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t\ _ ' ' . \ -r. j.« • jD "n • ~~~ Tii^^l m^^^nr* Qoln Retiring from Business, Final Clearing Sale, ■■■MiiHMDHnaaHHMMHmmMi til « 1 f—|— r\ \ A ir% Bf\ j IT WAL ItK "WKUjrl I ¥ ¥ JTlfc. !.;■-.■ l^.. ¥lf BtlV^B I I T)EING desirous of Clearing Out the wlioje'^ggw Valuable Stock, amounting to £4000, j-t w the end of August, wm not re^se;,aMMitimate offer. The public are respectful!; mvitedtonispectthego^ They^;« m every Department. TERMS - -^r p An OEitstnudlu|4%ountil requested to be IN.J3« settled att early as convenient. ■ ■ —! —~H ' "—— ' DRESS GOODS AT WALTER WRIGHT'S SALE aTf=^ sd Plaid Dress Stuffs - ' are selling for 4&' dSs 9d French Casbmeres AU Wool, 44in. wide, are Belling for 2s 9d 6d- Winceys. /- are selling for 3d Is 6d Black Cashmere, 40 inches wide are selling for lUd l 8 BrocheDreßßGoodß are selling for 7*d Jb •• Bich Black Lußtres are selling for 7ja Is 3d Colored Costume Oloths ■ are selling for Bjd , 3b All, Wool Tartan Raids, 40 inches wide, are selling for Is lid aw Balling for •„ is ls 3d Pale Pink Bateau for evening wear are selling for 3d is 3d Jiouble-width Cashmeres are lellinf for lOd 1b 6d .New-gfripe 1 Homespuns are selling for Uiljd 2s Colored Cashmeres are selling for ls 3d Is 6d Black Velvelteen , are selling for ll}d 2s 6d All Wool French Dress Goods are selling for Isßd 3s Colored Velveteens, 24 inches wid«, areselbngfor is ' sheetings, Calicos, Flannels, Table Xinens, Blankets, Quilts, *' CUrtains, Table Clbjths, &c, ' AT WALTER WRIGHT'S SALE ARE REDUCED AS FOLLOWS:- , la Grey Sheeting, 70 inches wide, are selling for 7fd Bi4 White Blankets a-e selling for 3s 9d each l 8 6d Wh{ te Twiu gheeting 68 inches wide, are selling for IHi 10x4. Bxtra Buper, White Blankets are selling for 7s Od each 2b 3d Stout, White Sheetings, 80 inches wide, are selling for ila'ttd- 11x4 White Merino Blankets are selling for 12s 6d each All Calicoes, White or Grey, at Manufacturers' Cost. . 10x4 B^t Honeycomb Qudts are sel ing for 6s lid ls stout All Wool Bcarlet Flaimels, \ are s. lling for B*l 10x4 Best 1 oi'et Quilts are selling for 6s lid l 8 stout White Flannels • are selling for 9jd • 12s 6d Embroidered Table Covers are eellug for 6b Ud i s fid Extra Wide White Flannels are selline for Is2d 7d Check Jean Shirtings ara selhrg for 4fd is 9d Mosgiel FlLnels S!ellin|&r 1b 6d Is 2d Heavy Union bbirtings are selling for lOd 2s 3d Mosgiel Flannels, Extra Stout, 30in. wide selling for ls 9d Is 9d Fancy btriped Crimean Shirtings are se ing for .Is 2d 2s Welsh Flannels, 32 inches wide, are selling for Is6d ls 3d Gambroons are selling for lOd Is 6d Unbleached Table Linens, are aelling for ll^d Is 6d Colored Printel Moleskins are selling for lOd 389 d Bleached Linen Table Damasks are selling for 2slld . AT WALTEK WEIGHT'S GREAT RETIRING SALE;- > Trimmed Hats are selling for ls, 2b, 3s 6d, 4s 6d, and 7s 6d 1 ' All Felt, Beaver, Plush, and Satin Hats, half price 25a MUlineiy Bon°ets are selUng for 7s Jld and 12s 6d | • ' AT W^LTTE^ W^D©OT'l FMhL GLElkmM® SALE JACKETS m® ; yiILOTEM ARE REPtDCE© AS FALLOW! 3- , 6 M Children, 8 H j^^ . aie gelling for 4s' 6d 40s Ladiet Long Cloth Jackets are selling for 20s 108 6d Maids' Heavy Ulsters . are gelling for 6s 6d IBs Ladies' Tweed Ulsters are selling for 7fl 6d 10" 6d Girls' and Maids' Black Cloth Jackets are selUng for 6s 6d 18s 6d,Ladies' Tweed Uliters are selh. g for 12s 6d 25(J, Ladietf Long doth Jackets an eeUinifox 12s 6d 26s Ladies' Tweed Ulsters are Belling for 16? 