directly O^s^ Residence^ O. ■ , -. ■ - Praetor. t0 Dtt *^ ifffif oSS?'^ i Carriage /nd' Col Hnge^les . ' pL . rMOTJTH , ~~ ' ; ~~ ~ bamuel, J!ißq., . . \ Eughsh made Dog Cart JSMV PLYMOUTH "Y\ >Alll) , .OW. OW ' N » i 71 lll * 8 I , a ; i "P; on m^T. m . r,™ . mO LET, - FOUR>ROOMED COT- ', 1 Wagonette 1 Light Gig ■ ■ •» !.,,.»,« lann«rBU^(JK.AU(JO. l 6 DEVON-STREET EAST, N. P. I TAGK with eood Vegetable Garden r-. «-.«-* o >«, 1 Sorine Dr-iv ' '" \>\X»«'- '»•« I'AWKV, SUPMi- blOl a f d s^o ifiSf-S p%aS2! H GO-bLiER& CO, j | P o r^ f Lni a hcd) ,trANTBI> KNOWN -Thtt i..j-.. ..- V|.\vro>i KjNn, .\srni.t. offipH h9Q THEATRE EOYAL 2 * FISON S Celebrated SPECIAL rTr^T^r"7^^rnn.a • .ii * i ~ o W P r TKO HTB ITfr'ANTB-D KNOWN, -That POTATO & TURNIP FERTILISERS' V J'" 0 ? 08 ?^? 111 A OIDITY corrected and Heat spots /^HEAP Residences aad Building Sites NEW PLYMOUTH. yY LAWB .g Cekbrated English arc uncquallfld for 'producing -heavy J_ Ohambers.— Apply A. D. (*bay, j^. cured by Loasby's "WAHOO. V obtainable from W. J. Shaw. Laud Manager : J. H. KINGSLEY. SUPERPHOSPHATE is tho best in the growth ot crops.— Newton King, Agent, IJentlß6 bDU Beware of imitations.. Ask for Loasby's. I Agent . b 33 market.— Newton King, Agent. •.. •• ... - ■ • >

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 11316, 7 September 1898, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 11316, 7 September 1898, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 11316, 7 September 1898, Page 3