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IMPOETANT TO BUYERS OF DEAPERT AND CLOTHING. •W^LTEaES* WRIGHT QUOTES Special Low Prices 4u™g September in all Departments, in order to Reduce Stock prior to annual Stocktaking. 6 niece* beat Louis VelfOtcens, 4/6 5 reduced 4 pieces Striped J«fcn Shir! ing, 81 ; reduced 12 pecce new pattern Cretonntß, 9J ;n* m ibl , j t, t « 1 r> • » 01 «7 n «»^ t n to 1/6 toSM <!nccdto6d 35/- Yontla' Tweed Fuits, reduce-1 to l?/6 400 Jan's Beit Dark PnnU, 8d; reduce! to . °5'S 1b k vv e lTe»eern, 2/- ; rcducel to 3pi crs^carlet Flarnel, 1/- ; reduced to t%<l 30 pairs Long Lnce Curtains, 7/6 ; reduced 36/- Meu'a Tweed Puifi., reduced to 19/6 X /« \\. H .« t w nn^. m r«flnnpfl to Wd 1/6 B pieces White Flannel, lOd ;le need to 7J 1 to 4/6 100 Men's Colonial Tweed Suits, rcdaocl to? EOO yaids Stout Winceys, 6d , red nnd lo dja /J5 iM i: Bl 2 ck cloth Jackets 17/« ; re- 6 pieces 27 inch Grey Cali o reduced to 1/il 20 C».lore-1 Bed Covers to clear at 2/6 epch 87/6 160 yards Colored Lucres, 9d ; ief. luced to^6d 50 L..dies Black ciotn JacKeis, // , p c / , & Trou-es, reduced o 260 Tatds Colored Homespuns, l/3;redoced duc«d to /e i 64 inch Grey BheetiDg reduced to 6d »nd 7* 1 4/6 Boys' White Sbirts, reduced lo 6d each 5/9 tolOid Arnorom ,/«. M ireh Black STbii Cloth. 8/6 : redced 70inch Grey Twill Sheeting, redmed to 10i I 8/6 Boyu* and Youths' Baid Black Hat*, re- 50 Men's Tweed Yes's, reduce! to 2/6 42 inches wide Colored Cashmeres, 1/6 ,52 inch Black Hi bit worn, »/o , reucea 70 inch wh f, e Twill SheeMng reduced to ll|- ducedtol/9 10 Mtn's Hea^y t«rco»t«, leduced io 19/6 42 u'erffibek cSibmeres, 1/6; redrced to 56 inch Wi.tneyOvercoat Cloth, 26/- ; reduced 2 PiecesUnWeacHed Abb Dim-*, reduced 4/6 Men's Soft black Felt Hats, reduced to SPECIAL. Ann J /'i. „, „ , . „ _ ka *«rr i. Hmtv Twred 8/- : renuced to 1/11 3 pieces 62 inch White Table Dam. sk. re- 2/6 Ladie»' Filk Bidin? Hat*, reduced to 2/6 220 yrrda Glace Ulta, in Huue, N*Ty, 6C > >"" J /S^J/iTnVßeim. 1/3 : reduced to duced to 2/9 4/6 Men's Dreßsed Begatta fchirfc, reduced io ICO Spindles Fingering Wools, l/ll Br,wn 7/6; reduced t» 2,1 1 10J «»•!■ Heary bine Berge, i/n , reancea w4 . Uni ' sblrU , ; ednced to g^ ?/ll 60 gpindles Alloa Yarns, 2/11 3 piece. Couied Velveteens, Ss ; reduced lo W|* .^ M . teducQi tQ 4J, AU . MoI Crimean t Wrltaea, 1/3 .aud Boy^Knicker>, reduced to 5/9 Ccbcs 6 sfimakinglnlthe Premise 8 Tailoring !! Tailoring !!! Sole' A sent lor the Celebrated Kalnpoi Woollen Company's bespoke Clothing. Suits made to measure o» tlie snortest notice. 800 Patterns to choose trom. Overcoat*, Suits, Trousers a-d Tests, « r Trousers. Prices on2application to "W^LTIEIR/ WBIGHT, 1 who is now booking orders for the winter'seasoij. ggT Terms: CASH on delivery.

