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CENTRAL DRAPEEY WAKEHOTJSE, GORINIEiR ©F OE^(D!WI hMB BRBUfcWkM STREETS"WALTER TOIGHT, Not having found a purchases? fay his Business, has determined to carry oxi tha same on new lines. ALL GOODS ' ~ WILL BS SOLD AT THE LOWEST PRTCES FOR CASH ON LV. lam now M aw fjnmk ixl every Department. A open ng up II 6 W isUUUo visit of inspection will convince the most sceptical that sias Goods are the CHEAPEST IN THE DISTRICT. NOTE THE ADDRESSCQUZNER OW BEVON *&NB BROUGHAM STREETS, NKW PLYMOUTH. May, 1890. _____«»«—-_«___«««-«

Hatsla Cottier's Criterion Hotel DEVON BTSISET. J- EIVATM Buitog of Booms for Fainilic-j. Bath HooEfiS. Oommodions Sample Koomes for Oonamoroial TravellerSt Biiliarda. Wines, Spirita, &o..ofthß bestbrr-nds. Livery aod Bait Stables. W. OOTTIEa, 53 to FroDrictor. \ft HITE J^ART f-[GTEL Opposite tbo Governmenc Buildings, Corner of Devon and Queen streetß, fcew riymouth. WILLIAM WALKS B „. Fbopbieto3" TKK eplcndid Na?; rremises which tht Proprietor has just bad completed foi his basiness possess unequalled aiivaa.Egea to families, stjangers, p-nd commercial travelers visititg JSew Plyjiiouth, from he coirmodiousucss, its centi-al poailiou, beins; in the basiness part of the town, nnd its close proximity to the Post and Telegraph Offices and other GoTeinmeat Offices. BATHS — Mot, Coid» and v Shower The Table, fer ita selecion of the Choicest Delicacies of the season, is unequalled. The Choicest of Liqneurs and Wines, and', the Finest Brandt ot Spirits and Oigarr .are alone supplied. English and Colonial Ale» and btout, on draught and in bottle, £T The Billiard Table is attended by > Competent Marker. Fibst Clasp Stabling, TABANAKL HOTEL. H- JULIAN -T^ PROPRIETOR MAYING taken ihe above over, would respectfully aolirit a share of public patronage, bhall be pleased at all timei to me my old friends, Wines and Spirits of the Best Brands always in Stook. A ? f <K>9D STABLING FOB HOBBBS, Ordinary every day at 1 o'clock. EAVB3TAJTF FIANOS. H. COLLIEB k CO MEBCAtoTILE GAZETTE. SIEB fitJBBOBIPTION to this valuable A. i»x»rd of Bankrap sies, Bills of Sale, Mortgages of Stock, ice,, has ( sen BSDUOED licm life July to OatJC Q UINSA per annum, lutecdiag sabsenben «ze requested to send in tbeit nawi at once to the proprietor, i B. Ti WHSSLXK, 1 Ounedln «X to U W. OOVKTT New PlTDionth ( THE BEST IN THE WORLD. SOLD BY jAIjT^STATIONKBa. THE GREATEST * WONDER OF MODERN TIMES' ♦ PILLS & OIMTMENT. puriry the Blood, correct all Disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, and Bowels. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable ;n all Com" plaints incidental to Females of all ages. is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and U.'"ers. For Sort .Throat*, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Gout, TRheumatism, Glandular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. £, The Pil'a and Ointment are Manufactutu. 4$ /•*>»•? at i 78NewmiwrdWv*»*'**83 oxxordHt.)li'mdoß! | And art sold t>y K& Vendors of Medicines throughout the Civmzed World; wHb- direC* tions far. f»ee in almo3t every language 6jV 7?tfChaior« should look to th* £aUei m the Pots and Boxes, If the address is nos 05f93$ gtreat. sre s»ari?3!» i

