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Shipping.. Sales by Auction. \i\7HITE AR T |-]QTEL ~ ' STONY RIVER. KIOIAf fIIU OA I C Opposite the Government BuU.Ws, iiQ><k lyilllV 1 1 111 A II I I £ aBBB^ Corner of Devon m 0 Quc-oa ■Vfl&M^. TO"MO RRO W. HUH UIO Vn&-&a «%-^^2?^B^^ streets, Sew Plymoath. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY „„ N H WT O N K I NG AT %^^ *—* ' WILLIAM W.LKE^ ... rmaaO n. op nw Zealand (la™) ™Z? t ZlZTase^ 7 TMTQQ nATTTPP^ PllflTftl AlfifA¥! THT H l Bpl ? ndic V New Fremiees "™ ». ,nder from 6 Q4-YEAB OLD BTEEBS lllbb OOllltiii^ U I VL i« AW H I I * bSffpSS *-v the Breakwater (weathar and other vfV/ SO Yearlings . , to families, strangers, and commercial trave'circumstences permitting;:— inK^ "~~" lera visiting New Plymouth, from its cou,FOB MA^UKAD— o Jr^t n?n»1!L^» t> t a t j- -kt modiousness, its central position, being in the w iKA XK 4o 4 o» F wED Sl D',my,7 l h ? ep.= ol i», H.rr« B ,FiE C e™Ti>. Early A^-lication Neeessarv fib«t prize. £is . p b ?S/,^pt o . a^V c °lh B oS i te w^SSZSiSrS-b-. •""* r " tU '" M * THE GREAT SENSATION •■«■»««■.■«* baths-ho*. c£d, m 4 ss ¥ w e , .oEBYDNKr^MAnoK^KD)- waiw^aiho. OF THE DAY ! • The o££A£rX lhs Th ANAU on TDKBDAY, 6th September. THURSDAY.^EPTBMBEB 8. _ rtAmZ'O season, is unequaUed. POR BANFRANOISOO (From AtjoklAND) NEWTON KING . NOW READY, ' JCi« \J\J \JJX O The Choicest of Liqueurs and Wines, and the Mabiposa. on MONDAY, 12tb Eep-ember. Will inll by auctioa at hiß yards, Waiwa- rpri-n, CTm)V n -p m-rrw • • *!ineßfc! ineBfc B . r ,^ n f s S f ss P irits and Cigarp are kaiho, on the alcove date,— llUli blUlt-Jt UJ! ±kLt, GueSSUlff ComDetition is QP6n alone B "PP lied - English and Colonial Ales SPECIAL SERVICE 1 (\{\ OALVES AND YEARLINGS . + All and Stout, on draught and in bottH . iU Vof?^ dMera Langworthy Marriage, t0 AU - T «™ vr^, be despatched from New F.ymoutn tor 1R en,c n ,i n(r i n ff Hf-ifer,, • First-Clasp fiTABt,Tv« Unnnkaa every WednesJay Erening, and for 35 Kd Stores . PORTRAIT OF Mrs LANGWORTHY. TVTO BISK. NO ENTBANOB FEE. m IMto Wellington and Lyttelton every tfaturday ' 10 3. year Bullocks "^ ' ' — ~~~ — : — ' M <> rnia g' 80 Ewes, with Lambs at foot TO THE PUBLIO OS 1 NEW v, TT r * . • A STRANGE, TRUE STORY Plymoath and SnrronndinV odeTK Bbooked thtws * v Loßton 7 7 Bale at * °' olock> of to-day. How many Beans are Districts S ™°™W ■«r-Q««w: ' ~" t ■ , # . t, SYNOPSIS oT^NCIDENTS. Contained illthe . H. JULIAN Brousbani Street. hyjno.pbis vv iNL>wiuNia : m • I B ft • A t, ,r t, ,r r GIaSS Bottle Oil VieW TNT N thanklc g for their patronage *L - NORTHERN '14 I ill 1 IITD 9I U PoRTRAIT OF Mr B. M. Lasowowtht , w" ** X while carrying on Livery Stable and A, BTHA «gg; °°- »■ bULLItH &b% -^SS^" inmy Window - ttJl^^Srstt&ft %^£& L L™> MUSIC AND PIANOFORTE Betrothed • _ &^ to TIME lABLK FOR SEPTEMBER. ' ■ WABEHOOSB, New Plymouth. «« To a Woman engaged in Teaching. - warrant a continuance of patronage/ by ( Weathor aadotherftwcamatanßespermittiEg) ' • Never !" nHHE above Valuable money prizes will be a PPf>kff himEelf stricily to business. . ».