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[| \ . - STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS OF 'ALL DEBOBIPTIONS ; 'SSf ' ' "suitable fob UP M Dairy Factories, y-gj:, j Creameries. "1::: - - ... , -licUi TA^GYhS CULONjALJUBIHAR BOILER A©EIMT§ FUR MEW ZEALAND: John Chambers % ®on 9 FORT-STREET, AUCKLAND.

New Plymouth r - CO -OPERATIVE j^anufaoturing and 0 Jmporting ' Furniture Company. LATE I Dingle & O rke ' 6 S h °Pf j (H. Potter, Manager.) The public of JVJ'ew plymouth and surrounding district are invited to come and inspect our stock of Furniture Linoleums Cocoa 1 Carpets Floor Cloths Mattings 3 Hearthrugs Door Mats China 1 lerambulatorß Mattings 1 &c. ftc. &c. B 9 3 i N«B, — A staff of first-class workmen > employed in every department, ' andgsatisfaction guaranteed. f 7 B J * New Goodß arriving byfevery boat. 3 a IS" DEVON STBEET EAST j^ 7 a H. POTTER b94a CENTRAL COFFEE PALACE, NEW PLYMOUTH (Corner of Devon and Egmont-atreeta), IS now completed, containing 30 rooms. Magnificent Cafe, 40 x 20; Ladies' j Dining-room, 24 x 15; Reading, Kmoking a and Commercial Room; Baths — -Hot and | Cold, 1 Bet meals, Is. Best Beds, single rooms, | Is6d. 3 Best Palaco Home for Health, Cliuiato. | Pure Mountain Air and isoubroozo, for I boardors and visitors in tbo North a Inland. I C, ARSCOTT. Proprietor. » 5526 a % | iMl'Ul'.itils in tjii; Uloou. — "Wo have J scon hosts of letters from pcoplo who have received great benefit from tho usoj of Clarke's Blood Mixture. It cannot bo too highly oatiinated, for it cleanses and clears tho blood from all impurities.' This is a good testimonial from tho Family Doctor, which goes on further to say : "It is the finest Blood Purifier, that ij science and skill have brought to light, and wo can with tho utmost confidence '° recommend it to our subscribers and tho "" public generally." For Scrofula, Scnrvy, J Eczema, Bad Legs, Skin and Blood ' Disoases, Sores and Pimples of all kinds l . its effects are marvellous. Thousands of IX Testimonials. Clarko'a Blood Mixture ~ is sold everywhere, at 2s Od por bottle. °» Beware of worthless imitations and subte atitutos. f ff \ /NALL upon W. J. SHA W, Land V i Agent, if you want a cheap farm,

TATTBRSALL'B LWBBY AND BAIT STABLES. J. W~WEST ""THANKS his patrons aud tho public fo; ■*■ their kind support in the past, anc begs to notify that he has REMOVED t( his New and Commodious Stables, EOMO'T STEEET, Between Railway Station & Criterion Hot Brakes, Waggonettes, &c, for picnii parties; buggies, single or double; cabs saddles, horsaa; also hearse for funerals. Horses bought, cold, or exchanged. Hay, Straw, Chaff, &c, always on hand Horses brokea to single and double harness or saddle. Ladies' Waiting Room, fitted up with every convenience. rn43( P/Sanures. SEASON 1894 - 1895. TT HAVE just received a full list KKitPTH&BNn PnossEE & Co.'s N.Z. Drnj Company's well-known SPECIAL FERTILISERS. Price list posted on application. F. P. CORKILL, AGENT, National Bank Chamber THE " BOOUR" IN CALVES. IT is ca'cuhted that fully 20,000 calvei have, in tha pnst, died annually ir this colony, from the complaint known as the " Scours. 1 ' This represents a losr tc the farmers of, at least, £25,000 Then is no necessity for calves to die iron scours if the proper remedy is used ir time. Mr Alex. Colson, of New Plymouth fo well and widely known in oannectior with the stock sales of Mr Newton King the well known auciorseer, say ' Then no mistake, those Scour Dren^nes xnad< oy Ellis, of Stratford, are a wonderfu romedy. I never saw anj thiDg equal t( them. I bad some calves, the other duy lyiug almost dead from scour, I gave then one dose each, just on the oft" chance hardly expecting them to live, Noxt daj those came calveß were strong and well and as lively as crickets. I strong!} recommend every farmer to keep thorn bj him, for I can guarantee if bo uses then: in time he will never havo his calves di< from the Scours." These Drenches maj be obtained through all storekeepers, at 1( 6d per packet, with full directions, or thej will be sent free by post, on receipt of th; amount in postal notes, from the sol< manufacturer, W. A. Ellis, M.P.B. Veterinary Druggist, Stratford. The whole bale agents aio Sbarland & Co., Wellingtoi and Auckland. Local Agents :— Co-operative Society New Plymouth ; W. II i!'rauklyn, Ingl< wood. 1§ When we take into consideration tho fe ggj quality of .Barlam'aMiorobo Killer, gg £tt and read from the pagcsofitblnstorythc Jg Sg myriad of cures it Ins eflcctcd in tliu past §| (?5 eight yois -,ill verified and attested by <jj sS) innumerable unsolicited testimonials (Kb §S| from reliable citizens from every part of <X Sgj the ctvilisod «oi Id -wo cease to wonder g£ jSj] that it Ins bcLome the Standard RSv gy] Rfcmedy in overyhoubohold. No Egg Ks] family should bi. without it I It will sale RS ,<£s you many pounds aji ai milocluis 1 bills. <fc m Suchdisi.iM „I', Indication, Diptitticiu, ras TO Bronchitis l-i'\< is, i tc, jiild i..»lily to '$ it, and Ci.ii,ii!i.|>lioii, all blin ])i-u',cs, r ;f Kheiini.ili .in and Kidm-y l.ivcr Jn gs Troublis, aie pLimancntly removed by $W a faithful iiscj oi thu rpnmdy. All S3 chemi^tb sull it in 40-0/ bottles and "g Mb i-Kdi. tats. (BpaKu I'amplilttipostfiLo <fl SS3 (mention tins ]>,tpci). If you .ncwtll it Eg jSSi telW you how to Kixp bo , II >ou aro sick fiij >2§] it tells you how to icco\cr join health. C?S j^ THE KADAM MICRO ISCWLIXR CO, 44 MarUU Sttect.Mflbo'"n-.v!-'M\a. JSS Wholesale Agonts for New Zonlaud— Moßsrß Kompthoino & ProHser, Dunudjn „ P. Haymun & Co., Dunodin „ Bharland & Co., Auckluud THE ZEALAND BRADSHAW and A E C GUIDI ACOMPLK'tJO und Xt liublo Gutdo t Now Zculuad, cOL'...ii'iii f < i'.u Alpbi liolica) sriungi'iiicnt. oi !.l! plucos or in portnnco in tho folonitH. TitnoTnblfSun Ftii'.'H of K.Z. Bailwujfi, Stonmer,', an Coaches (Korth uu'l Soutli Inland), Si J'nipß, &c. Publiahed t4onthly Trice Ono Pinny. Annual Bubhciiption Pric< Ih ; posted, Is Gd. Fui ad>. ertiseuien apply to Autduk Cl'Javd; and Co., Aucl luud. Bold tit all Eool'Eellero und Knilwa Bookstalls in the colony. al

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 10198, 2 January 1895, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 10198, 2 January 1895, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 10198, 2 January 1895, Page 1