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THE RTTDfrRT **j& baxtkb * „. _». „ . SB A.NTJ - NEURALGIC taranaki f wEBKLY eebald The Fwblic U?rust Office of Mew Zealand. iff^Tn^TTTf, ••bioe-t™™^ c . MAGIC PILLS-BIOJS-THBEEPTCWEi. IT . q OBJECTS ABE SPSOIALLr PROTECTIVE. . certain™ T^T,,, A< „ ->, Advertise'manU ,„ „ £ Tib rr V EE BBtates of P e ™°°<» w &° d *e. having neglected to make their wills,and who have not A ZZr wSlo p.- . f™"T ~ •"V S ' I *'U I * toy friends living in the colony ready to apply for administration, are carefully ad- jfthe^HS^ ?^f & £s^?^J* 1"*1 "* A Heabt's Bitihbnbss: By Bertha M. ministered, debts paid and residues remitted to tho»e legally entitlei to receive them. All ™J e J«i and Face, Gout, Solafaoa, Lornii ww y * * C or ,°L i ffdir Jflyßtery » persons are however, urged to instruct their solicitors as to their wills whilst in possession " a *"> ""• For Another s Bin, *c. ... —^i* of health and unimpaired faculties. Inviolable security for the fulfilment of their wishes is tpv™.™,. v^nxr ™t.T™Ai,T.T O ARTICLES : The Occupiers ot the Land... 8 a , BUTed by the appointment of the Public Trustee as sole Executor. No charge is made ;; r r X ™ BO J^ TB ?™ ION J AL8 ' The General Elections 13 upon the deposit for safe custody of any Will by which the Public Trustee is appointed m^L lo l^. f Hand y'-5?^ 01^ I StO^ o NBW *??* Centralisation ... ... 13 Kxecutor. Other Wills may be deposited on payment of a fee of Ten Shillings. Subject to ™° v "*> wme8 M OQ . 6tt L A P r ) I » 1883— Having Abhtsemhnts : Entertainment at Fitzroy B the provisions of the Publio Trust Office Acts, any present trustee may transfer the manage- S° v l*!?"f a « lo 1 ftUB to , bo B . oure *» A S^* A ' r *™ T ? : BaU s? 7^ ireman * ment of trust property to the Public Trustee, who wiJl therenpou hold euch property upon Nbubamoa, *o, phew srod me by poet 8 Killed-The Inquest-The Funeral... 6 the original trusts attaching thereto. P * dozen bo ieß w early as possible. A banker put in a madhouse 4 The Bca i e of feeß applicable to the classes ot Estates above referred to is as follows :— . ln , a la * fc . r le^; ™ the same genfleman, A boundary dispute ... ... ...13 On all receipteof income under a trust, or on realising pro- bearing date of 11th June, 1883, he wrlt»s-. Cobbbspondbnok: Larrikins at Bell perty under a will, or transfer of administration or probate £5 per cent. for T^ Te J^ mO wtif/Tw t i f /T Block— Coming Blectort-Oor Can- For rendering Property-Tax retura (if necesaary) ... ... 10/- The Bej. 3. S.Withington, President of tndidates— Hours Worked in echools— For rendering Stamp account (if Decesßary) ... 2/6 per cent. 1 Mm. fee, &X United Mettiodlßfc Free Church, writes— l . FishiDg Boats-Bailway Accident— For obtaining probate (if necessary) 7/6 per cent. ) Max. fee\ £10 have leownweiided [the Antt-Neuralglo Pllto More Politics ..; ...•-... 2,14,15 For investinf funds, if the sum lent is under £1000 20/- per cent! to several sufferersfroraTio-Doloureux, ToothCotjntbt and Distbiot Nbwb : From For invest ing funds, if the sum lent is over £1000 15/- per cent. ***• *°: ,*» aI1 «" have afforded reour correspondents: From Inglewood The pp a bli c Trustee holdß large sums of money for investment on real security at current Uef J* nd . ln aom6 oaßeß th » onre nas b6Bllb 6811 —From Btratford— From Okato— rates of interest. Any sums may be advanced on first mortgage of freehold property to the te ' T , nu ■_. „. .