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ka Old Established AMP Popular Medioine j>AXTBR'S Long Preserver hag been ssT : J> taHUshed over ft quarto? of a century ■sad pßtroßited by all ronks of. society, and anjoya t. success napato'/ealdi. Qonsuoiption, ('oughs, Oolds, Sronohiti i Asthma, WLoopirj Oou^h, Sore Throa.* 1 and all affections i ths Oheat and Throat Effectually Relieved and Cured by Baxter's, raaTiMONiAw-.. Btoik William Boed, Esq., Quipping an ' ■Qastoms' Agent — Lyttelton, H"ov= vidot 23, 1883 I have usad your Lung Preserver in my family for the Isst fourteen years, therefore lave the greatest pleasure in bearing testimony to efficacy in ths treatment of ooughs, oolds, ronohitis, oroup. whoopingcough, Aro, aye reopmmended it to mj frisnda, who hava also proved it to be a very palatable and speedy oure for ohost and throat oomplaints. I have uniformly found a singlo dose ot "Lung P-eserver" oheok a severe paroxysm of coughing. I shall on all oooasions have great pleasure in recommending it to HiaSorars, as 1 ooaaidar it a baon to yaun 'cind. From Isaao Allen, Esq., Oommisslon Agent —Hereford-street, Ohristohuroh, Deoembor 5, 1883.-rAftersevenyearß'experienoelhavegrai!>t pleasure in testifying to the aflScaoy of your '« Lung Preserver," haYing proved it in my family to be a specific for coughs, oolds, <fco , a few doses invariably subduing the nasty harassing cough, and while relieving the throat and chest, it doea not, like other nostrums, disorder the digostivo organs by induoing nausea, cwnaiiipatieo, hsadaohe, loss of appetite, *o. lean haartUy reoommend it as the best, cheapest an£ most palatable mixture known fo- coughs, aolda, bronohitis, ivhooping-con^h, Ico. Bo highly do we odteeru it that we am ays keep a Jnpply on hand. \ From W. S, Soott, Esq., Builder, &o,— Peterborough-street, Ohristchuroh, Deoember i, 1883. — Borne years ago I was rocotameaded to try a bottle of your " Pnlmonio Elixir and Lr«iag Preserver," tor tightness of the obast. I did so, and from that time I have never been without it in the house. I have found it answer in every respect for coughs, colds, and core throat, and would strongly advise those that are suffering from such ootnpiainta to try it. Tbo Bey. J. Myers (ex-President of the United Methodist Free Ohuroh) writes— Haaover-street, Leeds, March 26th, 1872— I havo pleasure in testifying how rapidir and efEeotually Baxter's Lung Preserver has acted in allaying oough and irritation of the chest in the oase of my wife, who has lever&l time? been under the Heressity of using it during fcho winter. From Dr. J. Ewart, M<8,0.8,L, &o.— l am vary muoh opposed to patent medioinosgene- : rally, and totally discountenance the Balsams, Qxymelß, Elixirs, Syrups, and other emana1 tions of unprincipled empirics ; but I regard ' your Lnng Preserver as a really good prepara1 tion, entirely free from these qualities which ' render moet patent niedioines dangerous, and 1 possessed of those tonio and stimulating pro-, pertieo whioh rendei it a treasure to those 1 who Buffer from the exhausting effects of 1 pulmonary disease and ohest affeotions geno1 rally. In cases of asthma it quickly cuts ' short the paroxysm. In chronic bronobitis ' rr winter coughs it is useful ! the discharge > . mucus is greatly assisted, and the wheezing ' and diifioalty of breathing are greatly relieved I by it. la acute bronchitis ?t is also beneficial, 1 and whilst it tends to oheofe inflammation, it ' promotes expectoration and thus relieves the ■ laborious and difficult breathing 00 general in 1 these attaoka. As a cough medicine, for per9 sons of all ages, it is excellent. — J, Ewast , > M.8.0.8. From Bey. W. B, Marten, Wesieyan Mini- [ ter— Ohristohuroh, 2nd August, 1872— Having ' suffered considerable annoyance during the 1 past two years from hoarseness and affection ' of the throat, whioh