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Coaches. [ESTABtISKEI', 1882.] RAHOTU OOA C H SR n - VIOK to & fbom NEW r Plymouth, TjiVEBY Satubday ! will leave Bahotn ■i Hotel at 5.30 a.m. Parihaka Boad at 6.55 a.m. ; Pungarehu at 6 a.m. ; Warea at 6.10 a.m. ; Puneho at 6,30 a.m. ; Okato at 7.30 a.m. ; Tatara at 7.60 a.m. ; Ahu-ahu at 8.10 a.m. ; Oakura at 8.46 a.m.; Omata at 9.30 a.m. Arrive at Now Plymouth at 10 a.m. Leave New Plymouth at 3 p.m.; arrive Bahota at 8 p.m. Passengers can be coiafortably provided with breakfast and tea 'at moderate charges at Okato, where the coach stops half-an-honr to change horses. j ' • The Coaoh leaves Okato every WbdnbSt day at;B a.m. for New; Plymouth, returning same day | : ,. Xnorefore, people living at a distance, and not desirous of suoh a ong ride on horeobaok oould ride and join the .Coaoh. at Okatoj where their horse ocj^d. 'remain in a safe paddook, free of oharai/ until their return, t In conjunction wiljhi the above Cokcb Service a Luggage Va« will run to suit the, convenience ■of passengers' heavy luggagej &o. Booking offices : Bafaotu Hotel and Julian's Mseouio Htabloa, Now Plymouth. For further particulars, apply to JAMES McOULLUM, Pbopbiet©b, ■ST AQJBNT FOB IBS BTJDQEI. 'I ' aS6I hb (SOB IB M- "CO.. 1 © ROYAL MAIL LINE OF COACHES BETWEEN NEW PLYMOUTH 'AND OPUNAKE. pyHJfr Coaoh leave^Mr. Walker's White Hart I Hotel on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and Fbidays at 9 a.m., 'Jnd on Saturdays at 4 p m., for Opunake {returning on Tuesdays, Tbubsdays, and,SixuBDAYS at 12,30. Any return passengers by the Mail Coaoh ai Satardays Kill, have 3i hours in New T tymouth to do their business. ; TIME TABLE. Leaves a. xn. Leaves 4. m Niw Plymouth : 9 ,0 Opunake....... 6 0 CAkura «,..J;Jo'3o' Eahotu 730 OKato\, .'...12 0 (to breakfast) p,' m. Fongarehu ...... 145 Pungarehu... 8 SO Bahota :..;. 2 80 Okato 9 30 Opunake ........ t .0 Oakura 11 0 \ ' P« ni 1 New Plymouth 12 80 In addition to tin Mail Coaoh a CHEAP MARKET COAOH will start from Okatohotel «very Battoday. ! Mobnino ,/or New Plymouth, returning jo Opunake the same evening. Passengers; by the Mail Coaoh jn Eiatnrday (return journey at Bingle fare.) SATUBDAY'S COACH TIME TABLE. Leaves a. m. Leaves p. tn. Okato 780 N. Plymouth 4 0 Tataraimafea ... 8 0 0kat0.... 6 30 Oakurr 9 0 Bahotu 8 80 New PlymouthJO 30 Opunake...... 10 0 Express ServicJ for Heavy Traffic Further partibilars apply to T, EoMnson & Co.. a404t0 j. „ Proprietors. IN&LBWOOD. " fARRI!S, OOAOH " * ' if EAVES INGLEWOOD on I JLi Wednesdays and Saturdays at 8.15 a.m. for New Plymouth, From New Plymouth to Ingleyood at 3 p.m. . Orders left at the Grylls' Taranaki Hotel, New Plymouth, or Saisted's Hotel, Inglewoo^, will receive, prompt attention, '■■■ 1 Goods and parcels delivered to any part of the .town at cheap ratei.r " ■ ■ JAMES TABBY, 870 to Proprietor, DAILY OOAOH SERVICE TO AND FROM WAITARA. KIBBY'S OOAOH leaves the Taranak Hotel bvbby morning, returning agaia in the afternoon from the Bridge Hotel, Waitara. FAS 3 8:— Single ... ... 2s I Beturn ... 8s 6d Goods and parcels at low rates. J. B. KIBBY, ... Proprietor. • -9'fA WONDERFUL MEDICINE. 1 BEECH AM'S PILLS • . Ij !f^^ Are admitted, by fi >s^*"^~***<^V worth a Guint* 0 fJ&S ' \.i\ Box for bilious nnd t*]J/ vl*V nervous diaordm'fi, l^i/f \>>!"A' BU ? 11 aB ""^^i *- n< i I'/n-nAmmTrp \7VI pain in the atom! ch, ij /EATEN i l' 1 - 1 aiok boadaohe, tfM* iX/Ji «%■ ■ ■ #■>■ In! diness, fulness rcud ■HI I PILLS* /HI swellingaltermrt»B, ' %Vm • Imi dizziness and dit ~Tr1«\ ' - ■ I £3l Biness, oold cU//s, V©\. /JQI flushings, of b.-*t, \?Ws>^c'Zi£y' JSJ S shortness of Dreutb, fISK\V2Sr ■ costiveueas, scurvy, TjlotchesonthesWn, JWa ■. distnrbed sleep, VKI* ' frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations, Ao. Ilha " flr»t dose wUI givo relief in 20 minutes. This ij no flotion, for they have done it in thousands of caeeß, Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Hlls are invaluable, as a fow doses of them carry off all gross humov*s, open all obstructions, and bring about all thM is roquired. No females should be -without, them. There is no medicine to be found to equal BBBOHAM'S PILLS for removing any, obstiuotion or irregularity of ' the system. If talcen according to the directions given TvKh each box they will soon restore females of all ages to sound . and robust health. 9 For a weak stomaoh, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the liver, they act like " 1IAQI0," and a few doses will be found to work wonders upon, the most important organs of tho human machine. Thej*strengthen the whole musoular syst«m, restore tho long lost complexion, bring back %ha keen edge of appetite and arouse into action vtth the BOSEBTJD of health the whole physical energy of the hiir/ian frame. These are "FAOl'8" admitted b,i thousands embracing all olaasea of ■ooioty; and one of the best guarantoeß to the nervous and debilitated is, Boooham's Pills haro the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. BEECHAH'S MAGIC COTTGHPIIL3 As a remedy for Coughs in general.Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppression of tho Chest, Wheezing, &0., thuso Fills stand unrivalled; and anyone labouringunder any of the above complaints need only try Odq Box to prove that they are the best ever offered to the publics for Asthmatic and Consumptive Coughs, Hoarseness and Oppression of the Chest. Thty speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive *ho patient of rest. They give almost instant relief and comfort to those afflicted with the above distressing and, when negleoted, dangerous complaints. Let any person troubled with any of the above complaints givo Beeohah's Cough Pius a trial. The most) violent Cough "gill in a short ■fcHa'.tJc re-movod. „. C Oauwoit.— The pnbho aii requested to notict that tho words " Bbbohasi's Pitts, St. Helens,' 1 are oa the Govornmont Stamp affixed to each Bo* of tho HUs. If not on they are a forgery. © Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail by the proprietor, T. Beocham, Chemist, St. Helens, lanottrtire, England, in boxeß at Is. ljd. and %t. 9d.*aaoh.— Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers throughout the Colonies. KByvHlU AfatyfltiQOl m ftiYW Irtfo »Mh bQ*

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7991, 8 October 1887, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7991, 8 October 1887, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7991, 8 October 1887, Page 1