„, , t . P?Om « P^ ak ?., _, - , 'A' l" I extent of one-halfof its actual value. Applications for advances will be received at the The Bey. B. Chew, Free Church Minister of Cotjtbts: Besident Magistrate's Court ... 6 various agencier. Every policyholder under " The Life Assurance Companies Act, 1873 " Newoastle-on-Tyne, writes— A New OonnecPolice Court 6 may regisoe such poli.y within six months after the making thereof, on payment of a fee «on Minifltfr, a friend of mine, suffered Bankruptcy Court 17 offive hilliuori severely from TicDoloureruc for Borne time. Desecration of the dead ... 17 . * -■■««. ** c toolc one or two of 7 0XU Anti-Neuralgir DockriU at Frankley Boad, Lower rablio Iraatee at Wellington. My daughter has taken a few of your PIIIb, Kent Boad, and Upper Mangorei ...17 — — end is already quite free from the pain she Election of Municipal Councillors ... 12 0. RBNNBLI/, Agent for New Plymouth, Bronpham Street. has been se long tormented with. I Bhall Emm Bey Belief Expedition 4 -■. 14 cc— gladly aid their extended sale. Election Matters 18 — " The Bey. E. Watmogth, ef Bipley, writes— Fire at Blenheim— Two lives lost ...12 _ My daughter, who suffered very severely, waa Fencing the Harbor Beserfes ..; ... 7 fTl_ _ M» f VjlHll I iC! "%V I* a relieved ln lass than half-an-hoor by year Government of Circumlocntion ... ...12 J f\& l^. W1&%9 Lj\ 1 ifiOIATATPPrif PiUfl ' How the Land is held- ' 7 J. 11%/ - M-+^* *+*"*> »-r * • |ClVvlVVlli. The Bey. J. Baatow, Uwllsle, writes— Two How an innocent man may suffer ... 4 ••••••••».«.. M »***.«.- 1 of your Pills afforded me relief . Indebtedness of New Zealand 15 JMfe. "••♦••••♦••••♦•♦♦♦••• Mr. W.M. Wateon, Whitworth Boad, Booh Kibblings IS, The strictest examiner may try every test of touch vrSj dale, writes — A lady who has been for a grea Local Boabds : Harbour Board ... 2 % MA and sight without discovering that these are other -Jf* J length of time almost a martyr to Tic, wa Loss of thb Beoahia : Full parlicnlars 3 \ «lr %i iiian tDe Genoa Velvets which they so closely resem- advised to try your Pills. The first box cored Mabkets ; Latest Markets, by telegraph TWs .' ble, .while the peculiar arrange: uM.csmtingm the JBj^^^ ner> This'is mere than' twelve months since, from London, Australia, and the * jmjgj^ fast woven pile enable them to stand interminable vH» and if ever she 1b threatened with • return chief towns in New Zealand 9 and rough wear, -which -would ruin real velvets at '9B^P^ one or * wo yr^ m »ke her right again. Mr Brodie Hoare on Taranaki 12 four times the price. For Costumes and Trimmings * s^HL Other friends of hers have tried them, with Mr. Henniker Heatoa,.. ... „. ... 