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IF 1 O 12/ SALE, /\ll that very Desirable Town Property (lately occupied . by^ Mrs C. E. McTa^gart) SITDATifi IN DEVOK STEEET WEST, containing 1 acre 1 xood (more or less), beautifully laid .oat with Ornamental Shrubbery, Handsome Feres, Orchard, Large Tennis Lawn, Croquet Lawn, Six Entrance Gates, 12-BOOMED HOUSE, Bath, Uas, Water, Coach-house, Stable, &c, with trontagos to Devon-street 170 feet, Outfield-street 272 feet, Powderharn-streot 255 feet. For particulars, apply to IT. P. Corkill, A.. JE. Wright, Jonea' Auction Mart.

AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY. New Zealand Brunch: Heal Office, Custom House Quay, Wellington. Local Board of Directors : The Hen Morgan 8. Grace, M.D., CM G., M.L.O, (Chairman); The Hen Charles J Johnston, M.L.C. (Deputy Chuirman) ; Alfred de Bathe Brandon, Esq.; The Hon Edward Richardson, O.M.G. ; John Duncan, Esq. Medical Officer: Dt W. G. Kemp, M.R.O.S. (England). THE OLDEST, WEALTHIEST, AND MOSl? PROSPEROUS Australian i iic Office, aud the LARGEST in the BRITISH EMPIRE The only Colonial Life Office which Dkolabesa BONUS EVERY YEAR, The Metliod of Valuation adopted by this Society is of the moat Stringent Character, and ensures a Considerably Larger Reserv, to meet Liabilities: * h an that held by any other office in the Awtralasian LoHonies. ACCUMULATED FUNDS £10.500,000 SKSfiffiT Sterling. All invostod to yield neatly 6 per cent POLICIES in FORCE ... 109,838 Sum Assurod £37,066,211 Accumulated Funds ... ...£10,532,036 Annual Income ... ... £1,860,347 Cash Bonuses Divided ... £4,930,360 BONUSES Cash Bonus for One year, 1891, £489,828, yielding Reversionary Bonuses amounting to £1,009,000. This Cnßh Bonus was equal to 424 per cent on the premiums recoivcd k duiing the year. Cash Bonuses declared for last Five years, Two Millions, yielding Reversionary Bonuses exceeding Four Millions. ASSURE YOUR LIFEIN T.HB A.M P. SOCIETY " and seoare a BONUS EVERY YEAR Expensos of Mr.nn^emcnt less than 9^ poi cent ob the total income. EDWARD W. LOWE, Resident Secretary. Branch Office, — CasTOMnouax-QUAY, Wellington. WEBSTER ITmoKELL-AR, Local Agents, TARANAKI. District Canvasser, Mr George Hoby. 981 NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY— FIRE AND MARINE. Capital, £1,000,000, in 100,0)0 Shares of £10 each, with unlimited liability of : Shareholders. Subscribed Capital to £200,000 ; Reserve and Ro-insuranco Fund, £235,000. FORMS of Proposal end every information can be obtained of MrGRsNKSLL, lirougbam-streot, M«- B. C. !jAwßSNCß,Raleigh Ax H. N. Liabijct, Stratford Or H. WESTON Agent for Now Plymouth. OFFICES . BROUGHAM-STREET Fo? Sale. A GOOD .'.BUSINESS and Valuable Building Site in Stratford. Terms moderate. 27 acresAll grass; level land; near Slrutford 38 acres — Grass and; near Btrutford> SO acres— * A II graps; good Itvel land, Stratford- '■ Si> aeieH— All £Mbh; luvel laud, Stralford ;i4 acres— All grass, t'onced; lovi'l land, Stratfonl li£OO ncrcsPartly Icvd; Toko 3000 acresGood grazing hnd, Patea. TOO acresAll grass, good rolling laud, Stratford. Albo, Viiluablo BuiUini; Sites iv Str.»t(orJ ; Ellhain, and other vownships. 2000 acres. Town allo inenlfl > W. L. TOCKER, I Ptnsftlori!. _ } COMFORTABLE BOARD AND 1 LOLGISG. r — MOA KOU-SE, I.JGLEWGOD. MRS. DYiIOND \jX> ISEILS to inform visitors to Ingh " V wood lliat eho hascompleted tl: i ulteriUiooH of her hou.o, and can now off* it cv« rj cotnfortnnd i-onvinirnco to bonnier U Invalids will 8., d f Imb a very hoaltl; 3, bituuliou. B, Butbr oras, &c. Mihlb at all hou le j Terms moderate. "i I Good padi'ock for horses. a7f

