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Memorandum from EGMONT STORES* S, B. WHITE. : MEW PLIMOUTB. PEAB MADAM,— V-!' '<. . ,:,, 1v ' ' • v in announcing to you the Dissolution of the Firm of "White & Carter, I beg to intimate that the business carried on in Coubtenay-stbeeT will be continued by me on my own account in .all its Departments, viz. :— - • ; . GROCERY AND PROVISIONS ; DRAPERY AND CLOTHING MILLINER Y AND DRESSMAKING; Also the Devon-street Drapery, and for the purpose, of meeting the requirements of an increasing trade, and the better convenience of customers, I have secured those very Central Premises at the COftNGR OF DEVON AND CURttIR STREETS, now in the occupation of Mr J. Sendell. This sh6p has recently undergone extensive alterations, and is now one of the most commodious and best lighted in the town. It will be under the management of Mr PEECY WHITE, For the DEESS and FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT I have secured the services of an experienced and highly competent lady assistant, Miss SPENOE, who has been for some years with Messrs Milne and (Jhoyce, Auckland. >„ ' A GENEEAL STOCK >OF DEAPEEY is on order, to arrive for the ensuing se^sd|,| and as I personally supervise the", buying of all goods from the be^t Home /and Colonial marMi, ! I am assured that I can place before you a Stock which will be well suited to your requirements, , both in quality and price. DEESSMAKING and MILLINEEY will, be still made speciatt ifes; In these departments satisfaction has been universal. ' . .-"'''" :c >*■ - . : The GEOCEEY, ITAI/IAN, and PEOYISION DEPAETMENTB' ate Veil" sfe&edl with .Fresh Goods. : " „,'■,/•', >.i * J\W% \fa i • Families are waitedupon for orders, 1 arid Goods delivered free to alipartsiQfcthß't&wn.j -■ Telephone (No. 94)^ and letter qrcters wilt'receive carejul and prpn}pjfcfajSe&|foi^|.| | 1 have ta Jhank you for the support /90 liberally. -giyenj me wtijle in the'firm. of" Whitej <fc Carter, and, trust ( that you will, still continue. -to &o business with maunder the 1 , i^tf ' order oij things. For a full list of Departments of the Egmont Stores please refer* to tllircL tiage 1 :" ' ; f; ' I , ■ , ,j - h\l.'."..'i }"}J'..'S £'M';;i: • ■..,- •. „ I , w - - .-.■ 8. B. WHITE. ' P.S;— Will customers-please note Wth, Stores will be blpßed tuff' 9 on' Saturday; everiin'£s. ; •/' '■' ' J - !" I i.-t^.i". if.iiM I\' ' ' ' ' ''''' ■_ ''>> c" ■'" '',WA !

WALTER BEWLEYi OPPOSITE IMPERIAL HOTEO, ; 1^ ew plynibutn. I Land and JSharebroker! OFFERS the following aeleotibi^ oi: suburban properties for sale. — ' 8 1-8 acres. 1^ miles frpna New Plymouth; - £60; 4'f 'acresj'l m'Sle" 1 ' frbfaVtownj,' £25 per acre ; 50 acres ,-lefel'land, in ) ' lections io sui^ purchasers, from £50' per acre. > v • '«-(,■ 41 < acres, 4s, miles from, town, on good ■■ , ' -road,', excellent level land, can b« ' sub-dirided t9«uiiat £ll,to £l 5( ptr acre.,i ' >. '„, '„', " ', „,'' 1 , 20 acres level land on metal . road, £18 Eer acre ; ,28 acres, excellent l«vol md, £20 per acre. '„.,,,. x \ 25 acres, most attractive property, 7- ,,; c', roomed houßt and dairy, goqdgardein .H and large,, orchard,- large number of shelter trees, pretty native bush, good' stream, on metal road, £375. Onjy 1 £75 cash required. 