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THE GREAT CASH SHOP, W. 13. CL •r.. Show of Spr ing and Snm mer Goods, out of the We are no w opening n p our # irs t RiUochan, Tainui, whic h will be fou nd the best following bo ats s Crusade r, Whanipoa ' c j ( i nc i]V as t our M e nds to come and have a value ever i mported int o TaranakL mse i ves as t o prices, look for the mseives, and see tor the T . p v i Jt VV. JIUUI H/3 owi«syM<SE[R,,

Shipping. 1 USIOV STEAMSHIP (XiMI'ANT _ OP NKW ZEALAND (Lwifed) ll^lLLrespfltch Steamers r 8 indet from VV the Breakwater (weather »n other l circumstaoces permitting : — j FOR MANDKAUWAK/iKA on WEDNESDAY, 19th Fcp'ember TAKAPUNAon BATDBDAy,22nd Sep'emhei. WAHAKA on WEDN ESDAT, 26th September , FOR SOUTHERN PORTB- J Wanaka on SATURDAY, 2 ltd Seplerr ber. F TAKAPUNAon WKDNE -DAY, 26 h ppt —■ ■ ■ L FOB SYDNEY (FROM AUCKLAND)— * Mababoa on TUESDAY, 2ad October. &PECIA.ITsERVIOE Between Manukau *nd LyttelU>n, Via Ne ♦ riymouth and Wellington. The ss, WANAKA, iß^ tons, £00 h.p.,m1l be derpatched fiom New Plymouth for A Manukau eteiy Wtdnesdf-y Afie'noon, nnd for Wellington and Lyitcltoneverj Ban r c*ay r Men in/. Passengers booiced throvgh to London by Orient Line, 4 CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION * OPENS Ist AUGUST. EEDUC E F F A R E & Return Ticke s (available for three months) —Saloon, £18 ; steerage, £11. GT Offices: Brodshah Street. .«i - NORTHERN Jb*^. STEAMSHIP 00. (Liuitkd.) IIMKIABIE FOR SEPTEMBBB. (WeathorandothereircancataDcetperraittirg) FOR t NEBUNGAFrom Waitara— GAIBLOCH, s.p,, from Waiters, on TUB* DAY (18th), U 6.30 p.m. Gaibioch, s.s., from Waitara on FRIDAY (21st;, at 10 p.m. FABEB: Saloon, oingle £1 10s; return, £2 10s. Steerage, single, £1 ; return, £1 10s. i 19~ Fhkight : Cattle, 15s c-.cb ; Sheep. Is each ; Cargo, 12s 6d per ton 83" Cargo must be booked and alongside one hour before sailing. Pi)ss?.ge Tickets must Ye 'nVrn itt the Comi pany's Office, or on board pricr to tailing. W. I). WEE6TER, > " < Agent. Fnlforr'-strreet, Ken Pljroonlh ; and Vff-t Qiisy, Waitora. , Pet.trmbgr 1^ '»"•» n> >c JD^IRY M'IWDUCK. WOOD, BUMn <E ©0., Ld., 9, MAPKKT fcTREET, MELBOURKE. ALL Icings of Farm find D«ry Produce rcevci and sold on Commistion. resul' s b< i. g j n rnpily rrmitttd. Agencies in I'r^lunt), Qu'frsland, South Ans nl «», «td W- s cru A- s talia, A gen: s for bi 6t leue's i n«l Anratto. Rt.iiltTß : " i :i- n 1 ! a< k of Aus r.ilrsi . Wcelly rerofsi.ib'ibleit^in ttis j niral ' an-i »jeiihl r«p nsft rwßr'ci«n»fpliratiin. ' « able adtirers : " Agrr," Melbf ur: c. \ ( one i pont lentiI enti are epcciilly rcqntsted to address in /till to ' iV'OOD, DUNN A Co. Ltd, i 9, MAIKET MLEET WKIBCU-NF. ' i hlpy2l i rlfNßi UiiSTOK KEYSTONE Sawv Tool Steel, and File "Works.' PHILADELPHIA, P.A., U.^.A, ' CIRCUHR, VR TICAL, GR^At AMEKiCAN at;d (( x Nr-M»N Cft S'-OOT AND HA DSjWP, PIUKS, «fee., t c bfcßt in tho world, IN ERIKD TOOTiI OIRCULAHS, H.>vobcen a*nrrfed tbe Hfghcsf Ptemiums ntttll heWorli's Great Faiif. Moulder? TooU, Machinists' Steel Squares, Brick and Plastering Trowels, Ettles, Levels, de. n AUSTHAL'AN AGENCY AND DKtOT— I W.H.BLAKELEY, 116, Ilussel -street, MM BOURNE (KtXT TEMPKRAiJOK HALL).

