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THE GREAT CASH SHOP, "W\ I 3D. I CL We are no w opening n p our First Show of Spr ing and Sum mer Goods, out of following bo ats Crusade r, Whampoa , Killochan, Tainui, whic n will be lou nd the &**>* value ever i mported int o Taranaki. We kindly ask our frie nds to come and have a look for the mselves, and see for the mselves as t o prices,

Shipping. UNICW STEAMSHIP OOMPaNT OP NEW ZEALAND (Limited) \\[ ILL ceiipatch Steamers rs inder from V V the Breakwater (weather »nd other circumstances permitting :— FOB MANUKAUTAKAPUNAon BATUEIDAY.22nd September. Wanaka. on WEDNESDAY, 26th geptembtr FOB SOUTHERN PORTS— Wanaka on SATURDAY, 22nd September. Takapdna on WEDNESDAY, 26 h tept. j FOR SYDNEY (FROM AUCKLAND)— Mababoa on TUESDAY, 2ad Octoler. SPECIAL SERVICE Between Hsnukau &nd Lyttelton, Via New Plymouth and Wellington. 1 Tbe ss, WANAKA, £8$ tons, 600 h.p., will be despatched fiom New Plymomh for Manokau every Wednesday Afternoon, and for Wellington and Lyitelton every Saturday Mcrcinp. Passengers booked through to London by Orient Line, OMEUBGURNK CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION OPENS IST AUGUST, REDUCED FARES. Return Ticke' 8 (available for tkteu months) —Saloon, £18 ; steerage, £11. (9* OnriCEs: Brougham Street. NORTH EBB «Hkfk. * STEAMSHIP 00. VygW^' (LIMITBD,) 11 WEI ABLE FOR SEPTXMBBR. (Vreathoraodotbertireqmsta&catpermlttlFg) FOR (NEBUNGAfrom Waitara— GAlßtocH, s.s., frcm Waitara on FRIDAY (21st;, at 10 p.m. (9- Fabb*3 : Saloon, single £1 10s ; re* turn, £2 10s. Steerage, single, £1 ; retan, £110s. C9~ Fbeight : Cattle, 15s each ; Sheep. Is each ; Cargo, 12s 6d per ton (Si* Cargo must be booked and *lont;ii<'e one hour before Bailing. Pass>ge Tickets must be taken at the Com* pany'« Office, or on board prior to tailing. W. D. WEBftTEB, Agent. Fulford-alrreet, New Plymouth ; and Wf it Quay, Waitara. Wfitpra. Perfpmber IS. IKBB. "*7< *o ]D*AIRY PRODUCE. WOOD, DUUW <S ©0., L D -» 9, MABKET SIT.KET, MELBOURNB. A LL kinds cf Foim end D«ry Produce rece ved and sold on Commission, resrl's b*ii g \ romptly n milted. Agrncies in FDplsnd, Queensland, South Aus<i»li{i, ai d Wis cm Ais'ralia. Ageivs for best Jei rc:s end Annatto. Itfcii) (rs : Nntii n> ) t aik of /ns'Tßlnßi*. Wtflly re[>or>B piblisled in tM's jVojral and fjeiihl )«p- I< « f< r*ar< el «~n oppliration. ( aMe addretr. : " Ag« r," Mclbcnrre. ' oricfport'ents ore fi/itiilly re quisled to address in full to fPOOD, DUNN A Co.. Ltd, 9, MARKEl 1 bTBEET, MELRCUhNF. hbffy2i; HENHY. UiSSTON KEYSTONE Saw> Tool Steel, and FUe "Works. PBILADELPHIA, P.A., U.B.A. Circular, Vektical, Gb^ai 1 American and Onk-m\k ORC S 3 -OOT AND nA" D SoWP, PILES, <feo., tie best in the world, INSERTED TOOTH CIRCULAQ3, Have been awarded the Highest Premium at all the Woila'B Great Fairs. Moulders* Toolt, Machinist* 1 Steel Squares, Brick and Plastering Trowels, Rtdes, Levels, dc, AUSTRALIAN AGENCY AND DBroT— W.H.BLAKELEY, 116, Russell -street, MELBOURNE (NEXT TEMPKRANCF HALL).