4 it is unequalled, and in feet for all purposes in JSlef^w the like results. Her name is Mrs, 0 n, Marriage of Mr. H. D. Vavasour 7 JMtg " which Silk Velvet may be used we sho U7U 7 respectable, and resides at the Mr. F, P, Corkill's Maori Collections ...18 fc/*VBBft-— - - specially recommend the d§SiiSsS9»S» Promenade, Bochdale. NHWB of THB Webk : Deuh of Mr. FLflHs^sW ««ISl3Sßßßt*®£* TheEov.G. Beove,AuclandHottße,yentaGr, Winter— Competition rifle match— V^ssVrlHHBM "LOUIS" VELVETEEN. ti^S'^HHsff Isle of Wight, writes— Several pefsons ' here Loss ot the Becamia— Patitutu sig- , MuuBBaMK *-ww*^ JS^^^H^Hr 0» have derived very great benefit from them, zag — Larrikins or Radicals— Demand Jb^SE^Mblbß. Every yard of genuine bears the^||g£^HHV , The Bey. W. Travail; ■ Beddifcch, writds— for deferred payment land— Tara- ' mBBKB^Msk name of " Louis." >^^^^^^H^S^ have been benefloial in many oases' here, naki Rifle Band— The Hospital JHmbKIQmHbV * r , *_ ■> m s4BsM*llj4ffi7ft ■ t£sk The Bey G B. Bawson, of Winaford, building... ... > ' 6,7 May be had from all J|Kfc,2 Oheshire writes— Mrs. Baweon, as weU aB my NBWB OF THB WOBLD i Irish National I fIBHH £ ra S e f throughout Ws?l£&&§i3£& Bon &ld dan B Slte r, have derived great benefit League— Bussian intrigue — Sugar »- v aHHHsHT * cc ° lomes : , most Wi^M fSH frra them; very severe suffering having been duties ~ Escape of Ayoub Khan— F^&HiHß^dß' *" Y hom wIU /g&Sß^sffl^ 1§ &^|l }^&W^so relieved by their use, I oan heartily reeomGladstone's apology for boycotting— £ \ iII3?PQP 8 "P«i send P atterns Bg&tisgsSm I WelJziWr mend them to all who suffer from Neuralsio Power of Irish National L agui- fc HBg^S^ post fr . ee on rt^^^^S Wm WOtST ■ affections. French Army— A Brandy Bing— lffi~?W s ?p$ l:l r -^'ication SOS WglP-~*^^ •- Mr' Edward Dignom, Commission Agent, Affairs in Bulgaria ... ..* ' 10,11 **^ •- Frodsham, .Cheshire, writes— A ycung mas Notes and Echoes-: Mr Marchant's i^MaMNHHBiBaaaMHHiiHHBHaHMaBaHiHHBMHaBaaHMHBNaHaHHBHHHMHHHHMaHHi^HaaaH^ named Jame* Hough had been nearly mad speech— Curriculum of Schools— ' for a fortnight with Tio, and was completely JSalus turned Larrikin — New way to —~ — . - , m „- , oared with one dose of the Pills. ' kill, rats— Another definition of Ju- '^^^^mM^^S^^^^iS^^SS^^^^ii^^f^^SSßSSSßm^slM The Physician's Cure ■ — '■ - bilee— « Don't go" ... 2 , l^i¥l | Effiit! f °* Oout, Eheumatic Sold by all Chemists and Storekeepers, la OT7B ILLUBTBATBD LOHDON LetTEB : m»|j^ MK^ | ||S | *jj®M MM^ Gout and Gravel: the bexes, Is. Hi. and 2s. Sd. each. Portrait of Duchess of Cambridge—" > ™»i § B ml. ■bs%u re^«k?^^S &*k w "^ f"^IB safest and most gentle ■ mi Portrait of Morell Mackenzie ...13 feE^il^mC^ig^^^^^^^^g^^S^ Medicine for Infants, WHOIMALH AOHHTSOutof the]awsof deaA ... .„ ... 6 Th Universal liemedy for Acidity of the Stomach, Children, Delicate J?e- j. BAXWSB, Ohomiat, Tiotoria-street, ChristOur Amateur Defence Force in Welling- Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, •Boar Eructatibns <^ and the Sick- ohuroh ton ... ... .„ ... ... 2 BiUous Affections. . .. - ness of Pregnancy. Messrs. P. Hayman and Co.} Bainabury Pomtioai. and Social Topics: Pass. u,^ H .-- J,^v.^^,...m...-r-l.t-...wm,lJ ,^ v .^^,... m ...