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l''3 1 ' £"l*!8t-Y-?3\ '.? j - - - - K>?i>n'l--*iijt} Th® Iffrust PMGe of le»7 Zealand- ] IT^ ORJ»?CTa ARTS SPiSOtA.LLx' PROTBCTIVB. ♦T^HK Estates of persons who die, having neglecteJ to make their wills. and who nave not 5 any friends living in the colony ready to apply for administration, ara carefully adminiv«;rert, deb*s pud and residnes remitted to those legally entitled to receive them. All pers rs are however, urge ito instruct their solicitors as to their wills whilst in possession of health and unimpaired faculties. Inviolable security for the fulfilment of their wishes is assured by the appointment of this PnbUc Trustee as sole Executor. No charge is,made upon the deposit for safe custody <>f any Will by which the Public Trustee ia appbinted Executor- other Wills may be deposited on payment of a fee of Ten Shillings. Subject to the provisions of the Public Trust Offiae Acts, any present trustee may transfer the management of trust property to the Public Tius c, who will thereupon hold such property upon the original tros's attaching thereto. , ' The scale of fees applicable to the classes of E^tatea above referred to is aa follows :—: — On all receipt* of income under a trust, or on realising property under a will, or transfer of administration or probate £5 per ceat . For rendering Property-Tax retnrn (if necessary) 10/For rpudering Stamp account (if necessary) 2/6 percent.) Min, fee, £1 For obtaining probate (if necessary) , ... ... 7/6 per cent. ) Max. fee, £10 For investing funds, if the sum lent is under £1000... ' ... 20/- per cent. . For investing funds, if the earn lent is over £1000 15/- per' cent. The Public Trustee holds large sums of money for investment on real security at current rates of interest. Any sums may be advanced on first mortgage of freehold property to the extent of one-half of its actual value. Applications for advances will be received at the various agencies. Every policyholder under " The Life Assurance Companies Act, 1873" may regis'.e such pcUiy within six months after the making thereof, on payment of a fee of five hUlirtjF, For more Detailed Information Apply to cne various Local Agents, Ot to toe Pnblio Trustee at Wellington. O. RBNNBLL, Agent for New Plymonth, Brongbam Street. 14 ic — The?* IMKJIS 'I Velveteen* grafflfc The strictest examiner may try every test of touch :«fsj ' $ VQl&raM and sight without discovering that these are other C vfr^ci/i than the Genoa Velvets which they so closely resem- ■ *^pHM§Jt *Jsjj r ble, .while the pe^aliar arrangcracij... esuiting in the AfJK^^. dH^^^S and rough wear, which would ruin real velvets at flHmnjß four times the price. For Costumes and Trimmings .4- jHEI. The Universal ivemecly lor Acidity of inaStdmach, '^SS^^S^* Headaohe, aMM «».'? n£sot£e£a™y*~ ■ »^.-»-rvr,.-. U a{jM ,)T, )T . ul jjim.^u- , hut btorokeepers. , N.B. ASK FOR :7; *'' > y rv &^^^^^ >K — SAVE HEY BY ADSFTifg Smith & Oauohbtj' Parcel System; bow ad admitted Boob to Country settlers. Smith & Gatjqhbt's Parcels have for fonr years given unbounded satisfaction. Smith <fc Caughbt's have always aimed at combining excellence with cheapness, and by bo doing have secured the confidence of the pnblio. Smith & Caughet study olosely the wants of their Country friends, and do their ntmost to supply a Genuine Article at the lowest possible price for cash. ■„ , WHOLESALE AND BETAIL FAMILY DBIPEBS, Queen-street* Auckland; and Newmarket. IMPORTANT TO FLOCK- MASTERS; COOPEK'S SHEEH^PLNG POWDEL ibis Sip has been in use upwards of 53 It does not stain the wool, years. It is more extensively used