^., ,m., n , r-i .r, , The French>-MaiTiag© I . • KB.— Orders left at Professor FurloDg's FOR ONKHUNGA- . VIOL IMS »* COLLIES & Oo.'S - m nob ftn E^ Marriage ? awarded for the ' (Wj<» <>***» Hotel) will be attended Prom Waitara- . VIOLIN-STRINGS at Colmeb& Co's The Belgian Marriage to with despatch. 991 hb tc GAiitLOOH, 8.5,, from Waitara, on THUR?- - Violin Fittikgs at Collier & Co's A -R^.f tt«« ot «,««« o^^ -^ ~A- ~— »« (**>,....-». .„„„„. :P: P * n . iSEsss--* C 3 nearest reduction in price. P«^mX£n£tttat.kea.UheC<». QnrrAES « Collier S CoB TtoLte "^1 iffidlJit 8 Tril <^«« A« BUPIOT eAZETIE OF HEW ZKALAHU. Agent. xTT'TtrTcirwrnci miv in > After Darkness, Lighfc at Last ■— ■ Cmrie-street, and Weifc Qoay, WaHurs. rtltt W gOUSi Ctb at C/Oilier &CO S «*The Slow Drag Chain of the Law's Competition closes on December 31st, whtn ®" ONE GUINEA PER YEAR; -SSJ Waitara, September 6, 1887. D 471 to ■kt-— n,i,»« TdTnai n *t Cnm^r k Cn'a Delay" • '. , — — = S ZT^ZT^^"' ' "M y?r d we ad^eve^. * *™> -« * —a. -- *- TtSSfSSSfSrSSfS at CoiiMbsb & Co's in Oourc awtrded to the successful competitors. latest information op to time of issue. l&iUlTfc nSTD S JiIft3T£ MrDanbytellsuswhy * Published weekly. Gives lateit informaWHIIL tUrriAWI& pi&HOB by leading makers SS^SS^^^^^ N _ of l^ r^ SK^StfSKa'SaWt „ „^ Alone m London r o ' nnnlicatTnii i - Letters Patent, &c, - PRICE, 2i per lb. On sale by W. B. AMERICAN ORGANS A Struggle with Starvation application SENT PEEB 0N ApptIOATIONt i DAVUS3, Seedsman, Brougham-treet. by t esfc ma kers Hunted Hard The and Bankruptcy Gazette 8268 tC at COLLIER & Co's " In the Service of the Poor M VMMW WIVM "S^Si TaTln^Slj g^ __ Another Stab in the Back Vl rjrr ir -a-ium ss snecess, the 3?roprietor begs to assure his THB PRINCE OF HARMONIUMS Th e Lords Justice decide against Mr v &M£JlJLJLJlNljria ~M nomerons zubacribe.rß throughout the colony "* • bvleadinß makers Langworthy tbat nezther labor nor expeaee will be spared SUMMER DRINKS »< 'o»™ & 0* ai-w-rtv— *.»*-* *-*-^-««— »-hb-*. isssssrsssit^sz KJ VJ iiiuxxjxii A^XUXXIXI.^ On a False Scenb purchaser to a guese. New Zealand, the wmxfilioss brakd EASIEST TIME PAYMENTS iSSSjSL^-s- — Q-JJMO-KH ALE at Collier &OoS . ' *«***#>* n.l^*, &L^ QQ&m gOLB Bb £ge?LST.d B Mptey 8 «e«e s . MADE by Thomson & Co., • Dunedin, Breach of Prom IS e-Damag-es £20,000 «*«« WWW*#O OXJiUXJ the Only Gazette for the eoloaV, psblished in carried off the Gilbert Smith Inter- - Mother-in-law a t Bay AT THB New Zealand. national ' Competition Medal against 79 *j . COLLIER & CO. call special Muzzling the " Times" Note.