Salts by Auction. WAIWAKAIHO. THURSDAY, BEPTEMBER 2\ NEWTON KING Will sell by auction at bis Yard*, Waiwakaiho, on (he above da'e, — PA OALVES AND YBARLI G8 O V_/ 20 18-montl sto 2-year Steers 25 3-year Steers 40 S o:b Cows - 20 v'owb inca'f 5 Springing Heifers 5 Springing Cows 12 Fat. Cows 1 Bui). Pale at 1 o'clock. t\l67hbFpJ9 T 0- M O R R 0 W. NEWTON KING Has received iostrcctions from Ihe Hon. Ht. Fctlahd (who is leaving the colony), to sell by auction at his t evidence, Te Henui, on the above date,— !BK whrle of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITUbE, &c, consisting of— DRAWING-ROOM — 1 Wabut Oval, Coffee, Occasional, Card, nnd Small Tables 6 Walnut Chairs, 2 Esr Chaiis, I'rufseln Carpet and Bug ? Walnu C'reff nier (marble top md glass back), very Handsome Draw-ing-rcom Clcck, Parian Figtres, Pic nrcs, Handsome Bnt del-wood Ladle*' Woiklxx Large Mirror, Canterkury, Fender ard Irots LINT G- ROOM— Maucgry Dicing Extension Table (4 leaves). 6 Marog»ny Chairs in lent he-, Handsome Mahogany i'eboatd »nd Burcnn, 1 Teksoope ouch (care b.=ck), 2 Fol log Cane Chairs, Piano in Rosewood, Fender and I-ons, Epergne, Chess Board of N.Z. woods, Portfolio Envelope, and Inkstnnd in *al n*, new Brussels Carpet and Ru(r, Pole and Cnrtainr, Hnrdsome Orn • ments. Brorza, Minor. HALL - Small TaUe, RaU L mr, Flootjloth, Butler's Tr y, very feandeomily c rvtd Maori Pud le. BEDROJMS — 3 Famished B drcm', p«ilh CLests J raweis ("esk), Ei«'er Pown guilts, W'arJiobe, 2 te^iig Machines, and isual Furniture. KircaßM, &c— Ki'then Ulei sis ot »11 ciede, Washing Machine and Mangle com>ined . SUfcD IB?— 0- pper Boiler. Sale at 1.30. as3brpl2H 17 18 bIS SATURDiT, SBPTEMB-K 22. NEWTON KING laa received instructions f:om Mr. F. i tohb (who is leaving for Ms.lbo"r:ie) *o tell by auction at h s mut, on the abore date,— rHB WHOLE of bis STO( K-IN-TR-iDB of Wutchcs, (.locks. Jewellery of every lescription, Tcbacconis" s' and Fancy Good?, cc., Jcj, " EVfRYrHUQMUfiTFE OLD. Salo at 2.3) o'clock. 1 a<Borp2la < 80rp21 To Let aad ±*or Sale FOR SAIiE OR LEAbE, 10 and 21. Oal.ura lisfriot, O containing 1 1 1, acre, in th<i » cs" |ar if her'i^rct; all level; clore o Mhia K««n«h Soad. Low purch'Mng ilauEe, »ii-l txej.ionally liberal terms as to Jem at d iDelMcents. C. W. GO\E'T, ailc-3 tolic : 'or. FJbaV-A, 6e',iou 91ft, Nj: " wit *.--oto«-'. fo-* « •• places, He pb. Wnsl-'iou^r, Pump, a"d Ftriace for Foilcr. For p«r« : cnlai» «IU-ly ti B. BAYLKY. H> Jsts^^g Lord Hi v nswooi ©y^^^yvjp^ ... t(( -Ti.t. f.ivoutitn W»WSJ^»J^ ( I'i*> SDALB T LLI >5, \\ 11 Lts nnd ihW rb Ron at <* Kt.. • oby'b > » tnun, Fid. Ulo k. "Uinis 55< pi n ri. All | niliculmu cun loublunul 1 üm it 73 Ibd3l GEO. Hi'lY. NOTtC . lIIKG to pnrounce t.» my cus'omcrs nr.d the generiil pub Tic ilint 1 ha c Id my \o Mr. J. lAf-HBilcoK anil Mr. W. 0. FLY. to vi h m I coi fidi nlly hope yon * ill 3[ : ve the tame t-n\ port bs Ihi vc ice- ivi din he p. at, for wkicti 1 icuirn sincere