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New Zealand Insurance Oompany. .^C^Z. - • FIBE AND MARINE. READ OFFICE I AUCKLAND, S.Z branches T MOM or &ss« London, 68 Oornhill .. Bowle* & BKISTOW t *™' v *«*»^V*a*-i f «■ .. ,. Glasgow a. Gbay, Maofab&ane & Co. San Francisco Hpgh Craig . , _ ' .., , . iupitai WRWPiREn c\ nnn nnn £° r , tland ' <* h. folqer Against Fire and marine Loss vAniati aUBoUKtDISU, JbI,UUU,UUU, swiney s. Haoue Smith: — s ■„ ■-^- ""■■"■ "~ - " -— *= Melbourne , M James Bottle __ . , • Adelaide ... „. Louis E. Wilson WITH THB «. ©treCtOrg t Brisbane .„ ... Ed&ab W. Walker j. X.OGAN CAMFBELL, Esq. I*unc^ton Z '.'.'. Tuomab OwS PREMIER COLO.KIAL COMPANY, ' !(QoKlrai&n\ Hobart A. McQreoob & vJo. -■■ ■■■;■ "■■" '■""' ' , '', THOMAS BUDDIE* , £23^ ?" Z *&.!££££ A. G HORTON Ssa Onristchurch David Craig Whion *"as £441,496 of Invested A. H. NATHAN, Esq. g apJCT Vo. N. Pierqh to Losses since it was estahROBERT HOSE, *„ S^iyrnonth .^/fiSS , "*-*««» f ames ware* *» SSKL :: ;;; \~j£»SS " — THOMAS RUBUU* Ear*, CM. G. j&ST Z Z SSfS i.U wilson, K«q. • K^L - - <*• w - J) * A -™% G °- TAKE A POLICY IN THE Colombo Leeohman &. Co. i ■ Kobe Bebignt. & 00. til ATMitintS iiit m r\'f*\ Hi "JOKOhsuna ... FBABEB. FABLBY ft CO. n mnnmnu -T"r WARWICK WESTON. p& ll&m& .?££sS££ a WESTOft > Valparaiso Abhstbono & Co. AGENT, NEW PLYMOUTH. Applications receivedjby :— LAWBENOE BEOS., "Waitara ; W. H. FRANKLYN, luglewood ; H. X LIARDET, Stratford. And at tbe Company's Office, Brougham-street, New Plymouth.

Business Cards, &c. P. G. SMITH, ARCHITECT, BUILDING SURVEYOR, i New Plymouth. QmoE— DEVON STREET : (over Mr Courtney's Auction Mart) m BURGESS, FRASER & CO GENERAL IMPORTERS AMD Commi«t*ioii As tin it», BROUGHAM STREET, SEW PLYMOUTH. - TABANAKI FOUNDRY. j F< W.lSfeY. 1 , «NeINBBR,MIi,LWXIQHT, BiACKSj*IT IRON AND BBASS FOUNDS*. POWDERHAM BTRKET, NtLW PLYMOUTH. • f W. H. JURY, WHITE HART LIVBBY AND BAIT ' STABLES, JTN thanking the pnblio for their liberal JL - patronage during tbe last three years, begs to intimate .that, .having taken ihooß centrally situated premises in Queenstreet (late R- B. Honeyfield'a), he is aow in & position * to eapply First olasa Vehicles or every description on moat moderate termß. Patrons may rely on all orders bein promptly attended to. Orders may be loft day or night. 1 3m TAT.TERBALL'B LIVERY AND BAIT BTABLEB. J. W."~~WEST T-HANKB hw patrons and the public fo -*■ tbeir kind support in the past, and bega to notify that he has REMOVED to his Now and Commodioae Stables, E6MOKT STSEBT, Between Railway Station & Criterion Hotel Brakes, Waggonettes, Ac, for picnic parties; bnggiea, jingle or double; calm, saddles, horses; alsd hearse for funerals. Horses bought, sold, or exchanged. Eay, Straw, Chaff, &0., always on hand. Horses broken to single, and double harness or saddle. Ladies' Waiting Room, Sited op with every convenience. m 436 P. C MORTONS L&ND & OPMMIBBL'N AGENT 'agent fob Mutual Life Association of Australasia. Imperial Insurauce Co., Ld. BBTABUBHKD 1803. VALUER, AUDITOR, AND ACCOUN TANT Rents Collected and Tradesmen b Books kept. »Won -atreetj New Plymouth. SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS Wm. Walton Wishes to inform his customers and the pur.lie generally that Mesera GIBBOWB & Co., of the Hutt Valley Nursery j having nppointed him tbeir Agent, ! he is prepared to supply GARDEN and FLOWER SEEDS &c, &O-, . &c > of all descriptions. Nursery Catalogues on application to WM. WALTON, DEVON STREET, NEW PLYMOUTH. OFFICES. ROOMS TO LET. either eingle or in Buito, Biiuato Exohange > hambers, uppoc.ito Alexaudra Hall. J)ovo«-Htroet. Good Btaod with front atreot entrance. Apply a379b O. T. MILLB.

