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CENTRAL BEAPEST WAEEHOUSE, COKIMEK OF DE-VflNI &WB [RR.OU©WAIWO STREETS. "W" 4LTER "V 7" K/ 1 0- H O? 7 Not having found a purchaser foir his Business, has determined to carry on the same on new lines. ALL GOODS ~ ; WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWEST fBTCES EQE CASH ON LT. lam now Mnui Pnnrlc in ©very department. A opening up liyW UUUUo visit of inspection will convince the most sceptical that m$ Goods are the CHEAPEST IN THE DISTRICT. NOTE THE APJDBiIESSuLIi I SIHL Ula HI LSI I' Vw HiiaLfiUUdlßf COMNEM OF- "HiEVON 4/VB' BROUGHAM STREETS* NKW PLYMOUTH. May, 1890

go b b & o o.'s ROYAL MAIL LINE OF COAOHEB BETWEEN New Plymouth, Hawera, via Opunabe, and: Waimate' Plains. CORRECTED liME* TABLE FROM MAY let, 1888. *T»HB Coach leaves Mr Walker's White * HartiHotel on Mohday, Wednesday,, and Fbiday at 9.30 n.m. for Opunake ; returning on Toesday, Thursday, and Satubday at 4.30 p.m TIME TABLEVavyj Monday, Leaves Taeiday, Wodneeday, Thnrsday, and Friday. Kid Saturday. a. m. >{ a. m. New Vlymouth 9 30 Opunake... 9 30 Oakura «. t .. 11 0 Rahotu..... 11 0 p. m. Ok&to 1 15 Pungarehu 11 30 p. tn. Pungarehu.. 2 30 Okato 1 15 Rahotu 3 0 Oakura 3 0 Opunake arr 4 30 N.Ply'thnrr4 30 Further particulars apply to M. JONES,' UO4 to Propbibtob. [established 1882.1 RA.HOTU GOAOE SERVICE To & raoM Nsw Plymouth. EVERY Wednesday and Sattjbday — will leave Rahota Hotel at 6.30 A.m. ; Parihaka Road at. 6.55 ; Pungareh'u at 6 a.m. ; Warea at 6.30 a.m.; Puneho at 7 a.m.; Okato at Ba.m.'; Tatara- at 8.20 1 a.m. ; Ahuahu at &4; a.m. ; Oakura at 9.16 a.m. ; Omata «t 9.50 aim. ' Arrive at jNew Plymouth at 10.30 a.m. - Leave New Plymouth at 3 p.m. ; arrive PaSaeagerP can be comfortably provided witb breakfast and tea at moderate charged at Okato, where the coach 'stops half-an'-boarto' change horeeff. • ' ! ' ' In conjunctioa with the above Coach Service, a Ltfggage . Van will run to edit the- convenience of passengers' tieavy luggege, &q; ! ' Booking offices : MoOdlam^s General Btore, Randttf, and Richard^on'B A- titfniv SwWeßj- New PJymoutbi Forttirther partioulaffi, apply to James mooullum, PBOP»r*TCBj. m. AGENT FOR THE BUDGET. 'TO THE . SETTLERS BETWEEN RAHOTU AND NEW PLYMOUTH HAVING ■ started - a coach between' < Rahotut and New Plymouth, 1 hope by punctuality, civility, aad moderate charges, to oDlain a fair ; share of support. Timb Table. Leave. Rahota every . W ednesday and Saturday, at... - .>. ... 5.15 a.m. New. Plymouth arrive ... ... 10.30 |a.m. Leave New Plymouth ut > ... 3 p.m. Rahota -arrive 8 p.m. Booking Offices— H. J. Julian's Taranaki Hotel, Nuw Plymoath. H.JBrown'B' Rubotu Hotel, Rahota ROBERT T. ROEBUCK, l 9 b to Proprietor PIANOS. Hi B. Collie* kfOo. Gout and ciiheumatic Pills THE GREAT ENGLIBHiREMEDY. For Gout, Hheomatism,^Soiatioa, St*>-^ ijumbago, and Neuralgia.l HTHE acute pain is quickly relieved •*■ and cured in a few days by^tbisoele* , brated Medicine. - The Pills, which ore perfeotly harmless, require no restraint of diet during tbeir use, and are certain to prevent the disease ; attabking any vital part. , Manufactured in England by Prout and (Jo., 229, Strand, London, and sold at Is l£d and2s'9d per box, or obtainable through any Chemiit . or Store tbroaghout the AuiUoJiaa flolouiei, »151bM17

