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K:;rt S ' ; '->, " ? Vf HOS. HARDY & SON'S. A U'S'iFff H Ll A N 'WINE b s . b '<r., -,<■>■: ■,! v 'f .r'}f >r >; r>'| jf ;?r )_ ' ■ ' of Wines :— Old ißwimdy f 1873^; .^'i Very: Ghoiee . old Wine for Invalids. The oldest Ausiralian Wine in the market. Gold. Medals Jat manyJExhibitions. No. 0 Claret— , .I.'. ' P * , Champion Cup. 1889. Grand Vintage Wine. /Vo. 7 Claret— jj , RT Tf T /,f <?^?ii* ""5"«Vs >r « TiThe most Reliable Claret sold. . . OottiQO^' 1^™ 31 HT/ou gvia nv.IT Chajmpion Sweet White Wine of Australia. Melbourne .—- Exhibition, 1853. Specially recommended by doctors for dtriayquT i) U rf x'.w--'^i7 .«i L..r..- Iti^alids and Ladies. Aniaston -Sherry— ; aia 1 7 . ? i h/_l{ O)? Sple^di^rPure Golden Sherry. First award Melbourne Exhibition, 1893. No.TGhitolis^ |;;E;,; ; '.' , ■. .. ■ '■ „3il>f/iTiaW IMafc-OlThi Choicest Chablis made. l^'^rtn^an^^'Pi'trl ttrtrf" < Q)iir_'/ ALL GUARANTEED PURE, WELL-MATURED via pprt, opiraz, sweet wines. for family use. THB _i.i3Oi7"E __E,B OBT^IISTA-BLE A.T THE Criterion _Pi6te) , New Pi y month. ! ' ' ::.°; ' ; H. G. KEITH, Proprietor. a 326 j

'riiVtir iiV'wiArnn-ia ; I TTTANTED TO SELL,~I67 Acres of CHEAP 113-ACRF, Farm, all well FUtSLiIO NO 1 lOfcji - VV Level Bush Land; situated on ' grassed, except 5 J acre 9 for shelter, j-r^,».M',\ V, V*—-*" 'c:V/^.i'.; i smetal road "2 miles from, railway station. ring fenced, 3 small paddocks (about i ■■'TTENTION' is'drawri tb'.ihVunaer-J Price, £3 17s tid an acre. 100 .acres in 12 acres) ploughed ; new pig paddock XX .mentiqned Jist of GOODS that grass.— Apply Callaghan & Payntbb, and eties, 4-room house, dairy, carfcwill be orfc ! sale*fbr positively 'threej weeks New Plymouth. B hed, and fo wl house ; very good only, .dommencing from Monday j nexti j ' rolling land, no wet ground, carries mK^MifVA't^H VV ANTED T0 SELL,-143-acre 30 cows though the winter ; easy • '~2Os 'PARCEL'— -.I* Dairy Farm, level land, fenced distanoe to factory and school by 6v<?B Double'WldtffDresg'G'ooas r : nd^f^ bdi 7^ ed mfc " P add ? ok9 « 4-roomed goo d road. Only £7 7s per acre.— 6?dfl Sff • dweUing, 100 acres in good grass ; school Walter Bewleit, New Plymouth. tmmt&B* \® ? *** $[ TI iI Vi ' ! ad fa< i fcor L oa th -! fa J^' meta i road cloße PARTLY IMPROVED 200-acre Farm ? 'w -T^tfM 'tt i " ■-*■$■* •*■• Yi ' • -to post office, situated on the Rowan , . „ in — « ... „. J' S^Spfer J%*, , 1 Roid, Kaponga.-Apply Oallaghan & le f aSohold « y eara t0 run - th n | ht l^,Goo^lfe«akioßh / " •; ! pxt'nWr NewPlvmouth of renewal o r compensation for 3s $ f/ n (/"">'' 'i f -t\ ' ' ' ■'- ' improvements to £5 per acre; 77 ' I r £& I ?™J i.«y SSIS \IZ ohaia fencin g' a^ good gates; dry 'll^rf '■" . I **?., °V exi . crußfc , la ° d . fenc f d > and and quite levil ; 1 mile ffom school . * A^fo. 2. j Bubdmded, 4-roomed house, close and J acfc _^ uld 3Q in - PARCEL-. fitihool and factory, adjoining the well the spring Excellent opening for 6yds 72in White Sheetinir '.v. v 'known Bank Farm, situated about 11 man with small capital, as therd is an SiLata^TCte Tftwe^; fA$% Xf g J 4 ffom town -Apply Oallaghan & x sale for firewoo^ &tA fenciog 3yda^rbwnVFolland "^ & f Paynteb, New Plymouth. clo^ afc hanfl Pric6) £350 . term^ •flfis»ijfe n ' fc ' Waa i WANTED KNOWN, -We are u^^£^£S£KS& ■ -258 PARCEL- .