6d Ladies' Long Cloth Jackets , : are selling for 15. . At Walter Wrighfs Cheap Sale Tweeds are setting at Manufacturers' Prices- „ Heavy Dark Tweeds ! are selling for is lid 7s 6d Mil tary'Berges, 54 inches wide are selling for 5s 5b 6d Mosgiel Tweeds are selling for 3a 6d 10s Overcoatings, 54 inches wide are Belling for 6s 9d At WkHfm WO/SS^i. ZSIJUb fflaiUM S|tM Men's and Boys' Clothing '■-. - ''S .I^= Selling „3$ 'following 1 — 30s Men's Overcoats „ , are selling for At Walter Wright's Retiring Sale the following Goods are selling for less than cost- - 4s6d BoysVWhite LinJ Shirt. •. & are selling for Is lid 7s 6a Men's Heavy Wool nndSsbirti are selling for 4b 6d 7s6d .Men'B Wh^te Linen Shins ate Belling for 2s lid 8s 6d Men'B Heavy Bib Wool Fants are selling for 5s 61 2s 6d' Men's Heavy Working Shirts are selling for lsed' . . - -'fld^heafc Wxst.Blwitjnjen-faeed Collms are selling for 3d dozen. Men's Braces, 6d. Scarves, 6.1. Ties, 6d. Socks, 6d, &c, &c, , ' -- Boys',' Youths', and Men's Felt and Tweed .Hats at Wholesale Cost. . ' ' ; ■ • > , ._._ _ ._ . _ _, . ._ i _ ••'» wv t t j 1»m «i<h n»W« w» »•!•«■ a«vfNot© the AddreSS T TT7n I*f A"P \Uw (Yni' BtfOUgnam-Streel, ■ waiter wrigin;, w ew Plymouth. ___^__ MMMMBHnHMHHHHMMiMNMHiiMHMMaHM^HaMMii^BiHiM^M

Ooaclies. : rir^! Hs'UJIBIBJ <SL HaWm S> ROYAL MAIL LINE OP COACHES bbtwbbn NEW PLYMOUTH AND OPUNAKE. qiHifi Coach leaves Mr.Walker's White Hart JL Hotel on Mondays, WBDNBBDAys, and Fbidatb at 9 a.m., and on Satubdats at 4 m ' Any return passengers by the Mail Coaoh ?? Gi%tT* yB A "fl! 1 • hK"J* J10"8J 10"8 Sw Ilymouth to do their busing TIMETABLE. QKato. 12 0 (to breakfast) _ . P«n»r _ . om S°SSS! o nn *°nß"eliu- °^" Bahotu 2 80 Okato, 9 30 Opunake..., I 0 0akura....... 11 0 NewPlymoutli M In addition to fto Mail Coach a CHEAP MABKET COACH will start from Oknto hotel SATUBDAY'S COAOH TIME TABLE, Leaves a.m. ' leaves p. m. Okato 7 80 N. Plymouth 4 0 aimaba 8 oOkftto^ 680 Oakura. 9 0 Bahotu 8 30 Now Plymouta 10 80 Opunake 10 0 Further partioulara apply to T.Bobinson&Co.. a 404 to Pbopeimtobs. ' [bSIABLIBHBD 1882.] —— RAHOTU COAOH SBRVIOB x>a.n^xw BUU'UUU T0 & FBOM NEW PLYMOUTH, ' TJIVEBY Satuhday will leava Babotu £ **&tsm,!sr«s 6<l° aIUi» Pußeno at 6-80 n-m-» Ob»to at j-sSijS£--a^i^AS a.m. Arrive at N«w Plymouth at 10 a.m. Baho?r/ B epWm! lymOUth 3 P-m>s "^ be cowfortably provided with breakfast and tea at moderate ohargee y «* Oktto, where tho coach stops balf-an-bour to change horses. r The Coaoh leaves Okato every Wednbb--ft*-*'ZtTl~~ H Therefore, people living at a distance, ana not desirous cf such a long ride on horaebaoh a yi n conjunction with the above Cofcoh c a Laeamo Yau will run to suit the r florvioe. a Jjugga.'jo van win run ro buii. tuu MBookiDßoulceß:BahotuQo? land Julian's Masonic btables, N»w Plymouth. , For tothor particulars, apply to > JAMES McolS LUM ' PBOPJMETeB, d »" -W-™ *«» 3^ v a 561 hb —■ — jiuK 8ALB(-8ection918,^ Plymouth v J? with B-roomed OOTA^GI, four flrt n pheei, Sloigh, WaiQ-hooae, Pawp, snd Jut* w y«/oai'iwlw. apply to B. 6AYL»\ w*»

INftI,WW()f)D _IH»IiJHWUUii. TABBY'S OOAOH -r BAY? a iNfILBWooD on ■AYHB^ IN |L"WO^D « for New Plymouth. From New Plymouth to inglewood at 3 p.m. ' orden. left at the White Hart Hotel, New Plymouth, or Snisted's Hotel, Inglewood, will receive DromDt attention. , ''^s^nKSSvcredto any part of the town at cheap rates. , JAMKS TARBY, Propretor ' DAILY OUAOE SKttVlCttfi TO AND FROM WAITARA. FT 188 Y'S COAOH leaves the Xaranak Hotel, Waitara. F ABB Si— Bingle «. ... 2s | Beturn ... 