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Eho lodges in a garret. Which is all devoid of at ; Her dresseg are all dingy — Her tongue nlono is bimut And you wouldn't tt.iDg the woman Wroto "The L dies' Gossip." Sho 13 tho pushing correspondent Known as " Dear Penelope." A MISNOMER. It seems to me, remarked the dear old lady, looking up from her paper, that the conntry is getting into a dangerous state. Here is another great fire, which is supposed to have besn the work of a — What ? growled the man ; what sort of fireworks, eh ? The work of a cotsenduury, was the re- \ ply, Bnd tho listener was too much as tonished to suggest ' incendiary 'as the corroot word. SURPRISED A LION. Wild beasts ere easily alarmed by tho unexpected. The Italian's organ monkey | that siv d itself from the bulldog bt tak- I ing off its cap evidently seemed to the startled brute a creature that could pull oS its own fcead. A sirange instance in relate! by an African hunter who had loturned from the Hottentot country, where In had been trapping for the animal collectors at Hamburg. Ho was out one aftornoon with some of ihe natives proparing a bait in ii rocky ravine. Wo had bnilf, ho says, a stout pen of rocks and lone, an i placed a calf as a bait. The sun was nearly down as we started for camp, and no one had the least suspicion of the presence of danger until a lion, which had beon crouching behind a bush, sprang oat and knocked me down In springing upon his prey the lion or li°;er strikes as ho seizes. This blow of the paw, if it falls on the right spot, dis ables the victim at once, I was so near this fellow that he simply reared, seized me by the shoulder, and pulled me down. I was flat on the earth before I realised what hud happened. I was on my back, and he stood with both paws on my waist, facing the natives and growling savagely The men ran off abont three hundred feet and then halted, which was doubtless the reason why I was not carried off at once. I can say without conceit that I was fairly cool. The attack had come so saddenly tint I had not had time to get frightened. I had been told by an old Boer hunter that if ever I found myself in such a predicament as this, I must appeal to the lion's fears. Had 1 moved my arm to get my pisto', the beast would have lowered his head and my throat. So long as I lay qniet, ho reasoned that, I was doad, and gave hi > attention to the natives. Suddenly I barked like a Jog, following the bark with a growl, and the beast jumped twenty feet in his surprise. He cams down between me and the natives, and I turned enough to s;e th-t his tail was down. I uttered more barks and growls, but without moving a hand, and the lion, after after making a circuit round me, suddenly bolted, and went off with a scare which would last him a week. If yon had picked np a stick and discovered it to be a snake, yon would do just as ihe lion did. He surpoaed that he nad pnlled down a man. The ru -.n turned into a dog. Re'could not understand it, and it frightened him.

WATEB FLOWS WnEIIE GRAVITATION ATrßAors : — You recognize the first fact ; the second is as true when water flows seawards. People will not trouble when and what they bay, ut until tbon thoy will always see they got Gbease's Al Coffee, for itis tho l)ojt. PEP.SONS OF DELICATE CONBTI TUTION, who are obliged to abstain tcom ordinary Coffee, should try Crease's Tab axagum or Dandelion Coffee, which is recommended by the highest Medical Authorities as a very jsablo beverage for those suffering from weak digestion flatulency, nervousness, etc. Not to know 8 not to have. — Edward L.Nathan, Wholesale Agent TSew Plvmontb ONE BOX OF CLARK'S B 41 PILLS s warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex (aoqaired or constitutional), Gravel, and Pains in the Back. Guaranteed free from Mercury. Sold in boxe3, 4s. 6d. each, by all the chemiste and Patent Medicine Vendors ; Sole Pjwprietors, TBhe Ikncoln AND JIIDLAND COUNTIES DftUG Co., Lin coin England Good Counsel has no price ' there fore wo charge nothing for advising you to purchase Dollar and Stars and Stripet Cigarettes " Clarke's World-famed Blood Mixture" is a guaranteed cure for all Blood and Skin Diseases. It is the most searching blood cleanser over discovered, and it will free the system from all impurities from whatever cause arising. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema Bad Legrf, Sores and Pimples of all kinds its effects are marvellous. Thousands of testi monials. Sold everywhere, at 2s 9d por bottle. Beware of worthless imitations and substitutes. 1 ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLy a warranted to cur^ all discharges from tho Urinary Organs, in either sex (acquired or constitutional), Gravel, ami Pains in tho Back. Guaranteed free from Mercury Sold in boxes, 4u 6d each, by all Chemintf end Patent Medicine V«ndTH ; Sole Proprietors, Tim Lincoln and Midlakp Clou ti DitWJ Cd Liwdn, W. gitnri, ENGRAVING of al! descriptions oxe nted by McKed & Gamble, N.Z. Pren Agency, Wellington. Advertising Blocks Brass Dcor Plates, Stoncil Plates, Coppei Plato and all other k aof eatfruv Send for , iETTE?. TO BE SnilE THAN 60RU7. To j-orvent mould npotß &c, on your v mttor and packages for export, paint your boxo. or Kegf) with a solution of Salsaline A shilling packet makes ono gallon. Odour osh an/i hani'i. • Nold morvwfce/ra.

