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Captain Edwin telegraphed at 1.30 p.m. to-day :— " Indications for strong north to west .and south-west winds, with glass falling, and considerable sea. The announcement thataWidows' Club has just baen founded ii Dresden Trould have filled the soul of Mr Weller senior with a measure of interest not unmixed with horror. The object of the members is not to condole with one another — at least, so we assume from the fact that tba inauguration w"as accompanied by a dance, which continued" -well into the morning. " Onceji widow, slways a widbvr," Seems to be one of tbe tenets held by the members. Obvious^ therefore, that no* every "widow is eligible, and that those who are must bava .- had a past which enables them jtb make the required TOnunciation che^rfiiUy. The Widows' Club, infect, raeansj to" be essentially a gay affair, and any" lady afHioted with tha sentiments of JUra^um midge had better not put up fpr membership. ' Kn auvhoress; tfßo is fwittiqr. than tba generality of her sex (or, for that matter, of the btner),' was^ftsked by it writer of the opposite sex, who is not remarkable for the civility of his «tyle, "Wouldn't you like to be a man ?" ■ To this the lady readily replied, "Wouldn't you?" An English surgeon recently hollowed out a new socket for the insertion dt an artificial' eye,' tbe-,old one not being large enough. POWEHS OF EECUPEBATION, Are existent in eyenlthe feeblest system, and it only needs a 'wholesome invigoranfc like Wolfp's Schnapps to stimulate them. Engagement Eings, , Wedding Singi. Dress, Keeper, and Signet Rings, .Gold nud Silver Looked Charms^ Brooches. Bangles, Watcheß, and Chains. Electroplato and Silverware of th^e finestquality, Aneroid Barometers, vClpcks, &c. Ui» questionably the most valuable and seleot stock in Tararaki. Carefully- note tbe address: J. H. Parker, Watchmaker, Jeweller, and Optician, under, tbe. Golq Spectacles, Devon-street, New Plymouth — Advt. Whereto parohase your Drapery, <&<*,— W. Morey & Son respectfully invite the public to inspect their large and wellassorted stock of Drapery and Clothing, including two cases new and fashionabla dress g6ods imported direct from Home. with trimmings and silka ; also a beautiful and large variety of ladies' new and taylish Winter Jackets, Golf Capes, &c, New Zealand Blankets, Flannels, Euga. and Wools. Eider Down Quilts, 1 White Quilts, Finlay'S Sheetings, Linen Table Damask, Table Napkins, Ticks, Glass Cloth, and general household furnishing. La'lies' and Gents' Silk Umbrellas, Winter Hosiery, Gloves, and Corsets, Gentlemen's Super, -Waterproof. Coats, -Hats, -Shirta, Socks, Scarfs, New Zealand Made Suits, Underahirts and' Drawers. ,Tb.e Millinery Department is replete with the newest goods for, the ' SQason ( and under the management' of- .Mi&j .<3oraey.' Dressmaking, i ia,'fill, its branches, under tha superintendenceofMisßDuffin.— Address; W. Morey ASoN^Drapere, DeTo^street, New -Plymouth. — A»yt 863 Sbchet Societies, both of ar harmful kind, are more numerous iv this country than most people - believe.- Some ard merely foolish, and 'may b"^ safely left alone, but others are areal danger t6 the community. The members of these latter societies are Jmostly foreigners, outlaws from their own land, the riffraff of the Continent. Now if wb ara to enjoy a healthy national life the foreign impurities must be cleared out by our. social system. - It stands •to reason that this is so, and what is true of ihe nation is true of the individu&K Half the illness to -which a man is subject i» due to tbe foreign impuritiesin the blood By the use of Holfoway^Pnis these can be cleared away and health restored with certainty, safety afctotoldity.-^AijrvT. " It's ?' *> W'i-Mopgiel Tweeds ar« the beat » New jZeaiancl. Mosgiel' Clothing, Twe&ds, Blankets, Eugs, Shirts, Paata, Socks, Flannels, at the New Zea land Clothing Factory at wholesale ratos A thoroughly reliable Waterproof is a boon. The N.Z. Clothing Factory-mana-faoture Ladies' .'and Gentlemen's Waterproofs to order, besides holding large stocks in various styles. Our OU Coats are equally reliable.— Advt.' „ Football! Football fl—A splendiy assortment of new balls -And xetia bladders of all aize&fxom the best makers always on .hand at John AvMnr 1 * Devoa-street, , Also, a large. stock of accordeons of the best makes.- Agent for Waterbury -watches and ThrW - : Castle» oigarettes.— Joasr Ave"by v - Tob*o6oniai. Devon-streeti New T?l vmooth.—^Jcdve ' PEOFESSOE -LEBBBG Baya.-:^«Wfl shall never know how men were first directed to the use of Coff ee; we may consider the artiole'sq remarkable^or'ito action owthe bminand tha' sabßfcance of the organs of motion' as an' element of food for organs yet "uaknowo, which aro destined io convert tbe bloci into nerrous substances and thus recruit the energy of the moving and thinking faculties. 1 ' If you -wish to benefit '.yourself you' could not do better than drink Chease'b A.I. Cowee. Sold everywhere 1 and. 2 lb. ! tini. ' For it is, ihe best. ; h "MAKING BOTH ENDS MEET" is rather a difficult task iv life with many, but the expense of good cooking i.« reduced to 41 minimum by using the SUN BAKING POW.DEE, purer and cheaper than most others. Give it a trial. PERSONS OF DELICATE CONSTI tutiou, who are obliged to abstain from ordinary Coffee, should try Crease's Taraxacum or DAKi>ELioNCosTEß,whicb is recommended by the highest Medical Authorities as a very valuable beverage for those suffering from weak digestion, flatulency, nervousness, etc. Not to kuoir is not to have. ADVEETISING BLOCKS of all descriptions made at the shortest notice by McKee & Gamble, New Zealand Press Aqe.vcx, Custom House Quay, Wellington. 1 " HOW IS IT THAT 'CLARKE'S BI.OOD Mixture' has obtained snch yreat popularity" is a que«ticn ■» hieh " ha* perplexed many. Tho uusver is, tlirt is is unquestionably tho finest Blood Purilior that science and modical skill have brought to light. Thousands ol wondorful cures have beou etfocted by it, For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Skia and Blood Diseases, Bad l^egs, Sore> *nd Pimples of all kinds its eifects are mar vellous. Sold everywhere, at 2s. 9d. per bottle. Beware ©f worthless imUotwnfl auamiNitnteo

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 10329, 10 June 1895, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 10329, 10 June 1895, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 10329, 10 June 1895, Page 2