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Zealand Insurance Company. FIRE AND MARINE. HEAD OFFICE N.Z BRANCHES INSURE $®fr London, 63 Cornhill ... Bowley & Bristow • Glasgow G. Gkay, MAcrARLANE k Co. San Francisco Hugh Craig piWTii £1 ruin mm I>ortland . Or h. folger A&alnst Fire and marine Loss UAPIIAL bUDbbKlbliU, &I,UI)U)UUU. Sydney s. Hague Smith — - — - --=<= -^^=^---= — -^ "™" — ■ "~ — Melbourne James Buttle , , Adelaide Louis 15. Wilson with the xDtrCCIOr?) I Brisbane Edgak A\ r . Walker J. LOGAN CAMPBELL, Esq. Launccston V.'. V.'. Thomas Culpan PREMIER COLONIAL COMPANY, (Chairman). Hobart A. McGregor & Co. — — — — — — — 'ftjfi'Wfig -p-rTT-t r>r tt -c-crr Levuka and Suva ... J. C. Smith & Co. THOMAS BUDDLE, ESQ. Blenheim J. M. Hdtoheson a r -woTJTmvr tr Christchurch David Craig "Which has £441,496 of Invested a. v. nuitiuiM, isq, Dunedin James Edgar ,=.,,„,,„ Ay , -d , 1 x-o odi az.n A H.NATHAN Estr Invercargill E. B. Piloher Funds, and has Paid £2,981,940 a. a. iMAmaw, iisq;. Napier Gr:o. N. Pierce In Losses since it was estabp nR r.T> T -RocfC trcrr Nelson James Wilson H chart in la^Q ROBERT ROSE, Esq. New P]ymouth ... Henby W eston usnea in ibsy * Taivyr-rrc: T?T-c:c:TrT t w on . Wanganui A. L. PARSONS . JAMES RUSSELL, Esq. Wellington W. Bolam, Acting * THOMAS RUSSELL, Esq., C.M.G. g^™ Z Z 3S& £S5 J.L. WILSON, E S q. £S?y .": :.. °' Todd TAKE A POLICY ™ THE Colombo Leechmak & Co. ffimrral mnrrnnn . b£S£* ™ ER3 ' ARBT7THNOT * Co - Neb? Zealand gngmance Co, uheuniu jmnnager: pering "" | chwh-lan, wood & co. Kohe Berigny & Co. ut inu/m// n/r-n-rrmi Yokoham a - Fraser, Faklby & Co. „ wnamrmr W ARWIGK WESTON. Shanghai H. E. Kempthorne E. WEBTOJV, ir ruirr ivi\ "«•"'"'" Hong Kong Union Ins. Society op Canton Valparaiso , Armstrong k Co. AGENT, NEW PLYMOUTH.

STRATFORD TROTTING CLUB. THE FIRST ANNUAL MEETING of the Stratford Trotting Club will be hold on tho Bushford Park Racecourse ON THURSDAY, OOTOBEB 11th, 189-4. Officers :— President; F. McGuire, Esq , M.H.R. Vice Presidents : Messrs W. Dingle, T. McLollan, and N. King. Steiourda : Messrs H, N. Liardet, W. L. Tockor, E G. Allsworth, J. Don, T. Jordan, K. McCrackon, R. McQuay, and G. Mcßain. Treasurer : Mr K. S. Hirschberg. Clerk of Com se :Mr P. Brooking. Clerk of Scales : Mr J. B. Paton. Starter : Mr H. J. C. Coutts. Judge : Mr U. Bayly. Handicayper : Mr It. G. Tardy. Timekeeper : Colonel Payne. PROGRAMME : 1. Maiden Handioap Saddle Trot, of 15 tiovs., for horses that have never won an advertised trctting event (private matches excepted). Nominations, 10s ; acceptance, 5s (closo on general entry night). Ono milo and a half. To start at 32 (noon). , 2. Harness Trot Handicap, of 20 soys.; second horse 3 soys from the stakes. Winner of any Tiotting race, aftor the declaiation of handicap, to be re handicapped, as per rule 30. Nominations, 10s ; acceptance, 10s. Two miles. To start ac 12 45 3. btratford Trotting Club Handicap Saddle Trot, of 30 soys.; second horse 5 soya. from tho stakes. The winner of any Handicap Trot, after tho declaration of handicap, to bo re-handicapped, as perralo 30. Nominations, 15s ; acceptance, 15s. Three miles. To start at 1.45 4). Pony Handicap Saddle Trot, of £12 10a ; second pony to receive £1 10s from the stakes For Ponies 14li 2in and under. Nominations, 7s 6d ; acceptance, ss. One mile and a-half. To ttart at 2.30. [5. Farmers' Handioap Saddle Trot, of £12 10s; second horse 2 soys. from the stakes. For horses owned and trained by boiutfidp farmers for three months prior to dato of entry. Winners of any amount over £5 barred. Nomination, 12s 6d (closo on general entry night) ;no acceptance. Two miles N.B— The Committee has defined a farmer as follows : — A farmer is a person who resides on or pays rates on 30 acres of land. To atart at 3.15. . relliug Baudioap Saddle Trot, of 15 bovß. Tho winner to become the properly of tho Club, and to be sold by public auction immediately after the raco ; any surplus over £10 to go to the second horsa. Nomination, 7s 6d ; acceptance, 7s Gd. Ono mile and a-half, To start at 4 o'clock. TheStratfordTrottingClubhavo adopted the Auckland Trotting Rules. Rule 30.