5$ acres clean land, good garden and amalL orchard, well fenced, 4-roomed i house and shed, 2 mileß from, town, £250, ' 20£ acres, 1|- miles from town, well built 5-roomed house, brick chimneys and range, dairy, oartshed, cowshed, &c. • 1 acre garden andorchard, £600. 25 acres, Frankley Road, £15 per acre. 18 Acreß Excellent Grass Land ; all ploughable; 5 paddocks; well fenced 4-room cottage, dairy, and trap shed; 2$ miles from New Plymouth. A desirable homestead. Price £360. 5} acres, South Road, £325 3 acres level land, Avenue Road, splendid building site, £325. 20 acres, Smart Road, lovely river boundary, £15 per acre. ■ , . ' , 38 acres, with clumps of native bush, £12 10s per acre. ' ' 25 acres, on metal road, grand building sites, well fenced, £13 10s per acre. 26 J acres; well farmed property, good 4-roomed" house,' dairy, cowshed, and storerooms, 2, acres' lovely bush; productive orchard, 2 miles from town, £725. _' '- ! ( ',/•-• " L ,< ' 12} acre's,' good clean land, no broken ' ground, close to' town.; £400: •' , , 7 acre blocks, good' land, \\ miles from '■town; £25 per $cr«. •' ■ » '•""'■ '.''J i ';, '6 sectiofas , ! Vogeltowri, in good position, , £60. ,/ : ' *• '■/• ' ■•-'* {. 10 acre's, cleain' level' ; land, 8-roomed house. , ' • ■ i i ' ' j.^ Excellent hotel in Dunedin, doing £50 a '"' week, accommodate 40 boarders. Price, £700 for lease. Further par ' ticulars on application. : Enquiries Invited. ' \ •"'V'' } WAtTE^E%%,; ivl . ; * ' - °' N«w Hymbutk <1 °' iVf } ■' 'TBCB l Tllii3 r r l - ;/., : , TO DRINK : i ' '■• 'ABB THB ' v* '• » RLUE_c^osß; \ t • .Awarded a.Bilver Medal }'ai',shf • Antwerp Exhibition, 189^, y^e'oijiy^y^rd ;' ,-A cup of '.'.B^uk C^ioss/ I ,'' Tpa isjhai i! »< beat Befrepher, for worn and 'weary 1 ? ■ porkers,, You, try, it / . j 1 lie. . bailee, te uao is the, ; i ■"■"■^''■"Rianaariri." „ ' „ 'l, UE EtEST APPETITIVE. ,' '• " '' '• ' '' i ' tttiim&etnred at Worbeßter, Bngiana, . . " ite-PORfiST *nd BEST, 'therefore j th»' ' ' 'CHEAPEST. -__ j l -I ; ;■' Sold Retail by all loading Grocers. ; • W «oLEßiii«' of A* Q. Moore, Opunake, or ifcr-jter 4 MeKellar, New Plymouth. ; > ( 1 ' " r™ ■ rpARANAKI TTERALD.' - ; Xaranaki XXbrald iTIOPIESoftheTABANAKI HERALD may be obtained of an evening from the shops of Mr J. Avert, Tobacconist, and Mr Hurle, Fruiterer, Devon etroet West;. Messrs Bbasoh & Co., Fancy Repository, Mr ROBBBTB (T-Pot), Mr Hublb, Storekeeper, Devon- street East, and Mrs Bmitb Len.on and Eliot -street. /NHEAP Residences and Building Site>. \J obtainable from W. J. Shaw, Land Agent - •

-i X H ! TEN 1 TONS ' A \ 1U TEN TONS JLlM'''" KEEAM.o.m CASH BUYER'S OF FUNGUS. ; •'Wb 'Will 'give? tho highest price-; 'jfoirsmall 1 quantities, 2|d per Ib. Must' be dry, \ ',■:>>, -m ; ~ . ■ I <>f s-via ! ; , i' Cash Buyer of Zinc, Lead, Copperj and ( ■ ;•" '■'>' ", '-Brass. ' >.*■'') }.;ou« ' •0..; tv NEW^SHIPMENTS--^."'t" / I ' We have ]'ust imported' frbtri*'Gnirli [a Large Stock of Fancy Goods, Silk Handkgrcliieftl 'Gingerf'Fit.SWocid Crackew,'(ttf. f -'V t '<'■';':'"" , ( j /,,. /; JIT.STOCK- \ Grocerieß, Frnifc, Confeottoneryj and; Tobacco. f •l#'TmS' SHOP- SILLS' ATr<THE ' LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN FOR CASH ONLY. Best Roller Flour, 11/- per 1001 b ' 'Bast White Sugar,- 8/6 p»r 401 b bag; Best Brand Oatmeal, 3/3 per 251 b bag , '- Soap, from 6/6 to 11/6 per box ' . ; 1 Soap, 3d, 6d, f 9d,-10d,' and lld-per bar New