Coaches. &QBB S CO. l^ ROYAL MAIL LINE OF COACHES BETWEEN NEW PLYMOUTH AND OPUNAKB. OCBBECTED lIME TABLE FBO'l MAY IBT, 188tf. I>HiS Coaoh leaves Mr. Walker's * hlte Hart Hotel on Monday, Wednesday, and Fmday at 9,30 a.m. for Opunake ; returning on Tuesday, Tbubsday, and Satubday at 4.30 p.m. TIME TABLE. lo»Te»Mnd(iy, Le»Tes Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. and Saturday. a. m, *. m Now Plymouth 9 30 Opunake....... 9 3C O.kura 11 0 Lahotu 11 0 p. m. Otcato. 1 15 Pcngarehu.. . 11 30 p. ta. Fangarthn 2 30 Okato 115 Bahotu 3 0 Oakura 3 0 Cpunake arr ... 4 30 JN. Ply'cb arr 4 30 Further particulars apply to X. itobinson & Co.. a 404 te Ikopbiktobs, [bsiablished 1882.] BAHOTU COAOH BBHVIOii IO & FBOM NEW PLYMOUTH. U'VEBY BATUBDAY will leave Bahttu Pi Hotel at 5.30 a.m. Porihnkaßcid at 6.56 a.m. Pungarehu at 6a.m.; Wareaat 6.10 a.m. ; Poncho at 6.30 a.m 5 Okfeto at 7.30 a.m.; la tar a at 7.60 a.m.; at 8.10 a.m. ; Oakura at 8.45 a.m.; Omata at 930 1 a.m. Arrive at New Plymouth at 10 a.m. ' Leave iNew Plymouth at 3 p.m.; an ire , Bahctu at 8 p.m. PaeMßgers can be comfortably provided «ilth breakfast and tea at moderate charges at Ok. to, where the eofech stops balf-an-htur to ohange horses. The Coaoh leaves Oka*o every day at 8 am. for Kew Mymcuth, returning same day '1 hcrefore, people Uvirg tt » distanor, »• d tot debirous ci euob a long ride on hoiscbaok oould ride and join tLe Coach at Ukati , nhere thoir horee couid remain in a taf > phddook, free of charge, nutil tinir return In conjunction with tho above Ooach Service a Luggage Vac will run to »uit tuo convenience of paseengere' heavy luggage ko. Booking Offices : Bahotu Hotel and Ju ian'» Maecr.iostableß, Now H) mouth. For t tbw particularp, api ly to jAMbS McODLLUM, j Phopbikiob. BST FOB THE BUDGET. a 561 h DAILY COACH BKUVIOB TO AND FROM WAITABA; RIBbYM COACH leavoa tie 7aranaii Bottl kvkky mobniko, retur irq agaia in tho / riEBNOON from tLe Bridgt . cUI, Waitors. FaßEj:— birgle 2u I Letorn ... 3a 6a Goods and pc reels at low rates. J, B. KIBbY ... Propii tor, a524t0 INGLE WOOD. TARB Y~ COACH LKa.V.iS INGLEVOOD oa Wedneadays a d raturdojp, at 8.'5 a.m., far Kew ILao th. from •ew ily mouth to loglewotd 6t 3 p.m. 1 r ees loft at J. liab's i Ho el,e 1 , JStw Plymouvh cr Subtei 'c Betel, it gl wood wi 1 receive ptompt attention. Goods mo p icilj doilvercd to aiy part ol tbo town tt cheap n.tep. JAMES'JAIiBY t7oto Pio|jUtor. "The Budget." PUBLISHED WEEKLY Cout: ma ALL THENIWSLmUB WKtK. Cur Illustrated , London Kews Letter, PBIOB IHREBFEr.O£, Tarauaki HeraW Cflico, New fiyifcGuUJ.