8b 6d . . Goods and parcels at low rates. J« *' X™Y ' "" R^*i* rf«te — » -wrnNrHyRFITT MFTiTfTNI? X>s^ «\ Box for biUona nnJ §Cq7 \u»\ nervous disordw^. li? \^l ■uoh m wind, mi* I^/pATENT V-^l ?ick he&acMa: hflni, IC H SiuCbS IH\.PILI-5». IP4J sweilingaftermefa, y i dUMtoMsagd towVEflv /§/ flushings of b.*t| >i^»^' ?»«■« WotwhesonihesWßl 2nk disturbed sleep, aJ£^itm^?&sLJffi flrsfcdoaowiUgivoroliefin2ominutos. This in no fiction, for they havo done it in thousands of ewes, Everysuflerorisearnestiyinvitedtotryoneboxof therms, and they wiif bo aoknovrleaged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. ForfomalesofaUagestheßePiiisoreinvaiusbie. assss m^ ero jg B() medicine to bs found to equal SS^aaSSSTsSS wiUsoon restore females of aU ages to Bonnd %^La^, tapaireddi ?a. tion%aU S£* important organs of the human machine, Th?J*»STll^Sl,*s.o.l^f}" %™vsZ \?<?Xi!h« ?? 0»go»^^ 0 »go»^^ the bosebud of health the whole physical energy SS^ni-SSi^ SSrvous and deWUtated is, Beotham'a Fills hare tholarßostsaloofanypatentmedioineintheworld. oi p* Chest, whewbig, to..Uum Pills standunrivaUedjandanyonelabouringunder fth ftbOVQ compiaints need only try Odo gfe^SSK^-i^^ JSuy o y f breathing which lOJ&ty deprive «h S S^%S^S^%£AtiSK complaints give B«okak'iOouoh P? ls a trial. ir'* tD^^ ta"^ta a«rrioir.-The | pubUo »- reqnestod to antici that the words "bmohuc'i Pills, St. Helens," •»«^>G<^^i*^aS^»M^n» the proprißtor, t. Beeoham, ohemiit, at. Heieni J^^^^VD^aSuU^tS

ftoteotod \>y theßoyal Lettora Patßnt,dated Oatob-r 11,1869. g^jg^lg PHOSPHOSY^E m RR haweST AND ONLY BELIABLB PREPARATION OF PHOSPHOBUS; , o2 people are hepelswlf nfa ™it^«« f~n« n»Viiiifv WnmTniia an ■ £» (figSSaStSSfSSSSTSIdi L IndiKeßtion Lassitude, Want of Powai S7wS2SSTadmlt of a permanent ome assail Sritatton^and excitement, imparts sew energy and life to the enfeebled constitu. M ourtß every cin go of these Wtherto incurable and distressing maladiea. themost efSoaoious mediolne hitherto dis, covered for Weak and Shattered Constitutions, nervous DebUity, Aversion or Inoapaoityfor atudy, Indigestion, Female Oomplabats,Flatulenoe, Liver y Oomplaintß, Shortness of Breath, Sft *A SesS^'by^n^ Jg' ta tSSTSSSTfI which i£. morcurv. Botass. *0.. are riven In varloui Phoaphoruß was bnt Beldom preßoribed as a medicine, owing te tha difficulty in bo prepay ing it that its action could be kept under 1 perfeitoontrol. It had been used in^Almond and Odve Oils, in Sulphurio Ether, in Beotified Aloohol, in Chloroform, and in eoverol advermediomoß, but in aU the Mlhorto known methodH of its proparation, oertaia irregular 25iSsSK?S3SMS££ able action on the human system is realised without any of those drawbaoks which other Dr. Brlgnt 8 FHOSPllOayiie IB agr€6B,blß to tho Palate and innocent in its aotiou, while fetainingallitffextraordinary propertieß, and J aSSfll awpasse. aU the known Hiera. Dr. Brlghfa Phoaphodyne.—lts ÜBe M=is^^ Nervous Debility, or any of th« hundred !3X^JSJR««=rJE by the Oee of this most inyalufibla remedy. —- m ftQ »o.iJst»« Ulf^BHf fcVtfi: fig- (SBScHT S "HUSPKDuYSL »nd do not bo pwßUaded to take any use^ ta- *nd poasibly dangerous substitute^ : 2 one m.außD. B « PILLS „ „„ - _ . 0D "^?* .n^/ e J , ' nT APinn ■ Bole Proprietor, ff. J o OLABKB, K^? D< . WPOTIT AOT3INTH . EXPORT AGENTS: Burbidge., and Co., Coleman^tree Sdßon. 87 N«*oata^n.t I^sado | nd jji the London Wholesale Houses. *»«u««w*o vwwu wnmn "«»" AGENTSFOB~NEW ZEALANDAQENTSFOBNEW ZEALAND. aEMPTHOBNE.PBOSSBB&Oo.jDuMBPni AUOT6AOT,w«IGS«iWHWQB,t ,

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7963, 6 September 1887, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7963, 6 September 1887, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7963, 6 September 1887, Page 1