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An Old Established Ktn> Popular Medicine BAXTERS LtK.R Presenter nas »e»-r. eg. tai'Hfth-d oror a qa^'fer of a ceniary and put roni. oil by all r»n!ts O* o'^oiety, and enjovß - snecors KEpßrp'/^J 1 Consumption, Oo'jßrhs, Guido, Broech^t c Asthma, - v hooDi>cf Ooush . Sor«i Thro*, «nd all aSportone 1 the < heßt aod Throat Effectually Believed and Uured by Baxter's luting PreseE-veir. IBHTIMONIAiit.-. Brom William Beed, Esq., Shipping an Customs' Agent — Lyttelton, Kovemoer 58, 1884 I tmv6 need your Lung PreEerrer in my family for the last fourteen years, therefore have the greatest pleasure in bearing testimony io efficacy in tne treatment of ocughs, coid&, ronohitis, oroup, whooping* oough, &o. aye recommended it to my fnenaM, who hava also proved it to be a very , palatable aud speedy cure for ohest and throat oomplainte. I have uniformly found a single dose oi "Lung P-eserver" oheok a severe paroxysm of coughing. I ehall on all occasions have great pleasure in recommending it to sufferers, as 1 consider it a been to man kind. From Isaac Allen, Esq., Oommißßion Agent j —Hereford-street, Ohristohuroh, December b, 1883.-Afters6venyearß'experi6ncelhavogreat pleasure in testifying to the efficacy of your " Lung Preserver/ hating proved it in my family to be a specific for oonghs, oolde, <fca,a few dose? invariably Bubduicg the nasty harassing oough, and tvhiie relieving the throat and ohest, it does cot like otHer nostrums, disorder I the digTStivtf organs by incuoing •musea, constipation, hittduuho, lost! of appetite, *o. loan heartily moomm^nd it as the t>t*t, ch&apect an* ruost patatabjie ntixtare kno>4n fo cocghs, oolde, bronchitis, -rboopiDft -cour^h, ito. So bighly do we uteem it thai we aanaya keej- a apply on h&nd. From W. B, aoott. Esq., Builder, &0.,— Peterborough-street, Obriatchnroh, December £<■ 1883. — Some years ago I was recommended *a, r » l-'t*'* of jour " Pnlmonio Blizir am ! \iMi4j, Jt.t*^\tx " i' r tightness of the ohest. i I did so, h*>. iitv i Lai 'tne i have nevur been without itiu c. .^. l^tk*,. I have found it answer in every reßpcot tor ccaghs,oolds, and ! *qro tbroßt, and would strongly advise those that ore suffering from moa complaints to try it. Ihe Boy. J. Myers (cx-erestccenc of the Dnitod g/lethodifit Free Church) writes— Haaove' street, Leeds, March 25th, 1872 — I havfc plean'Are in tpstifying how rapidly and effootuftlly Baxter's Lung Preserver has acted in allaying cough and irritation of the che«t in the oa&t of my wife, who has severs! tlmeu bees under the aereßsity of using it during the winter. if. cm Dr. J, Bwart, M.8.0.3 1,, oo.~a am rery much opposed to patent medicines generally, «nd totally disooantenoaoe theßalflains, Oxymeis, Elixus, Syrups, and other emanations, of auprinoipled empirics; but I regard your Lung Preserver as a really good preparation, entirely free from those qualities wbioh rondor moet patent medicines dangerous, and possessed of those tonio and ,timulating properties which rendei it a treasure to those who Buffer from the exhausting effects oi pulmonary disease and cheat affeotions generally. In oases of asthma it quiokly outs short the paroxysm. In ohronio bronchitis ft" winter ooughs it is useful ! the discharge mucus is greatly assisted, ar-d the wheezing and difficulty of breathing are greatly relieved by it, la aoute bronchitis it is also beneficial, and whilst jt tends to oheok inflammation, it promotes expectoration and thus relieves the laborious and difficult breathing so general In these attacks. As a oough medicine, for persons of all ages, it is excellent.