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'111 1 Retiring from Business. Final Clearing Sale. WALTER WRIGHT BEING desirous of Clearing Out the whole of his Valuable Stbck, amounting to £4000. by the end of August, will not refuse any legitimate offer.. The public are respectfully invited to inspect the gopds. They will be in a position to judge iof the Great Bargains offering in every Department. PS" TERMS CASg ONLY.. ' NT) All' Outstanding Accounts requested to be • JD* ■ settled as early as convenient. MESS GOODS AT WALTER WRIGHT'S . SALE tilSil 8d Plaid Dress StufiEs are selling for 4£d B(j9d French Pashmereß AH Wool, 44in. wide, are selling for| 2s 9d 6d Winceys are selling for 3d ,ls6d Blaok Cashmere, 40 inches wide are selling for lHd Is Broche Dress Goods ore selling for 7*d Is Bi'ch Black Lustres are selling for 7jd Is 3d Colored Costume Cloths are selling for B|d 3s All Wool Tartan Plaids, 40 inches wide, are selling for Is lid la 6d Colored All Wool Serges are selling are selling for Is Is 3d Pale Pink'Sateeris fot evening wear are selling for 3d Is 3d J)ouble-width Cashmeres are gelling for lOd Is 6d New Stripe Homespuns are selling for Is 1M 2s Colored Cashmeres , are selling for Is 3d la 6d Blaok Velvelteen are selling for llsd 2s 6d All Wool French Dress Goods are selling for Is 8d j3s Colored Velveteens, 21 inches wid«, are selling for Is Sheetings, Calicos, Flannels, Table Linens, Blankets, Quilts, t Curtains, Table Cloths, &c, AT WALTER WRIGHT'S SALB ARE REDUCED ASi FOLLOWS :— Is Orey Sheeting, 70 inches wide, are selling for 7fd Bx4 White Blankets , a^e selling for 3s 9d each . Is 6d White Twill Hheeting, 68 inches wide, are selling for lljd- 10x4 Extra Snper White Blankets are jelling for 7s Od each 2s 3d Stout White Sheetings, 80 inches wide, are selling for 1b 9d 11x4 White Merino Blankets are selliDg for 12s 6d each All Calicoes, White or Grey, at Manufacturers' Cost. 10x4 Best Honeycomb Quilts are selling for 6s lid is Stout All Wool Bcarlet Flannels, are s-lling for B|l Jox4 Best Toilet Quilts are selling for 6s lid Is Stout White Flannels ' ' are selling for 9sd 12s 6d Embroidered Tabla Covers are selling for 6s lid Is 6d Extra Wide White Flannels are selliDg for Is 2d 7d Check Jean Shirliings are selliDg for 4fd Is9d Mosgiel Flannels are 'selling for : Is6d Is2d Heavy Union Shirtings ' are selling for lOd 2>3d Mosgiel Flannels, Extra Stout, 36in. wide selling for , Is9d Is 9d Fancy Striped Crimean Shirtings are selling for Is2d 2s Welsh Flanirels, 32 inches wide, are selling for Is6d Is 3d Gambroons ; , are selling for lOd Is6d Unbleached Table Linensj 1 are sellingfor llsd la 6d ■ Colored Printed Moleskins are selling for lOd 3b 9d Bleached Linen Table Damasks « are selling for, 2s lid - • „ : AT WALTEB WBIGHT'S GREAT BETIRINO SA.LE :— Trimmed Hats are selling for Is, 2s, 3s 66, 4s 6d, and 7s 6d j , All Felt, Beaver, Plush, and Satin Hatt, half price 25s Millinery Bonnets are selling for 7s lid and 12b 6d | ' 6s 6d Children's Heavy Ulsters : are selling for 4s 6d 40s Ladies. Long Cloih Jackets are selling for 20s 10s 6d Maids' Heavy Ulster* are selling for 6s 6d ' 15s Ladies' Tweed Ulsters are selling for 7s 6d 10s 6d Girls' and Maids' Black Cloth Jackets ari selling for 5s 6d ,Ws 6d Ladies' Tweed Ulsters • are selling for 12s 6d 25s Ladies' Long Cloth Jackets are selling for 12s 6d . ' 26s Ladies' Tweed Ulsters are selling for 16r 6d 30s LadieB 1 Long Cloth Jackets • are selling for - 16a " - ; , : At Walter Wright's Cheap Sale Tweeds are selling at Manufacturers' Prices— 8 Heavy Dark Tweeds . are