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THE PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE OF NEW ZEALAND. jaSlVft T=tT.ISETEIP X 872. MARRIAGE SEiTJLEIviENTS, WILLS AND TRUSTS ; : ECONOMICALLY ADMINISTERED. ADVANCES MADE ON FREEHOLD SECURITIES; INTEREST FROM SIX TO SEVEN PER CENT. HEAD OFFICE." 0 WELLINGTON. "Wm. J, BHAW, Looal Agent at New Ply month. IMPORTANT TO FLOCK- MASTERo. COOPER'S SHEEHHPPING POWDEh. Ibis Dip has been In nse upwards of 61 . It does not fltaln the wool.* It Is more extensively used than all It 1b a oer tain cure or Juioe and Scab, other Sips, being applied to upwards of Unlike the many Liquid Dips whiob just 8 million nheep eaoh year. ' kill the insects and then pass ofl them* '■i selves, its effects remain in the fleeoe a tbe handles ana oneapest Blp* re« on « tlm8 » P MWnt new to**>«on. 4trirl gno boiling ur hot water. , Xthasnever bees equalled by any other Dip JXTBAC 1 * VBOH THJJ TBANdAOTIpNS OF THE HIGHLAND AND AGBIOULTUBAL 800IETT OF SCOTLAND, 1 — II An Infinite variety of proprietary and Patent Dips are now finding their way Into the Market. Some of these are really good, some indlfforent, and afters absolutely bad. We believe Ooopbb's to be the longest established aad cheapest, and also the mast extensively used. As shown by the railway books, it appears no less than 1800 doaen packages, or enough to dip 888,000 sheep, are sent out .weekly. It is used extensively on the Continent, and in the Colonies, aooompanlod by • directions for use 1 printed In many languages. As a Summer and Autumn Dip we consider it leoond to none, and have always used it, Its oheapnesa »nd extreme solubility In oou> watm particularly reoommend it for these purposes." rhnoe the above was written the sale has more than doubled. From JAmfl Aunuinnß. Esq., Wangannl. ••Seven years ago I wks lnduced to buy eight oases of your Sheep Dipping Compound, and. as an experiment, I psed a few packets aooordlng to the directions. I selected a few' old owes, not oaring whether I lost them or not, and not one oi them was njured la toe least. I afUrwards dipped my whole Flock of 10,000, and did not lose one. M I now dip for Llee, and find it most' effectual. I am also told by my neighbours It Is equally so for Boab. "I have dipped over 50,000 sheep with it, and never lost bos one, ana tnis animal was scan lioklng itself just after it left the baths. I oonrider that with ordinary oare your Dip* nine Powder, used on a large or small scale, is perfeotly safe. The chief point being to ne that the sneep are quite dry before they are turned out to grass." From Mr. Thomas Meddlbton, Maaager for the Hon. Bobert Oampbell, Benmoro Estate, Waltakl. Cooper's Dip Is the beet dip for Lambs I ever used." "* ' . Aom Duhoan MoMastkb, Esq., Walrarapa. 11 1 have nsed Cooper's Dipping Powder for about four years, and am well satisfied witb the reralta, believing it to be lasting n its effects." 11 To If r. GOOPBS, Berkhamstoa, England. Auckland, October 13, 1880, "Bear Sib,— -Accompanying our order by this mail we am pleased to observe that your Sheep-Dipping Compound Is steadily gaining ground in this part of New Zealand. " At the request of our customers we have occasionally imported Dips by other firms, but our buyers have invariably fallen back to the nse of Cooper's Sheep Dip. 44 The Flock-masters who have written to us on the subject have always spoken in the highest terms of the artiota.— We are, yours, Jco., "., O. BHABIiAND 4 Co., Muufaoiorlng Chemists " JPBEPABHD ONLY BT WILLIAM OOOPSR. M.R.CV.S, CHEMICAL WORKS BERK^HAMSTEF ENGLAND. Bold in packets, sufficient for from 80 to 90 Sheep, or ta nm stiff, r*t for WOO to 1000. aooordlng to the length af wool, Afllim IH THB NOBTH ISLANy : Messrs. KBMPTHOBNB, PBOBBBB, k Co., Auckland aad We Messrs. BHABLAND k Co., Acokland and Tannakf Mn F. W. WILLLIIES, Napier Messrs. BABBAUD Jc CON. W e ] „ , • Hessn.DBUMUOND*' < IB&nH^LHL^ aTI A X E. w MilßDlßßHS^^B^^Ti *la#iay^%»m aftay ■ *^L-^3tjsssaiiliiTSriit^Bl IweSngton 'si3SSßsisaiS-51 j^—^ , LONDON LOUIS" Velveteen i .4,- ■ ■'! The strictest examiner may try every test -JjSaSS -^ « of touch and sight without discovering that "*» 99 -r^tf'-x theso are other thnn tho Genoa Velvets which <^^gH^^g^Ksf' •*i*w«*»«*™-'*s»"SßjJ times tho price. For Costunics mid Trimmings Q^M^^^^^^jflv is un equalled, and in fact for all purposes ■^ftSftSSgfS^. iß^fc ' or w hich Silk Velvet may bo used we specially ~ jl&gpQJ&%&^Fin/m recommond the "LOUIS" VEtiVETJKKN. '.^^MiSy T tJSTBOUS SILK F.INISH, QRIBNTAIi BLUH BLACK and fflii&^U - N f'jfifr "fJNBIVALLED for BIOHNBS3 '^H ffll^m TNBXPBNSrVE-gives Universal eUITABLB FOR ALL OOOAvm^^^^^^^^SS^^^^^^b. Sions of Wcar - v -^'^ v fflMJf^ffl^Biw^*p|^^^t At tho Adolaido Exhibition, 1887, this ft f j '''''Vv^Sxßlit&MnniS^BSEßiSSKk SafflS Celebrated Velveteen was awardod — Mtfti?&- s^M^^mSl^^^ First Prlze * Grand 3 - ot fflMJ%*^J&\ t0T ~ elccUcni '° of Finish and Supcrtotity Mms WJ^'M^^^^^^^^^ „ £ r f ™,',V ar < 1 V<*e'/7»ni<i)ir Itan Hit name Anr^feSiJ^'l,'l /■' not P oMn: "'''d Intoliiiyiii({iiiforioriii:ikos. Heqticst ymiv mniiur tn jTi'Ciirti bulnplcs if _. „ „„ , To Get Rid of Worm^ Keating s Powder. Keating'B Powder. To Qrf m of Woms Keating s Powder. Keating's .Powder. « . „., -„. „ . . °, ' , , To Get Rid of Worms Keatmg g Powder.] Kills Bugs. To Get Rid^ of Worms Fleas. Moths n-B ttß " Bb8oIute " remedy, KEJLTIIto'I Beetles* A PDWIT TBQRTABIiB BWBBTHBAT, botk UJ „„,,. , . , appearance and taste, furnishing a tnoeiagreer«» X ?7 der lsquile bannleM toAarniAL »ble method of administering the only certain roBB, and every other speoies of lnßeot, It Is a perfeotly safe and mild preparation, Sportsmen will find this invaluable for doe- and Is especially adapted for children. Gold troy ing fleas in their dogs, as also ladles for n* ijkb v% all Dboggism. their pet dosjs. This abtiolh has fouod so obeat a 6 alb that It has tempted others to , vend a so-called artiole in imitation. The public are oautioked that paoasges of the genuine powder bear the mtograpb Pronviator — THOMAS 5T WAT INO ONLT ' toxpov, ' a2BB. tniSl '»

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8888, 5 February 1889, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8888, 5 February 1889, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8888, 5 February 1889, Page 4