thai ks. WILLIAM REVBLL. September Ist, 18S8 In taking over thealove business we hope to receive ihe same mount of pa rjimgo i>s iliai b'.s' on onr predcceEsor. J' HN LA MI B HOOK WILLIAM CHA >. FRY. JOaS LASUBROOK", Wheelwright, Coaohbui der, aud Machinist. All kin-s ( f Vchl bs, frrra aT n 1 da i 'o a Wh- tlbinov, mi<°e to' order a- d r»|Bie'. Oeann g Machines. Thrashing Mbcli m:h a d Feed Drills made to ordtr. V\o!kn,ori'hip Buaror.teed. lunctial to i m •, a d cUrg s moderate. W. C. FRY, Horpeshoer, ' onch, Machine, and General Smith. Agr'culturf.l Implements undo to rrder find lepairtd. Plough nn.l Ma. hire F.tiii g* always on hand. Vorkmaihp cnA be beater. Tjial so' cited ( 115 hb 08 DEMY 3 AT ; E DAtfOEROUS ! OOVr till you we ho e'efsly i I, but obtain timtly and juuiiious treatment 81 tbe SANATORIUM iv Vivian-s'ieet. wheie a vonety of bn'h md n- her appliances iro v ed, aoor ir.g to 'he meltoisof t c fi.inou« Hanatcriom in floot land, tstablished by the late Dr. Kirk, which Mts. COL 1 8 has recently visited, ' - QUALIFIED ATTB "DANTB for ladies or ge :tlen.?n Pal ents visited at ■ heir own lioroep, and ml vice -rn\ instruction niver, S'ffirera iiom f-pii al and olhei wetkt.csses shouM at once tty •• WMsage' —the new i orve-ioo 1 ning 'reatment. Apt ly f.r teims and circulars at I ■ SAUNInd HQUBF* wfcere visitors »nd boerdeii will still find i pletisn i home with charge to nil the Umri

A Card.— An important discovery is announced in the Paris Figaro, of a valuablo remedy for nervous debility, physical exhaußtior, nnd kindred complaints. The discovery was made by a missionary in Old Mexico ; it sarod him from a misernbie existence end premature decay. The Rev. Joseph Holmes, Bloomsbury Mansions, Bleomebury Square, London, W. 0., will send the prescription, free of charge, on receipt of a self addressed stamped envelope. Mention this paper. hb tths

F. B. S. HaVl^O bongnt from SaTgood, Pon, & E»en Owen & Grnhpm's Ftock of c amp!es at a liberal discount, tbe public m»y Look Out for Greatßargains ts the Goods will te sold at WHOLESALE T)B10FS, HOLES^I E X BIOEB, and several lines at less than cost, THE ABOVE SALE WILL CONIIMJE — 1 14 DAYS — !H|LO.\GFK — Durinp tbe Fcntteen Days I shall effer roy en* ire ftock of U R A. I 3I 3 £i X V at a SLIGHT ADVA^CE ON COST PRICc. The Goodeare veil krowu. No low-priced Rubbish Bo not lose this opportunity ef seeming Genuine Bargains. During this sale Men's ClothiDg, Shirts, Flannels, Hosiery; &c, should not be overlo krd if economy is north c Esi'leration. M. A. BOWEN. PDBLIU BENEFIT DBAPERY AND GBNEUAL PROVISION SroRES 930 hb tc WATCH THIS SPACE FOR D. RUMNETS NEW Advertisement & 09 bb n 27 Notice Notice SALF OF Ironmongery AND I gENEPAL H ARDWARE /pBB unfl^raigned inltndirg to RETIRE I*ROM BUSINESS et bood as the stock is bo ill i nt'y reduced to offer ii one lot, will quo c r SPECIAL PRICES * to Country Store* e» pers and other i 3 during th > * urient Quarter, The flock