> RbOWN, g~JABRKir QOVS TEA CIRCULAR. WE would not have ventured to entei with newly-adopted pkill and all oui strongt h in the TEA-PACKING TRADE had we not Eomething VERY bPBOiAI AND STRIKING to introduce, tSSF Our well-Jcnown Brands of Coffees we have also adopted for our Teas, and the t Colombo Garden Brand, 2/10 per ih Q Excelsior Brand t Standard Brand, 2/4 per lb □ Lion Brand, 2s per lb. J consist of a blending of ihat so very famous and renowned Tea in vogue aad all the rage in England, THE CEYLON TE^. y Cub Namis on each respective Brand will suffice fts a guaiantee of the good value of aacu quality. But one of our best brands will be tlo OOLuMBO GAfeßiLiy * CBYLON TEA, A Peau or a Koh-i-noor amongst all Teas that have come before the Public yet. Ice price 2s lOU per la for this Tea we made bo low, wishing to introduce ihe same, and making a profit by the quantity of its sale. Its real value will be ascertained by its * economical quality. One pound of thia Tea will go as far as l£ pounds of any other Tea, and the consumer will have the excellence of its flavour into the bargain. It ia the Bouquet of all the best blends procurable from Colombo direct. Sure to be liked by all, and will no doubt secure us the success we aim at. BKOWiN, "BARRETT & GO., tea and Coffee Merchants, Auckland. i Knttfc h ■ O O B B & C O.'S ROYAL MAIL LINE OF COACHES £ BETWEEN New Plymouth, Hawera, via Opunake, 0 and Waimate Plains. CORRECTED lIME TABLE FROM MAY Ist, 1888. 6 *"pHE Coach leaves Mr Walker's White JL Hart Hotel on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9.30 a.m. fo- Opunake ; returning on Tuesday, Thuksd&y, and SATUBDAYjIt 4.30 p.m. TIME TABLE. (Jil(«ivGß Monday, Leaves Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. and Saturday. a. cv. a. m. ! Mew Plymouth 9 30 Opunake... 9 30 Oakura «,«.. U 0 Rahotu 14 0 p. m. Okato 115 Pungarehu 11 30 p.[m. Pungarehu 2 30 Okato 1 15 Rahotu '. 3 0 Oakura...... 3 0 Opunake arr 4 30 N.Ply'tharr4 30 1 Further particulars apply toj M. JONES,' is u404 to Pbopbietob. r . , ■— ;s Lb ■p [established 1882.1 't BAHOTU COAOE ti EjR,Vji;CjE £ To & fbom New Plymouth. d T7VERY Wednesday and Saturday— > 3 J-" will leave Rahotn Hotel at 5.30 5'5 ' A.m. ; Parihaka Road at 5.55 a.m. ; Pungarehu at 6 a.m. ; Ware a at 6.30 3- a.m.; Punebo at 7 a.m.; Okato at 8 a.m.,e Tatara at 8.20 a.m. ; Ahuahu at 8.4 i i- a.m. ; Oakura at 9.15 a.m. ; Omata at :*: * 9.50 a.m. Arrive at New Plymouth at 10.30 a.m. j, Leave New Plymouth at 3 p.m. ; arrive Rahotu at 8 p.m. Passenger? can be oomfortably provided with breakf aßt and tea at moderate charges ,j at Okato, where the coach stops half-an-hnur to change horses. . In conjunction with the above Coach Service, a Luggaga Van will run to suit . the convenience of passengers' heavy luggage, &o. Booking offices : MoCullum's General Store, Rahotu, and Richardson's h< tionk Stables, New Plymouth. . For further particulars, apply to JAMES MoOULLUM, , „ Pbopbietob d «T AGENT FOR THE BUDGET. WANTED,—ThoBe in want of Corsets to inspect the grand stook just opened up at F, A. Fobd's, ex "TongaI X riro," direot from R, W, H, gymingtop, manufacturer,

