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WONDERFUL Blood -Purifying Effect -OFAyer's Sarsapaniia. Wr. Charles Stoplionson, a -well-known Railway Employd nt Kniapoi, New Zealand, writes: "About ton years aco, vhilo cneaged in shunting, my toot ctmghx between the r:\Na, nnd my leg was fractured boluw tho knee. It healed in time, but I linvo been troubled ever since with swollen veii>3, ami liavo been obliged, at times, to wear a bandage. About a year ago it became much worse, nnd I feared I should bo obliged to give up my work. A friend advised me to try Ayer's Sarssparllls. I did so, and after taking four bottles the swelling disappeared, and I have not been troubled with it since." Ayer's Sarsapariila Has cured others, will eyre you. A Terrible Cougtu A Terrible Cough. A Terrible Cough. " 94, Commercial Road, Peckham, July 12. " Dear Sir, — 1 am a poor hand at expressing my feelings, but I should like to thank yon. Your Lozengts have doDe wonders in relieving my terrible cough. Binco I had the operation of ' Tracheotomy ' (the same as the late Emperor oE Germany, and unlike him, thank God, I am still alive) performed at St. Bartholomews Hospital, no one could possibly have haH a more violont congh ; it was co had at timea that ie quite exhausted me. The mucous, which was very copicusand hard, haa been softened, and I have been able to get rid of it without tir'ficalty. — I uta, sir vourri truly. J. II ; LL. ' "A Doctor's Testimony. A. Doctor's lestiroouy. A Doctor's Testimony. « Booth Park, Cardiff, South Walee, " Sept. 28, 1893. "I have, indeed, great pleasure in ad ling my testimony to youi excellent preparation ef Congh Loz»ngep, and I have prescribed it now for the last eUht years in my hospitals and private practice, and found it of great benefit. I often cafE r from Chronic Bronchiti ; your Lozenge is> the only remedy which give- me immediate ease. Theroforo I certainly and most strongly reaommend your Lczongeß to th public who may suffer from Catarrh. Bronchitiß, Winter lougli, or any kind of Pulmonary Irritation. — Yours tiuly, "A. GABRIEL, M D., " L.R C.P. and L.M., Edinburgh. " L.R.C.S. and L.M., Edinburgh." Use Keating'a Lozenges. Use Keating's Lozeoges. Use Keating's Lozenges. " It is 75 teaks ago" since KE ATINQ'S COUGH LOZENGES were first made, and the eale is larger than ove r , besnuse they »re onrivallrd in the relief and cure of Winter Congh, Asthma, and Bronchitis; one alone gives relief. Utterly Unrivalled. Utterly Unrivalled. Utterly Unrivalled. Keating'BCoughLozanges.tbennrivalled remedy._for COOGHS, HOARSENESS, and THROAT TROUBLES, are Bold in Tim, by nil Chemists. m 677 MONEY MONEY FOB NEW PLYMOUTH. I. SALEK & CO., Licensed Pawnbrokers, Victoria Avenue, Wanganui, MONEY lent from £1 to £150 on Gold and Silver Watches, Chains, Diamond Rings, every class of Jewellery, Plate, Books, Firearms, and all kinds ox Merchandise. Fireproof safes kept for the protection »f property. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Clients in New Plymouth and District requiring an advance upon Gold or Silver Watches, or any of the above class of goods, can forward them by rail or book post for a very small amount, immediately upon receipt of which a very liberal sum mil be remitted by Post-office order, or as directed. c with ticket giving a full description of article pledged and directions for redeeming, which, by forwarding the amount and iiterobt, the goods will be safely and securely packed and posted to thu render, and will ho received tbt next Jay. AH business strictly confidential.' Corresponds cc solicited, when all information will be given, thus giving New Plymouth people an opportunity to borrow any amount within tweaty-fonr uoara. Branches at Timaiu and Ashburfcon Reference —Colonial Bank. lOlj A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEEGHAK PILLS l™ ninvcrsau ■ J^^GM/J]!V admitted to •• f> Vi* —^^-v^»V "fcorth a Guinea MSfS \^*\ KoiforßilioußanIQO/ \lft\ '*0"OU3 DlbOlllcJtMm. I V ii\ Bac * 1 m Wll "l and |< /I*A.TENT I' 1 Jraßch.J raßch . Slck He**■Wi -»,..—. lulache, Giddiness, In! PILLS ISlKulneßsnnd S*ct« \\j\ ••»••• /a/hng oftcr JTeala, IMi •■' /'*7/ "izzmeßß and \v*\ /SSI Drowrmeß*. Col(3 YC&v >Vty# ChiUs.Hushingsol \ss>>~->%syy He", Lo-8 of ApttsSS\£P?S petite, Shortness of Breath, Costive. fCBB, Scurvy and Blotches on the - Skin, Dieturbeu Bleep, Frißhtfa] rrfjams, and ft!! >*ervous and Treroblintr Seuaat.anv 4c. Tha first doso will ghru relief in twemy imnuteß. Erery unfforr r is etrneoiiy invited lo try on» box of th«i« PiUsandihsy mil l o ock^vrledgcd to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. Tfot female* of. all ages theso Pills aro mvalu. Bble, ts a few "doses of them carry oil' nil aumoaiß, and bnng about all thai is required. l*o female nhould l^o vrithont them. Tbero is no M«*icino to bo found eijual to Eoechnm's Pilln for WmoVing any obftruction or irrpgnlanti of the eyotcrn. If tnken according to tbe direetlonsßiven irith »ooh lm-r, they will soon restore females of «11 a^e3 to pound nnd robust health. This has been proved by thousands who b»vo tried, them, and found tho benefits which are insured by their u&e. For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digettioa. ftnd all Disorders of tho Liver, they act like magic, «nd a few do«i will lie found to work Jronders on tbe mosl. important orgnn"! lr t># human machine. They etrcngthpn tljo vlu« tanitcular system, rcrtoro tho long !ct,t tf,uT plexfon, brinij buck tbo keen cdjire of aj>pctit* «nd erougo into action with tho iwliml o' health the wholophjaical energy oi tho hmnat framo. These are Facts tcntiflcil conununilr hy m&mtteiit o' all clrrw* of roclotr nnri one '" the best guarantee* to the Nmtoub nnd lielnli. tated is, JSBECUAJi'S PILLS hat, a, lnrx-,1 Salt of any Patent Ittdwnr in the IVurlii. Beecham's Magis Cough Pills. As» remedy for Co'icrhi in general, Asthma. Hronuhial Affections, Hcarwncsii, Shortnoaß ol Breath, Tightness nnd Opprep«ion of the Chan, Wheezing, 4c, theie I'il'k stnnd vn f . vailed. Thoy are tho beet ever offend to tho public and will speedily remove that tcn«o of oppression and difficulty or breathing, which JiiKlitly tienrive tho patient of re*t, I,ct any perron eive BEECHAM'S COrOII FIIAS a trial, nml tl o most violent Cough will 11. z short tuna bo reiDovfd. Prepared only, nnd Boia (VhofeMife aiwl llpfniL by th» Proprietor, Thomas licechitui.St (lutns Lancashire, Endiind, in boxes te.hiti' and J. Od. each. Bold b 7 all lrroKifists ana t- aten'- MrdJclno DeilPT* e7eryrrhoro. S.B.— roß dU-ftctSons are given with «neu hoz, j

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 10327, 7 June 1895, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 10327, 7 June 1895, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 10327, 7 June 1895, Page 4