— AH winnors of any race after handicaps are declared may bo re handicapped, but such handicap shall not exceed fivo seconds per mile for ro-handicappod race. Nominations, with full particulars as to performances, colours of ridors, &c, close on Patuhday, September 15, 1894, at 9 p.m., at the County Hotel, Stratford. Tho necessary fees must accompany all Nominations and Acceptances. Handicaps declared on or about Friday, 28th September, 1894 Acceptances and General Entries close on Saturday, Gth Octobor, 1894, at the County Hotel, Stratford, at 9 p vi. The Telegraph Office closes at 8 p.m. Tho Commitleo rosorvo the right to postpone tho races in the case of bad weather. U. MEHAFFV, Hon. Sec. Submitted nnd approved this 14th day ot August, 1894 — A. A. A jibridge, Secretary Taranaki Tiotting Association u762b BEASON 1804 - 1895. T HAVE just received a full list of KEaimtonNE Prosser & Co.'s N Z. Drug Company's well-known SPECIAL FERTILISERS 1 . Prico-liet poßtod on application. F. P. CORKILL, AGENT, oG92m National Bank Chamber*' ' ©ysteps ! ■ „ Oysters ! rriARANAKI OYSTB R SALOO N, JL Brougham-street, SiTOpposite Messrs Berry & [Co., Iron- | mongere. Bottles, Is Gd. JAMES HAET, Ssn.

Lamb! Lamb! Lamb! The fitstgLamb of the season, and tlie^only Lamb in the market. Prime Ox'^BEEF ! and Wether MUTTON I Dairy-fed Pork. ! Turkeys and other Poultry SOLE BROS., 1 - TARANAKI BUTCHERY. a762m TO STAND THIS SEASON, and travel between Rahotu and Oakura, and to Opunake, if sufficient inducement offers, — „ jsr|!&to«<ssrfai *T* -2 -® Thoroughbred "W» ji « Honfocri/ 1 ' Fantastic was foaled in 1888, and ia highly fashionable, being by the best blood on both sides, and has proved himself a sure foal getter. His biro, Apremont (brother to the great French horse Chamant), was brod in France in 1878, being by Jlortemer, dam Arancuria (dam of Rayon dOr), by Ambros — Pocahontas (dam of Stockwell, etc.), by Gloncoe. Mortemor by Conquienge (son of Fitz-Gladiator)— Comteaso, by Curon of Nuncio. Ambros, by Touchstone — Annette, by Priam. Apiemont was imported into Canterbury in 1882 by Mr G-. G. Stead. Fantastic'a dam, Fantasy, ishy'i'raducer, out of Miss Flat, who was by tho imported 1 ] Peter Flut, out of the imported dnin | Mountain Nymph, who. again, was by Sir Talton Bykes' Giselle, by Stockport. Miss Mat is the dam of a numerous family, the greatest of whom was tho renowned Welcome Jack, one of the greatest race horses ever bred in New Zealand. Fantastic iaa beautiful bay, standing 17 hands high, possessing great bone, substance, and symmetry. His site, Aprernont, came out at the top of winning sires in the season of 1892, beating no loss than 186 other sires- The placing at the disposal of the breeders of the above districts the services of such a well-brad animal as Fantastic is an opportunity that should not be missed by those who desire to obtain good stock. Terms— £3 per mare, payablo by p.u., due January Ist, 1895. All cue. but no responsibility Qood paddocks at Puuiho for marcs. Groom b teo, 2/C, to bo paid when mares are torved. b2lm J. CADDY. TO STAND THIS BEABON, Between New Plymouth, Inglewood, and Hahotu, Tho Trotting Stallion EB O N Y. (Bred by J. Greig. Esq., Longboach, Canterbury). Ebony is a beautiful black horse, rising six yoara, and stands 16 hands, with imtnensn bone. Sire, Blackwood Abdullah; dnin, Duchess of York, by Traducer, out of Geut'o Annie, grand-dam of Calhta, Misft Hilda, Princesf, and other good performers. Ebony wsa shown four times, and took three first prizes. Terms — Single Mare, £3; two or moro th* bonafida property of ono owner, £2 10s oach Groom « fee, 2/6 each. All feos payablo by promissory noto, due on Ist January, 1895. 1 Ebony will travol to Okato on Monday; to Hahatu and back to Oka<o on Tuoaduy; and in to Now Plymouth on Wednesday; Friday to Inglewood, via Sentry Hill, and bacK by Junction lloud same day; Thursday and Saturday at h."s own stable, Now Plymouth. All mares sont to Ebony will receive ovory attention, alßo good paddocks at 1/6 por woek, but no responsibility. For furthor paiticulars apply to M JONES, Criterion roubles; or, W. A. JURY, b2Gui Groom in charge. FEVERISIf*HEAT, PREVENT FITS, CONVULSIONS, ETb; 'reserve a healthy siato of tho conHL tution during: the period of Taot*ti>*fl^ ( • The words "JOHl? Br£SDMA< . 1 Ohamlat, Walworth, Surrey," * ' fcSßgMTtd oa tit Oottrnmtnt Stamp iOia3lo«ttt i gf a £ Ul Bold] by Kempthorne, Proseer & Go.

