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BLAIR'S Gout and Rheumatic Pills* THK GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY For Gout Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, and Neuralgia. THB excruciating pain is quiokly relieved and cured in a few days by this celebrated Medicine. These Pills require no restraint of diet duiing their nsc, nnd ore certain to prevent tho diseaso attacking any vital part. Her Majrsty'B I'ommissioners have authorized the name and address of " Thomas Prout, }10. 229, Strand, London," to be impressed npon the Government stamp, affixed to each box of the genuine medicine. So.'d in England at Is l^d and 2s 9 1 per box. Obtainable from any Chemist or Store in the Australian Colonies. 983 b alt nu3 89 JENSEN'S GOD LIVER OIL, Trade Mark-AN IOBBBRO. This specialty Oil is made on board Jenskni Floating Factory, towed after tho fishing boat! engaged each year in the gi«at Norwegian Cbc Fiaherios, as shown in tho large coloured poster* exhibited on the walls. Tho perfectly fres> ivers obtained in this way make a sweat palafc »blo oil, perfectly different to oil made froa itale livers, which of necessity is strong and nauseous. "CHILDREN LIKE IT" oecanse it tastes " nice." Consumptives and invalids derive new life and vigour from iti ironderful nourishing properties. IT CURES INDIGESTION. Recommended by the Physician to the Hoya Jhelsoa Hospital as "The best and cheapest*. Patients who reject other oils can take this." IT NEVER REPEATS. TheZancetsaya: "Of oxcellont quality. Notastec* SritUh Medical Journal says: "We find, practically, hat children take it well." Sold by all ChemUU. Wholttah Agmti— SHABLAND & CO., AOCELAHD, a 537 cc 26 88 {2— I ? A. XT R sl >?> ANTJ - NEUttALGI or MAGIC I PILTA A-JBRTAJN Ann immediate Bare toe lie Doloarnax, Neuralgia, Toothacha, Paii.i in the Head and Faoe, Gout, Soiatioa. Lumbago, tc. EXTBAOTS FBOM TESTIMONIALS. Mi Tohn Handy, Bgmont Store, New Plymonth vmieo on 6th April, 1883— Having proved vanr Magic Pills to, bo a onre for Nbubaiaia, &0., please send me by post ? dos«n braes m early as possible. In a latir letter from the Bame gentleman bearing date of 11th Jane, 1883, he writer— for fire dozen more of yonr Magug Pills. The Ber. J. 8. Withington, President of tn* United Methodist Ftco Ohnroh, writes—] have recommended the Anti-Nenralgio Pill: to several enf (ercrsfrom Tio-Doloorenx, Tooth. aoh«, &o. in all eases they have afforded re lief, and in some oases the onre has been immediate. The Bey. B. Chow, Free Oharoh Minister of Newcastle-on-Tyne, writes— A Now Oonnoo tion Minister, a friend of mine, suffered severely from Tio-Dolouretu for sorpo time, He took one or two of yonr Anti-Nonr&lgk Pills, and next morning ha was quite well. ~ The Rev. A. Gilbert, of London, writesMy daughter has taken a few of your Pifr and is nlready quite free fxem the pain she hse been so long tormented with, I aha] gladly aid their extended sale. The Boy. B. Watmogth, ef Bipley, writes— My daughter, who suffered very severely, wae relieved in lsss than balf-an-honr by rear PUJs. The Bay. J. Bsstow, Carlisle, wrltw— Twc of yonr Pilie afforded me relief. Mr. W. M. Watson, Whitworth Eoad, Booh dale, writes— A lady who has b«en for a grea length of time almost a martyr to Tia, wa advfe&d tc try your Pills. The first box oured her. This ia more than twelve months since and if ever the la threatened with a retnro one or two Pills will make her right agah. Other f ri«ndfl of hers have tried them, witb tha like results. Her namo ia Mrs. O c. Bhe Is highly respectable, and resides at the Promenade, Boohdale. The Bey. G. Boeva, Anoland House, Yentnor. Isle of Wight, writes— Several pereoni here hare derived very great benefit from them. The Bey. W. Trevail, Bedditoh, writes— have been beneflolal in many oases here. The Bsv G B. Baweon, of Winefore, Oheehlr* writes — Mm. B&waon, ea well as m? ■on and daughter, h»ve derived great benefit from them; v*ry severe suffering having beet relieved by their use, I oan heartily recommend them to ftll who Buffer from fieuralgir ■Sections. Mr Edward Dignum, Commission Ageat, Frodsham, Cheshire, writes — A young msv named Jamef Hoagh had been nearly rasd for a fortnight with Tio, and was oomylotelv oared with one doee of tho Pilic, Bold bf all Chemlata and Storekeepers, 1: boxea, Is. lid, and 2s, 9d. each. iraOLBSJiLV AOKNTS— J. BAXIEB, Chemist, Ylotorla-strect, Christobcreh Hours. P. Jlayman and Co.; Sainsbnrt Elllfldon k Co; Felton, Grimwado fcOo, *nd the New Zealand Drug Oompany. 2-cfit fren rom J, Baxter for 19 or 43 poetaje stamps.t TARANAKI HERALD GENERAL PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, raVON^STBEBT. Tradesmen's Bill Heads pitADESMES'J Bill Heads, printed on superior quality ruled paper, are now offered at the following low iatcs: — Quarlor-shcot Foolscap, ia quantities of not Icm than 3,000, at He pur thousand For qnantities or Fire Thousand nn'l upwards, a reduction /m tha übove will be made, Assorted sizes tapplied if required. ; " h .iv low c.tbfl Blionld iru<uoe H'radesineu to obtain eoppliea iv tonn ratber tbao give orders to canvassers (or ontside firms and thereby send b.)th work and money M oat of tbe district.

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8273, 20 September 1888, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8273, 20 September 1888, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8273, 20 September 1888, Page 4