than all It 1b a certain oure fo&Lloe and Scab, other Dips, being applied to upwards of - ■ Unlike the many Liquid Dips wbton just b million sheep eaon year. hill the insects and then pass off themselves, its etfeots remain in the fleece a the handles and cheapest Di P> re- on « tlme » and P" vent nevr tioQ - f 'iri gno boiling or hot water. Ithaa never beea equalled by any other Pip fIXTBACT FSOM SHE IKANBAOTIONS OF THE HIGHLAND AND iaUIOULTUBAL BOODSTY OF SCOTLAND, 1870:— "An infinite variety of proprietary and Patent Dips are now finding tholr way Into the Market. Bomo of these are really good, some indifferent, and others absolutely bod. We believs Coopkb'b to be the longest established and cheapest, and also the meat extensively used, As shown by the railway books, it appears no less than 1200 dozen packages, or enough to dip 288,000 sheep, are seat ont weekly. It is used extensively en the Continent, and in the Cclonice, aooompsnied by 'dirsotions for use 1 printed in many languages. Ac.a Bummer and Autumn Dip we consider it second to none, and have always used it. Its oheapneau <»" ex* treme solubility in cold watbb particularly recommend it for these purposes." iSince the above waa written the sale has more than doubled, Jambs Albxakdbb, Bsq,, Wanganul. „ .- .- Ji}' l ßeven years ago 1 wa.B induced to buy eight oases of your fllwep Dipping Compound, *nd, as an experiment, 1 used a few paokete aooording to the directions. 1 aaleotod af vw old ewes, not oaring whether I lost thorn or not, niad not one of thorn was njured in ta? least. I afterwards dipped my whole Sloob of 10,000, and did not lose one. "I now dip for Lice, und find it most effeotaaL I am also told by my neighbours it Is equally co for So»b. £ "I have dipped ever 80,000 efoeep with It, and never lost but one, and this' animal was aeon licking itself just after it left the baths. I consider that with ordinary care your Dip. ping Fowder, used on a large or email soale, In perfeotly safe. The chief point being te see that the sneep are quite dry before they are turned out to graas." From Mr, Thomas Midi>ibtok, Manager for the Hon. Bobort Campbell, Benmore Estate, Waltakl, Oooper'o Dip Is the best dip for Lambs I over used." .From Duncan mxjMabteb, Esq., W&lrarapa, " 1 have used Cooper's Dipping Powder for about four years, ana am well satisfied with the reaaite, believing it to ba hurting n ite effects," „M„ M a'o Mr. COOFEB, Berkhametetf, England. luokland, Ootcoor 12, 1880. " Dbab Sib,— Accompanying our order by this mail wo ar« pleased to obesrve that your c heep- Dipping Compound is steadily gaining ground in thia part of New Zealand. "At the reqce&t of our customers we have occasionally Imported Dips by other firms, but our buyers have invariably fallen baok to tho use of Cooper's Sneep Dip, "The inook-meotera who have written to us on the subject havo always spoken in the hlghuvt t«mis oi ihu articb.— Wft »to, yours, to., "w," w , C, 3MAELAND Ac Co., Monufaotnriog Chemißt*," | ONLY BY W^^^l^,M CIOOSP^SI,, CHEMICAL .WORKS BKKKHAMSTEF ENGLAND. a<JldlnpMkotfl, etDSci«ntfot&foni2o tOv^OShcop, orliuoßßOßautf axtml .'isrOO. according to tue length of wool, AQBma tn raa ftOK-m itiLksa : Moßsra, KEM^THOBKiI, PBOBBK3, k Co., Auckland eEd Wti!l.«E Metfdiu. BHABLAND tc Co,, Auokt&ad cod 'i&raßaki Mr, V. W. WILLIAMS, Napier Mosere, B&BBAT7D tx, BON, Wellington i Mesart. DBUMMOND k ALEXANDER, Waa^aaal.t

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7981, 27 September 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7981, 27 September 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7981, 27 September 1887, Page 4