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It AXT Kit A ANTJ - NEURALGIC M&GIC J>ILLB. A CERTAIN ant* tmmeilate sure tor tio£3l Dolouroax, Neuralgia, Toothache, Pake in the Head and Face, Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago, ko. EXTBACTS FBOM TESTIMONIALS.; Mr Tohn Handy, Bgmont Store, Nsw Plymouth writes on 6th April, 1883— Having proved vonr Magic PIIIb to bo a cure for Neubaxoia, <fco., please send me by post 3 dozen boses as early as possible. In a lat< r letter from the same gentleman, bearing date of 11th June, 1883, he writep— for five dozen more of your Maqio Pills. The Bey. J. S. Withington, President of taw United Methodist Free Churoh, writes—l have recommended the Anti-Neuralgio Pills to several suife r crsfrom Tio-Doloureux, Tooth* aohe, &o m all eases they have afforded re> liefj and in some oases the oure has been immediate. The Bey. 11. Chew, Free Ohuroh Minister of Newoastle-on-Tyne, writes— A New Connection Minißtor, ' a friend of mine, suffered severely from Tio-Doloureux for souce time. He took one or two of your Anti-Neuralgic-Pills, and next morning he was quite well. The Bey. A. Gilbert, of London, writes— My daughter has taken a few of your Pills, and is fclresdy quite free from the pain she has been so long tormented with. X shall gladly aid their extended sale. The Bey. E. Watmogth, ef Bipley, writes— My daughter who suffered very severely, was relieved in less than ualf-an-hour by y»ur Pills. The Bey. J, Bastow, Carlisle, writes— Two of your PUIb afforded me relief. Mr. W. M. Watson, Whitworth Boad, Booh . dale, writeß— A lady who has been for a grea length of time almost a martyr to Tic, wa advised to try your Pills. The first box cured her. This is more than twelve months einoe, and if ever site is threatened with a return one or two Pills will make her right again, Other friands of hers have tried them, with the liko resulte. Her name la Mrs. O n. Bho is highly respectable, and resides at the Promenade, Boohdale. The Bey. G. Beeve, Anoland House, Ventner, Isle of Wight, writes— Several persona here have derived vary great benefit from them. The Bey. W. Travail, Bedditoh, writeß— have been benenoial in many oases here. The Bey G B. Baweon, of Winsford, Cheshire, writes— Mrs. Bawson, as well as my son and daughter, have derived great benefit from them ; v«ry severe suffering having been relieved by then* use, I oan heartily recommend them to all who suffer from Neuralglo ' •flections. Mr Edward Dignum, Commission Agent, Frodsham, Cheshire, writes— A young man named Jameai Hough bad been nearly mad for a fortnight with Tio, and was completely cured with one doee of the Pills. ■Sold by all Chemists and Storekeepers, In boxen, Ib. IH, and 2s, 9d. each. WHOLESALB AGENTS— J. BAXTSB, Chemist, Viotoria-Btrert, Christ. ohuroh Messrs. P. llaym&n and Co. j Bainsbury Slliadon * Oo; Falton, Grimwade kOo. and the New Zealand Drag Company. Post free rom J. Baxter for 19 or 43 post* aga stamps.! THE TABANAKI HESALU NTBLISHBD DAILT, Prioe, Id.