1 Insurance. AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY . New Zealand Branch : Head Office, Onstomhoass Qaay, Wellington. Local Board of Directors : Tho Fon. Morgan S. Wrace, M.D., C.M.8., M L.O. (Chairman) Tbe Hon. Charles J. Johnston, M.L.O. (Doputy-Chairman) Alfred de Bathe Brandon, Esq. The Hon. Edward Richardson, C.M.G., aiL.r. John Duncan, Ebq THE OLDEStTwbAI/FHIEST, and MOST PROSPEROUS Australian Life Office and tbe LARGEST in the British Empire. The only Colonial Life Office which deolares a BONUS KV&KY YEAR The method uf Valuation adopted by this Socitty is of the most Stringent Character, and ensures a Con* aiderabiy Larger Reserve to meet Liabilities than that held by any other , office io the Australasian Colonies' - „ ; Accumulated Fund Exceeds £12,500,000 (i 22 millions) Sterling ANNUAL INCOME EXCEEDS £2,000,000 (Two Millions) Sterling. POLICIES IN FOBCE ... 121,473 Snin Assured £39,510,130 Cash Bommes Divided ... £6,407,377 BONUSESCash Bonus for One year, 1894, £428,020, yielding Reversionary Bonuses amounting to £850,000, after making Special Reserves. Ca<9H Bonusks declared for last Five Years, over TWO MILLIONS, yielding Reversionary Bonuses exceeding Four Millions. ' Assure your life in the AMP. SOCIETY And secure a Bonus every \enr. Expenses of Management 8 per can*, on tbe Total Income. EDWARD W. LOWE, Resident Secretary. Branoh Office— Ctjstomhotjbk QffAY, Wellington B. W. POWNALL. District Secretary, WANOANUL SPECIAL NOTICE, NEW GOODS (exAotea) (ex Aotea) _NEW GOODS W. MOREY & SON Respectfully draw Special Notice to the undermentioned new goods just imported direct from LONDON & GLASGOW. J^inlay's Sheetings Towels Fin lay's Pillow Calicoes Crashes Orewdson's Calicoes Table Napkine Brown Twilled Sheeting Lace Curtains White Toilefc Quilts Counterpanes White Linen Damask Dowlas Cream Linen Damask Hollands White Toilet Covers Flannelettes Colored Toilet Covers Prints Cretonnes, Silesias Oilcloths Fancy White Muslins, Check Gingham Antimacassars, Door Mats, Toilefc Set DRESS~GOODS. A Splendid Choice in Prints. Croponi Nuns Veiling, Black Cashmeres, Colouret Cauhmeros. ' New Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Umbrellai and all the leading novelties of tbe season will bo found represented in our Showroom. g^Mark tbe Address:— DEVON STREET, New Plymouth. b 322

New Plymouth Properties For disposal by F P. CORKILL. NATIONAL BANK CHAMBERS - T\EVON-STREET East.- Foil quar_L/ ter-acre, pleasantly situated, with very comfortable and well bnilt sroomed house. Price, £260 (£6O cash, or as may be arranged, and £200 at 7 per cent). F. P. Cokkill. 1 Devon - street West, — Nine - roomed House, with grounds lj acres in ex- i tent ; good view, nice aspect, and ample accommodation A capital residence, and well situated for 1 private boardinghouse. Price low ; terms to suib a buyer. F. P. Cokkill. Close to the Beach and very handy to tho centre of the town. — A Block of three sectiouß forming a splendid Bite. Moderate figure. F. P. Cobkill. i Pendarvea-street, near both High and Central Schools. — One of the very best sites in the borough. Threeeighths of an acre ; nice clean land, ' frontage planted, good aspect, and well drained. This area can be increased by the addition of adjoining quarter-acre of young orchard. Easy terms if desired. F. P. Corkill. 