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THE GREAT CASH SHOP,! TO\ r " IFSTD. I CL We are no w opening v p our First Show of Spr ing and Sum mer Goods, out of t...© following bo ats 5 Crusade r, Whampoa , Killoehan, Tainui, whic h will be fou nd the best value ever i mported int o Taranaki. We kindly ask our Me nds to come and have a look for the mselves, and see for the mselves as t o prices,

Shipping. UNION STEAMSHIP ODMI'ANT OP NBW ZEALAND (Limited) WILL respatch Steamers rs indet from the Breakwater (weather »n-i other circumstances permitting :— FOB MANUKAU— TAKIPONAon BATUBDAY,22nd Beptember. Wakaka en WEDNESDAY, 26th September FOB SOUTHEBN POBTB— WanakA on BATUBDAT, 2Jnd Beptenrber. Takapdha on WEDNESDAY, 26th ept. FOR SYDNEY (FBOM AUCKLAND)— Mababoa on TUESDAY, 2nd October. BPEOIAL~SERVIOE Between Manukau and Lyttelt"n f Via Ne<v Plymouth and Wellington. The st,s t, WANAKA, 786 tons, 600 h.p., will ba despatched fiom New Plymouth for Manulcau etery Wednesdny Afternoon, and for Wellington and Lytteltoneverj Saturday Mcrrinr, Passengers hooked through to London by Orient Line, MELmmuE' CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION OPENS Ist AUGUST. EEDUO e!T FARES. Beturn Ticke's (arailable for three months) —Saloon, £18 ; steerage, £11. «9> Offices: Brougham Street. M*k>v NOBTBBBN A S5«^ STEAMSHIP 00. Tmmju.__ > (Limited.) UNSTABLE FOB SEFTEUBBB. ( Weather ac d other •ircumstances permit tit; g) FOB TNEBUNGA— From Waitara— GAibloch, a.8., from Waitara on FBIDAY (21st;, at 10 p.m. (ST FABSg : 8»1ood, single £1 10s ; retorn, £2 10s. Steerrge, single, £1 ; retura, £1 10s. •9- Fbeight : Cattle, 15s each ; Sheep, Is eacb ; Cargo, 12s 6d per ton IST Cargo mutt be booked and alongside one hour before sailing. Pass.-ge Tickets must be f -.ken at thi* Com* pany'll Office, or on board prior to tailing. W. D. WEBSTER, Agent. Fulford-strreet, New Plymonth ; and West Qaay, Waitara. Wwitaw. September 13. 18*8. i>47l l« BAIMY PRODUCE, WOOD, DIDB^IIFI <& CO., L:D -i 9, MABKET STREET, MELBOUBNE. ALL kinds of Faira and Dairy Produce rcce red and sold on Commission, rest I*b b^-ir.g promptly rtmitted. Agencies in l'ngland, Quffrslund, Sooth Ans-inlin, ai d "Wi stern Ai stialia. Agrn's for b*6t Her.rets end Annatto. Bunkers : N»li< nil I'atk of Aus'raltißis Weekly reports publibled in tt is y nrral find f] ecinl reports fcrwari'e') m nppliration. ( able addicts : " Ag<r," Melbrurt:e. < one^om'ents crt epecirlly requested to addres^ in full to fPC(-D, DUNN A Co., Ltd, 9, MAEKET bTBEET, MELB( UKNF. hi. try 21 HFNHv bI^STOK KEYSTONE Saw. Tool, Steel, and File Works. PHILADELPHIA, P. A., U.8.A.. CIRCUHR, Vr'tical, Grka** American and One-man OR< SP-OUT AND lIA % D SdWB, FILES, <fee., t c beat in tho -world, IN '-EBTED TOOTH CIBCDLABB, Bavebcon awarded the Highest Premiums at all :he Worla's Great Fairs. Moulders' Tools, Machinist* 1 Steel Squares, Brick and Plastering Trowels, Rules, Levels, dc, AUSTRALIAN AGENCY AND DEPOT— W.H.BLAKELEY, 116, Russell-street, MELBOURNE (NEXT TBMPRRANOF HALL).