selling for Is lid 17s 6d Military Serges, 54 inches wide are selling for 5s 5s 6d Mosgiel Tweeds are selling for ' 3s 6d | 10s, Overcoatings, 54 inches wide are selling for 5s 9d . •AtVJUTSB WBMfflra yiiM&SMIM UM V**-'* and Boys' Clothing , r, is selling at following reductions— 10s 6d Boy's Knicker Suits are! selling for 6s 9d 25s Boys' Overcoats, i «re selling for 15s ,35s Boyß* Tweed Trousers Suits are selling for 25s 35s Men's Waterproof Coats are selling: for 21s 355. Men's Tweed Suits are selliDg for 19s'6d 20s Men's .Tweed Trousers and Vests are selling for 12s 6d '55s MosgielTweed Suits are, Belling for 368 365,' Mosgiel Troußers and Veite are selliDg for 26s 65s Mosgiel Tweed Suits are selliDg for 45s 8s 6d Boys' Tweed Trousera are Belling for 5a 6d 80s Men's Overcoats ' , are selling for ■ •''„. 1 At Walter Wright's Retiring Sale the following Goods are selling for less than cost— 4s'6d Boys' WhiteLjnen Shirts are selliog for la lid 7s 6d Men's Heavy Wool Undershirts are selling for 4s 6d 7s'6d Men's White Linen Shirts are selling for 2s lid 8s 6d Men's Heavy Bib Wool f ants are selling for 5s 6d 2s;6d Men's Heavy Working Shirts ; are selling for „la6d - • ■ > < . ' ; 9d best West find Linen-faced Collais are sailing for 3d dozen. MonVßraoes, fid. Scarves, 6d. Tiea, Si. Socks, 6d, tee., ice, j - ' - " Boys', Youthß\ and Men's Felt and Tweed Hats at Wholesale Coat. i•" ' ' Note the Address : Wql+av Wivfrvhf Brougham-street, Waller WrigJlli, Kew Plymouth.

Ooach^a. [established 1882.] EAHOTU OoToH SEHVIOB TO & FBOM NBW PLYMOUTH, T7IVEBY Satubday will leavo Bahotu J}J Hotel at 5.30 a.m. Farihaka Boad at 5,55 a.m. ; Pangarehu at 6 a.m. ; Warea at 6.10 a.m. ; Ptraeho at 6.80 a.m. ; Okato at 7.30 a.m.; Tatara at 7.50 a.m.; £hu-ahu at 8.10 a.m.; Oakura at 8.45 a.m.; 9.30 a,m. Arrive at New Plymouth at 10 a.m. Leave New Plymouth at 3 p ? m.; arrive Bahotu at 8 p.m. Passengers con be cotufortabiy provided with breakfast and tea at moderate charges at Okato, where the coach stops balf-an-hour to ohange horses. ' ■ The Coach leaves Okato every Wednesday at 8, a.m. for New Plymouth, returning same day ,', , Therefore, people living at a distance, ana not desirous cf saoh a long ride on horseback could ride and join the Coach at Okato, where their horse oonld remain in a safe paddock, free of charge, until their return. In conjunction with the above Coach Service a Luggage Yaa will run to suit the convenience of passengers' heavy luggage, ico. Booking offices : Bahotu Hotel and Julian's MaPODio btables, New Plymouth, For furthor particulars, apply to JAMES McCULDUM, PBOPBIBT6B, tST AGENT BOM IHE BJJDQWI, a66lhb GQBIBJ& CO.'S ROYAL MAIL LINE OF 00A0HES BETWEEN NBW PLYMOUTH AND OPUNAKE. rjPHJfi Coach leaves Mr. Walker's White Hart JL Hotel on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 9 a.m., and on Satubdays at 4 p m., for Opanake ,' returning on Tuesdays, Thubbdays, end Satubdays at 12.30. Any return passengers by the Mail Ooaoh on Saturdays will have 3} hours in New J lymouth to do their bueinro-i HUB TABLB. leaves a. m, Loaves 4. m Njw Plymouth 9 0 Opunake....... 6 0 Oakura .....10 80 Bahotu 7 30 Cteato 12 0 (to breakfast) p.m. Pnngarehu 1 45 Pangarehu... 8 90 Bahotu 2 80 Okato 9 30 Opunako 4 0 Oakura 11 0 p. m New Plymouth 18 80 In addition to tho Mall Coach a CHEAP MARKET OOAOH will start from Okoto hotel «very Satubday Mobning for New. Plymouth, returning to Opunake the same cv nlag. Passengers by the Mail Coach jn Saturday (return journey at single fare.) SATUBDAY'S OOAOH TIME TABLB. Leaven a. in. Leaves p. m 0kat0..... 780 N. Plymouth 4 ( Tataraimaka... 8 0 Okato 6 8( Oakura., 9 0 Bahotu 8 3( New Plymouth 10 30 Cpunake 10 ( Express Service for Heavy Traffic Further particulars apply to T. Eobinson & Co.* a 404 to FBOPBIUTOBS. » jiufi lALK,— Section 918, New Wymoutl 'r with B.ioomod OOTTAGH, four flu pUjec, s:ei?h, Wash-house, Pump, and ffm &m j for Boiler Jfer varitanlatß apply to I BA7LBX Mt