Currants,' sd per Ib Sultanas Raisins, ,6d per tt> !. < ,- Split Psas, Sago, and Tapioca, 1/- fer 51b All sorts of Tea, in packets, 1/6, 1/9, and 2/- per It ■- < • qHING KEE *.Co,, DEVON-St., NEW PLYMOUTH (Opposite Tarakaki Herald Office). j ■ , , • a 622 YOU SHOULD TRY. AtJEEN' ARO MATin nPOBACCO I^UEEN SOMATIC J[ obaCOO TT has a delightful fragrano* peculiarly X ' its 6#n ' " • You^hould use . ! QUEEN AROMATIC TOBACCO' It is a perfect panacea for disordered nerves -, -„;- i( You should buy, , ' ■. ; 1 QUEEN AROMATIC > TOBAOQ O ' It will giv« you the Greatest Possible pleasure at the WaaV Possibly \Gp'st.; '. x^'' } u'-* } \\ >, y, k L ._^[ FOR IMMEDIATE SALE,— ! { '"f 7^ ; AC^ ES FREEHOLD 'OPEN, XI \J LAND, with good five roomed, houfee. abutting the Main North and S^th Road between Rahotu and Opuua'ce,- on, eaward side, fine aspeot, D6>-<jf failing -streams of water running through ; there ijgija^good water-power Bite for factory or dther' purposes'; there 'are. two pj>st- ' offices,' two schools, and daily mail ; telephone' station and Rahotu township ijithin about two miles ; a Crown dairy creamery within one mile ; there are also fruit, flowfer,'and vegetable gardens, and some hundreds of ornamental aud shelter 'trees' 'growing ; also, a fish pond, 1 buggy 'htmse, milking and cart shed, all covered with iron, and other outbuildings ; nins padddeks;;' gates,' no slip 'bars. As, the owner has'business in-anotheripart o^tha ■colbny is : mV reason for dispQsing?,of''these ' properties a"t Such a low price. Pried, £6 per acre. Immediate possession cari be ( gi+eh. ' ■• • " . '■< ■ „. "Mi \ There can also be had 120 Acres ; lease for 999 years. Rent, lOd per acre ' Seourely fenced, with iron liouse. erected on it. Price, £3 10s per acre for good will and improvements. ; 'Apply to ' . I . !y., ,i >, \ G. W. GANE, ! Rahotu (on the premises) ;./{, • s or •'■ NEWTON KINC ; • I 333 ' • . ' i New Plymouth. >v ' \ AbAVILY GAtTANIS^Iih RJGIDLT FIXED B^RBS wV%^ SHARP POINTS/ .r \/j& WKLJyKiVrirrBD ANp, 49y^A C^Tactly Coiled on €fff^ PAT*NT CbMBIKA- •^ *jrJl+ E^ er 7 "*°r i * ■OMMbm +jfE?jK keeper itoclßi kte» £HGH vJT ' Poroupk* . rwjisiLi Jb BuiK STRAIN 4XA*>. * UA SUITABLE DUCTILITY JjjQ fortrhfob JOHNSON'S XT WISK to m i&i^l Ml«bnted. ♦ (Mm through yow Hardwaw »f^* (^Mtfjiog for lc Peiewniw" Bwjj^ positively cures Piles, VV aud Constipation, Sluggish Liver, Imparts energy and vigor. Best pick-me-up made 2s 6d Chemists, Grocers. t&li j

'TO PLANTEES AND'OTHERS. | i • iv • . . :</ ?> i . 1 M. M. MITCHINSON ' ' ;:~pal^d'6nian NDisfifts', Aii N.^w/^ipJt'Y'M'.O l^ H, OFFERS for sale one of "the Largest* V'and Mosfe Complete' Oolldctloirsiaf NURSERY STOCK in New Zealand, consisting of^ : f ' \,<> \ \ Hardy Ornamental' Trees knd"iehrubk Evergreen. "and (deciduous;- Floireririg Shrubs and Plants; Fruit' Trees and Forest Tretet and'Goniferfts ; (JreenhduSe; Plants, Store Planfe, Herbaceous; Bedding 1 out Plants; Bulbs; Tubers; Rhododendrons ; Roses, Aaaleas, Ericas, Camellias, Begonias; Pelargoniums; Fuchsias; Chryi3- ' h^hemunifl ; Dahlias 5 Verbena*' \ 'Petunias ; Bouvardiaa ; Carnations; Phloxes; Select-Ferns,. Lycopadiume and Selegihellas, Exias in varieties, Kemperi, &c, &c . FEUIT TSKES : ' '" "Apples, Pears, Plumt,Cherries, Peaches Nectarines, Aprioots, Quinoei, Medlars,! Persimmons, Japanese Plums, Chestnut