Bales by Auction. waiwakaiho. t o - m or r o w. nbwton" king Will sell by auction at his Yards, Waiwakaiho, on Ihe above date, — JZf\ OALVES AND YEARLINGS *J\J 20 18-montbs to 2-year Steers 25 3-year Steers 40 Store Cows 20 Oows in calf 5 Springing Heifers 5 Hprir ging Cows 12 Fat Cows 1 Bull. fMeat 1 o'clock. alfi7 hb epl9 SATURDAY, SEPTEMB'H 22. NBWTON KING Has received instructions Mr. F. t-TOHB (who is leaving for Mtlbonrne) to teil by unction at h s xnart, on the above date,— THE WHOLE of bis STOCK-IN-TR^DE of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery of every description, Tobacconists' and Fancy Goods, &c , <fee, EVEEYTHIKG MUST BE f OLD. Sale at 2.3) o'clock. alßo rp2l To Let and for Bale. FCR SALE OR LEASE, SECTIONS 10 and 21, Oakura District, containing 111 acre*, in the Lest part of the district; all level; close to Main Sontb Road. Low puichasirg clause, and exc eptionally liberel terms as to rent and instalments. O. W, GO\ErT, al 1 1 o3 Solicitor. F'K i«AI.B, tlo-tionSlb, Na< i*lyaoct>. with <»— <-'W— OOT'A«S. fonr ftitrplaces, Me : gb. WasV-boutc, Pump, and Ftrnace for I oiler. For pirticnlara apj>ly to B. BAYLEY. 19 £Nsg^gjg| Lord Kav nswood *«*te*tsfea» Olydkbdale Stalliok, WILL Sand this senson at Geo. Robt'S Farm, Bell Block. Terms, 25s per mare, AU particulars can be obtained from me. al73hbd3l GEO. HOBY. _____ I BEG to.anounce ro my customers and the genernl^nblic that I have Jet my bueimss io Mr. Jtlahibrook and Mr. W. C. Fl-Y. to whem I confidently hope you will give the rame bjij port as I h:>ve rect-ivrd in the p.- st, for wllicb I return sincere that ks, : WILLIAM REVELL. l?rpt ember Ist, 18S8 In trk:r£*< vtr the a' ove businees we hope to itccive ihe sin?e mount of [a ronuge as il:ai b s ot» id ont-ur picdeccssor. J HN LA PH BROOK. WILLIAM CHA-5. FRY. JOHN LASH BROOK, Wheelwright, Coaclibnilder, aud Machinist. All kirn's ( f Yclii lt-s, from a LaDdau <o a Wh- tlbsnow, ma:'e to older ard repa : ie', Cleann g Machires. 1 hushing Mfkch a; d Feed Drills mado to order. Workmanship guaranteed, l'uactual to t me, and charg< s moderate. W. C. FRY, HorEeHboer, ' oacli, Mncliino, and General Smith. Agricultural Incplements made to rrdtT nnd repaired. ' l'iough ai.d MsuliiieF tig«i g« nlwoyn on liand. VoikmtLtlrp cai.'i be beatc , Tiihl so' cilcd . Hshb'B DIiL\YS ALE DANGEROUS I DOST wsit till yi n -.! C ho- eleesly il, but obtain liaady and judkious treatment at tbo SANATORIUM in Vivian-si.reot. where a variety of bnth and oi her appliances no uieH, ac<oniing to ihe methods of f c famous Sanatorium in Bcot land, established ly the late Dr. Kiik, which MLS. COL!,] 8 has recently visited. QUALIFIED ATTE 'DASTS for ladies or geitlett.?n. Pat enle Ti^itocl at their own home*, and advice /nd instrutti n giver. Sufferers iiom epirnl and other weakbesses shouM at once try '• massage" —the new serve-soo'biog 'real cent. Apj ly for teims and circulars at SARNIE HOUSF* where visitors and boardcis v ill still find a 1 ome wi h chaig«a *o eui< the t nn s 7i6hbtpiO §tee<kiaii'<i SOOTHING POWDEEB. FOB OHILDBEN GUTTING THSTH CAUTION TO PUaCEABEBB. THB value of this wjll-knowc FA MIL" MUDIOINB has beeD Urgelj tested it all parts cf li« world Bttd by all grades O' looioty, for upwar«3« of FIFfY YEAItS. It' well-earned e.ittßßive sale has indcoed RrUBI JUS IMITATIONS, tom» of whioh in OUTWABD AFPEAKANCE bo closely reaomblei tfae original ac to have deceived many pnr. chafers. The l'rcprietcr, therefore, feali it dm t» the public to givs a special sastion again*! t'a« use of auoujraitotlons. Purohacm ai« therefore requeeted oareMij to observe the four following oHr&otsriatiu without whiob kobe ere genuine i~« ltt. In every t case the words JOHN STEEL" HAN, C11&&18T, WAL^OHTH, SUBRflt sxe engraied oo the Ooveiutackt Bt<mp affixei to eaob jacket. 2nd. Esoh SINGLE POWDEB hw diroctioo. for th* i>tne t and the woidi John Bteadmai Ohfemist, Wblworth, Surrey, printed thereon. Srd. Th* name Btcsdman in. always «p-l' uritb two SK'5. 4th. Thi nausufaoture is oarnad 09 soltly a> j ff »lworth, Snrrwj Bold in Faoluts oy all Chemists and M«daloe Te&^otii at lit lid. to Si. Bd, aaoh. cold If fiUMPTfIOBNK, PBOBBKS #BaPß»ia JMbttil3'B9-