co-uists of tbe Newest and Bas I Goods, being direct importations from I tl.e English, American, and Continental Markets. I After March 31st, the Stoc [ Goodwill, and Freehold, lease of premises, will be fo sale in one lot. All accounts due on September 30tl hst and KEMAJNING UfIbiTTLBI \»iilbe placed in tolicitor's hands fo at recovery, and those due on J>ecembe »n 31st Trill be similarly plrced afte er March 4th b" Afier 'bis New Accoun'a will be openeJ. D. BERRY, Ironmonger, n B Brooflrh»m^tr»«»t Kei» rijnoutn. vo U2 bb

WANIED,— BUSHMKNfor Maunghkaietu— iwelvo ur mire. Apily for partionlars, on thn g out d, to W. Wisdom, manßger for O. Low is ; or Cffice of this Paper, al79sp2' TO HO SB BREEDER*. MB. M. P. BAIRD will visit New Plymonth wih the Thoroughbred Stallion, Punißl, on BATUBDAT, the 22nd insta- t, wilh a view to making arrangements with > or. r e breeders for the coming Beaton. Pofiui miy te seen at Honeyfiekl's Stables. alßl sp2l IN Bankruptcy. — la the Superior Court cf Taranak', holdcu at New Pljimutb.Notice is hereby given that lie '-oiirthas appointed Thursday, the isth day of October, at 11. SO a.m , for hearing uiy applicat on for an rrHer for mv immediate iischa»-pe — Dated tb*s 18th day of September, 1688.— William Humphries. alB2 spi» i A i »h« w THE DE BCRGH ADAMS LODGE, No. 416, i.o. REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING attl c Masonic Lodge Rocm, Kobe-street, Tomobbow (Wednesday) Evening, September 19'.h, »t 7.30 o'clock. alB3 sp"9 THE IDEAL RNK COMPANY, HAVING disposed of most rf their Ska' es, bate dec ded to CLOSE their RINK. Only a few pairs cf Ladies' left, which will be sold cheap. ai77splß TO THE SETTLED OP STRAT. FOBD ANO MIDHIBST. MP. W.'OOURTNBY will hold a MEETING at i he Town Hall, Stratford, on Wed2J_BD*Y, 19.h instant, in. refsre cc to the I' utter Trade and ImmigraMon; at which ie w'll abow some ot the views >>y la- tern as thown in England, also some pictire* illusrMing the life of the lato Ge-eral Gordon. Chairman— George Curtis, Esq. Doors open at 7.30, C h ir at 8. Adm'ssion rec;, but a col'cclion will be made to defray expenses. - a 174 rplß Amupements WRLLiyOTOX iGLITE KOLHEK SKaTIN^' KINK. ALEXANDRA HALL. rpHE Rick will be open on T EtDATS, 1 THUBSPAT3, aid bATCBDATS, at the usual h nrs. BAND AS USUAL. ©• ADMISSION Mowing (ladies only) Free .-ka'ea 6<l Afternoon—Lades (inclnding 61 Go- tlcmen „ „ Is Evening— Ladies „ „ Is Gentlemtn „ „ Is U. P ICE, ?15 h *c M PPgtT. BY PERMISSION OF I*l HON. COLOHIL SECRETARY. H. GILMOUB'B GRAND AET UNION cv Workß of Art, Pictures, and Fretwork 100 Prizes, value £150 300 Tickets .~ «< — 10s each 10 Per Tent of procee 's in aid of Becreation Grounds, Now 1 'ymouth. Best Soleotion of Goods ever offered to the public. £ d, Ist Prize, valued nt 2110 0 X: •■ - ::: :::1 l! iiy, .. „ 0 15 0 J t J " " 812 0 0 '» " X n n 7ih „ , * ° ° 7 2 Prizes, valued at £3 10s ath... 7 0 0 1 , „ „*BPb ... 3 3 0 a , „ „*3eflch ... 