at times rendered pnblio ' speaking somewhat difficult and painful n l 9 have, since my arrival in this circuit — in I April lust — been induced to try your Baxter's Lung Preserver, and I deem it only just to Inform you that I have experienced great benefit from its use, being enabled to preaoh now with a degree of ease and comfort to whioh I had heen some time a stranger. As yet I have but used three bottles, but shall certainly recommend it to all who suffer 1b a similar manner. You are at liberty to make what use yea please of this communication. From Bey, Samuel cellars, Minister of United Methodist FreoOhurcaos.-Forthd sake of suffering humanity I record the following cures, whioh have been effected by your valuable Lung Preserver:— l know b gentleman in whom consumption had 10 far progressed that his medical man gave up his case as hopeless. He, however, availed himself of your treatment, and, after taking a igw bottles of jour Lung Preserver, was Be far recovered us to ba able to resume hie business, whioh he cow regularly follows without maoh inconvenience froia either p»in or weakness. A Qoug A of many year? standing. The rev. writer of tho above continues — An aged lady of my acciusint&soe was for many years troubled with a onronio oough so j severe that she seldom had an hour's quiet sleep.- After spending nearly ail her cubstance in medioino, she wits persuaded to try your Lung Preserver, &0., which, under God's blessing, Boon ourwi hei. Mr. Biohavd Lobb, Trfcoanow, Tintagol, Cornwall, writes to Mr, H> Welch, Oameliord —I was very 11 for a long time with a oough, fee, and did not average one hour's deep per night, but on obtaining from you a 2s 9d bottle of Baxter's Lung Preserver, and taking one dose, I slept counuly, not coughing more taan five minutes in the night. Before I had finished tho contents of this bottle the oough quite left me. From the Editor of the ".Yorkshire Independent," Wost-atreot, Leedß, Meroh 6su, 1878— My family 1b particularly liable to ohest affections. Wo have found Baxter's Lung Preserver a most excellent remedy, So highly do wo esteem it that wo do not like to be without it in the house. For the last fifteen years not only my own family, but many friends to whom I have recommended it have found jgre&t benefit from it. For Bronchitis I know nothing equal to it. — Sdwakd FOSTHB To be had of all Chemists and Storeseepers bottles, Is 6d, 2s 6d, 4s 6d, and 8s eaoh. Wholesale Agents— J. Baxter, Chemist, 2l Victoria-street, Ohristohuroh Messrs P Haymvn & Co., S&insburr, Ellisdon k Co. und Prosser, & 06.; und may blcg bo obtained of meroh»ate ihroughoar &6ft Zealand. &j£T Purchasers are I'cqueßtod to aßk for Baxter's Lung Preserver. Be cautious against oeing put off with coma other medioine which dealers may recommend solely on tho ground of having more yrofit, Aqbnts fob New £lymoc'.th Mr J. H. BENNETT, Chemist ttfe HANDY, tigmoni Sure, f THB Great Americas Medicioe WIZABD OIL. Patentee and Bcle Proj>Jrtotor. 1-BANJK WEBTOX. WSSTON'S~wYSSA]ai> OIL Composed ef Healing Gams, Balaams Vegetable Oils, and Karo MedioiiinJ licrba j is guaranteed to care Khoa. mutism, Goat, Nouragia, Sprains, Piloa, Biarrhcea, Toothaohe, Headache, Lumbago, Woundo, Bnrns, Crampo, Cholera, Bpasm6, Sore or Inflamed Byeß, Earaohe, Ooncraoted Corua or Mueoles, Pains in the Sidu, Boro Throat. Are rotnilod by all Chemists and Slorakoapirn throughout the Coloniee. £100 BBWABD.— I will give the -»bove &EWABD for information loading to tLe DETECTION and COKVICTION of auv parßon making or ottering for rolo, any ni 3 ar> on<j or OosoKABiK liirrAW KIOSTCK'fo WKABD OIL. Signed PJ /£SIO*\ Sole Aorcuro^

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7991, 8 October 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7991, 8 October 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7991, 8 October 1887, Page 4