- r - l . t -... wm , l , I . m ,^ WIH - WM BUifidon * Co: Felton, Grimwade fc Co, ing on of the Hawea— lmprovement 1 8\ MW^M^^WfWW^f^W IWm »nd the New Zealand Drag Company. in meat marketr-Harell and Hodg- t. (f |UlnNE.FUt\Ud\ ivWfi I^aW'^^ Wi EiiS&Slai v —*• kins' report — "Mrs.' Grnndy," of FLUID- IW yA^ 8»1 fe? i 3fcwsl ¥^ Poet free rom J. Baxter for 19 or 43 postWellington— Victoria Buffering from f-w-- ■— ■■* iiJ«n&IC?£MA J b^s^r*W^^s^Bn^^W®»^s3«iss^»H^ b W^^r age stamps.! Protection— Bis "P.O."— A touching • %/M A" M FS I A/ VK^^^Sj^^^l^^BS^SmßamHßß JL Zll incident in Court— That naughty book ~^-^ n ~'~" T - r ' -™* s fcOi ,i uv atl Uw,^*^ ami Storekeepers. fTIHBI TA 8A IS AKI HUiJiALu -A passable buU ... ... ... 6 N.B. ASK FOR DINNF.FORP'S MA'OMESTft.' 1 pobIiSHBD DAH.T . —■ ■ „— Price, ld.-B BbMrf pflonper q «;rt»M fc 6d. Bussian designs on Central Asia' 6 --- ; iiCTi?TiTTnfiit!"P ZSsifESsssrrs* ' save moisey by ADisPTise «»£££, %S£» v abi» Clubs-Besignation of Handicapper— I^3^ I Til O i fi'inilSTW'C 4 DA^^CI POBtISHEB STHRV saijjbda*. M£SSfita.«2iMS. ...lloHilin & bAUbntlb rMbtt. dibit Hi. w^*i-i- i= t : .ti-«-.». St« Mftry'fl SdlOOl S&Z&ST ••• ••• ••« 9 iiBBj^gS>gHBfWMjHK3H|jBWHS^ TSDKMS StSx APYMBT XffISXfr ** -^ UNDINE'S Mabsiaoeb : Ot the Dftjk Adv*rtoemmtaofM«ardV«*Oa9Sbiraa^ft lxpm Secret. By Bertha M. Clay. Author >l S^f^^S'^'^^^^^^^^^^^^^¥ i^l^^^^9!lt ßiMKJ.tß^~jS^^^ff^^™giWß^l AdTSttteaaaats of 88 worda... t Tw3 ShilUn^Si Mmm Buith & Oauqhets' Parcel System^ bow an admitted Boon to Country tions of standing advertisements must be sent |HJ L^* Pettlew. ln to the office not later than 3 o'clock the f^Bßgw . - ,>^»BIgTREATMENT-r-. ) , gj^j^ Qaughby's Faroels have for four, years given unbounded , Standing Advertisements for Three and Six P|B. B. 0. WEST'S NMVK AND Brain iafofection. , , s IS£J™ ta """^ &r *' ' Uh6nl LJ Tebatmbnx a guaranteed speoifio foi Smith & Oauqhei's have always aimed at combining exoellenoe with Hotlceto discontinue advertisements fan Hysteria. Dißzinesß, Convulsions, Flte, -Sex- oheapness, and by so doing have eeoured the confidence of the publio. less where number of insertions is mentioned" SSS^Si^^SESZ tobat£ Smith & Oaughey study closely the wavt 9 of their Country friends, and aboriginal ordsr) maßt fee forwarded, ia Wakefalnesß, 7 Mental Depression, Softening" do their utmost to supply a Genuine Artiole at the lowest possible price ffif.'^TdaSof^K?^ 110 * lat6? of the Brain resulting ln insanity and lending for oash. . man io a.m. on gays ot pnniloattoa. to misery, decay, and death, Premature Old WHOLESALE AND BETAIL FAMILY DBAPEBS, AUSHOBISID AGBHIS AND OOEBRS,' Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sex, OtiPfln-qfrPpf AnotlflTifl ' OTIfJ NTpwmnrVpf «w*«w»mmw «w»*o«n*i WMUwaj Involuntary Losses and Spermatorrf oja VlUeen-StXeefc iiUCKiaiia i ana «ewmarKei;. W »,*» M caused by over-exertionoi the brain, B elf. , gSS? - - 2^?^!^^ B> abuse, orover-indulgenoe. Baoh box oontairia . ZtZl ~ "" Sj 1 ?SS22?/w one month's treatment. 6/6 a box, or six TIWPf»R TiMT TO Pf OOTf '<* A r TTT T! <5 tt.l*T-.i "* ** mU' TtJzZ?? boxes for 27/6, sent by mail pre-paid on re- IMI^UKJANI 1U PLUt-li- .1 A.3 i Jfc!