INGLEWOOD. rABRIToOAOH T EAVES, INGLEWOOD on JLj Wednesdays and Saturdays at 8.16 a.m, for New Plymouth. From New Plymouth to Inglewood at 3 p.m. „ „ Orders left at the White Hart Hotel, New Plymouth, or Suisted's Hotel, Inglewood, will receive prompt attention. Goods and parcels delivered to any, part of the town at cheap rates. ; ' JAMBS TABBY, i 670 to w Proprietor, I DAILY OOAOH SERVICE r TO 1 AND FBOM WAITARA. KIBBY*S OOAOH leaves the'Taranak Hotel bvbhy morning, returning again in the afternoon from the Bridge Hotel, Waitara. s F ABE SiSingle ... ... 2s I Beturn ... 8s fid Goods and parcels at low rates. J. B. KIBBY, ... Proprietor. «BS4tc A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS « ' f Are admitted by j^V thousands to \ j i> Xj*" - "'**s/»* ; X worth a Guin»t> » 1 A%s^ N^. i\ Box l ot bilious rcri ' #Q>/ v#^\ nerrous disorder*. I si/ I \>" » Bu °h M wind, tad I /KATENT \f\\ sick headache, tf«. win I •> ■.• «^ I !fj 1 diness, fulneas end Iw'l PILLS* /firj •welllngafternu*^*, irjA fuf dizziness and di« "*• |W\ -Hm— I "HE flineas, cold cUifo, VRX. /»/ »fluahingfs of t»Mt, ,VQ^ Jspf lOM of "PP 6 ***. mSCi»«iM^tflKr ' »hortnesß of breath, wlSWi^r eoativeneai, sonrvy. - ' tlotoheson the siring disturbed sleep, WB& ■ ■ ' frightful dreams, and all norvota and tranAUn* lenaatlonMto. • Tho first dose will giro relief in 20 minutes. Thil i> no flotion, f<*th6y have done it in thousands of oiues. JJrary sufferar i» earaestlyinvited to try one cox ot theso Pills, and they wiU bo acknowledged to bo WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Fills are invaluable, be a few dosesof themcarryoff aU gross humoort, open all obstructions, and bring abont oil thM ia required. No females ehould be without them. Thoro is no madioina to be fonnd to eqaal BEEOHAM'B PILLS for removing any ODStiuction or irregulority of tho system. If taken according to tha directions given with eaoh box they will soon roatore females of all ages to sound and robust health. „•.,. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, ana all 1 disorders of the liver, they act lileo n MAGIO," and a few doses ■will be found to work -wonders upo&the most important organs of tho human maohine. The j* strengthen tho whole musoular system, 1 restore the long lost complexion, bring back tho 1 keen edge of appetite and arouse into aotion with I the ROSEBUD of health the whole phyeioal energy of the hnvnan frame. These are " FACTS" admitted bj thousands embracing all classed of I Booiety; and one of the bast guarantees to the ' nervous and debilitated is, Beooham's Pills hars I the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. . BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGHPIUS As aromedy for Coughs in general.Asthma, Diffl1 culty in Breathing, Shortness of Breath, Tightnesn and Oppression of the Ohoat, Wheezing, &0. , tlwso Pills stand unrivalled; andanyonalaboaringunder any of tho above complaints -need only try Od« Box to prove that they ore the best ever offered to • the publio for Asthmatio and Consumptive Coughs, ) Hoarseness and Oppression of the Ohest. Thby ) speedily remove that sense of oppression and dlfli- \ culty of breathing which nightly deprive «ho , patientofrost. They give almost instant relief itnd ) comfort to those afflicted with the above distressing and, when neglected, dangerous complaint*. Xet any person troubled with any ot the ab&va complaints give Bibohau's Cocan Pan a/trial, The most violent Cough mil in a short ,**£«»■. t» removed. ■ Ox.vrioir.