— J. Ewakt H. 8.0.5, From Bey. W. B. Marten, Wetieyan ttiniter — Ohrietohurch, 2nd August, 18*72 — Having suffered considerable annoyance during the oast two yearß from hoarseness and affection of the throat, which at times rendered public speaking somewhat diffioult and painful, I have, since my arrival in this oircuis— in April last— been induoed to try your Baxter's Lung Preserver, and I deem it only just to Inform you that I have experienced great benefit from its use, being enabled to preaoh now with a degree of easo and comfort to wbioh 1 had been some time a stranger Ao yet I have but need .three: bottles, brat stall certrJjily recotaxnonu it to aii wnu auifi r ia a eiii3lu<r iußr>>wr, You ■Are &t liberty ;o ntß&e what use yon pla&a6Of tain OdiumuracHUOL. H iota. Bey, baxnuc; ia!iari.j IdmltiCor of OiiUfc>» -aethodiss Frw^Ohurcbes.-Fotdatß'.ke >'i uilor-.i-j, ccinbnity i roco/u the folicwii*^ xi-.aur Lußt} owoc, which have beea effected oy ji;«)' vr^.jabia Lirn^ Preserver: — I kuow c ,;Maloui.o In Trfcoin oyivn.imfiioa li*d to far itogrc*h«a chat tiit medioat niun g.ive up hiß »ia«r db .•iopfai*:aii He. boweicei, avwiisd himc:'ii oi <*yu< treaunofif, unrj, arvox tuting a i'o>- botciijJ 1 vi ifou* Luti*s (.'roatr^er, w.-»b nt. far r^OVttl t'tt iW IO i.<t libie tO rb«aUl«lilD OUBIUfcBS e whioki he t»o\t r«K»'<»i*i> fo'iowo lyiuout m;ob lucou<i(jmoDcft t?ou> either pain or weakuefcb. A Oough of w«v.-»y yeart ttanaing, The rev. writer of the Ktsove oonunues— Aa aged l&dy of my auqaaintasoe wesfor many yearn troubled with s ohronio oough so severe that sh» seldom had an hsur'B quiet Bleep. After apendtep nearly al: bfr gab* stance in medicine, .me wre persuaded to try your Lung Preserver, Ac,, whion, ur.der God's biotiaiag, soon ourodher. Mr. Bichard Lobb, Trfaotinow, Xlntagd, Cornwall, writes tc Mr, U. Welch, Oameltord —I was vary il for a long tim» with a oough, to., and did not average one hoar's sleep per night, but on obtaining from you a 2b 9d buttle of Baxter's Lung Preservor, aud taking one dose, I slept counuly, nol coughing more taan five minutes in the night. Before I had finished the contents oi this bottle the ccugh quite left me. From the iSditor of the "Yorkshire Independent," West-street, Leeds, March 6th, .878 — My family is particularly liable to ohest affections. We have found Baxter's Lung Preserver a most excellent remedy, 8c highly do we esteem it that wo do not iik« to be without it in the house. For the last fifteen years not only mr own family, out man} friends to whom I have recommended it have found groat benefit from it. For Bronohitif I know nothing equal to It. — Edward FOSTHE to ton bad of all Ohemleta ana StoreKeepere bottles, Is 6d, 2b 6d, 4b 6d, and 8b e*oh. Wholesale Agents— J. Baxter t Chemist, 2i Vlotori&-street, Ohristchnroh Messrs P .iayui*n ft Co., Sains bury, Ellifidon tc 00. *nd Aempthurne, Prosaer, k. v_o,i and may «l«fO He obtained of merchants throughout New Zealand. C^T PiuchsfOra aro i-equested to eusk fox Baxter a Lung Preuervt-r. Bo cantione axainat oeing put olf with Dome otLor medioine which deaiers may recommend solely on the ground of having more profit. Sawv Tool, Steel, and File W orks. PEILADKLPHIA, P.A., U.B.A. Circular, VItRTICAL, Gbeat American aud One-man O ROSS-CUT AND HAND SaWS FILES, <fee, the best in the world, INBEBTED TOOTH CIRCULARS Have been, awarded tbe Higheii I'remiums at all the Woild's Great Faire. Moulders' Tools, Machinists' Steel Squares, Brick and Plastering Trowels Rules, Levels, do. AUSTBALrAN AGENCY AND DEPOT I

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 8667, 2 January 1890, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 8667, 2 January 1890, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 8667, 2 January 1890, Page 4