Alother SeigeFs OPERATING PILLS, For Constipation, Sluggish Liver, &c. t PTNLIKE many kinds of cathartic \J medicines, do not make yon feel worße before yon feel better. Tbeir operation is gentle, but thorough, and unattended with disagreeable effects, suoh as nausea, griping pains, &o. - Seigel's Operating Pills are -the beet family physio tbat has ever .been discovered. They cleanse tbe bowels from all irritating substances, and |cave them in a healthy condition. The. best remedy extant for tbe bane of our, liteß- — oonstipation and sluggish liver. These Fills prevent fevers and all kinds of eioknees, by removing all poisonous matter from the bowels. They operate briskly, yet mildly, with, out any paiu. If you take a severe cold, and are threatened with a fever, with pains in the head, back, and Hmbß, one or two doses of beigel's OP era^ n Q Pills will break up the cold and prevent the fever. ; A coated tongue, with a braokish taste, is oaused by- foul matter in the stomach. A few doßes of Seigel J S Operating Pills will cleanse the stomaoh, remove the bad tatite, and rei store the appetite, and. witb it bring) good health. Oftonfcimes or' partially de« oayed food, causes sickness, ndusea, and 1 ' diarrhoea. If tbe bowels 'are' oleanßed from thia impnrity with a dose of Seigel's Operating Pills, these' disagreeable effects will vanish j aud> good health' will' result. Seigel's. Operating Pills prevent' ilLeffeots from exoess in eating or drinkibjf. A gockldoße at bedtime renders a person fit for: | bueiuess in tbe morning. ; These. Pills, being bogar-ooated, are pleaßtmt to take. The disagreeable. fiSajite common to most pills is obviated - For Sale by all Chemists;, Druggists* and A/fndoisPROPRIETORS : A. J. , White, Limited, LONDON, Bng. 2— piton^ci; \ SYDNEY J^IAR^ETS C. P, HUMPHRIS & CO, Hutt^r, Cheese, Grain, aud Produce Salesmen, SDSSEX.STBBET, SYDNEY. WE receive .for sale all desoriptiona of Produce^ and having a connection extending throughout AUBIUALI& & MEW ZJIALAiND, we are in » poiition, SfiuODJJ i'O JNOWlii tor the 1 Ravantegeoui dißpoaai of any Uue of JTABM or UnaM PKuDOOE, B.WES, TALLOW, ka., liQ, tat Oorreßpoodenoe Solicited. aXlPtc— JD^LIMY PMOBUjCE. Dyil^i^i <£ @®„ Ltd. 9, MAEKET.BTHfiBT, MBLBOUBNH. ALL kinds of JFarm and Dairy Produce received And told oa v^omraisdion remits being promptly remitted. Agepcies in ICugihnd,. Queensland, South Aubimiia, and Australia, ' Ageau.tpr beit iieuceia nud Annatto. Bankers : National Bank ot Auitialasia. VV'eekly reports published in this jouia»i and 1060181' report* forwarded on application. Cable addresii : " Ager," Melbourne, Correipondehw ate specially requeued to ivddreM ftt/pff to WOOD, PU«S/<feOo^ Ltd, », MABESI STEKEr, MSLBODRNE,