— Subscription per qasrfcr, flf. 6d, THE BUDGET, OB TABANAKI WEEKLY HEBALD PUBLISHED EVERT BATUBDAT. Price, Bd. | or per quarter iuadva&o . Be. TKEMB FOB AETIBXJU3IK* :— AdTflrUcemcxitfiOllfi wuKli.,,«One Shilling ' Advertisement! or it worda»,.One Shilling a lxpen AdTerti«eiooßi»(sfSSworcli,,.,Tw»etillilns» 1 AdnrtiMßUßte ot« wotfio,,..'lwuiaaillngo &BitiMno Advertisements by spacs, 3s 6d per inoh. No advertisement of less value than 2b 6d can be booked; that amount, therefore, will be charged on all Is, 1b 6d, and 2s advertise* mente unless paid for at the time. Ail advertisements must be pre-paid, except where an account hes been regularly opened. - ■ It ifi particularly requested that all adver tisements for insertion in the Dally Hbbald should be left at the offioe not later than noon to as to ensure insertion In the same day's paper. Double Column advertisements— which are only inserted on our fourth page— and alterations of standing, advertisements must be sent In to the offioe not later than 8 o'clock the previous day. . „ > ... . , , Standing Advertisements for Three and Six Months oan be arranged for at a Liberal Discount, .'...., Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original ordar) must be , forwarded, is writing, addressed to the Manager, not later , than 10 urn, oa days of publication. AUTHORISED AQBM'IS AND. OOBBK& POKDBKTS. ' Waitara ~ — Mr. Gbet FbaSkb, Hawera ~. _ Mr.J, Dayidbos ■ - i Pater. «, «. Xr t 3, Khhwobtbs :Otomd «. ... «, Mr. bbrtbabtd 0 KOBE 8 FOB ADVKE^KMBKTe & PBINIIftG feßadea to us? of the abow agentai will rccetat prowtp J attention. , TABANAKI HEBALD sod BUDOST mw ba PUEOHABKD frost ifcft (ollowino> storeJccepera— Nbw PiiYMotrrH- • Mr J. Avery, Devon-street Mrs Bowon, Devon-street East , tat Brasoh, Devon-street, noxt Xci#n Bridge ■ , Mies Cottier, Brougham-street Mr Crookor, Davon-street .■ , Mrc- Sronoiß, Devon-Etreet West Mr Franols, Currie-stree't , „ , Mr Gilmour, Broagham-afreet South Mr Handy, corner of Oourtensy and Elllot-Btretifl Mr. Hendry, Devon-street Mr. D. Jones, Devon-street Mr. H. J. Honeyneld, Devon-street' Mr. West, corner of Devon and Watao erretts Mr Pitt, Devon-street Bast ' Mr. D. Bumney, Devon-street Messrs Vcale' k Carter,' Deven-streeJ Vk'Cßt Mr Wftinhoufle, Devon-street East Mr Yates, Brougham-stteet FITZBOT— ; NOBMAHBT— Mr O. Enuekey Mr England - Bell Block— EfAWEitA— Mr C. Oallaghau Mr Davidson Lur j>BtooN— Patba— Mr Curd Mr J r Kenwor tt v Waitaba— Ursnui— MrGreyFraier Mr Bsrirand INOLBWOOO— OAKDBA — Mr Franklya Mr Adlam Mr Marsh Mr Towsoa Messrs. Curtis Bros. Okato— Midjubbt— Mr J. McOttlltitiMr W. A. Earle Wbbtowk — Mr. Hin Wing Kee Mr Hugbson Stbatkobe— Okaiawa— Messrs Ourtia Mr Q. Applegate Mr J. Mnlrea MoTDBOA — Mr Watkins Mr Honeyfield WAirUKU — KOAIBK— - Mrßpeofc Mecßre A, Brow»7 Opunakb— 00. Jdeßßrs, Newati Mr G. H. Applegate Bros, Eltham— Manaia— , Mr Cbew Chong Mr Gilmour Tikobangi — Mabton — Mr D. Matobett Mr Orchard - AITAJiA AGENCY FOR TABANAKI HEBALD AND BUDGET* /TB. QBEY FBASEB has been appointed > JIL ibe Waitava Agent for the Tauanaki 1 and Budget. A\l communications, advertisements, and omplnints respecting the non-delivery of tho papers, ko., should be Bent in to Mr. Prey FVaser, "ho will ettenri to the^amn.

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7957, 30 August 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7957, 30 August 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7957, 30 August 1887, Page 4