<l\,O. Urenol «, — Mr. BawißAßr. SsHHSH COOPER'S SHEEP^PPLNG POWDEk. •SSSAggssgL' 27/6, we wiU send the parchaser our written BgßnM *"* WWHl P™* l ** »nentton. STd^nofeffectaTuS. "&£& Ihis Dip has been In ase upwards of 53 It does uot etain the wool. *ABAN mnug jjd BTOaBJ »ay ißsnedonlyby years. BeruJHJMAtu&u hoim tee xollowins ...,'_ „.___ _, It Is more extensively used than all It ia a certain onre for Lice and Scab. Um J^^SSS^T JOHN C, WEST AND Co., other Dipa, being applied to upwards of Unlike the many Liquid Dips whiob just NBW PiTOODTE^ - ak wi-RTrwT RTTiwiBT avnwjßV 8 million sheep eaoh year, kill the inseots and then pasß off them- »r j. Avery, x^evon-sweet 65 MABKET STBEET, SYDNEY. P effecta the fleeoe m Mrsßowen, Devon-Btreet East Circular wt^Ton agitation. the handles and cheapest Dip, re. on « «™b *** P rwnt new inf « )Hon - * iridg^' DeTOB - straet ' nei * ''<"» W. 0. FitzqbbaliD, Chemist, solej agent ' iJri Bno boiling or hot water. Ithaauever beea equalled by any other Dip j^ q^i^ Brougham-streot Wellington, N.Z. ' Mr Orooker, Devon-strest ■ — ■ Mrtßranois, Dovon-Btreet West MAATI TiiTir A T> Tk aXTBAOT FBOM IHE TBANSAOTIONS OF THB HIGHLAND AND AGBIOULTUBAL Mr Franoia, Ourrie-Btreet avIUU HJii W AJttU. SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND, 1870:— ' Mr Gilmour, Brougham-street Sonth — Mr Handy, corner of Oourtsnay aad We will pay the above reward for any case "An Infinite variety of proprfotary and Patent Dips are now finding their way into the M^^STSflwm .rfw of liver complaint, dyspepsia, siok headache, Marltet. Some of these are really good, some indifferent, and others absolutely bad. We be- *»• « B ™^ fi^Zf indigestion, constipation, or ooativeness we lleve COOPER'S to bo the longest established and cheapest, and also the meat extensively used. «£• »• j tX^ D^L H tr fi «t cannot cure with W tufa Vbqbtablb Livbb Ab shown by the railway books, It appears no less than 1200 dozen paokagea, or enough to dip *»• **v» • ™ "V % X™,» IIS t , .t, PJUJ3, when the directions are striotly com- 288,000 sheep, are sent out weekly. It Ib used extensively on the Continent, and in the Colo- '^J^ ' plied with. They we purely "vegetable, and nies, accompanied by « directions for use' printed in many languages. As a Summer and B "■?«' "*«„_._ nt _ n , t w-flt Sever fail to give satisfaction, Large doxcb Autumn Dip we consider it eeoond to none, and have alwaya used it. Ita oheapness *ad ex- Jg «^ Bumnev DmSSnet containing 80 augat-ooated PUIs, Isßd. For sale treme solubility In cold watbb particularly reoommend It for these purposes." «£** y^r'L olrtep oL«n by all druggisteT Beware of counterfeits and .Since the above who written the sale hu more than doubled. *5t imitations. The cenuine manufactured only , — Mr Wainhouse, Devon-street East by From Jambs Aia2U»»BB, Esq., WanganuL MrYateß,Brougham-«troßt John C» West Olid Com "Seven yoara ago I wkflinduoed to buy eight cases of your Shdep Dipping Compound, y^^q^^ Nobmanbt— v uiiu v. if oo* «i«*i v/«m iadj m m tbneott ! af ew paoketß to the direotionß. I aeleotoi a t»w old " ,JJq, Kuuokey MrEnrfand 65 MABKET STBBBT, SYDNEY, N.S.W. ewes, not oaring whether I loßt them or not, sad not one of them waa njured In tae least. 