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IMPOBTANT TO BUfEBS " OFJ>B!AEEBY AND CIOTHING, IIUOTES Special Low Prices fcring September in all JJ Departments, in order to Redtice Stock prior to annual • ■_. : | 6 piece, tat Lo»i. Tehcttens, 4/6 ; lodnced 4 piece; , Stripe! to Shlrling, 8d ! rea»eed 12 p'^ Oretoimes, 9d ,»• ■ 400 y .resBe.t D arU Print., U; redacoi •• Ve ,, eteeM , „.; K a-ced to , pC.'Sj-tet^BA^ ; SOP.U.L..H L.« o«>t.iß., 7/6 , red.ced 3^.M^. Tw-JBdJJ ««» O^£ d lo S&SSSJSS^.^SSfi.'K 60 2L* Uf o.oth ft** IT/., r, B 6?=,ra ß^d all: o' B duced ». M •O^^Cjj-J.-gJg.-* Bo ffi. 6lronglweed .«, ."I'ST 1 ? J^^n. 1/6- reduced to 56 inotVitney Overcoat Cloth, 25/. ; reduced 2 Pieces Dnbleaohed T.ble Damesk, reduced 4/8 H* . Boft bl*k Felt Hatß, rednced SPECIAL. -K^S^ -..a^saMMrtas ;S«=.r^: *&*?**% »*«%*- 3 piecel oJU Velveteens, 2b ; red DC ,d lo Mjjd M . rednced to \ Jj* All . wool orimf an' thirty 1/3 aud Boys; Kn,cker Out* reduced to 6/9 (sue- 6 BRffia]dng^ the Premißca l/b J 6( j 1/6 * * 9 Tailoring!! TTailoring !!! "WALTBE/ WfeIGHT, who is now booking orders for the mnterseason. ; ifi^r Terms : CASH on delivery.

Coaches. GQBB & CO.'S a EOTAL MAIL LINE OP COACHES • BBTWEBN B NEW PLYMOUTH AND OPTJNAKE. j OCBBEOTSD TIME TABLE FBOYt MAY j IST, 1888. nPHJfi CoaohleavM Mr.Walker'a White Hart 1 Hotel on Moin>AT, Wkdmbsdat, and j FUDAYat 9.30 a.m, for Opanake 5 returning on Tobbday, Thubsdax, and SatubdAT at 4.30 p.m. TIME TABLE. Lewes Msnday, LeaTes Taesday, Wednesday, . Thursday, and Friday. and Saturday. a. m, a. m New Plymouth 9 30 Opunake 9 30 Oakura.. 11 0 Bahotu 11 0 Ofcato* 1 15 Pnngarehu.... 11 30 p. m. Pungarehu 230 0kat0......... 115 Bahotn 3 0 Oaknra 3 0 Opunakearr ... 430 N. Ply'tharr 430 Further particulars apply to r i\ Kobinson & Co.. a 404 tc Pbofbiktobs. Established 1882.] BAHOTU OOTOH SBRVIOB 1 10 * FBOM NEW PLYMOUTH, T?VEBY BATUBDA* will leaTe Bahctu [\l Hotel at 5.30 a.m. Parihaka Boed at 6,65 a.m. Pungarehu at 6 a.m, ; Warea at 6.10 a,m. ; Puneho at 6,80 a.m. j Obato at 7,30 a.m.} latara at 7.60 a.m.; Ahu-thu at 8.10 a.m. ; Oakura at 8.46 a.m. ; Omata at 930 a.m. Arrive at »«w Plymouth at 10 a.m, Leavo Sew Plymouth at 3 p.m.; arrive Bahotu at 8 p.m. Passengers can be comfortably provided with breakfast and tea at moderate charges at Okkto, where the coach stops hai£-*a-kt,ur 10 change norsea. The Uoaoh leaves Okato every Wednesday at 8 a.m. for New Plymouth, returning same day Therefore, people living at a distance, aid act desirous of euob. a long ride on horeebaok; oould ride and join tbe Ooaoh at Okato, where their horse oonld remain in a pafa paddook, free of charge, until their return In conjunction with tte above Ooach Service a Luggage Yaa will tun to.»t»it the convenience of passengers' heavy luggage Booking offices : Bahotu Hotel and Julian's \^ aeonlo btablep, New Plymouth. For fTtbsr particular?, apjly to jAMBJS McCULLUM, Pbopbibtob. fgr -AGENT FOB THE BUDGET. 8661 h DAILY COAOH BBRVIOJB TO AND FKOM WAITAKA. KD3BYM OOAOH leaves tbe Taranaki Hotel bveby mobnino, retur^Dg again in the AFTfiBNOON from tbe Bridge l otel, Waitnra. FABEd :— Sirglo 2b I Keturn ... 3a 6d Goods and parcels at low rates. J, B. KIBBY ... Proprietor. a524t0 - INGLEWOOD. TARE Y~ OOAOH I EAVES INGLES OOD oa Wednesdays Jj acd taturdayß, at 8.15 a.m,, for New ll,n.oith. Fromxew Plymouth to IngletL fe'it'at Julian'B TarnnaU Hoe), New Plymouth or Suktea'a Hotel, itglcwood wi 1 receive prompt attention. Goods uno patceli doJiveicd to any part of the town &t cheap rates. JAMEI3 TABBY 670t0; Propiietor. "The Budget." PUBLISHED WEEKLY Contains ALL THE NEWS OK THM WEEK. Our Illustrated London News Letter, &c, &0., Ao. PBIOB IHREEPEKOE. TaranaW Beral* Office, New fiynoutb,