HOW A LOT OF MONEY LKAKS OUT. What docs a man do when he rinds a hole in tha pocket whore he carries liis money ? Anybody c<n answer that question. He I haa it sswoi up o£ course, directly, and I good and strong, too. I suppose i f is with you jnst as it is with nif. When I spend money, even foolishly. I can toll where it went, and may be I've had some sort of pleasure out of it. But Ido mortally hate to lose inosicy ; loso it out and ont^ you know, and have no satisfaction from it, or know how or when it !oft my possession. " Well now, lot mo show you the worst an 1 biggest hoe any man ever had in hrn pocket ; a hole that 'lets the cihli leak aw.iy like water through a siove, a hole that is tho hardest in tho work! to sow up. A Bhort story will show it best. " Drummore South Cottage, " Mu3aolb'irt;h, near Eilinbureh, "September 16th, 1891. " Gontlemon,— Up to 1885 I was always strong and liealthy. About this time I , began to feel bad. I was tired, languid, dull, and listless, and everything was a burden to mo. I had no desire for com paoy, and what had como over mo I could ' not make out. My tongue and mouth were dry, and I had a deal of phlegm on my stomach. The whites of my eyos next became discoloured and my skin was yellow. I had 1 0 appetite, an 1 after eat ing I had great pain at my chest and sides, also across my stomach. Af ,er a lime the pain settled iv my loft side, and my heart would beat and jump in a manner that al firmed me. By-and-by I ijotso weak that I was not ablo to go about the house, and I felt that 1 ought to be in bul. Tho painß at my side and stomach became so bad that I had to remove my clothing (everything seemed so tijht), and I used to press my stomach and hold my bides to try and ease tho pain. Getting worse I saw a doctor at Jlussolburgh and was under him for three months, bat his medicine gave ma no relief. After this I went to a clever doctor at Prestons Pans who Bflid I was suffering fiom indigestion and dyspepsia, He sent to London for some celebrated mediciiiO which was packed in small phials. This medicine seemed to dissolve my food, and I felt easier fora time t ut 1 gained no strength or real benefit, and aft^r pei severing with his treatment for. six inonthß, I gave it up and fell into my old state. I next went to a doctor at Mußselburgb, but all his medicines did mo no good. After this I saw auother doctor ia a fourth doctor), but with tho same result ; none of them gave me anything that reached my complaiat. I now loat all faith ia phybic, for I had spent a doal of money and taken so much medicine 'that I lost al! my teeth through it' and was no better for it. In great misery I lingered on month after month, always ailing, when in August of last year (1890), my husband called at Mr Jack's Drug j Stores, High Street, Fisherrow, and , told i him what my condition was. Mr Jack j gave him an account of tho wondertol j cores he heard of from many of bis ! customers that had taken v medicine callod Seigel's Syrup, and strongly recommended him to bring me a bottle, and by the time 1 had taken four bottlesl waH as well and as strong as ever I was in my life. I wish othois to know thi-, and if by publishing this statement it will be the means of helping others, as it helped me, you can use this letter as you like. Yours truly, (Signed) Jemima Watson." Look back to about tbe middle of the above letter and again read what the writer says : " I had spent a deal of money for medicine." Yes, and money she could poorly afford to spero. Illness and the expense of illness is tbe great hole in the pocket that I alluded to. It costs j so much, and what doeß it give us in return ? Pain, weariness, and mis-cry. There is another consideration besides. When we are ill we not only have to bear the i act eased outgo, but manage to meet larger demands out of a decreased income. Our candle is burning at both ends. " Ye 3" you say, " but how can we keep from fulling ill ?" You cannot always, but in view of tbe fact that most illness arises from indigestion and dyspeps'a, a timely use of Mctherb'eigers Curative Syrup will prevont it- A few shillings thus invested will 6ave pounds in money and perhaps months of wretchedness Think over the striking points in Mrs Watnon'B excellent letter and you will think the same.

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 10111, 18 September 1894, Page 4

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A PICNIC, Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 10111, 18 September 1894, Page 4

A PICNIC, Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 10111, 18 September 1894, Page 4