White 8l Garter HAVE been appointod Sole Agents fo the North Island for WATSON'S FAMILY PILLS. TESTIMONIAL— Mission Farm, New Plymouth, Now Zealand. Dear Siu, — 3o many thanks for tin Pills you bo kindly etnt too ; Bince firß trjing them I have had no others jours were obtainable), and have no needed a doctor. Shull be glad to obtaii them here, und Bhall not fail to recoramem them tc uiy ftiends. Elizabeth TI. Burton. Sold in Boxes at Is Gd each, or sent b; Post on receipt of Is Bd. Wholesale piices to the trade on application. !g?T Addre&e— Courtenay & Dovon-stieets, NEW PLYMOUTH. TARANAKI FOUNDRY* Fji W . O KB V ENGINE rttMILLWRICHT 3 BLACKSMITH- IR NAN iBRASS FOUNDER POWDEBELAU' BTBEET, NEW ffIITMOIIH ,1 20 hb |« B»AIMY F*R<QBIiCJEl 9 WOOD, BUMM <£ (SO., L™. 9, MABKET STREBT/.MEI BOORNB^ ALL kinds of 'Farm and Daily Produo received and cold on Commission results being piomptly remitted. Agencies in England, Qaesnsland, Bout! Australia, and Western Australia. Agents for best hennets and Annatto. Bankerß : National Bank of Australasia. Weakly reports published in this jour!iai| and special reports forwarded on applicaVios Cable address : " Ager," Melbourne, Correspondents aiejpecibUy requested t address in /ail to WOOD, DUNN <fc Co., Ltd. 9. MABEBT BTBKET^MKLBOUUNE, ' &2SB b ■ liiAVEBXAFP PIANOS. H. Collibb k C GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE DEPARTiUENT. Lowest Premiums. State Guarantee. Participation in Profits. Present Accumulated Fund, over £ 1, 500,000. Annual Income exceeds £282, 00 C Cash Surplus in 1885, over £242,000 (LAST DI8TIUBUTI0N). rpHE Rates of Premium now in force in thi _1_ Office aro lower tliau thoso charged to pa: ticipatiug Polieyholclors by auy other Office doin business in the Australasian Colonies. It i nevertheless anticipated that, owing to chea managomont and light mortality, very handeoiu bonusoß -will becomo payable to Policyholder insuring under existing rates. That this ia nc a mere estimate may be judged from the f jict tha undor tho old scale of premiums, fronnohiohcon yaratively little profit was expected to aocrue, v less than £242,000 of CASH SUIU'LUS, o nearly 25 per ceut. of the whole accumulated fun at that date, was found to have accrued dunii the quinquennium ended the 3lßt Decombor, 188! Of thia amount £6150,000 was divided, and th balance caniofi to reaorvo. All Participating Policies are entitled, on b< cowing claims, to a Prospective Bonus in acoorc anco with the amount of pvomiumß paid Bine the proooding distribution. Thus, tho advar Lages of an annual distribution are eoourod witl out tho lisavy uoßt attaching thereto. F. W. FEANKLAND, F.1.A., Uj Commissioner and Govt. Actuary JNE BOX 1 OF OLABKE'S B 4 PILLS 3"S warranted to care ill diee&eei and Fa L in the Baok. Sold in Boxes, 4s. 6d. each, by all OtomU ad Patent Medioine Vendor* • Bolft Proprieto 7. J. OLABKB, APOTHJEOABLEB' HALL, LINCOLN, ENGLAND. BXPORTAGBNTS • 'Jnrgoyne, Bnrbidgei, and 00., Goleman-Btr London. ewberyand Sons, S7,Newgate.ftroat, Londi nger aad Kobb, Oxf ord-otreet, London And all the London Wholesale Houiei, A-QENTSFOfiTiw ZEALAND) fV# tf PIfIQBNB, FBOSSEa k 00,, DowiD]

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 8784, 21 May 1890, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 8784, 21 May 1890, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 8784, 21 May 1890, Page 1