The trnffio receipts on 33 of the principal railways of tbo United Kingdom for the pnst half year amounted to nearly 33 millions sterling, an increase of BOiuetlnn^ like £650,000. Paris has been coroied with dust this season owina; to a dcflcienoy in the water Bupply. An "attempt has been made to have the historic gallows tree on Hampstead Heath cut down.

To Let and for SaleFOR SALE OR LEASE, STSOTIONB 10 and 21. Oakura District, containing 111 acrer, in the test part of the district; all level; close to Main Sontb Road. Low porcha&ing clause, and exceptionally liberal terms as to rent and instalments, C.W, Go\En\ alll o3 Solicitor. F. 58 SALE,— Section 918, Nei Myjono-st. ■with *-— 'tnp" COT^AOK, fonr firfplecee, J-le : Rh,\Vaßh«houee, Pump, aad Firnace for Toiler. For particulars apply t<» R. BAYLEY. ' b 9 (jNo^&jj Lord Bay nswood The favourite iaflKSPfefelS Clydfbdalk Ftallion, WILL S and this Be»son at Gko. Boby's Farm, Bell Blotk. Terms, 25s prr mare. All particulars can te obtained fiom mo. a 173 Lb d3l GKO. HOBY. KOTICK. I BEG to announce ro my customers and the general public that I ba c let my business to Mr. J. Lashbrcok and Mr. VV. C. Fdy, to whom I confidently hope you *ill give the same support as I hove rect-ivrd in the past, for which 1 return sincere thar.ks, WILLIAM REVELL. September Ist, 1888 In taking over the above business we hope to receive the same j mount of pa'ronage as that tks'owed on our piedeceEßor. Jf HN LASHBROOK. WILLIAM CHAS. FRY. JOHN LASHBROOK", Wheelwright, Coaobbuilder, and Machinist. All kinds of Vchi les, from a T.«rdan to a WbceUunow, mice to older ai d repaired, (.leant* g Machmee. Ihreshing Mtsch ncs and Feed Drills made to order. Wcikmanthip guaranteed, Punctual to l ; m:, aud charges moderate. W. O. FRY, Horseshoer, ( oacb, Machine, and General Smith. Agricultural Implements made to order and repaired. Plough and MachincFitiirgs always on hand. Workm'uuhip cnt.'t be beaten, Tiial solicited i>lls hb d 8 DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS I DOIS'T wait till you a:e ho- eletsly i'l, bat obtain timtly and jadiiijus treatment at the SANATORIUM in Vivian-stieet. wbeio n variety of bath and o' her appliances 6Te n.ed, acorrirg to be msUolnoft efrino 1 " H wmtirium in K.ot laud, established t>y ike hto Dr. Kirk, wine) M.^s. col 1 :s has recently vis'.te 1. QUALIFIED AYIE'DANTS forlr.aitsf)r ge~.tlen.°.n Pal ents visited at Iheir own houiC?, and advue -cd instnuti-n giver. Si ffercrs iiom fpii al nnd othn wefakijcsses shouli at once ny " a".ass r gc" —the rew rerve-soo'i i-g 'reatntent, Api ly for 'eims and circulars at SARNM HCUSF. where viM'orfl ar.d boirdois will still find o pletßan 1 1 oroe withchHTg tl stoFui | tietimcs 7ffi hbf-p'O MOKEY TO LENP, IN sri'nll or lrge sums, on good Freehold 8 cuiitks, at current rn'es. OLIVER SAM DEL, Solicitor New Plymouth. 9)» to W. i\. BROOKING, BUILDER, CARPENTER, CABINETMAKER UKDERTAKER- &C, &G. Plans and Estimates Prepared. | I-'niicrols Furnii-lliMl. | DEVON STRFET, (Mr. Geokge's Old Premises) j# NEW PLYMOUTH. gi'ihhtc Notice Notice SALf OF Ironmongery ASD £eneral Hardware /pfiE unc^raigne.! inter.di. g to RETIRE V£OM BUSINESS iiSßCO^an the stock in Biffl"i-ntly jedi ccd to effer io or.o lot, will quo c SPtCIAL PRICES to Country f- toroT eppers and o'hers during lb» i unent Qiarter, The irtock co tisis of the NevwM; an>l B3i Goods, Uing direct in port aliors from tLe English, American, and Con tinon tal Markets. Alter March 31st, the Stoc Goodwill, and Freehold, lease of premises, will be fo sale in one lot. All accounts due on September 30th hst and KKM&INING UWbhTfLEi; veill be placed in solicitor's hands for recovery, and those due on ) ec?mber 3lßt -will be similarly pkced after March 4th Af ier 4^is date no New Acconnti will be opened, D. BERRY, Ironmonger y Brongbwß.rtrwt New Pljmoutn. wabbte