ROYAL BAKIfi6 POWDER, ABBOLUTBLI PURE BOYAL BOYAL BOYAL BOYAL BOYAL BAKING BAKING BAKING BAKING BAKING POWDBB POWDBB. FOWDBB POWDEB POWDBB ABSOLUTELY PUBB ABSOLUTELY PUBB 1 ABSOLUTELY IUBB ABSOLUTELY PUBB ABSOLUTELY ÜBB ABSOLUTELY PURE ABbOLUI-BLY PUBB ABSOLUTELY IUBB For quick baking. Boises biead, bisciit. rolls, mnffios, aud aJi;kinds of cake, without the aid of yeast, saleraius, or ereun of tartar, rendering them lighter, tweeter, and more i {datable and *hole«ome, Avoids all decomposition of tbe floor as caused by yrast rising, thereby saving a large percentage of its most nutritive elements, making the flour go cne-fourth lurther. Food raised by the Koyal Bakirg Powder may be eaten hot, even by dyspeptics, with impunity. Maintains its full strength in any climate bdv length ot time. Endoised by th« Umud StHtts Govp'Dment • hami'sts, Mid by tbe leadiDg physicians and hygienists of America, and achpied for use by the United btates Government. Guaranteed absolutely pure and wholesome. Sold only in tins. ROYAL BAKLKG POWDER COMPANY, 106, W»U-street, New Yoik,;U.B.A. tST N.B.— A gents Wanted, 210 tc deduction In Frice. TUB MERCANTILE AND BANKBUtTOY GAZEITE OB 1 JEW ZEALAWD. I_BBXABLIBHBD 1876.1 «r ONE GUIN^JPER YEARi •** ' -i t -HE above ia mailed to aubscriberb eveiy 1 1 Saturday morning, »*d contaiii« tbe latest information up to time of issue. ' Publiebed weokly. Givt-s latest inform-. tton obtainable of Jt>Uls of Bale, MortK*gtß oJ « Btock, Wool Liens, Agncultuiai Litus, J-aii-f ments. Affidhvits o! oubafuction, &(.., tmi pablisheß all matter* relating to htrnkiuptcy, uSSI* COPT' 6EMT FREE ON APPLIOATIOK. « 2Ad Mercantile and Bankruptcy Gatettt " ha! bow enured us Tbntk Kba* of ) exigence i and, encouraged by iU past solcees, the Proprietor begs to a»ure his OTmSoui«tacriD-w Uiioughout the colony that neither labor oor expei-te will be upartu In witßining its prweni ucwrved reputation as thomott reliable circular of Us kind in ''The^alf.Searly Index *Ul, iv tutuxe, be . iMUßdßeperatelj.atenexuachwgooi Dive bl a 1 h« 6 Se«in l ul« U w»'<i Baiutruptey Oazette i» tbe Oniy GfcteU* for tbo colony, pubhshed w Ntw J^alnnd. Ijloie.— bubucripiioc wUb index, hi 6s p.r «L K utt j wtthouwm «x, *1 1«, PAYABLE **> Al UmmS de»iro..» of iubocribing to the u»>«ue will piewe wnoj^^" 111 !,' « ndort«ei to Jtt T. WBEELEB, No. 8, etanord-street, Uunedin or to too Ivcal mow ~c,W.aoY*IX mv