1 Near To Henui. — A capital block of 4 sections, level, good quality, and commanding an extensive sea view £170. F. P. Cobkill. , On the Devon Line.— Business site, 40 feet frontage by full depth of section ; good position ; price low. Will be sold on easy termß, or a lease with building conditions and right of purchase may be arranged. F. P. Corkill. Eight in the Centre of Towh. — Business site, 30 feet by 90. £300. F. P. Cohkill. Cameron and Gilbert-streets. — Magnificent Residential Site, of more than 1^- acre, well sheltered, good view, and nicely laid out with assorted fruit trees and shrubs. A lease for a term ot years of an acre paddock adjoining may be arranged at a moderate rental. F. P. Cohkill. GovernndPendarves-streets (opposite St Michael's Square). — That convenient residence at present occupied by Mr Walter Ambury, containing 8 good rooms, bath-room, 2 halb, 4 fireplaces verandahs front and back, and with wash-house, dairy, buggy house, &c. Half-acre nicely arranged. For sale only. Specially easy terms can be given to an approved buyer. F. P Cokkill. On the table land, close to the High School. — Either of the two building sites adjoining Mr C. F. Richmond's property, each being about a quarter > acre in area, and commanding the very finest views of mountain and aea obtainable in the neighbourhood of New Plymouth. Only one of these sites will be sold, and that subject to a distinct understanding as to the description of house to bo erected. Particulars on application.— F. P. Corkill. EXCHANGE OF PROPERTIES. I have several clients with town and country properties, who are willing to exchange for other suitable places on a valuation basis.— F. P. Corkill MONEY TO LEND AT CURRENT RATES. f. p. ccTrkill, NATIONAL BANK CHAMBERS NEW PLYMOUTH. 'Tis not so much how you pay, ', But it is what you get for what you pay, When you buy | SHARLAND'S » "MOA" BRAND BAKING POWDER. j You get value for your money; j But be sure you got " Shurland's." PIRATES BEWARE. -Tho labol of Sharland's " Moa" Brand Baking Powder is registered. Those imitate it are , guilty of felony. s SHARLAJND'S BLACKING. Tho imported brands of Blacking, even by reduction of price, cannot stand against Sharland's. It is a proud testi monial that SHARLATSTD'S BLACK INC- is sold at an advance on the price ot noted English brands. THE PUBLIC 8 will Have sharland's. i 8 " Clarke s World-famed Blood Mixture" h a guaranteed euro for all Blood and Skiu Diseases. It is the most searching blood cleanser over discovered, and it will free the syatom from all impurities from whatever cause arising. For Scrofula, Scurvy Jiuzoma Bad Legs, SSorebiind "Pimples of all kinds its -ffeofce aro marvellous. Thousands of testi monials. Sold ovory whore, ;iS '2b 0d i i boUle. Btware oit worthless imiLa •.; ry d nuLstilutef )

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 10482, 6 December 1895, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 10482, 6 December 1895, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 10482, 6 December 1895, Page 1