WATCH THIS SPACE FOB D. RUMNEY'S NEW i Advertisement a 69 hb n 27 Watches, Jewellery, &c. ' bIHINCE! i o LEVERS !! g rl OS CHRONOCRAPHS, DOUBLE yg <f CHRONOCRAPHS, AND HALF g? CHRONOMETERS. *^ ___ *"* r Important Beductions oQ CIIEAPEitIFIIAIV EVER, &■ ORDER EARLY/ .a STEWART DAWSON & CO, Liverpool and 96, Newgate-street, london, HAVE resolved, prior to issuing their new Watc > Pamphl t, with reviaea Makes and Piices, to give their Patrons a real Benefit, and to eel], under Cost Pi ice, their present Stock cf £10,000 worth of their World-FameJ ENGLISH LEVERS at Prices never approached. As the var'ons grncl s specified a»e no well km wn, co . nit-nt would be snpc fljous. Intending purcluss'S w 11 therefore, to be in lira", s-nii in their orders at earliest possible da c. FOB A FEW WEEKS ONLY. iEItlGs, reduced to £2 log— S.D. ni.d o.'s World-famed Engli-h I ev*ra (ladies' and Gen<»'). in three Ei'zrs. The finest v> a l ches cvtrroade. The concentration of nil that i« good, oni which h ye tho I argest :-a!e in the *<»1 . Peiiute" to £2 16s, OrOer cuty. Vimn dnpieccdcnc '. •> 3 IH», n'.incul tv £:s_e.D. hf.d ' o'fi Varvclk/us Hun'ii^ Leveis, sa^ c quality as tbove Three fizes. Koiiuced co £3. crdt;i cailv. Worth Five Guinea. I*4 .TB, reduced =o £4 !Os— S.D, *Co V Superb English Huutiujr Levers, wilh three pnirs cxra jewel?, and renl chionomet^r txuanslon b.-l.ince. Exrnordiuary value. This watch is chtap at i-even Guineas £25, reduced to £20— A few oily of S.D. and Co 'a Superb English 18-carat Gents' Gold Half Chronometer Levers, reduced to £20, nndei cost. Order early. *?13 lt>B, reduced to £10 10a— A few only ol a, D and Co's Geuis' Masrrrficent English Gold i overs reduced to £10 ob. These have never leen equallel ia trie world at the price. «8 I©S, reduced to 47 10s— 8. D. and Co 's Ladies' 18-cara f English Gold Leveis, pever equalled under £10 10a Reduced to £7 10 drier eatly. Will lat a lifetime. £1 Ta *• d, reduced to £1 sk— \ D. and Co.'b Ladies' and GenU' Bt< rlinp Silver Defiance Wn'ches, in three sizes. Reduced to £1 sa. Perfect timekeeper)'. Marvel Las value. Hunters reduced to £1 l?s 6 1. Double Chronographs, Keyless Levers, Gold Levers, (faues* and Gents'), ev-ry Srice. All reduced to Ices than w hclesa c nglith pries.c s. Ct-lt enrly and i spec. *« lOS, reduced to £5 10i— S.D. and Co.'c Keyltss Hun'i' g Levers, superior to nny WAton sell rethil &i Kighl G,.ineos. Gcducod frcui i.O IO« to £5 1 0». Open-fuc^ do. reduced £5 lUs to Ii IPs £G fss, rvducel to £5108— Onr Mognificect linglish Tei-tre Seconds Chronograph Hunting Lcvcre, ro'ucel from £6 16s to £5 10s. Cien-faca Jo, re .'need fr.m £5 16b to £4 10s H 5 I«JS, reduced to £4 lie— SD. md 'o 'a Acme of Peifeciion Kxcclsior J-pln"e Engl sh Levei f, ; ho high' et clii-s ana most improved English Lever ever produced. 