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F. A. FORD, SIS CASES on giving up busiae 83 ia Kew Plymouth, GOODS. Owing to F. A. FORD'S i Cable Home stopping shipments of will SLA*. GHT R the whole ol his well Goods being too late, he is dete.mined to 1 assorted stock oi ~ give his customers the bene\t'\v -n c r~~Ac* S fit, and sell the whole of the Millinery, Dress Goods, • © J , , . J new goods as they come to Clothing, Hosiery, etc., gg> hand at Landed Cost. First valued at £3000, regardless «t cost, M Shipment of Spring and prior to callingltenders for the balance. * Summer Goods Now Open. S-AXjIE O^ 1 THE! PERIODOnaccountofF. A, FORD leaving New |yg ¥'f §Hl© Hl f LtiaSCt New rhmouth at an early date Cus- c=£ .77 _, tomers will kindly not ask tor credit, as M Those well-known Premises tLe Goods have all been marked down to p$ Cheapside Hou S'e, • landed cast, and as the whole Of this im- Situated in the best part of Devon-street, New . , .11 ji • 1 r. • Plvmuuth. To be sold as a going concern or mense Btock must be turned .into ca*h m g^ Bt j table eitbe r for Draper, Grocei.or Ironmonger, as short a time as possibe. *!? with 20ft frontage to Devon-street, and 32(t t^>) frontage to Ourrio Lane. Also F. A. Ford's Charming Private RESIDENCE, RomomKor tViic ie -rVi<=» flrcf corner Vivian and Morley-atreets, with every conKememDer, tniS IS tne nrSt £1$ venience, Gas, Hot and Cold Water thronghout; ODDOrtunitV YOU have had Of £$>> containing Eleven Hooms, detached Wasbbonse, uppuilUUliy yuuiidvc iiciu vi Ooalhoose, and other offices. H acres freehold, Dliying new oprmg CjrOOdS at Sq|| 8 aores leasehold, laid out in Flower and Kitchen J ° i j j i. »j»( Garden, Orchard containing over 100 choice lanuea COSt» CO) Lemon, Orange, and other Fruit Trees ; and Ornamental Water.

' MUSKhT MUSKET TO STAND THIS SEASON, ( _s S __-__t a HPUE PURE BRED ||j£|y|®^ ■*- STALLIOK, ,gg(_ftp_fe_| Armament. Aem imsnt's dam, fissie, wbb bred in Englani. in 1875 got by Suffolk (son of .tfor h Lincoln). Her dam, Irn.a, by Rataplan out of Hernrone, by Kingston, Venus by Amadis, Aurora by Sundbeck, Partbenesßi by Cervnnte*, Mariannp by Sorcerer, Thoumsina by Timothy, Vialet by Shark— Sypl.'on, Charlotte by BlankCrab. Armament's sire, tho eieat Musket, is o well known that it needs no explanation. It will be B"cn from tho above (hat : eeders ia the district have, at their doore, ono of the beet bred horßts alive, nd at the lowest price. lie is a very handsome horse ; in the prime of youth ; Bound as a bell ; quiet us a Jamb ; even-tempered ; and a sure foal getter. Though be has not bad much show he hna proved himself a sire of hi^li merit, having sired euch good cattio ob Omaha, Flkta, Mdskkt, etc., etc. Ho will be nt Inglewood on MoNDiY and Tuesday, etopping thore the nights for convenience of patrons ; Wnitara on Thursdays ; and in New Plymouth the reßt of the week. Fee ; £3 3j, payable by P.N., doe January Ist, 1892. Groomage, 2s 6d.^_ MICHAEL CUNNINGHAM. TO BTAND THIB SEASON AT BELL BLOCK (in response to numerous requests). TaE~THOROUGHBRED *^£Q^ STALLION .JLJL. The AustralianThe Australian (late War Eagle) was bred by Mr W. Garrard, of Ripid Bay, South Australia, and sold as a yearling for 600 guineas. lie is a dark brown horse, with blnck points, and 6tanda 15 han'lo 3_ iaeho3 high, and is a suro foal getter, PEDiaitKE : Tho Australian, by Tre.reaple (imported), out of Ordeal (imported), by Touohs'cno out of Mrs Fowlur, by rJoron (siro of Fisherman), gsd Mulev, out of Siater to Pope, by Shuttle, &". Tho Australian is a tine tempered animal and sound. A elanco at the above pedigree will Bbow Tha Australian possesses the m st fashionable blood of tho daj, and is a near relativo of lho mighty Common, now standing in England at £250. Tho Australian is the s're of Torpbdo, Sirius, Flukem, Macaroni, Tub Orphan, NCOOET, AUSTRAIi,&C. (as"Last season The Australian's slock won £1241. Further particulars and tabulated pedigree may be obtained from the owner. A limited number of mares only 'will be taken. FEE : £6 Gs payable by promissory note, cue lit January, 1893 ; 6d payable on first pervicn. Gaod Paddock accommodation, Is per week. All care but no responsibility. To I&mvcru Breeders. On application to the undersigned, The Australian will visit Haweba at a foe of £7 10b each mare. a 589 A. BISHOP,JBoII Blonk. TO KUN IN MR ANDEBSON'S paddock aloug with mares, at Uronui. •tf?>t*-~~i? nP^ 1E Pure-bred Trottd^MdL: I>auatles3Duuntkss (byYounp Perforn er-Vinnie, by Nobleman) is a 1 ojuiifut brown, 8 yc.r* old, Blum's 16 han''B hi_li, oompactly built, with powerful back, pood wusclo, and a pt-r:ect teui) or, nnd hub proved himfaulf v suro te al g.-tler. Llb is acknowleiigo] by competent judgcß to be a good horso for brcedio^ first-cl'ißß hacks and bain es hora s. Tt rms : Sir glo maro £i, two iaarei> £3, with six v/ceks puidojking free, payable, wh n mares ar_ taken borne. For turlhor parliculurs apply lo Mr Audirson, Urcnui, or Solo Biou. __ ___7 TO BTAND THE SEASON v at my farm, Sentry Hill, rfSg^_—^^fy 11 B well-known Jr~twsWJ|_j___fß 1 Drnu ;ht Entire •SfijP^^ WELLINGTON 11. Terms, £1 10 a each n:are; grooin'a fee, 2s 6d. Paddocking free. J. WARKOCK, n904 Sentry Hill. ÜBe the SUN BAKING POWDER It b the best.