__ I boon to' farmers with small holdings ; afti Lnt -Waltbb 1 Gentleman's Suit ; endorsed by the highest authonties. Reed, l Bewley New I'lvmouth '5 Zfrg&f&.i™ «i ™. i ,152-5: , grid 4 rssJSf Effi 1 Pair/Sol^'' 4^'' I t)1; " x l -"fi^\-iJ ' ' TTORSESJ HORSES! HORSES! house, traps"hed, &c. ; on good Silk' Handkerchief I*1 '* ' JmU4 io v^\ X3l\ Bought, sol 4or exchanged, aleo metalled road, 1 mile from faccorj, l-sW iJ * * • .burfljfoMA JWi ' fired for clients on description .-Oal and 1^ miles from railway station ; No '4 laghan & Paynter. &* P<* acre. Or, with 17 head da»ry <*'■<■> e**A'&#mkshn\t\* e \ i —- catfcle ' horae ' oart and haraeß3 ' '-:-:\Si C-'aOBr^KQBIUAUii'u ; pr^T ANTED TO SELL,— 3OO acres saddlery, farm and other tools and 1 Boy?ft Serge, Suit • ) ,fy\ i highly improved farm, beach implements, milk cans, &c, shares in 1 Pairrßram^ij^pArUtOU 1 land, 7-roomed dwelling and outbuildings, factory, stump pulling year, block 3 BoyslLinen Collar* ■* ' v l " ft'f t' fenced and subdivided into 9 paddocks; and tackle, &c , <Sc Price, £550.— 1 » h »rt . , i opposite Factory, close to school and Walter Bewley, New Plymouth. 4.. t Jyc.:i '^-r--- i'">J Tn ; township; only £7 an acre. Terms. COUfiTTRY HO PEL for sale, £200 cash, Should the above parcels be all takea Apply Callaghan & Paynteb, New the balance can remain. A sound ,up befor^ jimited, time,' t.'sp^ul Plymouth. opening for man with small capital. Hpno»|nce,menti J wjn i be.giVen t thrqugbthe , _ -.Walter Bewlby, New Ply,pap6r»iQcß&ve^ny-' disappointment of i| yroNEY ! MONEST! MONEY,- mouth. • them, all _yj[ p.rsons paying for interest on An Excellent 120 APRS FARM All in -aoldoftk Ai ;ii->i, .-■ '?>}.> ;m -)..,7/ <«f r land will do well to call at Oallaghan grass, except 5 acres, ah pioughable .„..,.„„. ZZZ - "?/'!"'> "; & Paynter ground. 4 paddocks and 5 one-acre ..<*. £<idf* ireßi-^ }>. , ploughed paddocks. 4-room house, TTTANTED TO bELL.-Gentleman's cowshed, trapshed, dairy, and work\j/ONTINBNTAL JL/RAPERY\^O VV Residence; also 6-roomed Dwell- BQOp , 1 acre orchard. School under !^AfHT MiPPtifl A^TnTHrons ' in & doomed Dwellings, and 4-roomed half-mile. Cheap, £5 10a per acre. - UABU »ÜBAP£j»S & CLOlHIfcliS, Cottage. The above properties are in Walter Bewley, New Plymouth. ;" Devon 'anfl Liardet-sfcreets, firet-clas^ order, and nicely situated. Full £000 ACRES high claas Grazing Country, -hhl&iA/ ,fif MTiItTU information given on applying to Cal- mmgß 3 Bhee p per acre ; 4 hours' t'NcWit PL* MOUTH, laghan & Paynter, Brougham-street, ride from &* Plvmo^ h) good New Plymouth. buggy road all the way> me talled to _: ; j '• ~~ within 8 miles ; 1390 acres in grass, ,-^ ! TTTANTED KNOWN, — That 2 miles fencing, and good river /T£Lm trttidAW/u, ffA^m »V LAWES Celebrated English boundaries : 4 room cottage and good \&r]^&^<J^yW% J&P") •■ SUPERPHOSPHATE is.the best in the stockyard. Price, £3 10a per acre. \^^ - >ssi(^3;-. market. — Newton King, Agent. This is a good property, exceptionally '^^^^ jrS&fir ~" we^ situated, and accessible. — W^s/^V^^ ,\T)|T ANTED "TO SELL,— The Good- Walter Bewley, New Plymouth. ' r\W 'W iU of 12 °- aure Educational Fnne Nf4t *3 kA Tim Lease, with improvement clause up to £4 - — — — Cbbb 1= {* [« im lOa ' Leage 20 yea rs to run at rental of \\r ANTED KNOWN, -That AGRIARE VtjrAv* / C ° ST * ls an acre - 70 aores in S 1^ 89 - Ohea P- W CULTURAL SALT gives inDEAR >A EL GAv'6 DONLYD ONLY —Apply Callaghan & Paynter, New creased yield, destroys vermin, and keeps J^fcSk. js&\ "' ' P.vmouth. stock heaJthy. The many repeat orders ' — — — — ■ j atn receiving this season is the best JtSS? -f+itf TTTANTED TO SELL,— Mrs Wells- proof of its success. -Newton King, /yS^f^^ VV 5-roomed Cottage, situated in Agent. , f^DF feW ™*K£ A; \feD) Down-street. The price asked for this : — <?V «ainwn»H._gy -g-i -^ jrT&SSTK 'THE COFFEE PALACE, ; Plymouth. . NEW PLYMOUTH WOOL, SKINS, HIDES, &.O. YTT ANTED TO SELL,— A 4^roomed TS now under entirely New ManageVV House, with 4 acres of Land, X ment, and offers to the travelling Ttl TTRP A V .RATUr.RTSI I situated at. Fitzroy. Cheap; good terms, public ail" the advantages of a first-class IMUJS-rvAJ, nvuuiwo —Apply Callaghan & Paynteb, New hotel. The constant aim of the pro & OO 1 Plymouth. prietor will be to ensure the Comfort and - LL - • — — Safety of his Patrons by absolute cleanWELLINGTONF \X7 ANTBD To SB LL,— The Goodwill liness, prompt attention, well coojred and ; yjl. ,of 200-acre, Section. Educational wholesome food, and perfeot sanitation. Hmn ip AV ff n ff a hM v Annfinn Sale* 1*6886 *} 2V years to run. Improvement OLD fortnightly. Auction Sales a J re ; Eental( 9d ao acre . The egtablißhmenfc conta ins lofty and ___ - 100 ( actesin grass. Price, j£l3o. .Level a iry bedrooms, sitting room, ladies' tea Special attention given to classification, land. Apply Oallaghan & Payntlr, room> commercial room, grand dining D.^ n f.,,#ni-na ' f . JNew Jriymoucn. room, ■ Promptri!t^v ■;,* Horß,H o rB , HOOMB, j^m-. ?;LrA,rltT:-^is M . — -= r r II For salo in all parts of the town g ial mmg6mx^ f o r boaVders. ■ ■ ' ' Good terms cau always be arranged.- Convenient aud Commodious Sample ' Oallaghan & Paynter. Rooms# 5 WANTED KNOWN. IIOTELSI HOTELS! HOTELS! One minute's walk from railway station. , ' Jtl- and businesses for sale in all parts . mHAT .W. L. LARBEN (late of °f the^ North Island.-CALLAGHAN & ARROW SMITH, X Wanganui and Hawera) has com- _ PROPRIETOR. menced business in, New P.lymouth as a exx ANTED KNOWN, -That we have I .—. — GENERAL DEALER in SECOND- VV improved farms for sale of every . _, E OoMPANV HAND OOODS o« dl a^ripMo^ ta *-&£&*££, £*£££ N°W T E ?^X e E eSSoSr iBY ' premues opposite Messrs Berry & Co. _ Oalla(}HAN & Payntbk . Ironmongery,ißrongham.atieet. — BEESWAX. a 490 YTT ANTED TO SELL,— A beautiful DOUOHfIA, VV little farm containing 55 acres; ... • . , ... , highly improved; 5-roomed dwelling not m inconvenient lumps, but m con situated on the Pembroke Road; close to venient 2oz » 4oz . and llb P acketa - — '■ : ; Stratford. Apply to Callaghan & NEW ZEALAND ACETYLEW GAS Paynter, New Plymouth. pOR QR _ Q " TTTANTED KNOWN, -Vehicles of . BOUT 2 5 ACRES, on Smart Road, THE" Price of Calcium Carbide to ▼▼ T^Tfr^^e p^I 8 ,?! ' ;*; * £16 per acre ; easy terms. For " Consumers, on and after this date, exohanged.^OALLAGHAN & Paynteh. part i cu lar a apply to will be REDUCED, packages 4 CIDITY corrected and Heat apots a 962 E.?.T. CARTHEW. ' . J?WI be happy to furnish quotations lorV-tShJi l^ o^-^^ 00^ 00^: for the installation to any Dwelling-house, *__£! . J, / TAGJbJ with gootf Vegetable Garden Shop, Hotel, or , business! premises, on 'uLfcAf Ke.sidenccb ttu.,l Ituild^ugdiii.^ and 3^ acres of Jaud.—Apply Herald application. ! , ' ' t , obtain.iblo frc>»» W L>mo Oflfice. b2ff THOS. O. KELSBY, eilt ;—; — New Plymouth -— — — : ■» , „ iTorbaUprcgrnuiuseacallattheilEHAia) Taranaki Agen'oy. Ij^OII alikiudaol VRlJi'l (NG Office A choice selection of l(kte«t deJojie 15tb, 1898, ' ..waiot J? the 11R8AI.P OflSoe „ ' \ signs just received.— Advt . ; '

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 11315, 6 September 1898, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 11315, 6 September 1898, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 11315, 6 September 1898, Page 1