Walnuts, Pipens, Mellow Pears, Guaras imorican Blackberries, A Whirtl* Berries, A: Cranberry, Russian Cranberry and Italian do, Grape Yinea, Currants, Gooseberries, Raspberries, Eugene Ucni/I Spanish Chestnuts, English Walnuts , Filber&i, Cob Nuts, Oranges, Lemons. Citrons, Shaddocks, Limes, Ac, Rhubarb Roots, Asparagus Roots, Cabbage and pauliflower Plants. , : PRICES FOR CABH : Fruit trees 15sper dozen, £6 per hundred ; cheaper by>the thousand. ' FOBEBT TKEEB, BHELTER TREES, Ac. j Pinus Insignis, 8 years old 2bs to per hundred ; Pinus Insignis, 1 years old, 7s 61 per. hundren ; 70s per thousand. Pinus Inßignis, 1 year old, 3s 6d per hundred'^ ,30s,; per thousand; Pinus Pineaster, 3 years old, 20s per hnndred • 150s p«r thousand ; Pirius Pineaster, '2' years old, It per hundred ; 60s psr thousand. Pinus Pmeasttr, 1 year 'old,, 3b per hundred ; 25s per thousand, I?ihu Bylvister (Scotch), 2 years, 10s per hun*' dred; 90s' per' 'thousand. Ou^ressus Macrocarpa, 2 years (balled), 25s J>er hundred ; *10 yey thousand. Cuprelfsuii (Macrocarpa; 1 year pld, „108 ;W; W hundred ; 90s per thousand. Cupree-' bus,, Lawsoniana, 2 year's . llfis 1 per,, hundred ; £5 10s , per ' tnousand English.Oak, 3 years old, 10a p«r hundred; £4, lQs, pei; thousand..,, English t)ak',' 2 years old, 7» , 6d per hundred; 70s (per ,thousand} American Oak, 2 .years old;' 7b 6d per hundred; 70a ,pe,r thoustrid. Turkey Oak, 2 years old, 10s per hundred; 90s per thousand.. English Ash,. 2 yean old, 10s per hundred; 90s per 'thousand,' English Sycamore, 2 years old, 7b 6d'rjeri hundred ; 70s per thousand. Spanish Chestnuts, 3 years old, 28s per hundred £10 per' thousand. ;El 'Walnuts, 3 roars old, 255. EnglisLßiroH; Beech, A^der, f.nd Elms, •25a per hundred; £10 per thousand. '''•''Also,— .r'^j y Horse' 'OhestnutaJ^Mapels; Larch, Pionls/ English, American, r and Continental ditto, and other deciduous treat by the dozen hundred, orthouaand.. ' ■ '■-!/• n HEDGE PLANTS ; {< -j ? Berberis, 2 years transplanted," 10a perthousand ; Berberis,.^ years, transplanted smaller, 7s 6d per thousand ; Berboris Darweni, 3 years old, 25s per hundred (strong) ; African Box Thorn, 2 years transplanted, 12s 6d per thousand; African Box.Thoru, 1 y.ear transplanted, 10s per, thousand ; African Box Thorn, 1 year, smaller, Bsper thousand; English Laurels, 2 years old, 25s per hundred ; English ,Laurels, 1 year old, 15s per hundredLaurestinus, 2 years old, 15s per hundred* English Yews,. 3 years old, 30s [ per huntfr'ed'? £12 10s per thousand. Seedless Furze, 1 year ibid, 15b per hundred- £7* per thousand. English Holtoy, 2 years old, 15s per hunnred ; £7 per thousand. Pohutukawas, 1 year old, 15s per hundred£7 per thousand. ' Special .quotations .given for large quantities. The trade liberally dealt with. Trees supplied for school grounds and other public grounds at very oheaa rates. • *> Boquets, wreaths, crosses, and cut flowers mad« up at shortest notice. GEO. BOULTON, 705 Manager. — ! EAfeSAKOLA TBAJteeps its perfect aroma by being hermetically sealed in lead. All grocere. a ILB F£ ,° SY GIN. ~ Certified valnibie for l«dn«y affections. ' "

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 10706, 31 August 1896, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 10706, 31 August 1896, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 10706, 31 August 1896, Page 1