9 0 0 2 " , „ *2 10s e?c' ... 5 0 0 4 , „ „£1 10s cth .. « 0 0 28 ,', „ „»68«ach ... 21 0 0 40 „ „ „6s each ... 12 0 0 lOlTPitees £J6O 0 0 Piizes can be seen at A. fcliffliu's Eroueh in«B»reet. '•ickets fr m numbers of Kecroatior Grounds Board, A, MciH n, and J. Gilmoor. To >c dr-<wn by a '. (tnmitlee of Eub BcrifcerB ' r. oiLinup. Ktw PI, mouth. r47htn th b i»i£2 MOKEY TO LENP, I N sniall or 1 rpe sums, on good Frcebol \ s-cniitirs, at current ra'es. OLIVER SAMUEL, Solicitor Kew Plymouth. 901 to W. Y. BROOKING BUILDER, CARPENTER, CABINETMAKER UKOERTAKER^ &C, &C. Plar& and T'stimates Preparec DEVON STBEET, W (Mr. George's Old Premises) j NEW PLYMOUIH. 919 bp

Onb Box of Clarke's B 41 Pills is wnrraated to cure all discharges from the Urinary Orgnne, in either sex (acquired or constitutional), Gravsl, and Painn in the Bnck. Guaranteed free from Mercury. Sold in bcxep, 4n 6d encli, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors / Sole Proprietors, The Lincoln . and Midland Counties Drug Co., Lincoln, Enelund. Flolloway's Pills and Ointmknt — No pnrt of the hnmnn mncrrm nqnirrs more wfticbinpr thnn the nfrvona b\B cm — upon it bangs hfulth nnd life itself. These Pills ore the best regulators and strengthen fa of tbe nert- ps, nnd It:© safest general purifiers. Nauneo, hendnchp, piMiness, numbneFP, and mental apathy yield to them. They dispntdi in a summary tianner those distressing dyspeptic symptom?, stomachic pnins, fulness nt tho pit of the stomach, abdon.inal distension, and overcon.e both capricious appetites and confined bowels — tho commonly accompanying tigna of defective or deranged ncrvotiH power. Hollowaj's Pills ar? particularly recommended 1o persons of studious and seden'ary bnbils, who gradually sink info a nervous and debili'ated Btate, nnless some such restorative be occasionally taken, bb sep22 "For tub Blood is the Life." — Clarke's World-famed Blood Mixtob? is warranted to cleanse the blood from_ nil impurities from whatever cause arising. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, fikin ond Blood Diseases, and Sores of all kinds, its effects uro marvellous. Thousands of testimonials. Sold in bottles, 2s 9d nnd lie ench, by Chemists and Putent Medicine Vendors everywhere. Sole Proprietors The Lincoln and Midland Counties Diutg Co., Lincoln. En?l<i'>rl. It in— "A MittACULoud Halvb."*— Forclemsinc ,md healing ulcerat-f) Bad Lets, Boil? Abacepseß, Fleers, Unrns, Scolds, one Wounds of oil kinds, "Clarke's Miiucu LOtJS Salvb" is supeisedinK everything Its curative properties in Earache, Sciatica Lumbago, &c, are wonderful. Sold ev< rv where in pots at Is I£<3, 2s 9.1, and 4s 6 each. Proprietors, The Lincoln ani Midland Counties Dauo Co, Lldcole I England, b trt-

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8271, 18 September 1888, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8271, 18 September 1888, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8271, 18 September 1888, Page 3