'I I c perfect Paragon. Reduced fiom £6 10a to £4 10s Steilirg Silver Alberts, the largest StocV. in New Zealand, all re uced .to lees th n who'esde prices. All Letters aud commu:.ioalions to be addressed to STEWART DAWSON AND CO., GREAT ENGLISH WATCH """ EXHIBITION, 94, QrjEEN Street, Auckland. Other Colonial Brauohes at Melbourne, Sydney, and Danodin. for o-,e of B. P. aad Co.'s f. moua Illustrated Pamphlets, containing fill particulars concerning these valuable I ime« keepers nnd Hot of Keduced Prices Sent by pos for 8d ttump ; free on application at 94, Qucon-s iee r , Auckland. Is 3d mi s^ be for* warded with country orders, to cover postage and registration fees. STEWART DAWSON & CO., Repair and clean Gold aud Silver Watchts, no matter what maker oi wtere Bought. Workmanship guaranteed. Watcbeß and Jewellery mry now be poßted nnd registe ed at book post rates If your Watch wami clearing, pack it in a box carefully, enclosing full namo nnd address only, and send by nme mail a letter of inst' notions, enclosing prstal note for 4a 6d, aad we will return the watch within* few dnye in good order, post paid and re* giite ed, When tending letter and postal noto, §tato tbt number of tho Watch potted, 817 hi) to

WANTED,— BD3HMBN for Maungakaretu — twelve cr more. Apply for particulars, on th>i g ou: d, to W. Wisdom, manager for O. Lewis ; or Office of this Paper. al79sp2> TO HO.:SE BKEEDErV. MB. M. F. BAiaD will visit New Pljmouili with the Thoroughbred Stallion, Pubibi, on Saturday, the 22nd in6ta t, with a view to making arrangements with * owe breeders for the comug season. Pombi may be seen at Honeyfield's Sla* les a!8l Rp2l Sales by Auction. SATURDAY, SBPTEMBi.'rt 22. NEWTON KING Has rece ye 1 instructions from Mr. F, bTOHB (who is leaving for Mc-loarrue) to reil by auction at h s nnij, oa tho above date,— rpHE WHOLE of his STOCK-IN-TR *DE i of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery of every description, Tobacconists' aad Faucy Goods, &c , &i. EVBRYIHIf OMTJST BE BOLD. Palo at 2.3 ) o'clock. a. 80 ep2l Amusements WELLINGTON ELITE ALtXA\DRA HALL. OJELI lI7rKN'B Grand Fancy Dress Burlesque Costume CAENJVAL. FRIDA F, September 28th, 1888. ON FniDAY, 28s'i September, 1883, our First JuTeuile Fancy .Dress i oslume Carnival takes place. Positively no ore will be allowed on the floor except children in Fancy Dress or Evening D-esp. Keserved se»ts, 2s ; Galljry, Is ; skaters in fancy dress. 2s (kates fred ) Doors open at 7, skating till 10 ..'c'ock. Bar GRAND MIBCH AT 9 O'CLOCK. Reserved -ca's can be booked at ihj< tfi.-e. ( hildren will kindly register their ntunes at tbe (ffi eAt oucc, as only -\ I mi ed ium ber will be allowed oa tl c fl >or The Rink wll open to 12 p.m., the last two henrs beirg for ad Its only. R. I'CIOR, aIBB sp2B Manager. SKATING KINK. ALEXANDRA HALL. rpHE Biok will be open on T EeDATS, ' 1 TnrjHSDATa, a'jd bATOBDATH, at tLe usual hours. BAND AS USUAL. m- ADMISSION Morciug (ladies only) F>ee ka'ea ... ... ••• G I. /ftcrnoon — Ladies (incladitg skatis) »> I Gcbtlemcn „ „ is Evening— Ladies „ „ 1* Gentleman „ , Is 11. PjIOB, 815 h "c M -rfiger. GRATEFUL-OOMFORTIN O. EppsVs Cocoa. BREAKFAST. " By b thoroogh kvovrKdee of tbe nnti ral liwiwbich govern ij-eoporatinnuef digestion aad nutrition, and by a c&roful tpp'icution of the fino propertios of welNvolected o^roa, Mr. Epps has provided oar brcakfaat tables with s delioatel) -flavoured boverage which m-y save ns msn> hcavj doctor's bi Is. It is b,' tbe judicious use of such ardolos of diot tSat a constitution ma; be firaiually built np mtll strong ecottgb *o resist every tendency