1 bblli bLOOK— HAWBBA-- — afterwards dipped my whole Flock of 10,000, and did not lose ono. Mr 0. Oallaxhaa Mr Davidson Sold by W. 0. FiTzaBBALD, ohemißt, Wel« "I vow dip for Lice, and find It most effeotuaJ, Jam &Uo told by my ueljaboars It Is XiWPpbrton— Patba— lington. equally so for Scab. MrOurd Mr J. Kenwortbv Sent pre-pald by post on receipt of I/8 per " I have dipped ever 60,000 sheep with it, and never lost but one, and thla animal was waitaba~ ÜBBNur— box In stamps. seen licking itself just after it left the baths. I oonsider that with ordinary care your Dip- - yy r r G r6 yFras!or Mr Bertrand .. . — . — ping Powder, used on a large or small scale, is perfectly safe. The chief point being to see Inglbwood— Oakupa— TOT "VQt W * b * t tne Bne6 P *" 4ulto before they are turned oat to grass." £> r pranklyn Mr Adlam ww TV w „, , MrMarah MrToweon WfiH>'a Wnvlrl'a Wnn^fir From Mr. Thomas Middlhton, Manager for the Hon. Bobsrt Campbell, Meßere. Curtis Bros. Okato— VVeSCB WOriaS WOnaer, Benmore Estate, Waltakl. Midbibst- MrJ.MoOunaoi OB FAMILY LINIMENT, Oooper's Dip Is the best dip for Lambs lever used." Mr W. A. Earle Wjwtowh— , Mr. Bin Wing Kee Mr Hughson *mZ?Zg* ""SjSfIS t% « 1I »,B»rH> 8D .t«.,>18,. M ,d. | S »B»J 1 0*»-lJ,im Bites of Inseota, Sore Throat, and all diseases M Dbab Sib,— Aooompanylng our order by thla mail wo or*, pleased to observe that yow np Z^^!: X Co requlrin B external application. Bold by all Sheep-Dipping Compound ia Bteadily gaining ground ln this part of Now Zealand. M«lmNaw«i«n Mr G H ADDlemite Ohemiste and Druggista. fi At the request of our customers we have occasionally imported Dips by other flrmß, but Meegrs, Kawwan fixr w. b. appjegste Puxox, ip »¥«>» -^JSaSSSSttStJS^^ epoken iv the Mah!£- "sjjj*^ by W. C. ita^u* Chemist, WeL highest Unns of the & „ ) JOHN C. WEST and Co., «epabbd only by ' caution to thus public 80LBPB0PRIB1OE6. WI&& IA II VOWER; MMM.Vn^ BOYS SELLING PAPfIBS. Sydney, ohioa^oT and tojonio.^ CHEMICAL WORKS- BERKHAMST£F ENGLAND. A*X^^*£t!£S£^ ——————^ . .. i...... . for dedvering to feubsoribers, pereonn are thl^L^l^i, 0F n H Mr^?mS2LE e * w ta P^ ke^ nMOuA lot ftom 20 to 80 Sheep, or lv oaseb «afc tor 1500 to SHOO. particularly requested NOT to purchase toe award of the Gold Medal (L'Academie * "» acoordlng to the lengtli of wool, P a P° rß f rom **»'• w n«a on rounda. Nationale), andalsothe SUver Medal awarded acooroing wmßiwgm Ol wwi, •- o£ c paper oan obtain^ toJohnßrinsmeadA;Sons,ofWigmore-streßt, .„„_ »„ «^. -w^^, t»,.« from Agents in different p»rte of the towa. London, for the superiority of the Piano ex- ABBHTB IN THB JNOBTH I8L1N» : «~~-^ ■ _ bibited by them last year at the Paris Exhi. Messrs. KEMPTHOBNE, PBOSSEB, k Co,, Auckland and WelUngtos Printed ond published for thi Fropriewry or i.v. bition, Ac founder of the firm has been Messrs. SHABLAND k Co., Auckland aod Taroaki «caW OhevaUer of thoLegtai pf Honor Mr. F. W. WttLLiMSjNapler SffltftSSSttSSfflß^^ tUicUrttaftion. being eonforred on At tttw Messrs. BaBBAUD k SON, Welllngtoa New Plymouth, Twantki, in ;tbe Ooloaj or Naif

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7963, 6 September 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7963, 6 September 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7963, 6 September 1887, Page 4