SpriiiglSuihmer Drapery GEAND J OPENING SHOW - OF V F. A. Ford's First Shipment m OF DRAPERY AHD CLOTH JHG, Q|J ' per 8.8. Tftinni, personally selected by Mr. F. A. Ford J in the London and Home Markets, at F ENORMOUSLY LOW PRICES £& On FRIDAY, 14th September, 1 when the New Plymouth Pnblio will - have an opportnnity of inspecting the VERT LATEST FAbHIuNS. W All the Goods hare been BOUGHT FOR CASH ; therefore customers oan rely on securing Goods at almost English Prices. COTJNThY OUaTOMEES specially invited to give an early call, when they will find they can . Purchase Drapery at Prices almost uoheard of in New Ply month, and therefoio cave their railway fare and town expenses. Some Special Job Lines in all Departments at Waboloosly Lovr Fbiccs. KOTB THE ADDRESS— , IT \ T7ADTA CHE APSIDB HOUSE, ' ♦ A . h ORD) NEW PLYMOUTH. , i Bußine&s Cards. I Keating'a Cough Lozenges^^ Bemedy * OuKOTM^IT^AHD STOCK Keating's Cough LozenWß^ A. bALBaMAN, .etna, EBtate, and General Commission, Keatiuk's Cough Lozenges Agent, Best Bemedy DKYON SIBKKT, HEW iLTMOUTa. , — > »•- ta— Keating's Cou?h Lozenges Boet Bemoay ALFRED BUOKLAND, Keating^ Cough Lozenges Best emejy Stock Auctioneer and - fi — r-r — — . Commission Agent, aeatinß>B Ooußh Lozenge8 Bc 8 t j***, pabt.cui/arlx roB KeatiDgß Cough Lo2eng€B FARM PRODUCE, WOOL, ASU HIDBB "Ajx Dootok W it,LTßL^ Mortioioe than iiBATINU'c HaVmarket. Auckland. L i,OZh,»aKe. One gives relief; ' htt'2 \b tc it y Oll Buffer from ooufch try — — — thorn but once ; they ivillcme. UU Ul l JL is. V^ Oh.i ti i> t» . v,. Rnd tnej rciW not jnjure yO ui °fII>MBMBBOHAHI**W>OBW*. ' Hva on salb — t told over) where in tinßcnJy. Builders' Material ana — — — SilX^wJSim Keating's Cough Lozenges Oils, I'aintß, and Uolois Beat Btmedy Poriland Ueaient, Btst Screeced Poal — " FeLciug Wiie, Coirugated Iron. Keating's CoUgil LozengeS . -— . BestJtemedy A!bp, at the _ _ ; ALBION MILL ,- Keating's Cough Lozenges Fine Love Dnßt of our own macufacture •' BtsbtKeiiedy ! (wairanlea genuint) — — — — — » eunno . «,u In* nu a Keating's Cough Lozenges dusted or Whole Oats, Chaff. ° ° Bcßt isei edy j Devon a*d queen etbketb. Keating's Cough Lozenges t m^ mmm^ mmmmm^^mmmmm^mmmm^^^^mmmmmmmmm #*** l 6^B^ J , 4 RE SUByCBJPTION to thia vwluablo ****' Hemody a J. jecoid ot Baukrbptcnt, Bills of tsale, . — ■ Mortgage* of Btock, to, hut ix-ea UJSDUOiSD c irom In Jaly to Vtr& WUINJtA per aijnnm. TTpo+ina'g CoUgh LozengeS i. thei, n«m t . *t o,cc w U ie pxopneur. nO LTr remed, in tbo whole i li. *. WiifißLfcb, wor ]d for hll cough and threat uIL OW. GOVICIi lOZBNGKS— any medical aia» r New fivnouth assure you of this f«ot — — Belief ia Bpetdy ; hey ooLtaio IKQJJ.WOOD AGENCY. »L£S**^™?L& ? TV /IB T. MoOABXEY ia authorised to oan m them. Sold ia Hob v -M. 'rective AdvertiiexnenU and ftlntlng • uIT« - . fln

... 3a 6d

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8270, 17 September 1888, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8270, 17 September 1888, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8270, 17 September 1888, Page 1