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KNTJ - NEURALGIC or M4GIC PXLLBA OIBTAJN ana Immediate oure tor Tlc- £\ Dolournux, F.euralgia, Toothache, Palta in the Head and Face, Gout, Sciatica, Lnm« bago, Scq, ESTBACTfS FBOM TESTIMONIALS. Mt. John Handy, Egmont Store, New Plymonth, writes on 6th April, 1883— Having proved vonr Magic Pilla to be a core for Neubalgia, &0., please send me by post 3 dozen boxes as early as possible. In a later letter from the same gentleman, bearing date of 11th June, 1883, he wrltea— for fire dozen more of your Macho Pills. The Bey. J. S. Withington, President of tn« United Methodist Free Churoh, writes— l have recommended the Anti-Neuralgio Pills to several arf 'erera from Tio-Dolonreux, Toothache, &o. m all oases thsy have afforded re* lief, and in some cases the oure has been immediate. ' ' The Bey. B. Chew, Free Ohuroh Minister of Newoastle-on-Tyae, wrihs— A New Gonma* tion Minister, a friend of mine, Buffered severely from 110-Dolouretix for some time. , He took one or two of your Anti-Neuralgic Pills, end next morning he was quite well. The, Bey. A. Gilbert, of London, writes— My daughter has taken a few of your Pills, and is already quite free from the pain she h«B been bo long tormented with. £ shall gladly aid their extended sale. The Bey. E. Watmogfch, ef Bipley, writes— My daughter, who Buffered very severely, waa relieved in less than half-an-hour by rear Pills. ' * The Bey. J. Bastow, Carlisle, writes— Two of your Pills afforded me relief. Mr. W. M. Wateon, Whitworth Bead, Booh dale, writes— A lady, who has. been for agrea length of time almost a martyr to Tie, wa advised to try your Pills. The nrst box cured her. Thlsis mere than twelve months since, and if ever she is threatened with a return one or two Pills will make her right agaia. Other Monde of hers have tried them, with the like results. Her name is Mra. CP-^-n. Sho Ib highly respectable, and resides at' the Promenade, Eochdala, : ' The Bey. Q. Beeve, Aucland House, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, writes— Several persona; here have derived very great benefit from them. The Bey. W. Trevail, Bedditoh, writes— have been bonefioial hi many oases here. - ■ Tbe Bey G B. Bawson, .of Winaford, Cheshire writes— Mrs. Bawson, as well as my son and daughter, have derived great benefit fre»n them ; vsry severe suffering having been relieved by their use, I can heartily rteommend them to all who' Buffer from' Neuralgic affections. Mr Edward Dignum, Commission Agent, Frodeham, Cheshire, writes — A young man named James' Hough hed been nearly mad for a fortnight with Tic, and was completely cored with one dose'of the' Pills.' . \. Bold by all Chemists and Storekeepers, ! In U . J : boxes, Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. each, tmOLBSAXiB AOBNTS— J. BAXTER, Ohetnißt, Yiotbria-Btreet, Christ* ohuroh Mesßrs. P. Uayman and Oo.j Sainsbnrj EUisdon * Co; Felton, Grimwade * Co. vid the New Zealand Drug Company, Fost free rom J. Baxter for 19 or J 43 poit* tje atampe.f - ' N ' ' - ' ' ■■' rTHETAEANAKI HKBAJub JL POBIJ3KBD DAILY, Prloe, Id.