-~ Tho publio ab* requested to entice that the words "BxKontM'e Pilis, S(^ Helens," k are on the Government Stamp affixed to oaoh Box a ofthoPlllfl. If not on they are a forgery, a 8 Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail by > tho proprietor, T. Beocham, Chemist, St. Helens, > Xianoaftoiro, England, in boxes at la. lid. end '• at. 9d.*aaoh.— Sold by all Druggists and Patent V Utdioine Dealers throughout the Oolonie*. tWHftU OIMCUOM Wl «iT«A Wift Hcfe hf*

REDUCTION IN PRICE. THE MERCANTILE AND BANK. [ BUPTOY GAZETTE OF NEW ZEALAND. • rBSTABLISHBD ;1876,"] «r ONE GUIN^PER YEARf ■*» rfiiHE above is mailed to subscribers every .JL Saturday morning, and contains the latest information up to time of issue. Published weekly. Gives latest information obtainable of Bills of Sale, Mortgages of Stock, Wool Liens, Agricultural Liens, Bail- | ments, Affidavits of Satisfaction, &c, and publishes all matters relating to Bankruptcy Letters Patent, &c. SAMPLE COPY SENT FBBB OK APPLICATION, "' The Mercantile and Bankruptcy Qasette has now entered its Tbnth Ybab of I existence ; and, encouraged by its past success, the Proprietor begs to assure his numerous subscribers throughout the oolony that neither labor nor expense will be spared in sustaining its present deserved reputation as the moit reliable circular of its kind in New Zealand.' The Half-yearly Index will, in future, be issued seperatel}, at an extra charge of Five Shillings per annum. The Mercantile aad Bankruptcy Gazette is the, Only Gazette for the oolony, published in New Zealand, < Note*— Subscription with index, £1 6s per annum ; without index, £1 Is, Patablh in Advance. ■ ' Persons desirous, of subscribing to the Gazette will please send their names and addresses to B. T. WHEELBB, No. 8, Stafford-street, Danedinj or to the local agent —O.W GOVITT 874 1« MERCANTILE GAZETTE. mHK SUBSCRIPTION to this valuable J. record of Bankruptcies, Bills of Sale, Mortgages 6f Stock, Jcc, has been BBDUOBD from Ist July to ONE GUINEA per. annum. Intending subscribers are requested to send in their names at once to the proprietor '' B. 7. WHEBLBB, , Dunedin 01 to O. W. GOVETT Now Plymouth , Y^/HITE JJARTJJOTEL Opposite the Government Buildings, Corner of Devon and Queen : streets, Kew Plymouth. WILLIAM WALKER ... Peopbietob. nnHB splendid New, Premises which the JL Proprietor has just had completed for his business possess unequalled advantages to families, strangers, and commercial travellers visiting New Plymouth, from its commodiousness, its central position, being in the business part cf the town, and its close proximity to the Post and Telegraph Offices and the o'her Government Offices. BATHS-Hot, Cold, and ShowerThe Table, for' its section of the Choicest Delicacies of the season, is unequalled. The Choicest ot Liqueurs and Wines, and the Finest Brands of Spirits and Cigarr are alone supplied. English and Colonial Ales and Stout, on draught and in bottK «3~ The Billiard Table is attended by a Competent Marker. Fibbt-Clasp Stabling, mto

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7965, 8 September 1887, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7965, 8 September 1887, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7965, 8 September 1887, Page 1