t disiaß9, Hundreds of cubtle mslftdie? are fl ftti g around «s reAdy to attaok wherever fiere is a »-ea^ point. Wo may «Poaß>e many a fata' Bheft by k>-«>.'ing ourselves woll I -rtiried pnre b'r.od and a properly q «irl«lted f rn -je." — Sco article in the Oivil Service Qazat.tti, Made simply -with Boiling Water or Milk. old Ia b pack eta by Grooors, labr-llcd fc v »na - . JAJUES EPPS & Co., •<ov<icr t »'" Chb«T'<ti. LoKon.f, Rt. GLAND CO I bh w n!2 88 /GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. CHIEF ADVANTAGES. Low premiums iunl laifju bonusos. Finirla kept in Now Zealand. Claims paid imnifilnihlii niter proof of death. Most libural conditions. Low Now Zealand mortality* Economical unuiaguinont. Btuto security. TOTAL SUM ASSURED (iuoluding Douus Additional X 7.135.213 TOTAL FUNDS (tho wliolo invostod in Now Zoalan.]) £1,328,193 In fulrlition to tlio abovo funds, tho olllco has an ANNUAL INCOME of over £2-38,000 Tbo Surplus Cash Profits in 1885 wero £212,570 OPENING OF TONTINE SAVINGS FUND SECTION. Tontlno Savings Fund System l'olioios aro now being issued. Now Assurors ivnd oxisting Assurance Policy* •oldors will bo allowod to join this soction. All profits nccruinc after entorhi(! tho Roction co get apart to bo divided among tho policyildors remaining iv tho Roction at tho ond ./. 1900, when liboral roturiiß iv cash are auticlliatod. Tho principles of tho Tontiue and modo ot keeping accounts nro not kept secret, as iv case of other Tontines advertised, %* Information can be obtained at tho Head Offlo* and all Branohos and Agencies, and also from tht Travelling Agents of the Dopartniout. * P. W. FRANKLAND, Actuary and Frlnoipal Olllo#<' », JJ. tjUOKIE,

llolloway's Pills and Ointmfnt.— No part of the huiiipn machine r< quires more watching than the nervous system — upon ith.ings health and life itself. Theso Pills are the best regulators nnd strengthen rs of the nerves, nnd the safest general purifiers. Nausea, headache, piddincss, numbneFP, and mental apathy yield to them. They dispatch in a summary <i anner those distressing dyspeptic symptom?, etomuohic pains, fulness at the pit o£ the stomach, abdon ioal distenßion, nnd overcon c both capricious appetites nnd confined bowels — tho commonly accompanying signs of defective or derunged nervous power. Uollowaj'B Pilla urs particularly recommended to persons of studious and sedentary habits, who gradually sink into it nervous nnd debilitated gtnte, unices eoine such restorative bo occasionally taken, hb eep22 One Box of Clarke's B 4l Pills is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in eithtr &ex (acquired or constitutional), Gravel, and Pains in t heBuck . Guaranteed free from Mercury. Sold in b(xep, 4s 6d euch, by all Chemists and Patent Medicino Vendorn; Sole Proprietors, The Lincoln and Midland Counties Lnoa Co., Lincoln, England. towle's Pennyroyal and Steel Pills fob Females quickly correct all irregularities, and relieve the distressing swnptoms so prevalent with the tex. Boxes 1b l}d and 2s 9d, of all ( hemists und Patent Medicine Vendors. Prepared onlj by Tub Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Co., Lincoln, Enghmd, Beware oi laiitfttioas, h lh—

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8273, 20 September 1888, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8273, 20 September 1888, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8273, 20 September 1888, Page 3