ROYAL RAKI G POWDtR, ABSOLUTfiti: PURE ROYAL EOYAL ROYAL ROYAL BOYAL BASING BAKING BAKIKG . BAKIKG BAKING FOWDER PO* DBB POVDER rOWDBR POWDER ABSOLUTELY PURE ABSOLUTELY PURE AB3OLUrELY 1 URE ABSOLUTELY TUBE ABSOLUTELY ÜBE AB-.OLUTELY I USE ABaCLUrFLY FUPE ABSOLUTELY IU E For quick baking. Raises bread, liec it rolls, mofflna, aud ali^kinds ct c».ke, will o t the aid of yens*, saleraus, or «rei m of lartar, n-rderirg lhem lighter, rwcetei, sml more iMlatable and whok'tome. Avoids all decomposition of tbf fl-.iDr as laused byy(aa: ririnir, thereby SAViiig a Inrgo perceniage of its most nutritive eltmeuts, ranking «he flour go rne-fourth lurtbvr. Food raised by tbe Boyol Bakii g Powder rcay be e&Un hot, evej by dyspeplks, with impmuiy. Mainains its full strength in any climate any lerg'h ol time. Endorsed by thf Uni ed Stilt 8 Government bann'sts, «i dby the leadir g pbysiciacs and hygienisis of Aruerica, nd nd-p'ed for use by ibe Uniicd Nate* Government: Onaianued absolutely ptue and wkolescme. Sold only in tins. BOYAL BAKING POWDER COMPANY, 106, W»ll-slreei, Kew Yoik,,U.S.A. KS* N.P. —Agents Wanted, 210 le deduction in Price. TUB MERHANTILK ASD BA^K. fcUtIVY G^ZEITE OrT JltW ZKALAhD. IJEBTABLISBKD . 1876.1 •T ONE GUIN£AVER YEAR. -« , r i B>E above it mailed to subscriber* eye>y 1. j'ntwrdfty n-OTDicg, atd contaiut tl.t Utest information up to timt ol iasue. Putli»hed veekly. Givtg ktest infoim • tion obtbioablo of i ills of fc?*tc, Mon^gkß oi Stock, Wool Lit ns, AgncnlUiral Lmun, -mloien<», Aflßabvitt oJ an «f.ciiGn, &t., no pßtlisbw ell mhitfer* rtlmi g to Lftnktuptcy, LKttcn Patent, kc t BAMPLB COI-Y fcK*«T FBiSK OM APPUCATIOH Ihe Mercantile and Jiankrujrtcy Oatettt \u% tow enUicd its 'lustb \v&& oi existence; attl, encouraged fey iv F«' sockets, tbe /loprieior begs to aaiure b)» numeiovi «b»crii3*i» tbrougbout tto colony that neither labor nor expeinc will be pparea m iust>iiiing Us prtetnl oceerved r«pu»ation as tbo relmble circnlar of its kind in Aew Zeblwjd. . ihe linll-yearly Icdex vill, in fntnre, ba teirted S6por»tel) , at an astta cltflrgc ol *A*e tfb»Hiig»rerftn»juru. Jht MeicuntiJe u*d Bwrwuptcy Ga»etto it tc tily OfcecUc lot IU. cvlo_y, published m boi«..— euHciipuou Yrith '.i-Uex, iJI 6b p r ..i.vvii; } vUtioti in< t*, <di in, FAYABIK I* ltm.u ce»itoi» of tttbtctibiDg to the ohiifcim will piei.a» »cncl tLtir and a.l. rcskes to H. T. WHKELEK, 8, Mbfloid-stieet, L'tnedin or to ihe local ogem ~c,W.GOV*XT bUUt