THE BUDGET, AND TARANAKI WEEKLY HERALD PRICE THREEPENCE. Advts ... 1,7,17,18,19,20,21,23,24 Aqriodltoue, Dairying, &o : Hinta to Farmers — Pear and Cherry Slug, Leech Slug worm (ilia Btrated) — Milk fever in cesva — Farm yard manure— Horaeo eating sand .., ... 6 A fight with burglars in Melbourne ... 8 Arrival of s.s. Aorangi at Wellington 14 A row in the Queensland Parliament ... 23 Amusements : Foresters Social ... 15 Performurco of Cantata of Esther 16 Amalgamation of Colonial and Bank of New Zealand 1G Canterbury Chat 7 Coukts : Police Court 9, 21 Country and District News : From our own correspondent : From | Stratford — From Inglewood — From Midhirst — From Waifara — From Opunake — Fiom Okuto — From Oakura 2, 6, 16 Chit-Chat : Up ts Date 16 Current Events 24 China-Japan War: Full particulars 15 Clarice and Cabmen: Or Which Loved Him Bent, By Bertha M. Clay, author of " Miss Dundas," "Dora Thorn," "Tardy Justice," &c 3 Correspondence: Charitable Aid — County R' tes — Opunake Mail Service — bow tho Public aro Taxed 2,14 Editorial Articles — Tho Rating Act — Consumption of Dutiablo Articles - Railway Bill ... ... 7 Earthquake in Japan 17 Local Boards : Harbor Board — Education Board— Borough Council — Taranaki County Council — Education Reserve Bourd ... 23 Markets: Latest markets by telegraph 13 Masterton Sensation ... 8 News of th>- Wi f irK : Eickford committed for trial — Accident lo Mr Robinson — Death of Mr Knorpe — Late earthquake in Wellington — • State of the Napier bieakwater 10, 11 New Plymouth Cricket Club .., ... 22 Obituary Notice : Death of the late Mrs Henry Halse 10 Onu Illtjstuated London Letter : Pon raits of M. Casmir-Perier. and tho late M. Sardi Carnot ... 13 Parliamentary : Political gossip in Wellington — Proceedings of tho Legislative Council and House of Representatives 10 11 Sportins 8 23 Samoan Trouble 8 Tns Fiat ok FAre ; Or Crossed in Love. By the author of " A Jealous Woimn," •' The Prettiest of them all," &c ... 3 CORKRAN AND PEGG ATiE BUILDING TO ORDER Settlors Carts, to carry up to 12cwt, From £15 Double Buggioß, Phaetons, Expresses, nnd Wagonettes From £30 DAISY CARTS, BULKIES, Phaeton Carts, and Roadster*, A DOZEN DIFFERENT STYLES to chooae from From £8 10s Single Buggieß and Light Expresses From £25 Tax and BuHinefcs Carts ... From £12 Lamps from 17a 6d per pair. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN PAINTING. CARTS tastefully PAINTED FROM £1. Buggioß and oiher FOURWHEELERS FROM £1 sa. Ropaira at equally low rates. AH work guamnleed. Vehicles of all classes bought, sold en commission, or exchanged, a57Ht •THE ©RSA^aNGLISK RKMIDB'!£ > S1OI&S 1 OI& Ihtiaeutoyzhil* qak-kiv rcHevcd sod ("u^sdlna Sow duy- ty thi.l celebrated Jlcdirlna. •fe Tnont I'llh, wliich arc perfectly hartnten, reqUrft no restraint of diet ilurini{ their uiw, and are confiS ia jro; font tho dto»3o atturking »n / vitcl p»rfc -4 { tfu.-x.jMti^? '-v Ku,fW b T tfrout * Oa, $m fitraiit*. JUsi-'on. j»il "oW at is. W. tn& $k fja tier \kti. Tv *W e "«»)i» O-'sugh *cj Cata«i!it»iraOßi» ♦Jn i-uf •jo'n-' 'ii" r J.wWivi W/utifA /-• ' ™ CIIEAP Residences and Building Sites obtainable from W. J. Shaw, Land Agont

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 10111, 18 September 1894, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 10111, 18 September 1894, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 10111, 18 September 1894, Page 4