F. 33. S. HaVT^G bought from Sargood, Ron, & En en Owen & Grahpm's Stock of Samples *t a liberal discount, tVe public moy Look Out for Greatßargains rs the Goods will be sold at WHOLESALE T)RICES, HOLEBU E X RICES, and several lines »t less than cost THE ABOVE EALE WILL CONTINUE rr 14 DATS r~; — LOiNGER — Paring the Fourteen Days I shall | cfrer my entire ftock of DX AP£l B V at a SLIGHT ADVANCE ON COST PBICr. Ihe Goods are well fenowii. Ho low-priced Rubbish. (9 Do not lose this opportunity of scenting Genuine Bargains. Turing this sale Men's Clothing, Shirts, Flannels, Hosiery, dsrc, should not be overloi ked if economy is worth c DGideration. M. A. BOWEN. PDBUO FENBFIT DRAPERY AND GJBNEKU, PllOViaiON STORES 930 hb tc WATCH THIS SPACE FOB i D. RUMNEY'S NEW Advertisement a69bb n 21 Notice Notice SAITF OF Ironmongery AND gENEPAL Hardware /pBE undersigned intendhg to RETIRE FROM BUSINESS «• soon as the stock is suftki- ntly redi.ced to offer in one lot, will quo c SPECIAL PRICES to Country Roreleepers and o'hers during th) i urient Quarter, F®R GASH ©WILY. The Stock consists of the Newest and 835 Goods, being direct importations from the English, American, and Continental Markets. After March 31st, the Stoc Goodwill, and Freehold, lease of premises, will be fo sale in one lot. AH accounts due on September 30th last and REMAINING UNStTTLEE will be placed in solicitor's hands for recovery, and those due on December 31st vrill be similarly pieced after March 4th After his date no New Accounts will be openeJ. D. BEBRY, Ironmonger, Biougbam.Ptt>et New Pljmontn. Itfbbi*

WANTED,— BDSHMBN for Maungakaretu — twelve or more. Apply for particulars, on Ihn g our.d, to W. Wisdom, manager for O. Lewis ; or Office of this Paper. a 179 sp2 ) TO HOaSE BREEDERS. MB. M. P. BAIRD will 'visit New PlSmouth wi'h tbe Thoroughbred Stallion, POBIkI, on BATTJRDAV, the 22nd in&Ja' t, with a view to making arrangements with horse breeders for tbe comisg season. Pubiesi may te seen at Honey field's Slat les. til 81 sP2Is P 2I Tenders BUSH FELLING. Land Office, New Plymouth, September 18, 1888. TIENDBES will be received at this office to JL noon of Saturday, September 29ih, for FELLING Kaporga Village. Specifications of the work may be seen at this offi:e, aid at the Post-offices, Eaponga, Bltham, and Manaia. G. P. ROBINSON, Crowu Lands Ranger. alßs h spSS hl9 24 26 28 PARINISIHI TUNNEL. L^nd Office, New Plymouth, September 18th, 1883. nnBNDBBS will be received at this office to X roon of Satubjmy, "eptember 29th, for COMPLETING the EXCAVATION of the Tunnel at * hite Cliffs. Spec fie itions and plans of the wotk may be seen at this offic", and ab Mr, C. N. EoWK'fl St re, Drenu'. G. F. ROBINSON, CrovMi Lands Hunger. alß6bsp22bl9 2t 26 28 to run dsr?. {BNDERB are iuviter 1 , and will be received up to 4 pm. of Fatubday, 29thhstanSfo> ADDITION Hand ALT RATIONS to residence of Mr Reginald t?AYLVY, Devvn- street. For plans, particulars, &c , epply to W. P. BROOKIVG, Devon-jticet. al7B spl7 19 22 25 27 TO BUILDERS. 'T'ENDKRSwiII te received at my office 1 till 4 p.m. on HATU day, 22nd instant, for ALTERATIONS to COITAGE at Oakura for Mr. Scarle. lowest or any tender not neceFsaiily accepted. JAS. SANDEU-ON. Architect King's Buildi: gs, replember 15 h, If BB. a!7l epls 17 id Amusements i WKLIiIftUTO* IGI>ITE ROLLER SKATING KINK. ALEXANDRA HALL. I^HB Bir.k will be open on T E6DATS, THDBBDAY3, a:.d fcATOBDAY*, at tbe usual hours. BAND AS USUAL. <9* ADMISSION .^ Morning (ladies only) Free tkates 6(1. Afternoon — Ladies (including!es) 6d Goutlemen „ „ Is Evening— Lad ies „ „ 1% Gentleman. „ „ Is R. PBIOB, 815 h to Manager. MOSEY TO LEND, IN small or 1 rge sums, on good Freehold s.curitks, at currant ra'es. OLIVKR BAMDF.L, Solicitor Kow Plymouth. 931 te W. F. BROOKING, BUILDER, CARPENTER, CABINETMAKER UNDERTAKER &C, &C. Plans and Estimates Prepared. I Funerals Furnished, j DEVON STBEET, feW (Mr. Geouge's Old Premises)^ NEW PLYMOUIH. 9in hb tc PKODUCE ! SVONEY MARKETS C. P, KUtiFKRiS & CO. Butter, Cheese, Grain, and Produce Salesmen, SYDNEY. V\ E receive for sale all dts:iiplion6 oi \y Pioducc, and having a connection extending throughout Al BTHAI.I& ft NEW ZKALAt^D, we are in a position, SECOND 10 NONli! for the advantegeous diransal of any line of FARM or JMJRY FBUPTJOE, HIDES, TALLOW, &0., &O. US' Oorrespocdeuce Solicited, ullOtc— -

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8272, 19 September 1888, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8272, 19 September 1888, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8272, 19 September 1888, Page 3