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&n Old Established AW Popular Medicine , f> AXTBB'S Long Preserver nas been «»• 1 J t&bllshed over a quarter of a century and patronised by all ranks of society, and enjoys a success iinpart'/toW, 1 Goasumption, .Ctonjths, Golds, fironohiti Asthma, Whoopitf Oough, Bora Thro** and all affections 1 the Oheßt and Throat Effectually Believed and (taxed by Baxter's ; Lung Preserver. JESTIMONIAIic. t-tom William Beed, Esq., Shipping an •Qoßtomfl' Agent— < Lyttelton, Wovemiwr,aB, lSBS -^ I have used your Lung Preserver in my family for the last fourteen yean, therefore have the greatest pleasure in bearing test!-. mony to effioaoy in the treatment of ooughs, eoldt, ronohitifl, croup, whoopingoough, ko. are recommended it to my fronds, who hare also to be a Tory: palatable and sp«edy onre for ©host and throat, oomplaints. I hare uniformly found a single dose ot "Lug P-eser?er" oheok a severe paroxysm of coughing. I shall on all ooea-j dons hare great pleasure in recommending it to sufferers, as 1 consider It a beon to man kind. From Isaao Allen, Esq., Oonumsslon Agent — Hereford-street, Ohristchurch, December 5, 1883.-Afterßevenyears'experiencelhave great pleasure in testifying to the efficacy of your "Lung Preserver," haying proved it in my, family to bo a speeiflo for ooughs, oeldß, *0., a few do*es invariably snbdoing the naeiy harasling oough, and while relieving the throat and, ohest, it does not like other nostrums, disorder the digestive organs by induoing nausea, oonstlpatien, headache, loss of appetite, ko. loan heartily recommend it as the best, cheapest and most palatable mixture known fo» ooughs, oold% bronchitis, whooping-cough, ko. So highly do *c enteem It that we always keep * jipply on hand. From W. JB, Scott Esq., Builder, &0.,— Peterborough-Btreet, Ohristchurch, Deoember 4, 1883.— 50 me years ago I was reoommendec to try a bottle of your v Pnlmonio Elixir and Lung Preserver," tor tightness of the chest. I did so, and from that time I have never bean without it in tae house, I have found it answer in every respect for coughs, colds, and sore throat, and would strongly advise those that are suffering from Bach oomplaints to try it The Bey._ J.\ Myers (ex-Preßiaant of the United Methodist. Free ; Church) writea-r Haaover-street, Leeds, Maroh 25th, 1872— I have pleasure in testifying how rapldlr and effectually Baxter's Lung Preserver has aoted in allaying oough and irritation of the chest in tho case of my wife, who has toveral times been under the necessity of using it during the winter. From Dr. J. Swart, M.8.0.5.X., tee.— l am very much opposed to patent medioines generally, and totally discountenance the Balsams', Qxymels, Elixirs, Syrups, and other emanations of unprinoipled empirics; bat I regard jour Long Preserver as a really good preparation, entirely free from those qualities whioh render most patent medicines dangerous, and possessed of thosfltoido and ttlmulating properties which render it a treasure to those who suffer from the exhausting effects of pulmonary disease and ohest affeotions 'generally. In oases of asthma it quickly cute short the paroxysm. In ohronio bronchitis r>- winter oooghs it is useful I the discharge mucus is greatly assisted, arid the wheeling and difficulty of breathing are greatly relieved by it. la acute bronohitis It is also benefioial, and whilst it tends to oheok inflammation, it promotes expectoration and thus relieves the laborious and diffioalt breathing bo general in these attaoks. As a cough medioine, for persons of all ages, it is excellent,— J. Ewabt M.8.0,8. From Bey. W. B. Marten, Wealeyan Minitor— Ohrisfohurch, 2nd August, 1872— Having raftered considerable annoyanoe during the past two years from hoarseness and affection of the throat, whioh at times rendered publio speaking somewhat difficult and painful,' X I have, since my arrival in this circuit— ln April lost— been induced to try your Baxter's Lung Preserver, and I deem it only just to inform you that I have experienced great benefit from lta use, being enabled to preach now with a degree of ease and comfort to whioh I had been some time a stranger. As yet I have but used three bottles, but shall certainly reoommena it to all who Buffer is a similar manner. You are at liberty to make what use yon please of this communication. From Bey, Samuel rteUars, Minister of United Methodist FreeOhurohes.-Forthe sake of suffering humanity I record the fallowing extraordinary owes, whioh have been effected by your valuable Lung Preserver :— I know a gentleman in whom consumption had io far progressed that bis medical man gave up his case as hopeless. He, however, availed himself of your treatment, and, after taking a few bottles of your Lung Preserver, was so far recovered as to be able to resume hia business, whioh he new regularly follows without muoh inoonvenlenoe from either pain or weakness. A Oeug* of many yecwf standing. The rev. writer of the above continues— An aged lady of my acquaintance was for many yean troubled with a ohronio oough bo severe that Bhe seldom had an hour's quiet sleep. After apendißg nearly all her sub* etanoe in medioine, she was perauaded to try your Lung Preserver, ko,, whioh, under God's blessing, soon cured her, Mr, Biohard Lobb, Trtco&now, Tlntagtl, Cornwall, writes to Mr. H. Welch, Oamelford —I was very 11 for a long time with a oough, to., and did not average one hour's sleeo per night, but on obtaining from you a 2s 9d bottle of Baxter's Lung Preserver, and taking one dose, I slept soundly, not coughing more than five minutes in the night Before I had finished the oontenta of this bottle the oough quite left me, . From the Editor of the "Yorkshire Independent," West-street, Leeds, Maroh 6th, 1878 — My family is particularly liable to ohest affeotions. We have found Baxter's Lung Preserver a most excellent remedy, , So highly do we esteem it that we do not like to be without it In the house. For the last fifteen years not only my own family, but many friends to whom I have recommended it have found great benefit from it. For Bronohitis I know nothing equal to if. ■— Bdwabd FOSTBB To be had of all Chemists and Store&eepars bottles, Is 6d, 2s 6d, 4s 6d, and 8s each. Wholesale Agents — J. Baxter, Chemist, 2l Victoria-street, Ohristoburoh Messrs ,P Haymun k Co., Sainsbury, Ellisdon k Ob. ana xempthorae, Prosser, k Oo.j and may also Be obtained of merchants throughout New Zealand. , BriiT Purchasers are iwquested to ask for Baxter's Lung Preserver. Be cautious against oelng put off with come other medioine whioh dealers may recommend solely on the ground of having more profit AGENTS FOB NBW PLYHODTB Mr J. H. BENNETT, OhemUt . Mr HANDY. Egmont Store, f

THE GREATEST WONDER OF MODERN TIME3I PILLS&OINTMENT. purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, and Bowels. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in nil Complaids incidental to Females of all ages. is ao infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, Glandular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. ' The Pills anu Ointment are Manufactured only at 78KewOxford St. (late 533 OxrJrd St.) London; And are sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughout tht Civilized World j with directions for use in almost every language, fj IV Parohaiers should look to tht label on the Pots and Boxei. If the address is sot I 83 t OttoA street, lio^don, tb«y trc ipwiom,

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7963, 6 September 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7963, 6 September 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7963, 6 September 1887, Page 4