— Sabtorfption per qanrter, «s, 6di THB BUDGET, OS TABANAEI WEEKLY HEBALD PrjBLISHHB EVERY BATOBDAY. Price, Bd. 1 or per quarter in advaao- . Bs. XBBHB.rOB AD7«BTrJ9EBr(J: — AdTertiKmtntiofU W9rdi.,',,On9 SitUlne. Ad»crtlaeinontsofa*iford«,,,«OHe Shilling a Ixpen Advertiaemeats of SS wardt.,,,Tif » Shilling Adverti99i!aeßUof«Owoidfl. M .Tiraßai]liiigaAS(zg4co Advertiaementg by space, 3a 6d per inch. No advertisement of less value than 2s 6d can be booked j that amount, therefore, will be oharged on all Is, Is 6d, and 2b advertinementa nnlefis paid for at the time. All advor. tifiements must be pre-pald, except where an aeoonnt has been regularly opened, r o It is partloularly requested. that all adver tisementi for insertion in the Daily Hebald should be left at the office not later than noon co as to ensure Insertion In the same day's paper. Double Column advertisements— whioh are only inserted on onr fourth page— and alterations of standing advertisements most be Bent in to the office sot later than 8 o'olook the previous day. • ' •„ ; Standing Advertuejaents for Three aqd Six Months can be arranged fcr at a'- Literal Disoount, Notice, to dlßoontinue advertißements (unless where number of insertions la mentioned on original order) mußt be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager, not late; than 10 a.m. on days oi publication. AUTHOBIBED AGBKTS AND OORBKB< FONCHKTS. Wftit*R> «. ~ Mr, Grey Fbabsb. Hewera «. » Mr. J. Davidsos Patea mm ' «<» Ks, 3, Bjjhwobths Urena! ~. «♦ •* Mr, B»btbak& OEDEEB FOE ADVEB7ISEMBN7S & PBINSMFG hEHdetJ to any of the abov« sogenti will reoelrs prompt attention. JARANAKI HEBALD nsd BUDQKT mar bo PUKOHAOED frost tiu followini BtorekeepeM— • Haw Plymouth— Mr J. Avery, Davon-street Mrs Bowen, Devon-street East jur Brasobt Ddvos-street, next *o*a Bridge Mlbb Cottier, Brongham-Btree. Mr Crocker, Devon-street Mrs Branolo, Devon-street West Mr Franoia, Ourrie-atreet Mr Gilrcoar, Brougham-street £onth Mr Handj, corner of Ooartenay ani Blllot-Btreets Mr. Hecdry, Devon-street Mr. D. Jones, Devon-street Mr. H. J. Honeyfield, Devon-street Mr. WeEt, corner of Davos and Wats j streets Mr Pitt, Devon-Btreet East Mr. D. Eumney, Devon-street Messrs Vcale ie Carter, Devon«street Weßt Mr Walnhouse, Devon-street East Mr Yatee, Brongbam-otreet FITZBOI— NOBMANBT— Mr O. Knuekey Mr England Bell klook— Haweba— Mr C. Oallaghan Mr Davidson Lbppbbton— ■ Patea— , Mr Ourd Mr J. Kenwortb y Waitaba— Übenui— MrGreyFraser Mr Bsrtrand INGLEWOOB— OAKUJU. — Mr Fran'ilyß Mr Adlam Mr Marsh Mr Towson Messrs. Curli 3 Bros. Okato— Midhibst— ' Mr J. McOulla;* Mr W. A. Earle Wbstowh— Mr, Hin Wing See Mr Hogbson STrA.TffOSD— OKAIAWA— Messrs Outfe Mr G. Applegate Mr J. Miilr. MotuboA — Mr Watkins Mr Honeyfield Waipdko — Ngaibb— Mr Speofc Meeera A, Brown Opdnaks— Co. Messrs, Kcwtot *> Mr G. H, Applegate Bros. Eltham — MAKAIA— Mr Obew Cbong Mr Oilmen? TIKOBANGl — Mabton — Mr D. Matohett Mr Orchard CAOTIOJS TO TRW PUBLIC. BOYS BELLING PAPEBS. AS the runners of the Tabanaki Hbbald only take with them sufficient oopiea for delivering to Subscribers, persons are particularly reauested NOT to purchase papers from the boys when on rhoir rounds, tingle copiot] of the paper can bo obtained from AeontH in differont partß of the town.

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7965, 8 September 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7965, 8 September 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7965, 8 September 1887, Page 4