— Sabacriptioa with index, ,81 6b per competitors in London Consumers are r«- \\ . lj attnlion 10 the fact that «11 How it was done VERY LOWEST PRICPS. f™"' ° K|£? lt>> Fayablb 1K qaested > o compare with other brands nnd thoir Pinnnnnnrf (rran.'-.RnrpGTTAHANIIiITBn « Tr n.« 1 L ■»« ' «x»vAHUiii. rudgeforthem^lvos. The cordials made by S SBo I iK Zi^llngl U7^S^S^^^^O& a^STlin^S*' ° £ f? 3^ * us are also of premxer quality. uumber of piano P 8 , hipped v Nevv Zeala B d f™*™ *' ' , 3S£i» £EX traEELF? am X "? ■ thoms^ & Co., S°r= VffiS " Suicide? A Real Good Tea at Is 6d «V,t&Ai Steam Aerated Water Worka makers of no »P«"«tioa, fiom iinpeitectly " Mad from Life's Mystery" '• » " VJL * 1 . 374ta U u» B m a«««™ "" 101 '"""' seas >ned timbere, care only being bestowei Some Polite Letter-writing ' rWIKo-i. X-r n^ -P \ Crawfoid and Bond Streets, Dunedin. on the cate. and on tbose points whicn make two,, n^« «--n -n i V^Oluei (B 101 American " " the so-called piabo'&ttracuve to the eye. " Delay, Delay, stall more Delay A'AAB/ OreanS. Agent for New Plymouth 233 tc A Gul "> v Conscience and a Loaded g^jp g ft » & »&C J. LOW -. Brougham Street CoUier & fr . Time 1 ; ? eM.Z^ t " . UVUIV, W ~ KS , L__Jll^r_ . J " The Weapons of a Warrior, nofc the BROUGHAM STREET Enormous Keouctions :— mentS - ; Dagger of the Assassin" a l93hbtc Ladies' Long Jackets merked • ___ _ X - The Bankrupt Millionaire down from 80/. to 15/ W l^m /\ Tf-v ' I */^ I , T> XT' HP X"OT IV tf^i v N °« m y 1 ' I cmnob defend ib , Ladies' Medium Length Jackets OllOp J.O l^ei KJbilllilll<br j-^-^cajn „. i*&*3^<£s?jrt£ 2oMo9/ - , The Subpoena and the Hunt Party marked down from ... 18/- to 876 KOW OCCHPIBD 87., , ' " Spenlow and Jorkins" —L JbJKUM JJUoiWJiiDD. More Advantages from the Lie in the 1317 ANTED THE LADIES of New Ply. fIRRW flHONfi ' Affidavit - W2NTMM SKAS®-N 9 "" mouth and Districc to note thatVJJ3.^YV V-Q^^^. __ A _ TWa '• A Natural Query Ladies' Dolmans are reduced TT JJSL^!2S™ °*i ?™ On °my Messrs Bircham'a Offer 1887. - r from 45/- to 20/. H Furniture Business, the , No Compromise / Ladies^Mantles are reduced ' f\& and after this date Chew Chong will Whole ©f the StOCk A Friend in Need ( , , _ _ . Ladiea^Cheneille Mantles are °'" to2^ 6 |j • wuvre v* mw iSbWIV Holding the Pass The NeW Zealand ClotlimO' reduced from BOMOI6/. Sell til© Whole Of (INCLUDING PIANOS) What is to be Done! JA , Ladies' Far Lined Cloaks are SiCU tae WHWie UK . j& To the Argentine I Factory ... ... 65/- to 3^/6 ma now offered to the public ConclusiOQ ._ . A M^^TBS^a!S»? r '^«-*« ac .! ts a " Great Eedliction !! - At . Pi fiC nq, t of f rrm PRICE ONE SHILLING. 2JS? Hat8 ' Bosier^) BlanketB ' Bbiltl AtM,HOOU>S t Victoria House. ' 10 to 25 per cent. — - " \ W AST3D^?NTS TO KNOV7 they —»?:="■ ~^~ MiawooTT.Eft UT --W t ILrai'ssi'iTHE ' MACHINERY, TOOLS, alßßhb contains some ) Boys Tunics reduced from '." 14/"- to 7/6 o _j p T A-vrm > SPECIALLY CHEAP GOODS, • Boys Tunics xeduced from ... 