Spring l Summer Drapery GRAND OPENINd SHOW OF F. A. Ford's First Shipment OF M-e^SS! AMP iBALfi of ©f IMIK&L f || ■ill DRAPERY AHD CLOTHING, 1 11 1 per 8.8. Tainoi, pereonallyv selected by Mr. P. A. lord in the London and Home Market?, at ENORMOUSLY LOW PRICES <£&. On FRIDAY, 14th SEPrEMBER, when the New Plymouth Pnblio will hare an opportunity of inspecting the ViiRY LATEST FAbHI NS. WAH the Goods hare ben BOUGHT FOR CASH ; therefore customers can rely on securing Goodß at; almost Engli&h Prices. C' U'TnY OCT6. TOMER-j specially invited to give an early call, when they will find they can Purchase Drapery 1 1 Pricf s almost v heard of in New Plymouth, and therefoio tare their railway fare nnd town expenses. Some Special Job Lines io all Departments at Fabulously Low ) Ric s. I^OTrO THE ADDRESS— 17 4 rnniv oheapsids house, JU . A . r Ulli/j NEW PLYMOUTH. Itiifrit>C6S Turds. Ktatite's Congb Lizesges — Be Betnedy M4VVTUN KkNG, — I A DufiONElß, 041T1.8, AKD STO.K Kiatlng's Cough Lczeuges 1\ bALKcMAN, I Ettate, aad General Ccmmiasion, Keatiak » B Couch Loz Hg6B Agent, j3 e6 (; Bcmetiy Devon Sibekt, Ms" ltTiiorxn. — I ' to — Keatiug'B Cou?h Lozeoges Be:t Rimeiy ALFRED BUOKLAIND, Keating's Cough Lozenges 01 1 a i* i jßest em 9 y Stock Auctioceer and Commission Agent, **"*»*'* OottihUz ** B <\ B ti^ pabt.cvlarl* fob Keatugt Coufeh Lcze&gis FARM rROrUCB, VOOL, ASb IllbKi "AS X JDOCXUK WILL TELL YOU 1 tttie is do Letter Uoigti TT -, , „ ■, 1 , Me«icioe than iiJSATINti' XiayiLarket.. AUCklaDa. , iXZbNUat. Oncgive* relief; tt2 tf ' b '* If joj fiuffor from ocufch trj nkl „,,,, u(ln , M ' ; thorn Lutouoe; tLey »«^cuie yhIUH-HUalti v 0 wid t. c, mil not ji.j..r o j«u rrwpwn uifRi'HAKTu *TV if ii-TTCh bcbltu; they ooLtuiii o 1 the H VK ON SALE — jold fcVtrj Wheie Iv llnb tJlly. BbiVeib Ufi'tinul nhri PAi.fertu n^mgh ami fccrim Keating s C ough Lozenges One, Hj-iuis, un>t Colo s Beet ii medy Ponlaml (JeiLent, Btst Screo ed Coal ■ J FeiciLg wue, uurugaied lrou. Keating's Cough Lozenges 1 *"""""" Beat J.emedy A B'-, ot tha . ALBION MILL ,— Keating's Cough Lozenges I Fine Bone Dubt of onr own mn ufaeturu Best K'.k edy (wairame > gouuku) — VSL or Who^a.., caff. Keating's Cough LomgM _ im, Blui 1 emedy AIhtiOAJSIILH. (stAZtul'lE. ~ ~\ ' ~ T~~Z Keating s Cough Lozenges . JiK tiI'BSCUiPIIOSi to this valuable B«s. Remedy X :ecoru ol fcaukreptek*, »;iIU cf tiftle, _— iiortgagbg oi Stuck, Ac , Q/.6 iA.tu hHV UVhD iriicuung iubecriban .« rft 4 «.estal lo te..u iieaiUlg S L-OUgn JjOZtDgCB i . i.nei: o^ac« &t wst to the wiopri«n r. " MifIUJS is v T wnvMiTC.i no hotter romedj in iho vhole K. T, W DKJfiLKti, wcr , d fof feU tougfa nlid lhn . at . . « r.-l~ tioubw tun K«aU^l'o oj l O h.GUVKII LOZtS^Gr!;K— nnj iuedio%laia iv t.vnostrj vill BBBUrd you of this Utt — Belli £ia Bpttd> ; h j 00-t la ifcGJLIiWOOD AQEJSOr. no stroa,; no kg, t>ui — simplo lra^«{ t c most delicate MB. T. McCABIBY ia ftutkoriaed tt. o»o In them, fcold in Udb r«.c*ivo AovertiiemeiiU andPtinlitij ol?. iOt 110 lAJKAHABI HH»Atl' BH* 1 fcUDObX. 3 » W »1 8Q

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8271, 18 September 1888, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8271, 18 September 1888, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8271, 18 September 1888, Page 1