T£A OIEOULAK. WE wonl'l cot' have, ventured to enter' witn newly-aclopted rkill and all out .strength in tbe -, *'i v " TEA-PAOKING TRADE bad we not something VKKY bgEO-AI AND STBIKIISG to iatrodu»f» Our toell-lmoum Branch of Coffees toe have also adopted, for. our Teat, and the. Colombo' Garden Brand, 2/10 per ib Ezoelsior Brand Standard Brand, 2/4 per lb Lion Brand, 2s per lb. consist of % blending of (hat so very famous' and renowned Tea in vogue aad nil tbe rage in.Ejnglrtvd, THB CBTLJDN TEA. Oup Name on each ivspecti7e Brand will suffice us a guarantee of the good value of each' quality. ''■■ But one qi our best brands will be tie COLOMBO GARDEN ._, -— OBTLOW TEA,; A Pean or a Koh-i-noor amongst all Teas that have come befoie the Public yet. Ibe price 2s iOd per Ibfot this lea we made bo low, wishing to inticdace ihe same, and making a profit by the quantity of its sale; Its real value will be ascertained 1 by- its economical quality. One pound of this Tea will go ob for as l£ pounds, of any other Tea, and the consumer will Lave the excellence of its flavour into tbe bargain. It is the- Bouquet of all the beat blends procurable from Colombo direct, i 't auro liked; by all, and will nt doubt secure us the success we aim at. & qp., iea^ftnd Coffee-Merchants, Auckland. hb to ! QEATEFUL-OOMFOETiNG. ; Epps's Cocoa* ! (BREAKFAST. m^isj a.thoropgh knowledge of top natoral avrb whic^. govern tbt? operations of digestion and rltjtritlonj.arfd toy- a careful application of the fine properties of welliselected ooooa, M,T, Hppßj. has provided onr breakfaaf tablee with » delicately •flavoured, beverage whiob. may save, us m,any heavy dootor'a. bills. , It by the jtidiolOUfl Ufle of suoh artiojee of djlei that a oonfltitutioß may be gradually built up until Btrong.enongh tb rwibfr every tendency - .to diseaiti. Bundreds of subtle maladiea are floating^aronnd us ready- to attack wherevei fatal; ahaft ' by keeping ourselves l wUi fortified with' pure blood and a properij' nouriahed frame."-7-See.wtic>»! »h the dvtii Service Cfatqtu. '. Made simply with Boiling Water;* for Mil&.i lold In Jib paokete by. Grocers, labelled tboß-» jajvxes Eje^s & Co., tfOMqfcPATHTO OHHNIST6. LOMDOK, Bfr cUiAmd 720 bh w nia Sfeedinan's. SOOTHItfft P 0 W_» E R S. fOB CHILDRBJS ODTTINQ TBBTB CAUTION TOFUBOHASBBB. 11HB value of thia well-known ■ FAMILY . . IHJDDICINB haa beea largely' tested It allpatts of the world and by all grade* o' K»iety,for upwards of VIVFI YHABS. Itt well-earned extensive sale ,haa indnoad iPUB] JCS IMITATIONS, iome of whlph ia OUTWABD APPHABANOB 10 olosoly reseublei She original as to hava deceived many pur. «Haun. The Proprietor, therefore, faeis it «n* ; » the publio to giva a special eamtion againtt 1 :fce use of suoh imitations. Fnrohaaera are therefore requested oaraf«ll> to dbaatve th# fottr following oharacterist|o^ »fitho«t whioh none ate genuine t— iet. In every own the words 'JOHN BTEEIT MAN, OHBMIBT, WALWOBTH, 8 DBS Hi •>• engratad on the Qovernmaat Bitmap aflßxed j to each Jf ackat. i ' and. KMkBIiIGI^ PONDER hu direction (br the dose, aad the wdrda John Steadman Ohemiat, Walworth, Surrey, printadtbereon, ! tilL The namtt Btaadman is always apalt fithtwoßß'a. . 4tn, Thema»ufaotnr6lioam«aonaoltly M Walwortb.Sarwyi : BoWinPMiM»oy «H Obemists and Jftfw fl3Beyettdota,aUa.l»ditoßß.9d,9Mh, Sold by JS»MPWOM», PBO6GM*. ft 00,

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 8833, 17 July 1890, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 8833, 17 July 1890, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 8833, 17 July 1890, Page 1