REDCLIPE fiALVANISED EDCLIFE «ALVANISED to mar Redcliffe Crown Brand Galvanised Corrugated Iron. A KCHITECTS should /^-^%\J\. specify RED- / / IS ' \ CLIFFE CROWN, f . [ $&ss£*s W| There is nono belter \ I / / manufactured. Light ir WsJSiS^W she-ts of other branr'i mUBt 8 lhi°ner, and will not la-it as long or give the same satisfaction. Contractors should not be misled by erroneous statements, suoh as are advertised by rival importers. The weights published by the vendors of the " Orb " brand are not the weight of Redcliffe. Rkdcliffe is the cheapest first class iron in the market. The sheets are wider, thus covering more roof than " Orb," and at present market price a larger surface can be covered at a less cost with REDCLIFFE than " Orb." REDCLIFFE has been more largely imported into New Zealand during the last 20 years than any other brand, and experience proves that every sheet will be found perfect. 1 i IT IS SOLD BY ALL Iron Merchants & Storekeepers Throughout the Colony. a 736 TO STAND THIS SEASON. • ,_,■___!_ fTW- THORODGHJ|||o|ra^_L BRED STALLIONbred by tho New Zeuicufd Stud Company -who iius been imported iota this district, Irom Auckland, by Tvlr W. J. Russell, ■will stand ' his eoaaon in town, nnd travel ihe country, if auQioient inducement <iifers, as follows :: — Ji ondava, to Jn^lewoid, via Junction Roid ; J'liursduyß, Okato. Lionbl, who JB risitg 8 years old, is by leolinua (imp.) out of Touoleusa (fmp.), and ia, therefore, half-lwolher to that, three-year-old Gatliag, now psrformiirtj po well in Australia, nil 3 HotchKiss, tho famous Auckland stallion, whoso fee is tl.o highest in New Zealand. Lionel -was the hishest-priced youngster of his year at Sylvin Park, realising 245 guinea 0 . Leolinus also tired Mies Alico fr m Potrolense, who has run wsll in Sydney, and Whakawni, winoer of tho Maiden Plate, 2.osovp, ono anil a qciarter nvles, at tho V.R.O. Hpring Mooting "utONBI, is consequently full brotuor und related to these well-known perforratTa The full pedigree of both sire und dam will be found in the New Zealand Said 15ooL Terms : £2 per single u.aro ; roduc'ion nmdo in casts of two or moro mureu, the proporty o£ sauio owner. Groom'rt fee, 2s 6d. Further -oarliculars and every iafortnaliou rc-lutivo io travelling on application to ab'6o W. J. RUSSELL. TO STAND THIS SEASON." THE DRAUGHT ENTIRE Nobleman II- j Pedigree-— By Nobleman, dam RooC. Koblpman 11. wiil tuivel to Irylewoo'l on Tuesday byway o? Junction Road, returning through Sentry Uili and Bill Blojit H-.rao day; to l'unilio and Osato on Thursday, reluming Friday ; in Town Satuidiy. Noblicmam 11. is a turc foal-potter, und his stock lira aomo of the best iv lho district. Terms : £2. (pa) able by p.n., due 14th Jami/.ry, 1893. Groom's fee :2a G), at sofvice. WILLIAM LOWRY, aBO 3 Dorset Koad. The New Macliino Company of Queen's Court, Sydney, seem to bo doing excellent business, and many peoplo are sending for the wondorf ully cheap sewing machino tl;ey advertiso. Peruse elsewhoro in this issue their notification to the public. Hall! a guinea (with ono shilling for freight) is the entiro cost to the purchaser. Read the prospectus. •—Advt. i