6/. to 3/ Tie Balance will be ' anCirilAJNl ■ which only can be soured by Girls Jewey Dxesses reduced from 12/- to 7/6 SOLD BY PUBLIO AUCTION !! Are also For Sale at Low Prices maki^e^fV™^ y*tantii;d heads of families to / VV inspect the following lines at M As lam determined to ' HATS (a spfciality)/n all the latest and HOOD'S :— £ell Out, aud Terms may be arranged for same fc eßt Bia p eß> Wellington and Dunedin made 1 Ladies' TJJsters 35/- reduced to . 20/. ovor £20. , 1 1 / Ladies' Dlsters 25/- redoced to 15/. Close my Town Shop — ~F->UBLIC MENEFIT T touS't l7l^ B^ l6^ 10 , •- IG /" r tr The Commodious Fremißes To Be Let. ■*■ _ r _^ i _ t ' * J>< In our x Young Ladies' Dlsters 17/ b reduced to ?0/i^ofZS^tVf c t0 gi ' etle ¥ '' STORES. «2ffisSSSs I $ _ faotory • Jas * v* fceorge., — ™*^ B .^^t «£**«: W a^^i^^^ b BUTTER FACTORY, a26lhbtc __« TWEEDS^ N^ COATIK^ VV for Ladies' Waterproof. Cleoks,^reWhibh I am starting at Eltham. Further 1 DRAPERY DEPARTMENT. | duced fiom 12/6 to 7/6, Splendid value. particulars in future advertisement, , LITTLR BOYS' CLOTHING in Mosgiel t.y ANTED it to" be WIDELY KNOWN IMPORTANT Tweeds at prices to suit the times. ¥V that M. HOOD will Sacrifice UnCHEW €HOK«, Hm&R&mm SALE I S2 ZS« N«r Zealand Clothing Factory '_ Devov Strwft < n W ' support, nnd begs to mli- W. H. CLARKE, MANAGBB, \ A, 'ANTED LADIES TO FAVOE M. XS^Siiirc&V. CcmmO'-iOUS HHOW hOOM Thppa urn in PlnoV. Pao-n«» ot..t / 1.1. „ /^ n* p /I j? t>" xueeu aro in. jriuso, xieaver, Dtockiuettei ' _» f*> is now O P ea ' J and **P lete L/Oilier & t/O. lOr JriailOS On Sa<in, Velvet, and Straw worth from 20/- to <$Ste« B«vB «v I^^^^S^ r> P with all tha Novelslleß of Hire. 30^" and wiU be Bold for 10 /' n^SS^ W *-> O the eeaaon, and she will , _ ' ~ — BSL W Jl^Bl § Q end6.7ocr to retain the W^?!? KN^ WW vv N '7 M ' HOOD ia <z*&r*s m tm P5 -+5 <^fi«^^l» to 4 W 1 j » » Offering her Stock of T T T 1 EH £ <^H^^W^ E S reputntion, already ivon, TfcTT* A F!» "Tl Tft T7 6 Obccked-and Spotted Plushes, for Trimmings, I r» W* l~^ I wi l-w 3 '^^^^^^^Stk* "" „ of selling Goo :Js or Al I1 k' rt U 1 W X V I at 4 / 6 < reduced from 9/JUcllilD Jjcilllll) g mS^^S, » " quality at the low* po* l/JCI A X Jji JX X 1 All the 2Se W bhades m Velveteens at 2/9, retm*^- sioie price, ana .s me BljKk L&ce MouuciDge at c , reduced from WRRT OTP TTTF. « result of the earodw* of so 7/6 JEWELLERY many drapers, tha' those The Lancashire HoUSe Black Ucq Flouucings at 1/6, reduced from AND PLATE wm n^calT /nc'lect l 8 B ° W «** ** & ""* SBPPIy ° £ ™»^™ "«»^g. at 1& reduced from From Mr, O.Hamblyn's Farm, Walngona. rlAlJlj, will now call and inspect 2/- , „ , , Jr tLe Stock of one wno hopes DRAPERY AND Black Bugle Fronts for Dusks at 2/-, reduced fB» To make room for Goods ordered fiom to remain amongs* you a from 4/6 Jas. Bossiter & Son. L !!f! n< mtie iODi oDg er. „ not .OLOTHING! B1^ u S ro^ 8 fcr Drcsse9 ' </-»»■ ■SOTto . forget the address ' Oi every description, _ 15 to 25 per cent discount off the Uft/ANI'ED EYEUYOJx'E to undcisUnd NEW ZEALAND MUTUAL plainly maikod and usual prices I I PUBLIC BENEFIT STORES- WWch is being sold at FIFTY (50) W that M. HOOD is OFFERING ac OBIDITOB£_ABBOOIATOW. ' «. to oi™ ata . = [ m^SS&MSSL m EZK£ SS.'SS?