Thos. Avery, Printer, Bookseller,! and Stationer ,1 "DESPECTFULLY nvites inspection _C\j of his large stock of Photo and Scrap Albums and Screens Photo Frames — Cabinet, Carte, and Midget — most chaste designs Writing Desks, in Walnut and Leather — all sizes and prices Blotting Books and Touriets Caeos Ladies' Workboxes and Companions, in Rosewood, Plush, and Leather Ladies' Fans — very choice selection Ladies' Bags — Russia, Calf, Morocco, and Plush Pocket Books and Purses Plush, Mirror, and Papier Mache Brackets Glove and Ilandkerchief Boxes, Bibles, Prayers and Hymns — ia cases and handsome bindings Lafcst IVovcHies iv Box Stationery* Stationery Cabinets Inkstands Stereoscopes Date Calendars, etc. » PRESENTATION BOOKS, Children's Toy Books, Annuals, etc., etc. TRY R COCK'S TEAS. Is 6d per Id, Unequalled, at the price. Two Seas TWO SEAS TWO SEAS Tho Smoker's Favoifte Tobacco. Sole \?cut tor Taranafci— J. A VERY ISEW PLYMOUTH. a 57" J & W. Jenkinson. BEG to notify tho public of Hew Plymouth and surrounding Districts that they have started io Business as CARRIAGE BUILDERS IN GOVER-STREET (near the Red House Hotel), and are prepurod to build all kinds o 1 Smith work dene in all its branches The best materials and first-class work manship guaranteed. Repairs dou& with despatch. aUI) Q. T- Ml LLS, STOCK AND BIJAREBROKEB Land and Estate Agent, Valuer, Accountant, Auditor am General Commission Agent Interest, Runts, and Accounts Collecte Firoand filarine Insurances effooted.. Share Lißts, with latest quotations for a leading Colonial Stool s. OffioSS : Exchaugo Chambers, Davor a- Htroot, New Plymouth ie Bhb to t. THERE IS ONE THING overy hous( iy wifo Bhould know, and that s—lleiujcxis — lleiujcxi Baking Powdeii ia tho boßt. Why v '. rp is the cheapest bcctuiso it is tho best f< making bread, pastry cakou, pudding 34 ss n one 3&z In bd and Is tins. — A&VT

{ MRS WROATH, j I I AVING taken the promises lately < I I occupiol by G. Browne, Eevon- | street East, has opened the same as EEFREBHMENT R00M& AND FRUIT SHOP. Private Apartinonts for Two or Threo a 550 Gentlemen IpAUL O. MORTON, Commission, House, Estate, and Custom-bouse Agent. Shipping and Forwarding Agent. AGKNT FOR TACANAKI DI&TRICT — Mutual Life Association of Australasia Victoria Insurance Company — Pire, Marino, nnd Fidelity Guarantee j Stundard Accident Insurance Co. (Limited) [ Oweu'a Shejp Dip i Kents Collected. Devon- street, flew Plymouth, a3BB ; TARANAKI FOUNDRY, Engineer, millwright, blacksmith iron and brass founder. POWDERUAM STREET, NSW P- V MOUTH AMERICAN, Bowling Alley AND SHOOTING GALLERY. T. S. Bond & Son HAVE taken the above, and have had tin Saloon fitted up and decorated for tho comfort and convenience of patrons, many of whom they hope to see competing for the Prize of £1, 'hat will h« given to each and everyono that makts a Bcore oE 120 out of a possible 150: or a score of 30 out o£ a poßaiblo 45 in a game of '' Cocked Ilat." Pulrous can obtain TOBACCO CIGARS, CIGARETTES,- &c, in front oE tho Alley. a 684 CRITERION LIVERY AND BATE STABLE B. FJXED CALGHBK, PROPRIETOR of tho above, notihes to ■*■ his patrons und tha publio generally that ho has hud tli9 Btablea completely renovuted and materially enlarged, ho tba' ho can now offer splendid ancouimodatioi for tIorKOS and Buggies. Every care urn attention given to patrons. A largo annjber of Singlo and boublt Bngsica, Saidlo Horses, Brakes, &/'.,? \ v mciorato oharscß. "wbst"&" jury BEG to thanh. the publio for their kind putronago fiinco they havo been in business, aad to state that they will oon tinao to give their best attention io all orders. Brakes, waggonettes, &c, for picnic parties; buggiis, single or double; srdlle horooe, at a motriont'u notice. Horses bought, sold, or exchanged. Hay, Btraw, chaff, &c, alw^yp on Land.^ $9* Horaoa broken to Bingle or double 157 hsrnr.ea or an-Mi^. ~~ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges fron tho Urinary Organs, in either sex (acquirec or constitutional), Gr.ivol, and Pains in thi Back. Guuiantccd frco from Mercury . Sold in boxes, 4s 6d each, by all Chemist! and Patent Medicine Vcndo s ; Solo Pro . prietors. Thr Lincoln and MtDiiAN] ('■otjntie Dr.UG Co.. Lincoln, England. ' GOUT & KSSOTATXC 1 ' THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY FOI * Gout, Elieumatism Seiatica,tokgo, & fcalgla. The actito patn it qiiicltly relieved and cured In } few diys by thi9 celebrated st«dicuie. £8 Tlicso I'lUs, which aro perfectly liarnilcsst, rcqllh If no restraint of diet during thetr x\n, nnd mo ccrt-i to pir-T ent tho disenao ottiuking nny vital part or i MaauJnct"red in EugKnd by Prput <St Co., 22 a Str.-mc l , Londo „ and told »t Is. l)d. and Si. 8< ■ >.cr hot At obtainibls through tmj C'hMßiHi vr «t«l

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 9541, 7 November 1892, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 9541, 7 November 1892, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 9541, 7 November 1892, Page 1