TO STAND THIS SEASON. | "THE well-bred CLEVELAND ESTIRE JpftfiiPlLarl of Hooe toun Earl of Hopetoun is a handsome dark < bay horse (imported from Melbourne), with black points, fivo years old, about 17 ( hands 3 inches high, symmetrically built, and n splendid mover. His 6U\3 Visconnt; dam Flora M'Donald, by Stonowall Jack- ( eon (imp.) ; her di.m by Govsrnor (imp). Viscount'b dam Miss Pitt for*, by Pitts- < ford (imp.) from a mare by Panic (fl'rs of Commotion, who twice won lh« V.R.C. , Champion Race). Viscount by the imported Cleveland Biro Duke of 'Jleveland oul of Mies Fancy, by Governor ( rap.) from Nancy Dawson (imp.) Viscount has won the following prizes : First for beet Cleveland at N'rth- Western Society's fhow, laglewood, 1884; first at Shire of Korong Agricultural Society's show, \Vedderburn, 1884; Becond at Sandhurst show, 1884, competing aeainst noted trotting h<-rees ; first at Boort show, 1885 ; first at Sandhurst show, 1885. Duke oE Clove'and (imported Cleveland entiro), by Wonderful Lad ; dam Mr Ventress's Proteotion ; granddam Mr Watson's Cbilton, by Victory ; g. granddam by Dreadnought ; c; s. gianddam by Maßter George ; cg.g- granddnm by Henderson's King George, by old Barnoby, and considered one of the finestactioned coach stallions in Enghnd. Duke of Cleveland (imp.) was the winner of six first prizeß before coming lo this colony. Earl of Hopetoun ia broken to Eaddle, and has proved hiuißelf a good foal-getter. Also. — The well-bred Trotting Sire, The SquireThe Squibb is a handsome bay horse, rising six • ears old (imported from Melbourne), with good bone and grand action. His siie, Von Moltke (imported from Amorica), is also the eir» of Gaifield, Crown Prince, John Brown, Olympic, &c. Von Moltke (imp.) by Von Mollko (the sire of Boston Girl, record 2.25$ ; 1? 10 0. 2 25_; Cunard, &■>.), and out ot: Met Crosby by the famous General Kncx (ire of Lady' Maud, record 2.18 ; Uanmre, record 2 19J, &c), The Squire's dam Tabli Bay, beinu a puie bred Norfolk Trotter, imported from England at a cost of six hundred guineas. The Squip.3 has provtd himself a good fcal-R<tter aud his piogeny are all well-built, handsome animals. He has a docile temper, nnd is broken to saddle and harness. For extondod pedi»ree sea cards flavini liOfcO'J the jibovo entire ho-ees, they will travel to Waitura on Monday anivin< at 10 a.m., and leaving again, for Ingle* ood, at 1.30 p.m. At Stony Kiver on THOBSDAys, urriving about noo , and leaving again for New Plymou'h at 3 p.m. Terms : Eaul op florsT.UN, £3 10d ; Inn JJquirb, £2 10s. Payable by p.n., due on January Ist, 1893. Uroomago fee, 2s 61 each, payable at first service. a 967 WJEtfT &JURY. fic»ti»:>£'s J'owder. S£«*nfiug'tt S'ondcr. Keuiiii£'s row<lcr. l£ eol lmr's I'owder. Kentins's Powder. Kctttius'* JP«wder. { liiiss, \ Vletis, I Rcctles, lMos<|iiiloes Sliirmlcaa to Animals lEnrmlebS to Auiuials Ilarin<coslo Animals llaruilcss 10 Animals hut is unrivalled in detroying FLEAS, BUGS, C.OCKROACHhS, BEETLES, MOTHS IN FURS, and every other species of insoct. Sportsmen w i 1 find this iuvaluublt* for destroying (leas in the dog?, ns also ladies for their pot < o s. The PUBLIC are CAUTIONED that packages of the genuine powder bear the autogruph of THOMAS KEATING. Sold in Tins only Kc'&tiuK's Worm Tablets f_e;Uln^!« Worm Tablets. Sen Worm Tablets. Kent>»K> Worm Tablets licuti s Worm Tablets A PUKKLY VEGETABLE SWEETMEAT, boih in appearance and tahte. furnishbs? a n^osfc wgrceable method of bH ministering th 9 only certain remedy for INTESTINAL or TUREAD WORMS. It is ii perfectly safe Mid mild preparation, and is especially adapted for ChildrenSold in Tinß by nil /Jrufe.qists. Proprietor, THOMAS KEATING London " A DRINK FOR TIIE GODS," so said the great Prophet— WaL otoet, when hiking l:ia cup of colleo undor fl««» fig I™Q; j* you would enjoy euch d rink Crease's A I Loffee. Sold only in 1- |uid 21b linß Adv?,

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 9541, 7 November 1892, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 9541, 7 November 1892, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 9541, 7 November 1892, Page 4