£,^S I £ft E^fS'JiS - . — _~ «... -"S^*™ EBSSmps UsSSil xaptcies, &c. Makes private inquiries aa to > ur.rJ*JX± JUB*« X . Lqw priceSi Drefeg Mate rialß of the newest f^ m o£ * m FeathersfaHd Flowers at half commercial standing, and collects accounts oi/tTATCC rtmtri „ fashions, Hats, Bonaets, etc. luoidertoadd theußmlM^ Tl^i^liinam^iS+iCfor subscribers only) anywheie in New W. SKfcATES. QTILL maintains its position ns an Altl tt 0 0 B tb c stock now on hand, the }J frfSul^dMS^rSSif^n^™ Zealand or in Australia. Subscription : One „,„_„_. r*™™ ,„„„ WP O Establishment for FJBST.OL.ft.BS Goods. lo me b " lot ot Lace and Musbn Ourtaina at the.sama Guinea per annum, payable in advance. 11K J^ BLLKB ' Devon -° tkkkt ' N ' P ' ■ OROOKERYWARE rednctloD ' New Plymouth Agency : Solidtor, Mr. B. «shbto ' 381 htc— v»wva.a«,* w»««,« • ~ -, rT7 ,, rtrrmTT 0. Hughes ; Agent, Mr. C. F. Fdbte, Must be sacrificed. Toilet Set ((good valne N^W PLYMOUTH J B BANDE^ON - v^ v ww * « , » fW!nßa at £1) sold nt 13s Best Toilet ti etß (good CO-OPERATIVE BURNISHING als2htc tere?a!gager. » ftfe^^ t^^&SlfflßH value at 30s) sold at 21s. AND GENERAL SUPPLY FORTsALiL! ~ PLII^!^SI S^I«I^^H^kMs *®* AUother Crockery woro at{ equally COMPANY. """""" , L^^Wv^f^^^wS^Bf^BJ^^ft l^ ir p ,*, j, -vt arm~a A MOFFLIN, having concluded arrange A FABM situated on the Beach, Urenui, S«^^#%ra^^B^ |^Bffl|«^gV COliiei* & CO, lOl' JNeW OOngS *«• TOYS ALMOST GIVEN AWAY .Ot. men^s with tf.e above Company to jC\ consisiing of 425 acres, divided into M^^SS^Mmm^SSßaSaß^m and I)fir\CP<* ' take ovtr hiu jtohi (.a awl borines? at tha several paddocksj good oighVroomed Hoiiße Inrordertoi luce U-e stock. end of Ui« current voutri, ia mow q it ing For further particulars, apply to mmim^tMlSm9S^m&mm^bm& MONFY TO LEND Q pusenc eioi-k oi giohtly . ducko fwiOES 888 hb sp 0 A * J> Wl S'eaal ' TJ^ANTBD KNOWN-Books of Viowa TN smaU or iargo suma, ou good Freehold M>«* «'^' »«^^. FOX CAtf£i - _ b -^_2 uienm^ YV^-^^jDistrictat half-price at 1 securities, at current rates, r B^OU^EA^. M^FS^, WANTED,— A YouDg Girl to assisfc in COLLIS 1 PHOTO ROOMS. Aloo,— Fnow OLIVER SAMUEL, gjs J&WjUi&&f&3 8 ' ■ 8 ,,, i0 1 G 'mom'u U '-!■<' houGe work.— For address apply at Scenes oa Mount Egmont, Call and Bee Bolicitor, Newfc Plymouth obk »,•„,„ I ' '" ' v *J L ata HwtrDimoß. ftSBUo taem, a25M3 90ljelB ( 8B , 885hp lc j *»..i»t«

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7963, 6 September 1887, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7963, 6 September 1887, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7963, 6 September 1887, Page 3